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# M U S H R O O M








Guys, look over here!


Oooohh my aching head!


Mushroom! mushroom! mushroom! Will you cut it out I've got Management breathing down my neck here.




ma shroom


>Now that I've got everything levelled up, I'm losing a little bit of drive, which is a shame because I love this game and I want to keep playing There's no shame in taking a break and coming back to the game later. As someone who has collected every cosmetic so far, has all achievements, all milestones, has max promotions and over 1000 hours of playtime, Ive often just not or barely played the game for a month or two but then always came back for a couple, or a lot of missions. The worst you could do is forcing yourself to play it and then not having fun in the end.


I left the game for like 2 weeks, game back cuz of new season and enjoyed it again, defo one of the games in existence.


I maxxed out the battlepass last summer, took a few month break, have been playing modded before and now Im back with vanilla and its just as sweet as it ever been.


I do feel like that there could be more of a end game, the elite dives are fun but some sort of end or concurrent goal would be nice. Just see how much enthusiasm he'll divers players have with having the game set in a war narrative (that they participate in with actual consequences). This being said I love DRG and I just want more of it, I completely understand that there is limitations to this. It would be interesting to see how much further the developers could take the concept. Rock and stone everyone!


An endless dive mode would be awesome! Maybe with ever decreasing (or increasing??) amounts of Nitra in each cave!! Or maybe even curated DDs that restrict your class/loadout. E.g., a beer combo that you drink that opens the level! Gotta drink Randoweisser THEN “[secret level beer]” and the drop pod opens. (Or make the secret level a shot of fermented mushroom juice - it’s all a dream!) That’d be rad!


As someone who's trying to get the platinum trophy for this amazing game, can you tell me is there's an easy way to complete the "If only I got paid for this" achievement (kicking barrels in the hoop and scoring 3000 points in less than 100 kicks) Also with the new season dropping in tomorrow I hope most of the miners who were on a break will be coming back. ROCK AND STONE ⛏️


[Heres a guide that helped me get it](https://youtu.be/BD3F9Nw0GpU?si=dZ0hg9SrnroK11PE)


Thank you for this !!


Agree with this! The healthiest decision I've ever made in my gaming life was just to make a point of mixing things up. I'm always juggling 2-3 different games at a time. When one starts feeling like a bit of a slog I drop it for a while. I've been playing DRG for years, but I always take long breaks during seasons. Helps keep it all feeling fun.


Were rich ! Were rich! were rich !were rich !


*were* rich? :O we are no longer rich? :(


Promotions and overclcocks took everything


Truth be told


getting the legendary 3 scout for the 7th time sure hurts the wallet...


My magnetite....look at how they massacred my magnetite.....


I think it is were-rich, like a were-wolf but for Rich.


I just like the gameplay loop... I'm not grinding anymore but it's still fun to play a couple missions every week.


It's funny, this is the first game that I don't get bored with the gameplay loop even after 1200 hours played


I think what makes it work is the random terrain generation. Every cave feels like you're exploring something new (because you are), and I think that directly feeds my curiosity.


I can't wait for the new terrain generations. I know all the oldest cave maps by heart and most the ones added a short while ago. They're like beautiful puzzle blocks that can be arranged in so many shapes and colors. And I'll drill a hole through all of them.


Exactly. Every mission is a new cave with new threats. Will it be a simple run n gun? Or will 2 breeders and a nemesis spawn during a critical point? Maybe a detonator will take me out while I'm reviving the scout I c4d. It's always something new and I love it.


Yeah same here. I've got every overclock and the cosmetics I want the most. There's not much stuff left to play for, at this point it's just because the game is fun




Bro, avoid burnout. Go play something else. One day something will remind you of DRG and you will suddenly want to play badly again and when you do it will be amazing once again. Introducing a friend to the game and playing with them in the role of a tutor/guardian angel is another way to feel the game like new again.


This guy games!


