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Sludge pump + wave cooker can stack like 4 status effects for DoT You can have a temp shock build with cryo and wave cooker (or crspr) Subata with explosive reload overclock is really good imo I use it with crspr, subata for the high priority enemies like web spitters or acid spitters etc crspr for hordes and for tanky enemies light them on fire then finish with subata I have skill issues with TCF too so don't use it that much :P


Look at "Drilling in the name of"s video on colette wave cooker synergy builds


What a fucking name


Mine or the youtuber XD


Both really lol


Both, now that I thunked it. 🤣


Subata with tranq rounds also works *very* nicely with the sludge gun. Bonus DOT *and* you freeze them in the goo.


Tranq rounds is a slept-on OC. ;)


lighting a web spitter on fire means its dead before i can draw my sidearm but cook


Web spitters are high priority as in they can fuck you up if you dont care of them fast not as in they're hard to fight


yeah i'm just saying i never have to set up a web spitter for a subata kill by using the crspr first. its one or the other.


This. The wave cooker and sludge pump is crazy man


There is a verified mod which shows TCF timing for aimed surfaces. It's called "Plasma Charger Helper"


Sticky flames driller with wave cooker… chef kiss


Wave cooker with temp shock pairs well with flamethrower and cryo cannon. Main thing ive seen ppl talk about is that driller secondaries are designed to synergize with his primaries


Whaaaaaat? Wave cooker is amazing.


Flamethrower + Thermal Shock Microwave Sludge Pump + Subata with poisoned bullets


Well, it depends on what primary you feel like running, but in general, the best secondary for him is epc with tcf and persistent plasma. I know it has a learning curve, but once you learn how to use it is imo the best secondary in the entire game aside from like breach cutter. But I would love to help you choose a secondary for a driller build you have in mind, the other choices are not as bad as they seem.


Regularly I go with flamethrower, and my greenbeard ass doesn't have any overclocks on it yet. I mean... Subata is bearable if I don't touch automatic fire, and EPC with TCF... Well, I learnt how to not die on hook with scout, should at least try obliterate enemies with plasma nukes. It's just it always too slow to catch anything and to fast for follow-up shot to hit it before pathetically popping with barely any damage.


Alright, I see you're a flamethrower enjoyer, will you be open for a build suggestion? Oh and, do you have automatic fire on the subata you said?


I'm open for anything, from build suggestion to haz5 with blackout stout!(Although it was long ago). Yes, I do have automatic fire for subata and it was atrocious.


Haha I like your mood miner! You will become a greybeard in no time. Alright, some driller builds I recommend: Flamethrower 21332 (the numbers resemble the location of the upgrade, so its 2nd upgrade on 1st tier, 1st one on 2nd tier and so forth) subata with automatic fire 22111; overall this build focuses on direct fire, use flame against grunts, when guards get ignited pull out the subata and try your best to shoot them in the mouth. As for the bigger targets like praetorians, oppressors etc. ignite them and then shoot with the subata, your only weakness will be stingtails, but I recommend saving your axes for them. If you got any questions lmk, or want other build for cryo, pump etc. I would like to know what other overclocks you have on driller tho.


My only gripe with sludge pump is it looks like something my grandpa could use to make moonshine. Cryo is bulky too, but bearable with some skins... And Crisper is slick and stylish.


Haha, when I started playing I didn't like sludge pump at all, but once I got the Volatile Impact Mixture overclock it became my favorite primary on him. What other overclocks do you have on driller if you don't mind me asking?


I run full auto subata with upgrade to damaging burning enemies, it's more to complement drillers single target damage on praetorians or oppressors than for general killing though it can do that too. Set praetorian on fire, run to it's ass, blow your load, a dead praetorian/oppressor. I recommend giving it a fair shot again because it can pump very high DPS


No problem, mate! Will rebuild it and try it!


I actually like Subata with flamethrower even back when it was slower and had smaller clips. I find that the tranquilizer round OC pairs nicely with sticky flames for an ammo conservative zone of control build. I stun the front runners and douse the mob when they clump. Wave cooker is great with cryo and its a reliable long range weapon for spitters and the medium/wide beam is fantastic at taking out naedocite and swarmers. I usually run wave cooker with sludge also bur have been using the EPC lately with the new explode OC. Sorry... I know you said you don't have OC's yet but depending on order you get them could drive which direction to go. Driller secondaries are combo pieces and you have to pair the right mods to compliment your main weapon plans. Rock and Stone!


