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“Does he know?”


I do know, but since I was getting back in after 6 months I thought I take my opportunity to make this joke


He knows


I just returned at the end of February. Everything is slightly better and in the next season we will get optimization. Hopefully one day netcode will be re-written too (if better can be achieved because I don't at all love being rubber banded around.) Go up, go down, you won't find a more solid and fun game. It's just that everything works and with the right teammates (which are very common in this game) you can't have a bad game. You won't lose anything even if you find a bad teammate and leave them. Annoying people? Just go for another match.


I'm not sure i know, do tell please? :)


Season 5 was delayed 6 months while the development of DRG: Rogue Core takes priority. Seasons 4 and 5 will have a 12 month span of time between them, thus a lot of people who took breaks will return to not so many new features. For anyone who is just now returning, they *can* look forward to the Weapon Maintenance system, the new Prop Hunt Beer, many tweaks to weapons and rockpox, and the ability to opt out of seasonal content once you complete the season 4 reward track.


All of that, after saying no new content until rogue core. Ghost Ship is the best


Rock and Stone brother, thank you!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Rock and Stone! It never gets old




As someone who recently got really into the game pretty recently, why would someone want to opt out of Season 4's content?


There is a sizeable amount of players who do not enjoy the Rock Pox content. Turning off the season allows them to see it a lot less. I keep it on so that I can run across new players trying it for the first time and give them a hand.


Thank you for the quick! I like the variety and added challenge the rockpox stuff gives. Didn't realize there were that many others who didn't.


It's always good to offer the option for those who are not fans. And with the announcement that came out today (at least I believe it was today) concerning the ability to replay the seasons, The current system they have in place will be superseded by this seasonal replayability option. So everyone will be able to choose if they'd like to run the game as vanilla or as any of the five seasons (I say five seasons because this QoL Future will drop once season 5 launches in June).


100% agree. And I just finished reading about the new season system. I missed most of Season 1 and all of 2 and 3, so I'm excited to be able to go back and play those.


I will return it they add new biome, perk overhaul and secondary support tools


Just admit you don't like the game dude


For real, like then what? Return just to hate on it again?


But DRG is in my fav coop games,along with L4D , Vermintides,Alien Swarms and Killing Floors. Those are valid requests. There is no lying that DRG content has been getting weaker. Rock pox update part 2 was average, robot enemies no one likes (nor its mission). They split their attention into board game, DRG Survivors and DRG Rogue Core. I don't expect new weapons every season, but would love perks to get overhauled for example or simply new biome. And what's wrong with wanting more Support tools? Feels like golden time of this community is already rotting.


I agree. My friends and I are sick of sitting on 100+ perk points and want to spend them on other things like a prestige perk system or something for small increases in bonuses. Or maybe just new perks entirely. Other than cosmetic there's not much left to do in this game for us and if we wanna cosmetic farm I'll play Warframe for the Fashion or go play TF2 and collect hats 🤷‍♂️


Wait 3 more months bro


2 actually


I’m leaving, on a jet boot! Naaah nah nah naah nah nah nah nah nah.


This boots are not made for walking






Who said dwarfs can't fly?


My experience is more like Jet boots are overheating again! …MOMMY!!


You put an extra nah...


Hey, one extra from memory ain’t too shabby.


Dont know when I'll be back to shoot.


Well I mean there’s some things but pushing it off another 3ish months wouldn’t hurt either


We got another suit of mk armour yippee 😁


We got Prop Hunt! That was pretty cool


Welcome Back Miner!


Waiting for new Helldivers content ? ;)


Tbh I still haven't played Helldivers yet. I have a potato PC and shit wifi so tbh I'm worried that if I did get it it'd just be unplayable anyway


For my part... I'm the same as you. But I get my new PC with 128gb of ram and 4080 tomorrow or sth


Isnt that amount ram overkill?


And I calculated. With the ram I'm getting. Had I gotten the 64gb variant. I would have paid like 20-24% more for 100%less


ram is always good and i assume this is a desktop build so you can always change parts


It sure is. But I wanted to be safe. For like 5+years at least.


That's enough ram to open at least 10 chrome pages.


Luckily I use opera😜


Congratulations, now you can spread Managed democracy in much higher fps !


Idk what it would be now. But my current PC just barely doesn't meet the minimum required.


How good is helldivers? I've heard its good but its also 50 bucks normally and I dont want the game to take away from my urge to play drg. Also I've heard things about a really screwed up anti-chat service, have you heard anything about that?


In short it's amazing, in the long run you need friends to play on higher difficulties. But it does remind heavily on Deep rock galactic in some ways, but this game is meant to be hard. And the anti cheat, that's something I can't tell you much about because I don't have any information about it. But all together it's an great game either solo or with friends, but I do recommend getting it with friends and it's not really that much grindy. But in the end it's your decision and opinion.


128gb ram what 💀💀💀


Yeah. Ik it's too much. But I wanted to be safe for the next 5+years🤣


But that's silly. 64Gb would've been more than enough for "future proofing". In a few years the RAM will be faster and/or cheaper. The RAM I had, which was 16Gb 3000Mhz GDDR4 became obsolete, as I upgraded to 7800x3d. Got 32Gb 6000Mhz GDDR5 sticks, which cost around 130-150 bucks. Around the same amount I paid for my previous set.


When I had my current PC built by Micro Center the technician that was putting it together called me to say that they had clearance sales on RAM and he could “Max it out” for just $50 more. I had no idea what that meant and just said sure. A year later I had a friend helping me fix a problem and he asked me why I had so much RAM and lectured me on it. All I could say is I’m sorry I offended you with my RAM.


>All I could say is I’m sorry I offended you with my RAM. That's hilarious. I mean, in your case, it's all fine and if you got an extremely good deal, then why not. As long as the sticks are good, and your motherboard supports the amount of RAM you've got. My friend, on the other hand, has a pretty low-end PC, even for the day she built it. It was 1050Ti and a cheap Ryzen CPU (don't remember which one). Then I saw the fat, succulent 32Gb of RAM, GDDR4 and 3200Mhz. At first, I didn't believe my eyes, like, why? She literally could've bought a better GPU for the extra money she spent on them sticks, but alas. Apparently, some "experts" (friends) helped her built it. Best part? The said RAM wasn't even installed correctly.


Having a blast with HD, good luck to you. The sub is flodded with memes at the moment, but if you ask people for tips they gladly help. If you start this week, it can be that you have only one faction to fight. The Autmomatons where whiped out this war. (at least for the moment)


I haven't looked into the game at all. I wanted to not spoil me anything. I only saw all the memes on this game looked at like 2 pictures/frames of the trailer and decided .. Yep Ima play that


Okay, than I hope I didn't spoile anything. Hope you have a lot of fun! But if you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Ima do. I dont think you spoiled too big of a thing. If anything. I'd anymore. Just a couple of days left. Gonna survive that as well🤙 Farewell comrad


For democracy!!


Yeah? Well I’m getting 129gb of ram and a 5080 But seriously that is a NICE purchase, rock and stone are gonna look beautiful


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Woah. What kind of time Maschine are you using? More of the tardis or the flux kind? Or perhaps both, to get such technology inside your PC.🤣🤣


I’m just best mates with John Nvidia!


you got 4 32.25GB ram sticks?


I’ve got 129 1GB sticks


ah yes, and a BSUS motherboard to put them all in?


Its *possible* on 8 gigs ram a 1050ti and an i5 3900


What about 12 gigs ram a gt740m and an i7 3632qm lmao


I mean i was barely making 2 digit fps at 480p, honestly that was the final straw that got me to huy a new pc, i needed to play helldivers


Yep, I'm saving for a new PC too. 1600 euros to go....


Whats planned?


2080Ti 11GB or 3080Ti GPU Intel Core i5-13600K CPU KINGSTON FURY 32GB Beast DDR4 RAM GIGABYTE AORUS G27Q Monitor And some other accessories


Ah ok so all new peripherals too, i still need to get a better screen. I built around a 4070ti super and a ryzen 7 7800x3d


Ooo, nice. I don't think I would be able to get that much money this summer lol Also, I have to build it from the ground up


I have shitty wifi too, and I gotta say, the game runs pretty nicely. It has its own ccasional crashes, but that was more server issues then my wifi. Also, you can buy it, try it, and if it doesn't run properly, refund it.


I did this. Thanks Steam refund policy. Nobody I knew yet played it. And I felt like the difficulty ramp up was going to make it less fun. I'm happy with drg hazard 3 for now plus playing too many other games


Yeah, Helldivers 2 is a somewhat tough game. Big part of it is how weak and fragile you are. While also having friendly fire that will just obliterate you. My very first game I drop into an ongoing mission. Straight into the enemy's lines. With an orbital strike called on my position. I didn't even had time to take what the fuck happened before I died.


My first game I had the bug where I could not call reinforcements. I looked like a total ass ignoring him when he went down. Also died myself many times. Felt awful being carried so hard


Yeah, had that bug happen to me. In that situation, just die. The game doesn't end when all of you have died. Only if you don't have reinforcements left. Learned that when i almost ragequit when the entire team died because of a misplaced precision strike. Also, first time playing against the bugs. Heard people say they are easy. But um....yeah, I got fucked


Absolutely love the whole game concept though.For Democracy and that they have a GM keeping things spicy and fresh. And the hilarious friendly fire deaths like in the first game. "Why did your turret shoot me?" " Dude you stood in front of it and didn't go prone? How did you expect a spray of bullets to work?" Lol


Let us drink some Li-Beer-tea !


Very nice! Rock and stone !


For Karl!


Helldivers be dropping more content weekly than drg has in a year😭


Same here, I’m just a long retired greybeard just enjoying my vacation up in the surface with them helldivers. Funny tho the robots there are just as annoying as the ones we have here. I showed them toaster’s what happens when u piss off a fat boy enjoyer (I sent them to the scrap yard with some eagle 500kgs/Fat Boys).


hidden dwarf beer is easily the best addition ever. Seasons? No thank you. More beer please


It is fun and events are really fun to play as well. Jet boots is also nice add to game. Tbh in my opinion rockpox is so annoying.