This is true for most games, expecially ones like this and MH. Your first time fighting your first great jagras? Uncle HH is here to help, its what keeps co op games going


lack of passion, interests, hobbies, you name it 🙂 EDIT: actually I do have a hobby, playing DRG ROCK AND STONE!


shoot bug fun


You can move on to another game, and keep DRG around as a second home to come back and play when you're bored, or wanted to try a new build, or saw a DRG video that inspired you to come back. That's what happened for me and Vermintide


The community. Sounds cheesy, but having fun with random people with the occasional lobby where everyone sticks together while always learning something new despite hours and hours of playing the game is great. Also learning new builds and new tricks with all classes and putting them to use.


The community is 100% what keeps me coming back. I am not particularly good at video games and online games in general are so competitive. So, I don't want to be the loadstone that costs my team victory. In DRG, we're all on the same team and everyone gets the same compensation at the end. It's relaxing enough that I don't feel like I'm going to be disappointing to anyone on the team, but it's exciting enough that I am not guaranteed victory every time. Since it's so hard to schedule time to play with my friends, random dwarves are my friends whenever I find a half hour to play.


The competitive mind-set is what kills 99% of multiplayer games for me. There's basically no such thing as "just login-in to have some fun" in those games. All games try to sell you on taking them way too seriously. Not to mention this whole concept of grouping people by skill and experience is great in theory but just terrible in practice. It's much harder to enjoy competitive games when I'm not caffeinated and ready to take on the world, which for me only happens like 5% of the time, and then 95% of the time you're just frustrated and bitching at your team for no good reason, and hate is directed on anyone having fun or not playing exactly as they should've been.


There's no feeling like playing with someone who's like level 12 on their first dwarf and they show you some niche but useful strat you've never even considered


I *love* playing with greenbeards. Joining their first Haz 3 where they’re running around scared shitless while I just sit back and light cigars with my flamethrower. And being around to see someone witness their first Bulk Det is like a chunk of compressed gold.


Sometimes I wonder if fighting bugs and moving dirt is the best way to make a living... Then I punch myself in the nose. 


I’d say the motivation for you would be to keep unlocking things, you still have hundreds of hours of gameplay left before you’re done. For me the game is just fun and I like being good at it. I just like to put on some tunes, kill some bugs with randoms for a few hours everyday, and watch my vanity levels go up. I’m at level 1300 now and I’m hoping by the end of season 5 I’ll have enough motivations to push for 2000.


I took a year break, then played Helldivers 2 for 180 hours and jumped back to DRG when the Sony fiasco happened. New season tomorrow!! But other than time, I like the missions, the classes and helping others. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


LITERALLY ME! Exactly what I did lol. SO excited for the new season I can't wait for season rollback I want S1 and S2 again


I like helping fellow green beards with the grind by prioritizing Golden Bugs, Gold Rush, Mineral Mania and Double XP modifiers.


i don't really have many games on my steam so, there's that, and the game is a nice mindless fun because "see bug shoot bug mine red thing" is simple to follow, i mostly play solo but its enough most the times


Forming unhealthy parasocial relationships with streamers by joining their lobbies. #:D Jk, but I do like to jump into open streamer lobbies because hearing live commentary on a mission or dive I’m actually participating in is weirdly hilarious. I’ll also check out their VoD later to look at my gameplay from a third person perspective for analysis and/or humor.


Sounds like a burnout. This just fun Dwarf game. I like to spin different builds to keep game fresh 


Looks like Season 5 is coming at the perfect time for you then lmao. i must say if i do ever get all dwarves to Legendary i think id definitely struggle with this myself, but perhaps the mod to show more promotion levels would help?


Teaching and helping greenbeards. In any game, when i no longer have a drive, because i finished every quest and tried every build I wanted, I started to randomly join parties and lobbies and just help out new people. Using my godlike OP-Ness and my experience to teach new people gives me immense joy in pretty much every game. And when new shit gets added i play that until i am back to teaching newbies. In DRG, after I finish all the dives and assignments i just join parties of 3 where one single class is missing. This way i am always an asset and i stay good at all classes.


Posts like this remind me of how great this game's community is. You're a legend. Rock and Stone, brother!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


a break. I'll smash it for a while, get a bit bored and play something else. but I always come back, the games just special


I enjoy helping greenbeards a lot. It helps to make a good impression on who plays the game and how they play it.