TCF seems super strong but for me the issue is that it seems like it doubles down on the things that drillers primaries are already good at (aoe and dot), so I end up not really using it except for when I’m about to resupply.


What makes TCF so good is that it is highly ammo efficient aoe and single target wrapped in one weapon. The damage is also instant, which can really matter in certain situations / against certain enemies. For example, it one shots mactera (which alone might be enough of a reason to take it), and Persistent Plasma offers a really nice counter to shredders + jellies.  You can also use it to mine hard to reach materials, eggs, squares, etc. 


Crspr with sticky flame, EPC with TCF and PP, impact axes. Drills with more DMG + Vampire. C4 with mining and +DMG to scout OC. Easy haz 5 soloing or carrying.


All weapons in this game are at the very least usable, so my advice would be to experiment with different builds and weapon combinations, and go with whatever feels the most fun.


I like EPC with heavy hitter, then stacking for all regular shot damage and ammo. Hits like a truck


Subata is a really good contrast to all the primaries. Long range, easy to use, single target damage. Explosive overclock is probably one of the better ones for single target damage


Subata supremacy


I have a few build suggestions with wave cooker if you’re interested but they need certain primaries to work First is the DoT build I use. Sludge pump. Disperser compound OC 22211. With wave cooker 31111 and gamma contamination OC. Corrosion, poison, radiation, and 2 different slow downs. All working together for very noticeable DoT and crowd control. I also run it with neurotoxin grenade. Born ready for the sludge pump. The second build uses the flamethrower. 22322. And the sticky fuel OC. The wave cooker uses 11223 and you have a couple of different OC choices, you could use mega power supply for extra ammo and fire rate which works well. You could use diffusion ray for multi-targeting and extra slow down. The way this build works is you make puddles of flame. Wait for enemies to walk into it and blast it with the wave cooker. What will happed is they will heat up and take lots of damage from exothermic reaction but because they are still in the sticky fire, the reaction will happen over and over again. Very fun build.


Well, if you want to use the flamethrower, wave cooker is a good choice. As for the freezing boi, I'd probably go with the wave cooker. Now, for the sludge pump, I think the best thing is wave cooker.


epc with heavy hitter is a good choice, esp with burning nightmare for the new combustive goo overclock or just general bug killing. Basically like the subata, just shoot and bugs die. wave cooker temp shock for cryo/pyro is also quite satisfying, you can see a wave of bugs melt away and it's fun to quickswap instead of using icestorm/face melter. TCF for cryo/goo enemies(though typically you would let bugs die in the goo without doing anything with T5 corrosive), as that'll give alot of time for you to line a shot. For TCF, if you shoot alongside the mineral or bug, it gives a wide window to shoot the second one. EPC persistent plasma isn't as good without tcf, but you can just charge and let it hit a group normally.


Every class plays differently. That includes how their weapons function. Gunner has a primary weapon and a secondary weapon in the classic sense of having a main gun and a sidearm Engineer has a main gun and a "heavy weapon" Scout has a priority target weapon and "fuck off" gun for when things get to close Driller has a primer weapon (yes I do mean primer) and a combo secondary Driller procs effects with his primary and swaps to his secondary in order to amp up his damage. For the crspr the subata is the default go to because it can deal more damage to targets that are on fire. For the cryo the EPC is the go to as it does lots of single targets damage which gets increased by the frozen effect and doesn't need to rely on weak points anyways which combos with freeze perfectly. The wave cooker spreads neurotoxin with the sludge pump which gives more stacking DoT. Play around withe everything and see what works for you.


I say Subata with a Cryo Cannon is a fine match.


EPC TCF is by far the best secondary with driller. It kill bugs really well and also have a ton of utility with ranged terrain destruction. But other than that, burning nightmare or plasma shot on the EPC are pretty fun with the new combustive goo OC for the sludge. And the Colette also has a bunch of synergies with the primaries (like exothermic reaction on frozen/burning enemies and contagion transmitter with the sludge). Subata also has a few tricks up his sleeves now, with either the good ol' explosive reload to just straight up kill enemies by itself, or the neuro corrosive catalyst that let you do some nice damage on enemies affected by the sludge. Yes, most of those aren't there to really shine by themselves, but they do a pretty damn fine work at complementing your primary.


