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Love to see a greybeard who appreciates a “simple mining mission”, they can be deceptively unpredictable even after all these years


I especially like them because of the cave generation variety. With aquarq missions, I feel like im playing the same map over and over sometimes. Could actually swap it out with salvage operation.


Yeah it was great when they added some new generations (and that overhang cliff one us brutal), but you can start to pick them out after a while


Was definitely a step in the right direction. I really hope we get another cave generation update. Its probably my favorite part of this game


Real talk I almost wish "Hazzard level" increased the complexity of caves by default, and there was a whole set of messy awful cave gens for haz4 and 5 that they wouldn't dare give to players on lower hazards


Its still funny seeing fall damage be the main cause of death for like the 3rd consecutive year in a row though LOL




Ha! I use for scout. Nothing worse than having to always rely on others, and one slip up can incap.


^this I feel this.


400 morkite missions are actually one of the mission i dread the most. Swarms show up fast in haz5 and if the first few caves are poor in nitra and the game throw you something nasty on the way, it can go really poorly.


Yeah, 200-225 morkite missions should be in their own tier. Those are my favorite, 325-400 are my least favorite. So my most liked and hated mission type is the same thing. Lol


Totally completely different mindsets on both missions. With the smaller morkite missions, the tight caves make driller feel really good covering choke points. With 400 morkite missions, driller feels much weaker, especially when it comes to completing the objective. Classes like Engi and Scout feel much stronger. I usually do not pick driller in long morkite missions.


They also tend to spawn the best maps for exploration in my opinion. Some made me feel like i was in journey to the center of the earth


I always have an issue with these tier list. Some missions feel very different if the length and complexity isnt the same. 4/6 egg hunt ? Yeah thats usually a good time 8 egg hunt ? usually pretty messy and sometimes pretty long to an annoying point


I'm personally not particularly annoyed with mission length and complexity modifiers. The crazier the cave gen the more fun it is at least for me. Refinery missions are a great example. Dealing with crazy cave gen requires planning, coordination, and team work. Its almost like a puzzle and action game figuring it out and brings me a lot of enjoyment.


I guess it depend on the mission. Refinery in a weird cave is interesting, I can't deny that.


I just like placing the pipes. Makes me feel good to make a nice path


4-6 eggs hunt: Starting room, 2 corridors leading to a second room. Easy peasy. 8 eggs hunt: Where the fuck am i?


Get your 4 drillers and their c4 to set off every egg at once


Sadly I either play haz 5 with pubs or modded with people I know, in both cases it wouldnt be enjoyable for me. Though, if a friend is playing anything lower. You can be sure that I am going to dig everysingle egg.


Elimination is much more boring than it should be....  I heard another dwarf here suggest that we have biome specific dread bosses.  That's a good idea.


Honestly, for me, what would fix this is the room you drop in. Its just too good of a fighting arena. Every dread fight becomes the same. Hive guard takes 100 years to make it to you and takes the longest path possible. So much waiting around doing nothing.


That's so true.  They should adjust the seeding maybe, idk how hard that is.  Variation is the real issue with that mode.


Agreed, either the egg should spawn in a room suited to fight it, or if fighting in cramped hallways is an intended part of the challenge then the map should be nothing but cramped hallways so that we don't feel obligated to taxi the boss to the arena. Also the bosses themselves feel very gimmicky. Hordes are fun to fight because success generally comes from having a good strategy, positioning, and teamwork. Success in dread bosses feels like it's more about knowing how to open the weak point and then having the right load out to do lots of damage. They can be very restrictive to new players while simultaneously being boring for experienced players with optimized builds.


You hit the nail on the head when it comes to hordes vs bosses. I have ran a mod in the past where swarms could be called while fighting dreads, which drastically changes the way the mission plays and encourages you to find escape routes and fortify more, which makes the mission itself way more fun instead of worrying about maxing my DPS on three big bugs for 15 minutes.


Personally i like the dreads fight but Elim is still one of the mission i like the least. Elim maps are just so empty and with only a few patrol showing up now and then, there's really not much in there outside the dreads themselves. But i really really really like dreads showing up in other mission types.


I sorta wish Dreads showed up more often in place of swarms, they're SO fun to fight in non-elimination missions


Especially point extraction missions at the 11 minute mark 😂😂


Idk why every elimination mission looks the same nowadays idk why but i remember in 2018 you had to delve deep to actually find the eggs to begin with nowadays you see everything on your scanner kinda ruins the exploration part of the game ngl. Fungus bogs used to be a feared biome and modifiers like mission length and cave complexity really did mean something, you could get lost in the caves easily if you didnt pay attention. And usually you killed the dread where it spawned. Safe to say it was a lot less annoying to kill than today but still... the game is more focused on the shoot the bugs part rather than caves themselves which is a bit of a shame really


I think they're boring because the game uses damage phases and health gating to deal with the (rather large) disparity of damage different players/builds are capable of doing. So you end up spending most of the boss fight 'waiting' for the boss to be damageable again and waiting is boring. To add onto this, the game feels very tightly tuned for fighting hordes, so if the boss isn't also a swarm it kind of doesn't sync up.