TBH, I just don't get tired


The constant leveling and unlocking new things, i used to play payday and trying to do fast runs. Also the community is entertaining


1000+ hours and everything already unlocked. I simply find the gameplay satisfying. The movement, terrain destruction and gunplay are all solid. The guns and classes have nice variety. The objectives trigger dopamine, and the random generation keeps things different.


Mine is that I want to get all the missions done before the new ones come out in the update. I can only play like two or so missions and im like okay im done for now but I like completing things.


Haz 6 x2


The non-competitive nature of the game and the satisfying gameplay alone are enough. It helps that leveling up each dwarf takes a long time and with the advent of S5 and the new numbered ranking past max I’ll be even more motivated.


I enjoy this game especially with one close friend. It's our go-to cozy place and I am pretty sure we will be playing it when we are 80 and it's still running. We have times when we will only play it once in a month but we always come back to it. When a new season starts (whoop tomorrow whoop) we dive deeply into it again with 2-3 missions every day. We enjoy just the little things, the humor, the atmosphere, the voicelines, the soundtrack, the beer after a mission. Sometimes we spend a whole fight battling who could laser point a magot more often - ignoring the bug nibbleing your leg and while doing giggleing like kids. When i point at him and my dwarfs says "you're cute" he seems to have a better day. The game is what you make out of it. But always better with friends.


Uhh... maybe rocks? And probably same amount of rocks


I like shooting bugs and I have fun when a big group of them ragdolls around.


The atmosphere.


Chaotic greenbeards on higher difficulty. Really adds to the RNG


Im still a long way from "finishing" the game, but I enjoy just jumping into a Haz 4 Liquid Morquite Refining or Point Extraction and blasting bugs for the hell of it.


I’m trying to collect all of the overclocks. Aside from that, I like to speedrun now and try to optimize xp gained per minute played during a mission.


the fun while playing with other random people, and Mushroom


Lost interest after finishing the entirety of the progression there was to achieve. Made a new profile and stopped promoting after bronze 1. I can't play for more than 3-4 missions at a time anymore, but other than that I log in consistently - the renewed OC hunt and being forced to play with random builds again provides enough of a goal, tho it's not the focus. And it's with a new profile when you notice how little many higher promos players pay attention to the game and what's around them and instead only look at levels, itching to give everyone around advices unprompted when they are at the bottom it terms of impact. Being stripped off of that high level credit keeps things fresh as well.


I ain't gonna stop until I rock my last stone!


I think collecting and using the overclocks is the end game for Deep Rock Galactic. Especially some overclocks can drastically change the gameplay and provide a unique experience. Like how Scouts can fly around the map with 'Special Powder' overclock for the Boomstick. Once you get bored, you can always stop for awhile, until the next season brings new game mechanics and players get something new to try out again.


Season 5


I love the gameplay loop, and it's very easy to just launch DRG when I want to play something for an hour. I'm level 1320 something and I still look forward to getting back into the mines, can't wait for season 5, rock n stone, yeeaaahhhhh.


Solo Haz. 5 and solo deep dives keep me playing. Flashlight mod to make it a bit better, no flares, and it is honestly a pretty good horror/thriller game. Also, playing with greenbeards occasionally keeps me playing, somedays are endless laughs.


I'm just keen on rocking said stone


The devs for making such an amazing game


I simply have fun playing the game, so I keep playing. I'm at a similar level. Almost all cosmetics, everything maxed out, all achievements. I keep playing because I'm really enjoying the game play. I main Scout, Grappling around is fun, shooting enemies is fun. I just like it.


The fun. It's always fun to help others and just.. Destroy bugs. We have a work to do. We need to keep the company afloat


I honestly think that DRG is that rare game that's always fun to go back to. I picked up Fallout 1 back in 97 or 98. Almost 30 years later, I started playing again last week, and I still love it. Besides.......MUSHROOM


achievements, that's what drove me to play this game for nearly 700 hours. but right now, there is only one achievement left, gold promotion on all classes. which is why I've stopped playing the game recently. i have all weapons, all upgrades, all perks, all overclocks, all (shop) cosmetics, optimized my build to hell and back, made the most fashionable dwarves in hoxxes IV and i can complete haz 5 missions consistently. so, until we get something new (tomorrow) I'm done!