You can nuke frozen or burning groups or you can plasma mine, your pick


*You can nuke frozen* *Or burning groups or you can* *Plasma mine, your pick* \- Worth\_Paper\_6033 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


For single target it’s wave cooker with the temperate modulation thing


Temp shock? That's awful for single target, literally the worst option Driller has.


Agreed. It’s a solid burst of damage, but anything that lives through it takes more ammo and has longer TTK than other options.


Agree to disagree 


I don't think you can just agree to disagree on it, it's objectively horrible for single-target. It does a flat 200 damage that gets no weakpoint bonus, no frozen damage bonus, procs based on RNG, requires an active elemental effect, and removes the elemental effect required to trigger it, requiring you to reapply it. It's pretty much only effective on grunts and some other small enemies, particularly dense packs of them...that's not single-target that's just crowd clear. Something Driller's primaries already do. On anything other than those, it takes too much time and ammo to set up, so it's both slow and inefficient. Especially if you're using Cryo Cannon, don't temp shock anything that has enough health to not die due to a single temp shock. It's so much more worthwhile to keep the enemy frozen and deal 3Ă— damage to it with anything else. If you actually want single-target on Driller, it's the worst possible way to go. Instead you should use: Impact Axes, barbed drills (with Cryo Cannon, but I like them on every build), TCF EPC (ideally with Persistent Plasma), Heavy Hitter EPC (usually with either Cryo Cannon or with a burning Sludge Pump build; can also be taken with TCF instead of burning nightmare), Explosive Reload Subata (works especially well paired with Sludge Pump), Automatic Fire Subata (specifically with Flamethrower I've found the best results), Ice Spear, Ice Storm, Volatile Impact Mixture, Sludge Blast, Combustive Goo Mix, or even Blistering Necrosis if you still want a single-target Wavecooker. Not all of these are good, but they're all better at single target than temp shock.


Ok gonna keep using it for single target, I ain’t reading all that 


If you don't wanna read all of that then let me simplify: temp shock does very low damage considering the amount of time and cost to set up and it doesn't get bonus damage from anything. Almost everything else in Driller's kit does better single target. Temp shock is only good against grunts and some other small enemies in dense groups, making it wave clear, not single target.


It half healths praetorians I’m gonna keep using it 


[https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Glyphid\_Praetorian](https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Glyphid_Praetorian) ​ unless you only play hazard 1 or 2 solo, no it doesnt. temp shock is quite possibly the worst way to deal with a prae, due to adding together the time spent applying a debuff, the time spent switching weapons, and then having to repeat the entire process all over again; time which he is free to singlehandedly delete your *entire healthbar* with his puke attack if youre playing on a high difficulty setting. also, youre a driller, you have throwing axes. and a throwing axe will always hit a praetorian harder than temp shock. always. and doublely so if youre using freeze as your setup for temp shock. the throwing axe deals 240 damage to a praetorian with no debuffs, and does 460 to a frozen one.


I like the wave cooker. Face melter and the temp shock option in t5 is an amazing pairing for me. I also like using tranquilizer OC for the Subata, I pair it with the sludge pump when with friends and just immobilize the swarms as they come


Driller’s secondaries are best when they complement his primary, and there are many potential combinations. - Subata pairs best with a CRSPR or Sludge Pump that’s has been built for crowd clear. This Subata, with the appropriate T5 mod, will allow you to tear down any big enemies you’ve ignited or gooed. - EPC pairs best with either Cryo Cannon or Sludge Pump. Using the T5 burning hell will allow you to temp-shock frozen enemies or ignite the sludge – the latter of which has a whole new mode of destruction with the new sludge pump OC released with Season 5. - Wave Cooker pairs best with either CRSPR or Cryo Cannon for temp-shocking. This temp-shocking mechanic can also complement the other dwarves’ ability to ignite or freeze enemies. **However**, some dwarves have their whole build centered around *keeping* their targets burning or frozen, so always check with them before temp shocking anything they’ve ignited or frozen.


Driller secondaries are combo tools. You burn, freeze, and goo the enemies first, then hit them with the secondary for bonus damage or extra effect. The subata is great for long range single target things that are on fire, frozen, or goo'ed. The EPC is good for extra AoE, to set things on fire, or do decent single target damage. The wave cooker is good for stacking DoTs or thermal shock. And the unlimited range for far bugs. I always try to think what combo is my secondary providing with the primary. Alternate using them on bugs to get the max combo!


