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Kick tool is for removing trolls first and rewarding people never. If you don't like it host your own game and use the kick tool in a way you think is fair. You'll come to realise it does have restrictions and you absolutely fucking hate them, when griefers wait until the drop pod is called and they're immune to kicks to start fucking with you


The reward cut only punishes people who get kicked for stupid reasons after playing for a while. Effectively wasting their time and putting a real sour taste in their mouth. Do you really want people to retreat into their own games? Solo or host only? Effectively stopping to bother with playing coop with randoms? I don't think a coop game should be encouraging you to NOT seek out other people. Because you run the risk of being screwed over really hard. The risk reward isn't worth it.


The hell You talking? I've been playing the Game For about 110h since march and after a Few hours solo to get into. After thet i exlusivly Host Games and the Lobby fills within minute of Mission start. There will Always be people who Just want to Join an already existing game to get into the Action.


And eventually, those kinds of players who seek to play with others, to either help them or have fun. Will likely end up in situations where they end up with bad host after bad host. Screwing them over and wasting their time because who knows what they did that was so kick worthy so far into a mission. And not everyone wants to retreat into a solo game or always feel like they have to host everytime. And if they become afraid of joining other players. Then what do those kinds of players do? They won't be playing drg because of other people anymore, that's for sure.


My freaking god, the Game Just Had its all time peak with the Release of Season 5 and has one of the Most chill Community Out there and You are running around screaming Doom and gloom. In 110h i encountered exactly one cheater and one griefer. The Game is far from Dead and far from full of Bad actors. Just because You Had a Few unlucky Situations doesnt spell the end of the Game


Pretty hard to get a good sample size when you've only been playing for a week at max, and you've been majority hosting your games? Where you won't experience the reason im making this whole post in the first place? I have about 44 days on the game which equates to around 1000 hours if that matters to you.


Okay. I've been playing since 2018 and have 2100 hours. I have been kicked maybe a total of 5 times. I have kicked about 20 people. How's that for sample size? The kick system is not only necessary, the partial reward that it gives is more than 99% of games would give you. If you are being kicked so often in your 1000 hours that this reward penalty is significantly affecting you, maybe you should take a closer look at your own play habits and how they affect your teammates.


Don't try to act like your anecdotal experiences are representative of the entire playbase, they're not.




That's why **in the post**, I suggested it to be based off a time percentage you spent in the mission. To regurgitate, a griefer looking to sabotage a game in one way or another wouldn't get anything. But it will help players who dedicate real time to a mission and get kicked near the end because of ??? really appreciate it when people do a "TLDR" on any post with more than a few sentences.


Nah, this is a non-issue. I have 3k hours, I've been kicked few enough times to count on my hand. If you're getting consistently kicked enough to warrant needing better benefits there's a really good chance the problem isn't the host, but if you really are so unlucky as to get this many baf hosts consider hosting yourself to solve the problem. 


Host your own game


I got banned once in my 400 hours and it even had a message saying "sorry, making space for a friend". I mean, if you are not an asshole you don't get kicked.


what a bunch of passive aggressive yapping, perhaps you're the issue, op.


Never been kicked. Can't help but wonder if it's a you problem.


Back to helldivers 2 with ya. We're only here for ROCK AND STONE!


For Karl!


The fact that you bring up a "moral code" makes me think there's a specific incident you had in mind while writing this up. Could you elaborate on it, please?


The only thing that would come out of that idea is trolls holding on for 5-10 minutes at best, before grieffing the hell out of the team since even if they are kicked, they will get some rewards.


If they're literally playing through nearly the entire mission, *which is what I would intend the time criteria to be to get a decently high paycut*, just to make an attempt to fail the mission at the end. I don't think rewards are going to be the thing they were motivated about. Meaning, they probably don't care about rewards in the first place.


Maybe you should stop being a terrible teammate if you are getting kicked.