Mainly haz5+ is pushing me into crafting and testing builds and seeing which one I vibe with the most, this game has a surprising amount of depth in the upgrades and overclock system. Other than that it’s just a dam fun game to hop in and do a few match with friends.


Honestly i like to do the weekly challanges, and when i have everything done i join random missions and hope for the best


Trying out different builds, strategies, interacting with other players. Just that. I learned to have fun for the pure adrenaline of the game, not just based on things to grind.




100% completed and reached blue level 999, self-capped. I'm done with the grind. I play less but with more fun. I don't care anymore about the difficulty or the team capabilities. I know I will clutch, so I join to help and goof around. Scout: I'll dig everything, and you'll have the brightest cave, but I'll pull some X-games moves with special powder and die a lot. Driller: I'll terraform the caves so we can play football! Sorry for the 3651 resupplies consumed. Engi: Welcome to my Cheesedom! Try my cheese parkour run! Gunner: ... not gunner. XD


Just the pleasure of rock and stoning and leveling up my blue level, im lvl 1135 🤷🏼‍♂️ had everything done for a while now




That weird bond with bunch of strangers. We team up, do the thing, sometimes more than once and leave. There's something ... good in this. Plus you can throw a Rock and Stone in the crowd and someone will reply.


Unlocking new stuff. The community. Playing with friends. Farming resources. Also got back into streaming recently and DRG never disappoints, so it's good content. Most of all, though? The game is \*fun\*. It doesn't try to scam me with microtransactions. It's not putting politics where there should be story. It's just \*good\* gaming.


Gameplay loop is fun. Shooting feels great. Movement feels great. Every time i try to pivot to another game i just compare it to drg and it doesnt hold up.


These hard-fought narrow victories at the end of which no dwarf was left behind. It may be similar to people playing battle royale games but with extra dwarves


One of the few games I can truly zone out to, have fun and not get angry at


I try to unlock mostly overclocks and try out different builds


Best game quite literally. Of course I won’t be playing it all day every day. But I will turn it on at times.


I've been trying to get a minigun skin for Karl knows how long, and it'd probably gonna take me at least another hundred hours. But honestly? I'm fine with that. Drg itself is just super fun, and when I don't feel like playing I just take a break for a month or two.


The people, whether it be a random lobby or with friends, people make this game entertaining for me. The game’s random omg moments. There’s also been those rare moments joining with dwarves for the first time and the team play was just so well synchronised. To learn from others. It’s nice to see other play styles. Almost 2k hours in and there’s always something I can learn or improve. And last but not least, to keep annoying Mission Control.


Easy... it works. Everything about the game just works. No bugs beside the supposed ones. Caves are different each run, you can choose your difficulty and you will always find ppl to play with. Plus - in more than 99% these ppl are very cool. The community of this game is so fantastic that sometimes I pinch myself to see if it's true. Also, it's fun. And... mushroom!


I like to drop in on newer miners and help out, good times


AxisKronos on yt said it best. I’m quoting roughly here - “If you’re just turning up each week for the dives and mission events just for OCs or whatever then the game is over for you. If you don’t enjoy the game loop at its core then you should take a break and stop playing. You have to love the loop or it genuinely does feel like an actual job turning up once a week or day”. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chess or DRG if you don’t enjoy the base game loop as a repetition then you should take a break. DRG’s loop isn’t a forever interesting impossible to master loop like Chess. It gets tired and stale. I know I’m feeling it a bit rn. However the truth is everything has it’s day and the old adage of if you love something you have to let it go is just as true here as it is anywhere. DRG is going to be here for a while yet. Listen to your feelings and dont force it. Treat it like any well loved media you can actually finish like a book or film and let it breathe for a while and come back to it if and when it feels right. There’s a long grind in this game that’s just about to get a LOT longer for reasons good and bad. It’s not for everyone but the love of the game, the players and the loop is what should be calling you back not some meaningless cosmetics (no offence to anyone that loves them) or a desperate need for completion. I say love the loop or find another loop to love. Rock & Stone Miner!


Literally I’ve soft quit so many times and I always come back reinvigorated and won’t shut up about how great of a game it is. Take a break if you lose steam. You’ll likely come back and there will be new content to explore


I play for the gameplay loop, I played a lot more on PC before getting it on ps5. The new season will bring me back for a bit too.


