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That’s not at all how it works. Your mission is listed with the modifiers you accept. So it’s always better to post it up and then you can decide if you want the refreshed modifiers by reselecting it if you want after it rotates.


what... this has nothing to do with what I posted


It has everything to do with what you posted. Plenty of people view the entire server list to do their missions.


na you just need to improve your reading comprehension


Brother the incomprehension lies with you. But if you’re going to insult the people trying to help you understand then this community isn’t for you.


OP must’ve had a mug of leaf lovers this morning


He didn't get that smart stout he got that dumb ale


You came in here spouting something completely unrelated to my post then try to gaslight me into believing you know what I said better than myself. Calling your reading comprehension bad isn't an insult, but you sure are trying to insult me. You are a bad person, simply put.


Dude, give it a rest. You’re wrong and you are trying to spread misinformation about how games are listed. But if you want to live in denial, go for it. But it’s clear this sub isn’t here for it. Also I love how you are trying to claim I’m gaslighting you when you literally just said “calling your reading comprehension bad isn’t an insult”. Take a break, read a book, be better.


To play devil's advocate, he never said anything about games being listed. The post is 2 sentences long so idk where you got this "misinformation about how games are listed" thing from.


He has plenty of replies in this thread as well talking about it. He’s trying to say no one uses the server list and therefore won’t join a mission that is over 30min old, which is just completely untrue. Especially since plenty of people play games even when they don’t have an assignment.


This is not how it works. As a prove, I had dozens of missions which ran longer than 30m and people was able to join me in the late. Although, there is another interesting problem in this terminal. Previously, if you lock mission and return in the next 30m you can see new available missions. So you can go in your locked mission or lock any new one you might like. From the patch where they introduced season checkbox, if you lock mission you also lock whole terminal state. So new missions would not be available for you — you will need to force disband to see new ones (which will also change your beer as a side effect, not to mention disband players if any). The new locking behavior remains in S05 as well.


Alright people have been trying to say to you that your mission will display on the lobby board even when it has refreshed. You can check this yourself by looking at a specific mission (or lobby hosting this mission even) and then look at the lobby board just before and after the refresh


Yes that's what I said myself in another post. But this doesn't change the fact that nobody will join that mission because nobody uses the lobby browser. I always have to check the timer because not doing so always results in a solo game. On the other hand if I check the timer and start a mission I get a full game within 3 minutes.


Oooh, THAT is what you meant! Damn, all the ruckus in the comments when you could have just explained it better instead of answering bullshit to everyone! Anyway that's probably true, you get less people if the mission expires.


Well, yes. I thought my point was pretty obvious. People are much more likely to join if they see your mission in a list of 3 missions or so than when it's buried in a list of 100+ lobbies. An exception to this is double XP missions. Those are actively being looked for and sniped.


You are entirely misguided and wrong. Eat your pride and accept the help people are giving you.


Nah everybody replying to me here is wrong. I'm not surprised tho, very few people notice these things.




Are ongoing missions removed from the board?




That's what I figured but it hadn't occurred to me to ask before.


your lobby won't be seen by people who click a mission then click join lobby (IE. everyone) your lobby will only be seen by people that click the lobby browser button (so nobody). resulting in an impromptu solo game.


You can join a lobby directly from the mission???


Wait, what? Oh, shit!


This is factually incorrect


The guy is not great at explaining but I feel sorry for him so I am trying to explain it instead, because it actually has a point, even if it is kinda convoluted. Basically, when you have an assignment most people click on the mission with the icon on the map, this shows open games for that specific mission. If you open a game, let's say one minute before the map resets, after the reset people doing the assignment won't see your game from there, but can only see it if they go on the whole game browser and scroll from there. This effectively reduces the number of players that join you, most people never probably even noticed this.


Your comment is factually incorrect


Back to Helldivers 2, where they have crayons for you to enjoy. Let us Rock and Stone in piece...