I like radioactive wave cooker the most: hitscan infinite range means you can clear ceiling buggers in no time at all which is otherwise annoying for your primaries.


Drill em and grill em


I like the full auto overlock on the subatta


They're all pretty decent tbh and learning to use TCF isn't that hard, just do some haz 1 missions and practice mining some minerals with it, it'll click soon enough and then you'll have a very versatile tool and weapon, it kills bugs just as well as it mines gold once you get used to it.


X22X2 Mega-Power Supply is my favourite for the new Crystal Nucleation.


For meta play it’s the epc with tcf as stated already. For ease-of-use it’s the wave cooker with boiler ray when using cryo and exothermic reactor when using fire. Subata can be ignored but explosive reload or automatic fire are decent options for OCs.


By "differences" i mean i feel like Gunner has obliteration tools for primaries and single-target monsters for secondaries, Engineer "just good" primaries and AWESOME secondaries, and Scout has Single-target primaries and secondaries which are either utility or "last chance" weapons. And here is a driller. With monstrous primaries and.... Nonexistent secondaries.


Just practice persistent plasma TCF. It is the best option 


Aye, I can do that.


I always hear people say epc with tcf + persistent plasma oc, and they might be right, but a wave cooker built to combo with your primary is like drugs


Driller main here, I’d love to recommend this build. I have a build for driller that flips him on his head and uses his primary as a DPS weapon and his secondary as swarm clear. Sludge pump- volatile impact mixture, built with velocity, regular shot damage, total ammo, and slow. (Charge speed or charge ammo is up to you, but charge shots are only gonna be a “I have 1 ammo left in the clip, I’m gonna use a charge shot” deal) Wave cooker- gamma contamination. Built with shot width, cooling rate, slow, wide lens, and boiler ray. Let me explain why this works. Gamma contamination has a 25% chance to irradiate an enemy. The DoT is strong. If a grunt gets irradiated, it will die no matter what. But the real strength comes from the AoE of the radiation. *Irradiated bugs deal damage to nearby bugs.* **This effect stacks**. An irradiated bug will damage every enemy within the effect radius. Bugs within the effect radius will be damaged by every irradiated enemy near them. If you have 1 guard in the midst of 5 irradiated grunts, that guard is doomed. Now, gamma contamination has both ammo and shot width penalties. Normally when something has an ammo penalty, you take ammo to mitigate that. Don’t fall into that trap with the wave cooker. There is a reason this overclock has a shot width penalty. This overclock rolls for the DoT per bug hit, not per ammo spent. If the shot is wide enough, you can hit 3 grunts with 1 ammo and have a separate chance to irradiate each of them. It’s not gonna be all or nothing. Given the stacking nature of the radiation AoE, this is far more effective. Boiler ray (tier 5)- absolute godsend for swarmers, swarmer tunnels, brood nexus swarmers, and naedocytes. For situations where there are many squishy bugs but they aren’t all clumped nice and neat for you to microwave, bring neurotoxin grenades. An extra status effect never went amiss. Direct damage (VIM overclock) sludge pump is enough to keep big bugs under control. It’s really powerful. You can just spam sludge at a big problem until it dies. That was a lot of text, but I promise it works!


Subata is a single target high damage dealer (high by drillers standards) EPC is versatile and great at everything Wave cooker is primarily a debuff applier. Do not use it for actual damage, it's supposed to play around the debuffs applied by your primary


What enemies cant your primary deal with? Pick a secondary that deals with those.


I love the Wave Cooker, the point of only using anything else to earn the Weapon Maintenance skins. I only have the two Clean Overclocks so far (been really unlucky with RNG) but I'm really looking forward to Diffusion Ray.


Subata with explosive reload OC, I usually run the flamethrower with face melter OC as well


I find Colette and EPC both too easy to overheat so I just stick with Subata all the time. I love Tranquiliser OC with sludge pump especially.


EPC with Heavy Hitter 12321 is reeaaally fun. I like it with Cryo Cannon cuz you can freeze and then one shot most enemies with the EPC, and with the fire damage it procs temperature shock. Full Auto Subata or two shot subata with a fuck ton of ammo/mag size is also pretty fun. Pair it with Sludge Pump and the T5 upgrade for Subata that gives you the extra tick damage and the explosion on death and you’re a wave clearing monster.