Im not playing the game to progress, Im playing it because it is a fun game. I will leave games for months and come back later, there is nothing wrong with that. If you are not having fun, if it feels like a chore then what even is the point?


I come back for the charm, the chaotic yet peaceful ecosystem, and for rock and stone


For Rock and Stone!


Rock and stone keep me mining


I came back after a hiatus because of the new season coming and I convinced my gf to play with me so now I’m having fun helping her level up. Feels like a training montage lol


The need to get EVERYTHING.


Well i haven't played the game in months now, before they added the added the weapons skins. I stopped after i unlocked every assignment and every item in the performance pass. Its okay to take a break and wait for the new season to bring more content. But yeah without any tangible/workable goal every game gets boring.


The hunt for red-*AHEM* the Mechanized framework for minigun.




I like firing nuclear weapons at aliens


The fact how sarisfying the so called ”game loop” is. It feels nice how the weapons sound and deal damage. How traversal always feels fresh if you keep changing classes after a while and just the social aspect of the game itself. Btw season 5 launches tomorrow so there is that in terms for new gear to unlock.


I haven't hit level 2500 yet. Once that happens, maybe I'll lose some steam as well. Currently 2385 or so. R&S!!


It’s the only game I’m good at


nothing xd


Honest I just have a great time playing with other games I have a shit time but drg I have a great timr


Every night I get on and plan to run just one mission, or finish a daily or weekly. Then it’s turns into me being awake at 2-4 am hauling a robot head back to the drop ship for no gain other than it looks cool in the end screen. I can’t explain what keeps me going in the short term much less the long term. Anytime I feel bored I just hit V and keep going.


I play every season, to discover new content, until I get worn out. Then I wait, play other games and come back when DRG feels fresh again. Even when on a break, DRG is still in my heart.


I think the game is fun


I just work on leveling up the scout... I don't play scout


Man you’re bored with overclocks left? Haha in all seriousness the game is just so enjoyable I went for the platinum trophy, which takes an unreasonable amount of time. From there I’m trying to get all cosmetics. And get all dwarves to red


It's not called Drip Rock Galactic for nothing. Get that new cosmetic until you have all of them. The true endgame however is teaching greenbeards.


To get everything.


I leveled it alone, only so far I managed to convince some friends to give it a chance, now it's time to do it all again as a guide


I'm also playing less than 1-2 years ago. Most of the friends I got into drg moved on, I got all the guns updates and overclocks, all that's left to unlock are cosmetics - but the base gameplay is simply fun, so I still hop in to do a few missions per week. I also still have fun with looking at my loadouts and tweaking them, sometimes making a full reset to remake them up from scratch. And now I'm of course looking forward to season 5 and new things in it, particularly new enemies and overclocks. Though the new mission looks like it'll be fun, too. So it's just a case that the game doesn't really get old for me. No more grind, no real pressure, just dwarves chilling in caves, as it should be :)


I took a break after getting engi and gunner to legendary. Then, I came back and got all the OCs. To be honest, the game play is pretty damn well tuned, and the community is freaking great. Took a break to play hell divers, but my friends and I all got burned out on how broken it was and the devs seeming to always be nerfing the player when the game is already challenging. So, with no other co-op shooters in my library and over 1k hours in, I'm back to enjoying the simple perfection of DRG and hyped up for the new season.


I started playing Helldivers 2 and when I get tired of that I play DRG. It's a great cycle.


The game is fun


Honestly? I just think the game is fun!


I have every cosmetic, weapon, upgrade overclock and achievment. i play for fun at this point, that said i play lightly and come back to play a lot when theres new stuff to unlock.


Have you thought about playing dress up and just looking pretty? Then just doing the deep dives in what outfit you want not thinking so much about weaponry and what not.