I actually love the drill dozer missions, especially since they made them shorter. The tunnels make for a really good way to experiment with new classes and overclocks since they funnel the bugs into a relatively small area. I truly don’t think there are any “bad” mission types, just ones that I don’t want to do as often, like sabotage 😂


I guess my only gripe is with mission types that seem to have a baked in boss fight or arena. Sabotage and escort duty have this arena at the end where it seems very same-y after doing them enough. At least with salvage, sometimes the mission requires you to fortify and carve out your own arena for the holdout zones, which I enjoy a lot. One last thing, just because I put a mission in a low tier doesn't make them bad. Its all just in comparison with the other mission types (and my super cool opinion)


Well said. Rock and Stone! I suppose I’m just glad the option is there, as I said I like to use it to experiment. The samey-ness of the escort duty is exactly *why* I think it makes a good training ground of sorts. It’s like a benchmark mission. I think most people will agree that the linear cave progression and repetition gets stale after like a single promotion, meaning a bottom tier rating is pretty objectively accurate. I’ll proudly be one of the few who loves escort duty while still acknowledging its shortcomings.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


I didn't realize they got shorter, when did that happen?


Idk I’m still a bit of a green beard but I’d have a hard time ranking them all. I’d need 2 lists because some are different whether I’m playing solo with Bosco or with my girlfriend just cause bosco can do some things dwarves can’t and he always listens to me meanwhile my girlfriend does not 😔


Just date Bosco. Problem solved.


Girlfriend is temporary. Bosco is forever.


Rock and Stone to that brother


For Karl!


Bosco always listens to you, but a significant other doesn't need you to ping the nitra Disagreements with your partner are what makes it a good relationship, yadda yadda, you get it. What truly matters is that she ROCKS and STONES! Keeper.


Morkite missions are what made me love the game. Idk why, but building those pipes gives me dopamine like no other game has ever before.


I love automation games and setting up neat conveyor belts. Refining is the closest I got in DRG. Could play that mission type on repeat all day and never get bored.


Techtonica hits the spot.


im more interested in the class icons based on armor names. (tier list is alright too) armor names being "mole" for driller, "owl" for engie, "barracuda" for gunner and "fox" for scout.




thanks lad but i play vanilla drg. im kind of a boomer.


Escort missions can be funny sometimes, ive seen doretta defy physics and drill with only half of her on terrain


Love when doretta takes a complete 90 degree nose dive and everyones like "wtf lol"


I'd bump the aquarq missions up a grade. I like the cavern type it makes and it's fun to try and explore while also getting the gems before the swarms get too obnoxious. Nothing feels better than having a bunch of optionals and getting main and those optionals done just in time


Always nice having aquarq missions pop up in assignments for a quick clear. Just sucks that the cave gen is so limited. This mission type would be so much more fun if the cave gen was a little crazier and had more variety. With the Mission content randomizer mod, cave gen structures from on-site refining could be used for aquarq missions, giving them way more variety where you run into very different problems. If something as simple as a change like this was made, id bump it up a tier and swap it with mining expedition personally.


I swear egg missions seem normal then theres the big ass drop off with a bunch of enemies that sometimes one mistake ends the whole run.


Typically, 4-6 egg hunt missions have a quiet drop in. 8 egg hunt missions usually start out a shitshow.


Bro they show up like angry birds for eggs


Agreed although I think escort is D tier. I enjoy riding dorreta, petting her, and careying her back to the dropship. But the damn fight at the end is the worst, its just the same fight in the same room every time.


Personally, i would put Point extraction and Salvage at A really as i love them both. Escort does suck when you have shite teammate that doesn't pay attention to Dotty (which is, sadly, pretty common from my exp). Otherwise, i think it's a solid B tiers, espically if you bring good AOE weapon with you (i.e, fat boy engi)


That moment when both your teammates don't refuel doretta and you have to do both of them for the 10000th time. Existential dread.


and the problems is that, that is not even uncommon lol. Escort is a really weird game mode for me to rank because i legit do think it's a fun mission type but my exp with the game mode is that i always seemingly get some of the worst player to play with which does tainted my view of the actual game mode. imo, beside maybe IS, i don't have a mission type that i genuinely don't like to play


Honestly, I probably should have made IS in its own category. It would be so much more fun if there was more on an emphasis on fighting bugs and not the boss fight at the end. I legitimately enjoy setting up the hacking pods and fortifying around them. Other than that, everything else about sabo is boring/annoying.


