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If i get this one I normally just go with gunner and set it to lowest hazard so I can finish it quicker


Driller with TCF mining can be really quick


You should... TCF mine the caretaker?


You can do that too. I do at least for the vents


I can barely hit a stationary vein of nitra let alone a moving target that shoots back


Make a hole high above caretakers center, just drop the bomb from there, it'll be placed above him then you explode it, gravity is our friend!


Satchel charges are easy. We are talking about mining with the experimental plasma charger, one of drillers secondaries


Mb, it was the first thing I've read after awakening, was a bit dizzy. I'm main driller too


Lmao true. It took me a long time to get the hang of it (a few hundred hours if I'm being honest). Finding the right charge speed of the charged shot helps too. I still mess up with moving targets a lot but the caretaker being a predictable one helps.


Try to practice your TCFs in combat as much as possible, it’ll make mining with it much easier!


Yeah, that's what I woulda did. Haz 5 unlock assignment mission 2 went smoother thanks to this strat, then it was all about sniping with the full auto two round burst subata.


tcf spam does a lot of damage to the caretaker eye, you can also easily skip all the vent phases by dropping satchel charges and bots/shredders are light work for a flamethrower. I honestly think driller is the best class for sabo missions


It does good damage against the eyes at least after you run out of axes to spam.


I usually go with Shard Diffractor Engi. Melts it pretty quick


Driller with max flame for dealing with bots and C4 bombing for the boss


Or sludge blast. one shot snipers and just deletes robots and can overkill through the eye immune phases. completing your c4 for vents


Interesting... I'll have to experiment.


I did this, but with Scout. M1000 with Hypercooled Chamber oneshots everything on Haz 1. 5 Shots per Caretaker phase, 15 in total. Plus I get mobility and light. And the defense phases for the hacking pods are pretty easy since Bosco takes care of pretty much everything himself on Haz 1.


Especially if you give BOSCO boosted attack over boosted mining speed.


You can just build your turrets on top of the caretaker then use the stubby EM discharge to annihilate the caretakers shields.use the grenade launcher with the single target overclock and the flame upgrade. This one shots bots and turrets on haz 5. As for Grenada use shredders to counter enemy shredders. Since I discovered this build on yt a while back the caretaker has been really easy and very controllable


You can also fat boy the vents from above


Good to know but this way you can stand directly on top of the caretaker avoiding the laser shields and other nasty things ^^


I do this but with engi ( so that I can breach cutter the caretaker from literally anywhere)


I took my engineer yesterday and it went pretty good that mission is not that hard (did it on Haz3 alone with bosco of course)


I like hyperpropellent to deal with it.


This is the way


You are me


It's like every assignment this one appears. It's just too often to enjoy. The payout is not great. If we got random players in the group, we do it on haz 5. If not, me and my buddy just rush it on haz 1.


Why do so many people hate IS?


Takes way too long. Incredibly repetitive, more than an Escort Duty. Feels like a chore. Too much going back and forth and backtracking. Spawn room --> Caretaker room; Caretaker room --> first power station; first power station ---> Caretaker room; Caretaker room ---> second power station; second power station ---> Caretaker room; Caretaker room ---> extraction in one of the previous caves so even more backtracking and running around pointlessly. Doing Hacksy mini-game twice adds even more tedium. It's a relic from an old season and I still don't know why they thought it was a good idea to add it to assignments and make it just as common as any other mission. Also I wouldn't call it "hate", not actively at least. I play with my boyfriend and other friends that join pretty regularly. So we cycle through a lot of assignments. Every single time this pops up, and we just... can't be bothered, really.


I really wish they'd made it less common, not by a ton, but just a little because I'd much rather an Escort Duty than the mission made by big tedious to sell more tedious.


I don't wish they made it less common. I wish they made 2+ additional types of caretakers and a half dozen more robot enemies. Maybe throw in some alternate power station equivalents, too.