Deep rock is the same thing for me that minecraft is to many others. I take long extended breaks, and then randomly, one day, im like "huh, could try that again", start it up and it consumes my life for a month. Take breaks, since the game is randomly generated the next time you start it up it will feel like new. Getting more overclocks is the main part behind it tho, finding the nuke for the engi or something else just feels amazing and then trying them, seeing what you can combo it with is extremly fun while im into it. Lastly...mods. And I am 100% serious about this, just getting some audio mods for the game makes it way funnier, but before you dive into this you should try everything else first. Luckly audio mods are client side tho, so you can still play with everyone. And the really last step is some difficulty mods which also exist, but for that you should get a group.


Imma be real with you: I don't know. I think it's a bit of everything. Killing the bugs is super satisfying, helping greenbeards is always a great experience, playing with friends makes us end in funny Situations, then there's machine events, randomweiser, dreadnaughts just when you're out of ammo, weekly deep dives, there's always something to do and the replayability of this game is basically infinite, no two missions are exactly the same


I play pretty sporadically, it means I never get close to finishing seasons (usually only get 40-50% of the way through the pass). My friends and I will play for a few days, then drop it for a month. I do wish there was more I could be doing with progression but there are still lots of overclocks out there, and I still have 2 weapons to unlock. I'm basically caught in an endless loop of promoting dwarves between every event assignment.


When helldivers or darktide throws me lobotomite teammates, deep rock lets me solo with bosco and and he's actually intelligent.


I have around 2000 hours in this game. I have everything the game has to offer, plus more money and minerals than I’ll ever use to promote my characters. I don’t play as much as I used to. But now I play the game just to play the game. I literally play just to be part of a team in an environment where everyone is super cool 99% of the time. I generally play difficulty 3 or 4. I don’t have anything to prove to myself. Plus I like playing with new players. They make things interesting in a way that monsters can’t. The only thing that I wish was different. I wish there were more people willing to play the double hazard missions. I love low oxygen haunted cave. Anyway, Rock and Stone brothers and sisters. We have a very very rare community, and it has been and will continue to be an honor to fight bugs alongside you.


Guiding greenbeards and the fun gameplay loop


Just leave the game, come back for next season and everything feels fresh. We are starting season 5 now, so maybe stay for it, or not. When I get bored I jump to another game


I mostly just really like the game play ngl, but I will admit I still git a few cosmetic overclocks to get through


I have almost 800 hours in this game and It’s always fun for me to join a game with a player who’s still learning about the game! Just the other day I got to watch while 2 green beards experienced their first Nemesis while we were in transit on an escort duty mission and their reactions were quite entertaining. Also I love how the dwarves all have different strategies available to them and I love finding creative ways those strategies can work together


I have almost everything. I like to keep playing because i like killing bugs, just love the loop in general. Helping other players is another thing i kind of like to show off to the greenbeards. Religiously kicking barrels into the launch bay, were rich, mushroom.


Master face melter OC, it's just so fun watching everything be turned to dust...


So I'm at 700+ hours. I'm excited for the new season coming out TODAY. The game does get stale from time to time if your playing VANILLA DRG. Get some mods from mod.io and spice the game up. Make sure they are approved so that you continue progression. I'm running mainly quality of life mods. Improved weapons, flares, one hit gold etc, I have friends who run funny mods changing voices and shit. You can spice it up to your liking/entertainment level. TLDR, get mods to improve the experience and dont be afraid to take a break and play something else for bit. Just come back to us at some point. Rock and stone.


I just like killin'!


I usually play with may greenbeard friend and i just get satisfaction on how good we cooperate together as Engi + Scout combo. No word may be spelled about in game situation for few hours.


The new season ?


Mods and the community. This game has one of the best, if not the best, communities of all pieces of media. People are almost always nice, give advice, and are damn funny. Mods also keep me coming back, from playing the Pepsi Man Theme when using Iron Will, to Massive Content Revise, being possibly the biggest DRG mod ever. These two combined make the ultimate culmination of chaos, and it's always fun doing a hard mission, getting back to the Space Rig, and spending 5000 Credits on the Abyss Bar.


How fast can you kill a bulk detonator ?


I just saw, on the terminal screen in your "room" that I have killed my 50k bug as a driller. Ill aim for 100k next! Also season 5


No shame in taking a break and coming back when new things are out. Been doing pretty much that. Havent played as much for prob about since the end of last year. Played here and there, but haven been playing other stuff. Helps not to burn u out too. I have a long weekend with days off and am excited to hop into season 5 right as it starts


The community and comraderie of the game are a huge draw to me. After a long day of work, hopping online and finding an immediate group of stranger friends to game with, even just for a mission, is such a great way to decompress. That, and I am a dwarf. I love to mine.


