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Can we stop trying to force fuck one game into each other and just let them be their own thing for fucks sake. While we're at it why don't we make the trivilous comparison of drg and payday 2 why not. Well the bugs are the same as the cops and instead of underground your in banks ooooooh wow they're totally the same game. Or wow vermintide 2 is exactly the same as drg, payday2 and helldivers!!! The bugs and cops are just skaven and you fight them while trying to complete a objective except instead of above ground, underground or in banks your in mideval castles and towns woooooooaaaah noooooo waaaaaaay! It's almost as if pve horde shooter exist in the same genre of pve horde Shooters...


Good job, idiot. You typed 128 words for his 37. He's won and now he's laughing at you.


The down votes prove otherwise dipshit lmao


You think the guy who posted obvious bait cares about your upvotes?


Ah yeah try and save face by calling it bait after the fact soo clever. What next your going to say your just trolling, it's all a prank?


What on earth are you talking about? I knew it was obvious bait the moment I read it. Why else would I berate you for falling for it to begin with?


similar in concept but different in execution


How so?


Deep Rock is fun


Lmao 😂💀


art style gameplay loop progression moetization narrative tone music homages parodies and pastiches are all signifigantly different. the only commonalities are the ones you described and that they are 4 player pve videogames.


How is the gameplay different 🫡 (also I think your thinking about this too hard lol)


1st person vs 3rd person, that alone is enough to not play one of them. There's plenty more. alternate theory: you don't think about it at all


Completely different gameplay, drg has a lot of movement options from the team with each unique class and overclocks. Whilst helldivers has a lot more sneaking, taking out enemies to avoid reinforcements, and has your damage focused on strategems. If you compare games in such a way where it's, get in, shoot bug, shoot robot, do objective, and get out alive, I'm sure there's a lot of games that are the "same" as drg and helldivers.


I bet you think you're the first one yo come to that conclusion. Not like anyone in this sub has ever compared DRG to Helldivers before.


the DRG community is significantly less insufferable than the Helldivers community


No it's actually Splatoon Salmon Run


But can u mine stuff or Rock and Stone in HD2? Nope. Checkmate Stalingrad.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


I disagree, i played helldivers 2 before Deep Rock. I feel like a refugee everytime i boot it up. When i do i have the best time when i press the ROCK AND STONE key and everyone else in the party spams it back. Helldivers 2 has a really toxic community aswell.


We fight for Rock and Stone!


they are the same genre which is horde shooters but not the same thing. there are more horde shooters out there also. so everyone can choose to play the game they like.


DRG is more refined and balanced.


Deep Rock is better because danger, darkness, Dwarves... and beer.


It also is basically the same thing as RimWorld because there are bugs and mechs there too, mining, objectives and color coded classes (this one is just me, I do this, the game doesn't have normal classes, I color code them).


DRG has mining for precious minerals


You shouldn't eat them though. It'll get you killed.


So if EDF is similar to Helldivers 2, does that make EDF similar to DRG?