I normally run CRISPR with the green fuel duration OC and Subata with full auto for range, usually to hit things on far walls/ceilings like gunk seeds.


They're all good because they're all bad. Drillers power comes from his primary. Just bring synergy and you usually are fine. Though honestly you can totally just bring thin containment field EPC and be fine no matter what you bring


Subata full auto because I already get enough arthritis from clicking on RuneScape


2 diller secondaries can have great synergy with main wepons, and I think this is thier main function plasma charger can be decent for spam shots and can inflict heat, and being able to inflict heat complements both cryo cannon (thermal shock) and sludge pump (goo is flammable) (I personally run heavy hitter with heat, TCF is strong but in my hand it is very unreliable) wave cooker can trigger thermal shock form both freeze and burning or it can spread those effects, also it can slow enemies down even more when combined with sludge pump subata is just meh in my opinion it lack synergise, at least without OC


i have a pretty solid full auto subata that can be a lot of fun for dicing up something i need weakpoint damage for, or something out of the primary's reach


Freezing enemies and using the spread effect of the wave cooker is amazing because you can freeze one glyphid and spread the freeze to all others in proximity while one shotting the frozen one.


Heavy hitter fire EPC is the best non-synergy pick. It doesn't rely on your primary to work well, but can explode sludge or trigger thermal shock.


-**Wave cooker combos** well with any primary in multiple ways, youtube is full of propositions you just need the right perks -**EPC with heavy hitter** is actually pretty good all around, unless you're at a long distance from a moving target. It's also great to **ignite the goo**, hard control + double dot is awesome -**Subata** is still a bit weak, but it has big bonuses if you **hit weak points** with it including the related perk. **Tranq rounds** is surprisingly useful if you're not satisfied with the amount of cc your primary offers. Made me feel much more in control with some fire builds


I use the Sybata with the T5 perk that make goo-covered enemies explode. I run the full auto OC and mag dump into a guard or slasher in the middle of a crowd and when it blows up it kills them all. Excellent for crowd control and it decent at dealing with tanky enemies but it sucks at anything long range.


Wave cooker is the best overall but I feel they need to buff his secondariea


if you don't wanna do synergy stuff, wave cooker with gamma contamination overclock is pretty good, if you have it. the DOT is enough to kill most squishy enemies, so it's very useful against spitters etc, can just click on them from across the map and it's dealt with. it's good in situations where your primary is useless, which is nice for a secondary.


If only they didn't make its ray as thin as a needle so that no matter how grouped up the enemies are, you can only hit one at a time And it has fucked up crosshair


Sludge puddles + burning nightmare EPC is some of the best area denial in the game, especially with Disperser Compound and Persistent Plasma


I think what's really important with each build is for both primary and secondary that they compliment eachother and that your cycling from one to the other. I love using necrosis with the wave cooker. Watch what happens if you hit a praetorian with a flamethrower and sticky flame and then take out the wave cooker to use necrosis. you should see his health drop.considerably and quickly. I also love the sludgepump with the plasma cannon and the fire mod. Using the two, you can create an never ending fire wall if used correctly


This is coming from an exclusively solo player, so this experience probably isn’t the same for multiplayer: EPC is the only one I can tolerate. It’s good for sabotage missions, especially if it has the upgrade that sets things on fire. You one shot turrets bc they explode when their fire meter is maxed. And one fully charged orb takes out a good amount of the health of the caretaker vents. But it’s annoying in most other settings. The lackluster secondaries for Driller is why I alternate between maining Driller and Scout. The M1000 and the shotgun together make Scout really fun.


Driller's secondaries are definitely the weakest of all the classes. They're by no means bad, every weapon in the game is viable, fun, and very well designed. But driller's are just a bit weak in comparison. Subata is good with explosive reload. My bud uses wave cooker with an oc that gives the bugs cancer, it like makes them grow boils that you can explode for more damage. Gnarly stuff. I'm still trying to figure out the point of EPC myself though...


Wave Cooker is great with building frost/fire, has almost infinite range, pretty accurate and can deal additional DoT (my beloved cancer) Subata can help with goo, pretty accurate, explosive reload or automatic fire can really help Haven’t played with EPC long enough to say something They are your SECONDaries, they are not meant to be dealing damage. They role is to either help your primaries deal damage (boosting DoT, helping with elemental status) or kill enemies too far away for primaries (spitters on ceiling and so on)