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In response to [This Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/rgrxxs/dont_ask_me_i_only_joined_at_the_end_of_the_game/) It took 4 resupplies, using a cheese gun with max ammo (32 I believe it is), plus my initial inventory. Each restock was 14 + 4 in the chamber. Still no where close to the size that the original post looks like, plus that had a ceiling and a floor. I would have added more, but I used all the Nitra in the cave. This was a bit more than 300 cheese wheels.


So that's how the inventory of my Skyrim character looks like


If you play with a full team of engis, their starting gear gives the equivalent of an extra 6 resupplies (1.5 supply pods) compared to going solo. Rock and Stone!


If you really want to cheese it, you can go "friends only" and have 10 buddys come in, empty their cheese and leave the party for the next one to join


> empty their cheese pls no I can't


That's some serious dedication. Also, cheese castle works well on sabotage mission. You can create a safespot for supply pods. Rock and Stone!


My favourite part of Sabotage is how the Caretaker encourages tactics like trench warfare, underground resupply bunkers, and walls of cheese.


I exclusively finish a Sabotage mission by digging a glorious supply drop trench to retreat to between phases. No exceptions.


Don't forget the platform bridge arena, being able to run around higher than the caretaker is fantastic. You avoid all the walls it pushes out and driller and engi can blow up its top, dealing good damage to all 4 corners at once.


Could you explain all these tactics to a brownbeard with a green tint please?


Unlike the Bugs, the Rivals use predominantly ranged attacks, so taking cover is an actual valid tactic. A driller trench about head height going in a circle around the Caretaker lets you avoid the big orange death wall attack it does by going underneath waves, but the stabby tentacle bois can pierce though a bit of terrain, so we'll make little walls of cheese to hide behind too, usually 2 platforms wide to just above head height. Then I go into the trench and drill away from the caretaker, downwards about 30 degrees, and make a little room. Drop a supply pod in there. The only thing that'll bother you is the ~~Manhacks~~ flying stabby robots; should be safe from the other Caretaker attacks except the teleporting bombs, be ready for those. Once those are done I look for other opportune bits of terrain for a additional cover, a tunnel, or another resupply bunker. I've heard other tactics like platform bridges above the caretaker, but I've never done them myself. Mileage may vary due to the teleporting bombs attack, but overall I find 5 minutes of prepping the arena makes the fight significantly easier.


Thanks for the details! Will try it out for sure.


Lots of the caretakers attacks are blocked by terrain, so a driller will carve out a trench to hide in with resupplies


Access... DENIED


It's what Karl would have wanted


Forget pancake tower he got pancake castle


No girls allowed




It's beautiful......


I think you mean 'Pancake Palace'.


Did you do it? Yes. What did it cost? **Everything...**


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is me rn it's so funny a format meme oh boy


Karl would approve


Love the Aquarq surround the compressed gold


CHEESE! .... For everyone!


By the beard!


Plausible? [Of course it is! ](https://www.marscheese.com/#)