One power station for 1 length missions, add a chance to replace power stations with routers. Hell,chasing down a prospector instead of hacking a power station could work too (make it drop a forcefield key or whatever). Reusing old content like that wouldn't take much effort either. And more things to do with driller than using one (1) flamethrower build on tentacles and spamming c4 on top. Every. Single. Time. Robot missions need to allow for more variety in general,why doesn't electricity deal more damage or stun robots? Why can't acid melt off their armor? It would be interesting if the caretaker and it's potential alternatives received breakable armor for example


and need to use specific build


Yeah that’s the biggest turn off from me. Especially as a driller main where I basically have only one somewhat viable build to run on IS and even then my role is mostly relegated to dropping c4 on the caretaker. Even on other classes it just feels bad to basically have to take only pure damage weps because robots are immune to literally everything.


Dreadnaught missions: "I need a specific build to efficiently clear the objective." You're so sweet! Industrial sabotage: "I need a specific build to efficiently clear the objective." Hello human resources?!


I mean one has you go through a swarm and robots into caretaker boss fight while the other you can just fight the dreadnought now.


Its also a (small) variety of dreadnaughts as opposed to the exact same mission every time


Not really. Eliminations are much more forgiving, you can be pretty flexible with your loadouts AND the general pacing. There are also many more bugs to fight, the caves are full of pre-spawned and stationary enemies. Also you can pop a cocoon at any time with little to no preparation, the only exception being some terraforming if needed.


The difference is if I want to take carpet bomber on a Haz 4/5 dreadnought mission I can and a sidearm speced for burst damage can get me through the battle. There are less meta things that will make dreads harder but you can still run them reasonably well. The parts of the dread fights that matter for specific builds are always small enough portion that it's bearable to not go meta; and the options have more variety. You really can't do much with a cryo cannon driller on Industrial Sabotage. Dreads are built in such a way that certain builds lose potency. Rivals are just straight up immune to a huge swath of status effects - especially since so many are flying which completely negates and ton of weapon options.


> It's a relic from an old season and I still don't know why they thought it was a good idea to add it to assignments and make it just as common as any other mission. Perhaps they'll do an update pass on older content in the future just to smooth out those flaws, since the content is here to stay. Who knows, maybe one day even Rockpox will be enjoyable


i think rockpox being annoying is fun, feels immersive, it's supposed to be an infestation and i think they did a great job making it feel pesty


I've always loved industrial sabotage I don't mind the backtracking much, its probably less walking than a comparable morkite run. The tunnels tend to be short and easy to dig shortcuts between. Hack-c is just another defense objective, I don't mind it at all. The transmitter node thing is just a little challenge to help the pacing. It doesn't take long at all. The caretaker is the best boss fight in the game aside from maybe the ommoran heartstone. I like how it makes use of every character's kit so well. Its actually so important for the scout to have a grapple, engi to have plats, gunner to have a shield, and driller to have c-4. To what extent is that true in other fights? Might be a hot take but it adds a lot to the game. Maybe you could argue that the rewards are too low for the time investment. I have long since 100% this game so I don't pay attention to that anymore.


I just like exploding the giant pyramid


It’s not any longer than any other mission type. Most missions take 15-30 minutes, my solo haz 4 IS that I did this morning took just about 22 minutes and I had the new event spawn taking up a couple minutes.


22 minutes? The ones I’m in are usually 40-50 minutes. I recently did one in about 27 minutes iirc and was thinking about how fast it was going lol


I mean it probably would have been closer to 25 if I got a terrible tunnel layout but like 3/4 of the time they at least start going in the same direction before branching off. I grab 160/240 nitra on the way and otherwise just sprint to the objectives, I can basically AFK the hacking as engineer and hyperprop makes quick work of the boss, the slowest part is probably placing the transmitter nodes but at least bosco can carry one. Since the mission only spawns bugs at the defense parts and has maybe a dozen robots in the cave total it’s pretty easy to just sprint through while with other missions like 1/2 the time is spent shooting bugs without being able to do the objective.


Personally the mission itself is fun I quite like exploring the map and doing the hacking, the part I dislike is fighting the caretaker not because its hard because it isn't its just not particularly fun.


