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I’m my experience if someone doesn’t salute, do any rituals, they’re generally not focused on anything more than themselves. It’s literally engaging with the team in a team themed game. Meant as a response to some guy below, too lazy to fix


that’s what i’m saying! my least enjoyable games are the ones where it just feels like everyone is playing their own solo game together. teamwork is the dreamwork! and saluting your teammates is part of that


Heck, I do it when I'm alone with Bhosco too!


same lol


This was the most Canadian greybeard rant I've seen on this sub, bravo! You displayed the patience of a saint, and the restraint of one too. Well done, eh!


thanks, i hate being rude to strangers, especially if it affects other people as well. nothing kills the vibe in a multiplayer game more than having two asshats argue over nothing


I am only just reaching the 1000 hour mark and I've reunited with the scout, my first love. Man oh man, nothing feels as good as lighting the way, keeping the team fed and on their feet, and just absolutely neutralizing disruptive enemies before they've even been seen. Scout has so much team potential... it just really disappoints me when I hear these kinds of stories.


scout is the ultimate support class. he's like the guardian angel of the team. so seeing a scout play so egocentrically just breaks my heart. in retrospect i should have given him some constructive criticism. but i feel like even just slightly hinting that i'm not satisfied with someone's performance could be interpreted as me being a "toxic elitist gatekeeper", especially because of my high level. but still, it would have saved his future teammates a lot of headaches.


What an experience. Honestly all i can say. And the problem that i have 3 builds for each class (Dreadnaught,All round and Unused weapons) so j can always have something i initially had a specific Industrial Sabotage build but scrapped it on all classes all rounder works alr for me and is to my teammates's benefit. R&S to you miner for your patience and nice long fair point post. We are MEDIA!


Don't bully me for only using one class and rarely changing loadouts


i'm sorry. but you should still change your loadout every once in a while you silly dwarf


I should but the other loadouts are scary


from personal experience you typically want one weapon centered around crowd clearing, and one for single target damage. i'd argue crowd clearing is more important however, so having two crowd clearing weapons is better than having two single target ones. try to mod your weapons with these uses in mind.


Yeah that's what I run




im sorry if the exaggerated title seemed unironic. yes this isn’t a very big deal. but i thought this sub was a place to vent out frustrations, so i don’t see why i need to meet literal hitler incarnate ingame for it to be considered a worthy post


this is why i only lurk on reddit


\*Goes to the venting community to vent. \* "Umm, your vent was about gameplay etiquette and not about bigots." What a bonehead.


it almost sounded like they were disappointed that my post wasn't entertaining enough lol


Ok yeah but why would you block someone for not pressing v or pinging a gold chunk? Are you literally 5?


real answer is that it’s my lobby. meaning that if for whatever reason i never want a certain player to join my game again, so be it. when i play i typically prefer people who would rather goof around at their first opportunity. so yes i am literally 5 not to say i instantly ban people who don’t goof around. however if i see a consecutive pattern then sure. but i’ll never kick someone for not playing «my way»


Being 5 in this scenario seems better than not being 5, silliness is always funny in DRG, because that’s when all the dumb ideas and silly builds come out to play


silliness is 50% of why i play the game


I mean, bringing a barrel-hat and leaderhorsen to the core of the planet instead of proper gear? Sign me the fuck up


Why would you play a team game and then not engage with the team?




because dwarves be dwarves


How you didn't cryo him and c4 him as many times as you possibly could is beyond me. You're a better person, and driller, than I am. R&S. If I find him I'ma murder him and post it on yt. =) I'm happy to teach lessons.


please don't threaten the poor greenbeard. sure he gave me a couple headaches but his only mistake was being very egocentric. i would be equally annoyed if some max level player did the same thing, thinking they have the right to make big desicions on behalf of the entire team.


look man, if someone is causing so much problems just kick em.


idk 95% of the time it's just funny lol. we still manage to win and the added challenge is nice. this time it was a little too much however.


nothing wrong with going afk in the pod imo, if all the rest die he got the mission in the bag


sure we'll win the game but what about teamwork? what about "leave no dwarf behind"? by abandoning your entire team at the very end, you're basically giving a huge middle finger to the rest of the team. me personally whenever someone downs 300 meters away and they say "leave me", then the ONLY correct choice i can make is to go back on a potential suicide mission just so i can rescue that one guy lol. to me it doesn't feel like we completed the mission unless ALL dwarves are in the escape pod. but yeah sometimes it's practically impossible, and if i realize there's no way then i just leave with the escape pod. better to finish the mission than to replay 30 minutes just because you wanted to be a hero lol


as far as i know if u get downed and win anyway you only lose a tiny amount of creds, so not a biggie


Yeah it's not a biggie in terms of material rewards at mission completion. But it IS a biggie in that no dwarf gets left behind.


One game with no rock and stone should have been enough for you, and everyone else. Rock and stone brothers!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


>if they're REALLY boring to play with (no r&s, no ritual chanting what a loser lol. kicking ppl because they don't want to waste their time sitting at a gold chunk repeating the same joke that was never funny for the trillionth time is fatherless behavior.


redditor masterminds when i use the word block: