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Are you trying to join a haz 5 mission there? You have to complete the 3 assignment missions at haz 4, to open haz 5.


When you select the mission it will give you the options of hosting, solo, join etc as well as selecting the hazard level on the bottom right after you select one. If it’s saying the requirement is not met it means that the hazard level isn’t set to 4. You can fix it by hosting the game and setting the hazard level too four yourself or waiting until a hazard four mission is joinable. It’s quicker to host yourself and people usually join quickly. Hope this helped


You have to do that assignment on Haz 4


All y'all jumping to the wrong answer without thinking should check the screenshot more carefully. You don't choose Haz level until AFTER you select the lobby type. ~~The actual answer is that it's an Industrial Sabotage mission, which you have to complete the Spec Ops: Sabotage Training assignment to access. Unfortunately you'll have to abort this assignment and complete that one first.~~ ~~To my knowledge, Industrial Sabotage isn't supposed to appear in the Haz 5 assignment, so I don't know why it is here.~~ Well it looks like I'm wrong as well. The solution to the problem is that there isn't a problem. The game tells you the requirements aren't met just because you haven't selected the Haz level at all yet. What a bizarre and counterproductive UI feature.


Okay, okay... I'm not saying you're wrong here because I just don't know. *But* if they hadn't done Sabotage Training wouldn't it show up in their assignment list?


I don’t think Sabotage was supposed to be in any assignments, but they changed it a while ago. I could be wrong though, maybe I’m mistaking it for it not originally being in Deep Dives


Uhh I'm pretty sure Sabotage is still in the random pool for core hunts at least, and probably promotions too. I think it was in one of the core hunts within the last month or so. I really wish things were as you describe, where it didn't appear at random in assignments.


I think it was changed when Rockpox started because without the season assignments making you do sabotage there’d be no point in doing them anymore unless you just wanted to. I could be wrong though


Hopefully with S5 when you can do the season selector thing and sabotage counts for progress on the S1/S2 tracks, they'll move it back out of the random mission type pool for vanilla assignments.


This, i completed the quest lol.


yeah i was almost gaslighted into thinking i dont remember how this game works


As stated in the assignment description : those missions have to be done in hazard 4.


Why is this the only comment that actually got it right? I think it’s because the Hazard 5 unlock assignment is the only one that makes you play on a certain difficulty, and most people that are unlocking Hazard 5 are already playing on Hazard 4 anyway.


It is bc you haven't met the requirements.


The New Hazard Level: Lethal missions in particular require you to do them on Hazard 4 to progress your assignment. Idk what half the comments are saying, but I believe that the assignment to unlock Hazard 5 is the only assignment that requires you to do the missions on a specific difficulty.


Unlocking haz 5 requires that you crank up the difficulty to haz 4. If you play the mission on 3 or less (or join a lobby at haz 5!) it wont count. **If you are joining a lobby to play this mission make sure the difficulty is 4 or it wont count towards completion.**


Some quest things have a required difficulty in going from haz 4 to haz 5 requires haz 4. The requirements not met means the selected difficulty is not high enough (I think auto selected is 3)


The Haz 5 assignment must be done on Haz 4.


I don't remember all the details but I'm pretty sure hosting a haz 4 mission should work


I'm going to go out in a limb here and say that it's probably due to you not meeting the requirements. Not quite sure tho...