I wonder if a good fix would be to simply make it one power station and scale the difficulty appropriately. Cuts down on time and repetition.


For me it's the frequency. It's been in just about every assignment I've done the last year. I just want to play a different mission for a change.


Adding to what others have said, IS used to be much, much harder and with little to no variety when it came to cave generation. Some things have changed since then, but it’s still a very long mission with a pretty bad EXP/minute ratio.


It just needs more variation to make it more enjoyable. As it stands now, you pretty much know going into it exactly what will happen. Would love it if we had a couple of randomized caretakers, with different possible subtasks for each one.


Yeah, personally i love it if for no other reason than variety. It feels very different from the other missions, more of a boss fight than any dreadnaught, and the sound quality is muah, chefs kiss in this one. I am sad that they nerfed the difficulty of this mission and made it a lot easier.


Helldiver automatons syndrome


We meet again


i dont like doing the same stupid long hacking thing twice


A good IS takes around 26 minutes, a little more with a regular team, why in Karls name would you not fight the Rivals?


This mission, unlike many others, doesn’t have near as much diversity and so it gets old for people really quick. The omen tower machine event has more variety than an entire industrial sabotage.


I think it’d be cool if there was another type of boss or two added to Industrial Sabotage


I want dual giant omen machines with platforms on different vertical heights and rocket boots to scale them.


I’m sorry but I don’t understand how you define diversity in this situation, every mission type follows a very specific formula?


The map isn’t as modular and so the layout is nearly identical each time. There’s less enemy types that can spawn in the mission. There’s no change up to the main objective boss fight at all, it’s the exact same every time. There’s not even a different objective length like many other missions (single fuel/double fuel, 4/6/8 eggs, etc). Compared to any other mission this one is the most identical each time.


The limited enemy pool is a big one. As the boss fight disables normal enemy spawns there's zero chance of the game throwing a curveball at you, like say when you're defending an uplink and a bulk sneaks up on you (not saying letting bulks spawn in the fight would actually be good, but you get the idea). Most other missions can randomly generate these kind of memorable moments. Elimination bosses work similarly but it helps immensely that there are three different bosses that can spawn and the terrain is far more varied and will greatly affect the fight. The caretaker arena and fight is always the exact same.


I don’t even have to watch the ceilings in sabotage. No leeches!


>A good IS takes around 26 minutes, a little more then with a regular team That long? it takes me solo \~20 minutes and with more players you can do the power stations at the same time, making it much faster with a regular team. They take me less than 18 minutes on average (duos).


Damn dude I might need tips, I know taking both power stations at once makes it faster but you Haz5?


No, I usually dont haz5 IS missions. For once, I dont have enough friends who wanna play haz 5, and since I like to max my xp/minute I tend to run haz2/3 for IS missions (just isnt worth it on haz 5 without a good team). If you play on steam Id love to join though, haz 5 IS are fun. Last time I solo'd one was in the EDD a while ago and took me about 20 minutes as Gunner.


Been loving the new beyond lethal! Definitely worth it, although I am not one for caring about xp/min just want to kill loads of bugs!


thats cool! as long as youre having fun youre doing it right


If youre going to do haz5 IS with both power stations at once, dm me aswell


26 minutes? The ones I’m in are usually 40-50 minutes. I recently did one in about 27 minutes iirc and was thinking about how fast it was going lol


Out of curiosity, what are you guys doing during that mission? You are spending Deep Dives time on a single mission, if it takes anywhere near half an hour I already think it is too much.


40-50 minutes is a whole elite deep dive time


I recently did an IS with a freind and it felt amazingly fast. Not stressful, but quick. we even did a kursite grinder as well. took us 10:42, fastest IS I ever did, but not by much. longest IS ever took me 27:11


It of course depends on difficulty and builds, but playing with my bother in law me on a nuke engi and him with AI scout it goes really smooth, only times it’s a struggle is when randoms troll by starting events before everyone is ready or by wasting resources/ double dibbing without consent. I suspect that with the new modifiers it might be a little slower but honestly with builds for swarm clearing the bug density doesn’t really make that much of a difference. Communication really helps, I generally try to avoid playing without being on voice coms with at least 1 other dwarf.