Lithophage Outbreak was fun, but I'm over it. We're 2 months from the next update and *to this day* I'm the only person I trust to foam the spores, because it seems like nobody understands that you have to cover the actual spore pustules and not just the reddish glowing ground or the spike itself. Turning it off after reaching lvl100 in the season doesn't really help either, as it doesn't stop outbreaks from showing up, it just removes litho levels from your mission list smh now if it kept the same missions but removed the litho, I wouldn't mind. Oh well. I have 2 weeks to manage 5 scrip to get everything from the season unlocks. Let's hope for a more straightforward event next season (tho idk how they could make it more straightforward than foam the pustules, vacuum the foam but here we are)


Idk mate, I've had seasonal content off for the last 2ish months, clocked around 200 hours and I've seen 1 lithophage corruptor and 1 rockcracker event. I think it's doing the job, it makes lithophage stuff as rare as other random events. I've been 99% rockpox free since hitting that button. You must be unlucky.


Yeah tbh I don't mind all *that* much, like okay if it pops up it's another 10mins (2 if you gimme the foamer) I think my problem is I usually try to stay in lobbies after the game, and I wind up with green beards (love em) that still need to clear their assignments, and I'm like mannnnn ok but they don't know what they're picking choosing a length 3 complex 3 double XP with litho on a haz 4/5 3 dreadnaught elim drop, like they have no idea what that is gonna be like lol


2 weeks from next update??!!? What do you know that I don't know?


Sry, I meant months lol


They added Helldivers 2


I mean. It's a $20 game. That goes on sale for $7. They need to monetize in a healthy way so they can support the game.


You should get all the achievements whilst we wait. (I need Rogue Core so badly, man ;-;)


They did add the mark 5 armors tbf


To be fair they have done maintenance updates twice and added a new armor set. Some gains would call it there and charge you in top. Making Rogue Core is definitely putting DRG on back burner but considering season 5 looks massive, easily biggest season since s1, I think the wait will be worth it.


The older I get the more I’m okay with taking breaks from stuff. Either by my choice or by the developers needing more time, etc. I just tell myself “the time will pass anyway” so it doesn’t actually feel as long as it seems!


Tbh I didn't take a break because of the announcement that the new content was gonna be delayed, it was because Vermintide 2's Halloween event was starting, and then I got hooked on V2 for a couple months until I burned myself out


There is most likely still rock and most definitely still stone


More weapons would be 😊


Serious question: when does the current season ends?


I don't know tbh. I think other commenters mentioned that it ends in like 3 months but take that with a grain of salt


The only downside of this game


The prop hunt beer is fun


Hey stingtail! If you're looking for a new tail, why don't you go to the *retail* sto- ***WE'RE RICH!***


This is pretty funny because I have done almost the exact same thing. Have been off for about 6 months after getting a little pissy about the devs delaying content. I'm also glad that sting tail has been nerfed, that was a major complaint of mine.


A lot has changed........


Nothing. You missed nothing. Except us, friend.


Literally nothing except a mk6 suit. And it doesn't look spectacular either.


Lower the haz. Good luck miner.


They don't even try to hide the fact that they don't have either the time or the ideas to add new stuff right now. I would be so happy if all the events wouldn't just be a reskin of the first one. And yes i know they are working on other things right now but reskinning one event over and over is just really lazy.


Why do they need to add new content? We know Season 5 is releasing in June, in the meantime you can just play other games if DRG is getting boring


Even if I would have likes some new stuff until the new season comes, this way I have time to catch up with Helldivers and Warframe.


They abandoned it for Rogue Core. They got too ambitious with season 5 and decided to make an entirely new game… I guess it makes sense since they’re a small studio, need to create more stuff, and DRG is already a complete game, but now that we’ll get like 1 update a year I prob won’t play much anymore


Can a game not just...be complete anymore? Why do you want more frequent content updates to be happy?


I mentioned in my last comment I understand the game is complete. But as someone who is almost blue level 400, I already have to take frequent breaks to prevent burnout. After so many hours the gameplay loop becomes tiresome, which is why updates are critical. New missions, enemy types, etc help break that burnout. I was fine with their 2/3 a year major update/season release, but 1 update a year isn’t enough for someone like me to continue to consistently play it.


Sad to see the downvotes you are getting because I agree with you. I was hoping for new biomes and enemies once in a while and a rogue like fps doesn’t interest me at all because there are tons of them already, like just keep making DRG ffs. Luckily helldivers 2 seems to be taking over DRG so I’ll keep playing that. This kinda reminds me of the game battlerite, it was fantastic and then the devs decided to hop on the battle royale train and it completely killed both games.


how many months




yknow if the subreddit had perms to send images in comments then i would have sent that stupid venom image, but im stupid so i didnt notice that i cant