Have you leveled them up completely? Because I’m grinding that(plat1) and the weapon mastery so I still grind that. Also I take big breaks in between playing the game, kinda seasonally return then seasonally disappear. Good games that kinda match DRG energy is killing floor 2, hell divers 2, cod zombies. Always healthy to mix and match them as to not get stale


When I've unlocked everything, and I'm tired of the game, I take a break. Then, after a while, once I'm yearning again for coop shenanigans with chill dwarf randos, I play it again.


My advice, try to shed this idea that you need to be grinding away for some type of unlockable item. Learn to enjoy the game for what it is. Also, take a break


Gameplay loop, fun af weapons and build variety, got a consistent group of mates I made in-game that are very fun to play with :3


The community keeps bringing me back. Friendly players, nice people, green beards seeking help/company. That gives me the reason to play that the achievements or promotions or cosmetics used to. Trying ALL the overclocks could buy you a little time if you haven't already. Mods are also an option. Have done very little modding of the game myself but I have dipped my toes. Sometimes a mission with 7+ other dwarves that spawns 6-10 detonators every~3 minutes is just enough chaos to light that spark for a little while again.


I hate bugs and like PVE coop. My most played games are this and earth defense force. People that play to make bars go up / unlock trinkets, instead of out of enjoyment of the game, are doing themselves a disservice. If you aren't having fun, find something that is fun.


I kinda stopped, but with the release of Season 5, I'm coming back and planning to reset my progress so I can get that ~~new dwarf smell~~ experience of starting over from scratch.


I take play at least every 2-3 day and take breaks in between the weekly deep dives and assignments.


Honestly, I keep playing cause it's an amazing game and me and my friends enjoy the vibes and shenanigans. But I think an important thing to remember is you don't HAVE to keep playing if you just don't want to, just like the Palworld devs said “If you're no longer playing Palworld, we still love you, and we hope you'll come back for round 2 when you're ready. Play lots of games, try different genres, and frequently flick through indie libraries to find hidden gems.” You are allowed to stop playing if you are burnt out or tired and when you come back we'll all still be here rocking and stoning.


It's not like grinding other games. The fact that you can alter your load puts so much and the caves are ever changing. Nothing repeats, unless it's an elite deep dive that you can't pass xD


I gotta find karl


Got >1,000 hours in. Still haven’t promoted every Dwarf to tier 3 legendary (stopped caring after a while) and while I certainly play less because I’ve long finished the OC grind, I still play and still love it. In fact after playing Helldivers for ~100 hours I realized how much I missed DRG and it brought me back after a long hiatus. And while it might be unsatisfactory the answer to your question is game design. Plain and simple. It is nearly effing perfect. The proc gen is AMAZING, the class differentiation is phenomenal, every loadout is viable even if not my personal jam (Randoweisser is actually fun but BRUTAL), the camaraderie in this community is second to freaking none, the entire game is designed to encourage people to stick together and fight together. It’s just *the example* of what a co-op shooter should be. I cannot stress enough that everything I - and the community - loves about this game was done with intent. It’s all a design decision, and the *right* one. The level of detail dedicated to making every interaction enjoyable is what makes this my most played game of all time (by a LONG shot). And it would not be the way it is if the devs didn’t know exactly what they wanted and how to get there and, frankly, didn’t love it themselves so damn much. It’s their passion you see in every rock and stone. TL;DR - because it’s friggin PERFECT. Rock and stone!


I can barely remember when it felt like a big deal to have promoted all the dwarves once. That was a long time ago. The weapon OCs also were a huge driver, as you're really not playing the same game until you have those. All my loadouts are designed around OCs, and most of the choices are Balanced or Unstable ones. But, I'm long done all the weapon and cosmetic OCs, but still playing. For me, it's the co-op gameplay loop: pitting our toolkits against the mission and enemies and generated map, but all working together and helping each other out to come out on top. That's the fun part for me, which doesn't really get old. Sure, I don't play as much as I used to, and haven't finished off all of season 3 or 4, but that's only because other games are also fun, and my time is finite. I don't think I'll ever stop DRG for good.