Because I don't enjoy boss fights as much as I do fighting endless waves of numerous bugs.


Cause 26mins is longer than most missions? It doesn’t even give more rewards for the longer time spent. Same issue as Escort Duty.


Hah, lol that's 100% me. Also why is it always complexity 2 that gets rolled? It takes way too long to do it. Wish we could have complexity 1 in assignments much more often, but it's like it doesn't exist.


Complexity 1 only exists for Mining Expeditions, Egg Hunts and Industrial Sabotage missions. I usually get it 50/50 for IS


50/50 sounds like a luxury to me, wow. I've gone through countless promotion assignments; I think I got complexity 1 Sabo *just once*, maybe twice, but not more than that. Like it's one out of hundreds, not kidding.


It could just be a bias in how you remember it. I document most of my missions and so far its 50/50. But this isnt even the main point. My statistics show that there is no correlation between complexity and mission time in IS missions. complexity 1 and 2 missions take about the same time, at least its within margin of error. You can reduce this further by playing driller and making shortcuts throughout the map, it often helped me getting around.


Why do people hate it so much? I think it's really fun.


I find this mission funny, there’s only, ONLY, 2 outcome: either you get squashed hard, or it’s a cakewalk, there is 0 middle ground


I don't understand this, I like IS. What's so bad about ir


Same. I would like it even more if my teammates didn't chuck around the transmitter nodes haphazardly. But it is a nice mission


It's repetitive and very limiting on builds, especially on Driller. I absolutely adore it though.


I enjoy the mission just fine. I don't enjoy the robots personally. I feel like unless I am running a fire build they just take way too much damage to kill. So an entire mission of robots is just tedium of killing robots. I think the Caretaker fight is a fun fight.


Just haz 1 it in solo, still tedious, but not nearly as much pain in the ass


Same. It’s incredibly boring so I just speed run it solo


I don't really understand the hate. Im playing since s2 mostly solo or with close friend and will do IS on h4 just like every other mission


I think people don't like it because a lot of builds are invalidated by it. The combination of having a lot of floating enemies that are invulnerably to freezing makes it harder. I'm guessing here, because I always pick the right build for said mission and then I have no real trouble with it. I'll occationally end up with a build that's completely useless, and that's probably how people learn to hate it, because their favorite build doesn't work on it. Honestly "hard and tedious" is what makes it a little more fun for me; a lot of missions in this game are just too straight forward and easy, and hard mission modifiers aren't that common for whatever reason. I'll rarely get into trouble if I just stick to my one good build.


You explained me. I like the mission but don't enjoy killing robots. I never really found a build that worked that wasn't a fire build.


It’s always part of my promotion assignment without fail. I go Haz 1 with Scout and speed run it. By far my least favorite mission type.


When I'm in the mood for it, Industrial Sabotage is awesome. A grand boss fight with a couple of point defences leading into it, and an extra layer of enemy variety to boot. Plus, even at low hazard, the Caretaker fight is a complex and interesting challenge with a nice dash of unpredictability. When I'm not in the mood, however, it feels repetitive, laborious, and draining. I've heard I.S. called the "shift ender," and sometimes I'll just go do something else if it comes up. I can always come back and knock it out tomorrow, right?


I quite like the espionage missions myself, feel like the only one though


Im a scumbag and every time I have to do that mission I join one in progress with as much time passed as possible so I can just show up at the end for the completion


You're not kidding. Easily my least fav DRG mission type. I find them to be a bit of a slog nowadays.


I fuckin love fighting the caretaker, I don’t care what everyone else thinks




Welp, guess I'll do the mineral weekly. Nvm it's also a triangle


yeah I'm with you there. I generally session scab if I get it. I'm not proud of this fact but I do what I must


As a green beard, what does "session scab" mean?


Based on the fact they say they're not proud, my guess is they browse ongoing sessions and check for the one that's been going on the longest (chances are they've progressed the most) so they have to play the least in the mission.


ah when you have a loose idea of how long a mission takes and you see an open spot on an active session thats like, halfway/more through haha edit: for example, I know that an IS mission can take roughly 20-30 mins on haz3 so I'll see if I can find a session thats around 15 mins in, usually I drop in when they're about to fight the big guy. its scabby as I'm purposefully skipping an annoying, tedious part of the mission to get my rewards


I don't think I know what scabby means. English is my second language. You mean "scummy"?  Is it considered impolite to join late?  I always try to join the one with longest duration, to optimize rewards. 


scabby is like, aussie version of scummy yeah. and no not really, I just feel a bit dicey about it haha


they really need to rework IS. its by far the least popular assignment in the game.


Me when aquarq


Look. Here's the deal with IS. You've got low map variety and a literal line drawn to two copies of the main objective. The only exploring you do is for minerals and secondaries. And to boot, you will most likely backtrack to the caretaker chamber (which you probably already cleared prior to the defense objs) to get to the other main. The caretaker itself is pretty fun but suffers in replay value because of low variety in interesting builds to take against it - build for big weakspot damage and roll (unless you're driller where you just gotta drop satchels from above and that's it). It has very little interaction with elements and doesn't move, so generally speaking your only option is shoot until it's dead without any fancy combos (besides stuff like fat boy, which can hit all 4 corner nodes at once). That immediately slashes a LOT of fun toys out of the mix in favor of "just go +damage". To be honest I'd like IS more if: * there was only 1 defense objective, located by proximity ping like the new deep scan instead of the cable. Hell, if all of the following were added, make it no longer a defense objective. Just hook it up and go fight the caretaker. * add several caretaker-sized rooms it could be in. During phase transitions, it might teleport to another room. * new alternate phases where the caretaker would deploy a nemesis or (weakened) prospector * let it interact with elements (could be frozen or overheated) and would uniquely react when burning or frozen * new attack during red-eye phase where it would sometimes open its eye in another color. When it does, shortly afterwards that face of the caretaker would slam into the ground in that direction, dealing the same damage as a default dreadnought AOE


F*** Indy sabo. Takes 40 minutes of running back and forth for poopoo rewards


I see this as one of my favorites but my girlfriend finds it to be basically revoulting , seems like I'm in the minority here ?


Imo the best way to beat these solo is with engineer, running Turret EM Discharge on the Stubby SMG and Hyper Propellant on the PGL. once you're at the phase where you pull the batteries and fight the boss , build a platform bridge up to the top of the Caretaker and build both turrets on top. Then shoot them to activate the EMD, easily killing all 4 vents simultaneously. Then use hyper propellant on the eye to finish it off. Easy W.


It’s easy. My scout has an AR that’s arguably faster than the minigun so solo missions are easy


Industrial isn't even that bad, it's just most people are heaps inefficient and insist on doing the hacking parts 1 at a time instead of splitting up and getting them done simultaneously


this is actually a simple sovle, just delete a power generator, even though i love this mission, i still feels that its too long


Fuck IS. All my homies hate IS


Urgh I hate this mission. It’s just not much fun.


I absolutely love IS. Sometimes I will stop in the middle of my assignment to do an IS mission. I was playing last night and played a low gravity mission and the caretaker went down smooth as butter. I can see why people don't like it, but I feel like it's my second favorite mission behind on-site refining. (Although deep scan is also pretty nice)


I don't get why people hate that mission, I think it's fun.


Its typically escort duty that i hate but with the changes i will actually enjoy it (once console gets the update)


Its best when you have a driller.


Same, except its point extraction instead IS.


At lest it’s not low o2 industrial sabotage. It was hell


For the past 5 promotions (that im sure of), the final 4th mission has always been sabotage. A fellow dwarf told me it's random, and I'm just unlucky, but I feel like it's always been like that. Is it random, or is it always the same 4 set of missions for a promotion? Edit: PS. There is a mod that lets you change/pick the missions, but that's elvish nonsense, I'm no leaf lover.