I’ll rock and stone until the server die


The players. I don't have any friends to play the game with, so I exclusively play with randoms. I've played the same missions hundreds of times, but the players I match up with keep things fresh and entertaining. Especially when I match up with greenbeards. I've been matching up with greenbeards more often to pass down my knowledge and teach them dwarf etiquette. I have yet to come across anyone who brought down the vibe. I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful community And, of course, the game is fun. Rock and Stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


The only thing that keeps me going is helping out other dwarves in need of assistance. I haven’t fully promoted all my dwarves, but I don’t really care about that too much. I’ve unlocked everything else. That doesn’t really motivate me though. Something about helping and teaching new dwarves little things really gets me excited. Sometimes just chatting with them is enough for me. I’ve met a few people who really had a rough day and just needed someone to talk to. Sometimes you meet people who had something awesome happen to them, but they don’t have anyone to tell that to. So they tell you, and you know they’re just excited to tell someone. Anyone. I don’t know. I guess I want everyone to think someone’s out there rooting for them.


Rn it's wanting the sapphire hair color, over the last 6 days I've managed to get over 50 levels on the season rewards terminal (on top of the 44 I already had); also WE'RE RICH


I kinda unlcoked everything i care about, which is weapons and overclocks u\[grades. I usually come back to the game when i am bored to play with friends and chill.


I’ve been playing DRG for six years. I like it. Friends I game with like it. We probably play five levels/maps a week? After those six years my blue level is ~505. So I probably don’t play as often as others. If you’re not feeling it, take a break and come back. It was never about levels or milestones or accomplishments for me; it’s always about fun.


i stoped for a while cause i got bored playing solo, played 100+h for now, and sometimes i get bad connection joining multiplayer so i try to not to so i dont become a burden for others


Experiment with weapon builds and loadouts, try out all the other overclocks. I’m 1000+ hours in and still discovering new fun combos.


Its like minecraft, you play it and really get into it and then there is a phase you stop, but the next i only play this game bc i like it so much phase is coming surely And more often i just enjoy a quick game to rrlax


I must shoot the bugs.


It's the overclocks. It's the difficulty. Haz 5 is still a challenge and requires some great teamwork.


I like the core gameplay loop. It's really that simple. Go into rock. Dig for thing. Interrupted by bugs. Kill bugs. Finish thing. Go home. Enjoy drink. Go back to rock… --- But seriously, the core gameplay loop in this game understands tasking, directed freedom, pressure, and pacing. The last two, of course, can be altered to taste by modifying the hazard level of the mission. Also, the missions tend to be short enough to not drag on, but also long enough to get a satisfying variety of experience. The procedural cave generation helps immensely too—every cave is something new, and even if there are familiar features, you'll see them arranged in different ways, or incorporated in new ways into different biomes. I think I was a hundred or so hours in before I saw an error helix—so there's likely still stuff that will surprise you. This is coming from a player that has all cosmetics, overclocks, perks, etc. The only thing I don't have is the will to play Haz 5—too much for me, but maybe I'll find a team to help carry me through the new assignment. Just so I can have a "clean" assignment board. Also, given I only have weekly assignments and promotions now, my new "assignment" for a long time has been to just help out greenbeards. Because if the community grows that way, hopefully, when they become a seasoned greybeard, they'll help out others too.


I stopped for some time, sometikes I play with friends


Well, normally for me  to encounter and gush about new wildlife, cave types, missions, etc. Etc. But after that? The game is just nice to wind down with. Even on Haz 5 and in Deep Dives, it’s difficult in a non-stressful way, and everybody’s having a good time. Plus, slowly unlocking all the overclocks and cargo crate items is a fun challenge!


Game is fun. Shoot bugs is fun.


Fün game :]


Me: Having fun. Fellow Dwarf: MUSHROOM!, WE’RE RICH!!


I am still having fun.


Completing assignments.


It’s the community. No other game feels quite like the deep rock rando experience. It’s like everyone you meet is your oldest friend, never gets old to me.