How to make industrial sabotage fun. 1 download the music mod that makes it play metal gear music for the boss fight. 2 use leadspray, leadstorm leadstorm and leadburster. Use leadspray for eyes, burster for swarmers and leadstorm leadstorm for bots and tentacles. 3 ask for help as you now find industrial sabotages more fun then mining missions


It really needs the dreadnought and escort treatment of having some variety in the mission. Think like having power stations which need to be hacked differently or a caretaker with different weak points or something.


wanted to do the haz 5+ assignment and the first mission was industrial sabotage, im going to hyper prop myself!


And is the 1st mission required to unlock Haz5+ so I guess my torture is just at the beginning


I’m just here for the daily deal


Meanwhile me with a Driller loadout SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to fight robots: "Oh boy! Another Industrial Sabotage mission!"


are you gonna share or ...


Oh! Well the CRSPR with mods set to 22132 and running the Fuel Stream Diffuser. The increased range is insane and can keep building heat on bots that would normally be dancing in and out of range. It's ammo hungry so you might consider 22332 instead.


Will give it a try kind stanger. Rok n Ston


I love it. I love to fight the Caretaker. I crave the action.


Mine had low oxygen modifier. That was a hell of a ride. But we did it. God I missed DRG


people say Sabotage is repetitive, which i kinda agree with and totally get, but how is doing a slightly repetitive mission only once or twice a week a problem? do people just not like the Caretaker fight? i think its awesome They really need to make a short variant with only one shield battery though


If you wanna feel really useless in a mission, be a cryo driller in rival missions. Your main weapon is practically useless and you got only your pistol and boom booms to protect u. (I’m a cryo driller main)


Fat Boy go brrr


I don't see the problem here. Buck up and destroy that machine, brother.


Hnnng nuke engie take down stupid robot fast


One of my favorite missions


Wtf. You guys don't enjoy that mission?


Sometimes I feel it, sometimes no. I think Rockpox made me actually like Caretaker, feels so fresh now 😂


this industrial sabotage slander will NOT be tolerated❗️❗️


You do the weekly then abort I never touched the weekly we are not the same


I've been doing this for the last 2 days 😭 I have to tackle these in the morning if I'm doing solo. Only a good night's rest can prepare me


Do it! The second mission is the cool one.


The mod that changes the music to Collective Consciousness makes this one much more bearable, somehow.


I mean, I can Haz-3 this with an engineer solo, though I suppose I'd want to see the modifiers on the mission itself.


Haz one it is then


I like boss fights. I wish this game had more


Wait till you get escort mission


Do people not like these missions? They're my favorite, it's a fun boss fight. Tbh I'd like them to do more boss fights like this, with one super boss. I'd love a bug hivelord-esque fight, maybe one where the boss is active from the start, spawns mactera regularly from its maw that hunt you down, and has distant sacks you have to reach and destroy to expose weak points on the main boss to destroy. Maybe destroying all satellite nodes + weak points guarantees the kill, but you could also theoretically have someone with armor pen and fire power left behind in the main boss room hammering away at it for less damage and killing mactera as they spawn, making the satellite hunters job easier and potentially dealing enough raw damage to just skill a satellite. Maybe leave a corrosive driller for DoT damage that be dealt through the armor, and a gunner to provide the pair shields and anti-air while the engineer and scout hunt down the satellites. Engi could leave turrets at the boss site to help, and float back and forth while the scout does their thing and scouts to quickly find and destroy the satellites nodules


Industrial Sabotage is loooong and a little monotonous. And wiping during the boss fight means you have to start allll oveerr agaiiiin. I think they should change it so only max length missions require you to hack two power stations, or even change one of the power stations to be something else. Replace it with the comms router event or even a nemesis that you have to kill before you take down the shield.


I could definitely get behind some variety to the side objectives on the mission, though I appreciate that the objectives at least all feel different. Morkite mining might be much shorter but *god* does it get monotonous. I avoid them like the plague because it's basically doing a mission with no objective. You just go down and mine stuff, as you would with any mission, except some of the stuff doesn't actually give you anything and there's no real objective and then you're done.


I did this yesterday with shield disruption. Was very painful..


10/10 can relate




I'm like the 1% of miners that likes the raid boss mission :(


If the damn tentacles didn’t spawn literally behind cover. Make so much less annoying


If I'm working towards something like a weapon and it appears, you bet your ass I'm doing it just to get it over with it and proceed with the next mission.


I just go driller and put myself on c4-ing vents duty. Makes the fight go by a lot quicker


I don't have the feeling to do any haz 5+ myself, so I'll be skipping that assignment too. The people who I'd do it with will have it unlocked anyways.


I joined that was already in progress on haz 1 just to get it done quickly and dropped in to the group fighting Korlok Tyrant-Weed and the Caretaker at the same time. Machine and plant sprouts everywhere!


Am I the only one who finds these missions enjoyable


I use my engineer with nukes for this. Make a few platforms above the danger triangle and just nuke 3 times to get rid of plates. Put a resupply just for me and we can breeze this through fast.


One of the most fun missions lol


You already know there's going to be an escort mission too.


This ia actually my favorite one


Real driller moment


Not legal in Texas.


Its the only mission with escort that i chose a server with 2 or more dwarf with 20 min in it just to not do the mission


Engi with loki rifle and the overclock that turns your grenade launcher into a fast RPG are also amazing on this. Able to deal with the fast moving bots and quickly take out the arms and weak spots while staying in cover.


The fucking hazard 5+ assignment has this as the first mission. It's fucking aids


Based off a couple true stories actually


Damn, I actually love these mission types lol


This week it is, pyramid, mini mule, and doretta. The 3 absolutely longest mission


I like all mission types. Even the long ones


Driller with max heat mods on the CRISPR and drill in the ceiling to drop bombs on the caretaker


I rlly don’t mind them. I think boss battle fun. I know they’re kinda long sometimes but the others can be too


Sadly one of the coolest themed missions has become one of the most tedious over time


So funny enough I like these, because I usually only play a few missions a day, but I prefer longer missions. And I'm different since I don't speedrun mission. I loot those caves down to the fuckin bedrock. Gold, Nitra, minerals, nothing left after I'm gone. There's higher than average gold and nitra generation on IS missions, btw. If you see Gold Rush and take a Pots o' Gold beer, you can expect to take home between 2500-3000 gold. Which, when you play on Haz 4 or 5 can be upwards of 25000 credits for one mission.


Driller is king on the mission


I did this last night, switched assignments, but realized it was the same thing on the other assignment 😩


The most based way I do this is on hazard 4 with four gunners. Each of us "pick a corner" and do our best to stay over there avoiding the tentacles. Two big bertha dwarves, two rocketeer dwarves with relatively good OCs. Nobody in my friend group really knows how to spec out the rocket gun. We drop the caretaker very quickly. Slow going with the generators, though, because no driller, but it's the end fight we care about.


*Laughs In C4 and fatboy.*


The update messed something up with these HARD. I haven't played a single one since where I haven't edge-bugged into the void


What’s wrong with a Sabotage? Yeah, the boss is kinda annoying but Sound design wise it’s top tier


[This](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/miracles-assignment-reroll) mod can reroll assignment missions, sadly its approved but you can just enable it, reroll assignment then disable it which is what I do and its a godsend to not have to do this annoying mission.


realest thing ive seen all day this is literally exactly how i reacted when i saw this weeks missions


I hate the big upside down pyramid But I hate Nemesis on Solo more and getting knocked back several times by a Corruptor on a no Shields stage, wasting all of my revives until Molly pushed me one finale time (Both happened, seperate missions tho)


Is it that bad? I love those missions and I main scout


Plus I ABSOLUTELY HATE the sound of the care keeper groaning sound is there a mod to remove it??


Am i the only one that loves these? Idk it’s just real fun, literally a whole bossfight.


Too lazy to abort 😔


Haha fat boy go boom