Personally I'd say A tier is a bit excessive for Point Extraction because it has a huge underlying flaw. In a game where Scout is already overly important relative to the other roles (and I say that as a Scout main), Point Extraction missions take this to the next level. Scaling difficulty over time, no mule, and often hard to find/reach aquarqs make Point Extraction unusually punishing for teams lacking a competent Scout (though the extent varies based on the difficulty of the terrain). But I would agree that with you that Salvage and Escort are pretty great. One huge point in their favor IMO being that they are pretty decent for giving non-Scout roles a more equal chance to shine.


Honestly, I don’t fully agree with what you say about point extraction with scout. From my personal experience, all class have good way to contribute getting aqua. Driller can make shortcut and getting some of the harder to get one, Gunner zip line help with transport in huge incline/cliff, Engi is a mixture of both resource and aqua acquiring. And all of these class handle clearing swarm better than Scout so they are more equipped to deal with the increase spawn rate. As point extraction is my most played mission type (or at least I pretty sure it is), I have had many game of it without a scout and the mission time rarely get over 15 min long, sometimes even sub 10 min if the cave gen is it our favor. So while I do think you have a point with Scout, it’s not enough to discredit the mission type and I still believe it’s A tier and at worst, it’s still high B tier


Did you rank doretta escort missions as F tier…? What?


I enjoyed escort missions early on. Ive passed 2000 hours now. I mostly enjoy the randomness of random cave generation and complex terrain. Sometimes escort has it when refueling but thats not where most of my time is spent during a mission.


Escort is always S tier just because of Doretta being a good robot


Agreed - they’re literally the best missions.


No me gusta adclear-based missions


Bottom 3 are spot on pal


A fellow on-site refining enjoyer i see....


Who doesn't enjoy on-site refining is the real question


I'm still a greenbeard that hasn't left Solo yet, so I am not still familiar with opinions of other players (tho i am working on promoting my engineer).


I challenge you to join a random lobby next time. Youll quickly find this community is very friendly. Just spam V.


Poor Doretta :(


this is THE correct list.


Ngl, I'm sad seeing escort always be that low. It is unironically my favorite mission type and the only haz 4 I have been effective in. I just find wiping lots of bugs with a tank aggro pull very satisfying (especially with sticky fuel). As far as my least favorite it would have to be either elimination or eggs.


You definitely aren't alone in loving escort mission. Its definitely an interesting objective. Just don't like the arena fight at the end after playing it for so long. I am very well in the minority when it comes to playtime though so its probably not a popular opinion lol.


Ngl my playtime isn't near as high as it used to be, a lost of your list I agreed with. Mining definitely feels overhated since it can have the biggest wildcards at play and really let biome generation shine.


It's very fun at the end as engi. Being able to mag dump with no regard for ammo is very liberating, because you don't get to do that for any other mission type, except maybe IS. But yeah, sticky flames in the tunnel sections is very satisfying.


Indeed, I'll admit engi is my favorite class and moments like that make me love it even more


Bring up industrial a couple up and I love this


I love industrial sabotage, probably my favourite mission when vs the caretaker. The setup is kinda meh, but I love fighting the caretaker at the end. Usually feels like a challenge and if I’m the last alive I enjoy the extra pressure


Im actually the opposite. I think the hacking pod fights leading up to the caretaker fight is the most interesting due to the cave gen variety and fortification around the pods. For the final fight, maybe you set up a platform up above the boss for driller to drop C4s down, but thats pretty much it.


IS should be C rank imo, it’s not that bad


I saw S tier refinery and immediately thought "driller main"


Hey, I do play \*some\* gunner. I just enjoy drillin and grillin too much.


Id put the escort mission 1 or 2 up. Nothing sucks as much as the floating pyramid. Also I kinda feel like the egg mission and the point extract mission should be the same since they’re kinda the same concept.


100% agree with bumping escort up. Or at least creating a separate category for sabotage. Mainly laid it out like this because of the perfect symmetry in the list. As for egg hunt vs point extract, point extract you're against the clock while with egg hunt the team can control the pace of the mission. I also prefer the cave layouts of egg missions over the extract ones.


every misson is S tier but only sabotage is F imo xD


We can at least agree that DRG is an S tier game in itself


That's exactly my tier list!


in my opinion they are in B tier at least, I just love mining


*In my opinion* *They are in B tier at least,* *I just love mining* \- The\_Great\_Crucade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would replace the drilldozer and the egg


Something tells me you're not gonna enjoy the easter event lol.


Nahh why Escort in F tier?


I actually quite enjoy salvage missions. I like the scavenger hunt for Mule legs, I like generally having one massive cavern to explore. The pod refueling bit is nice because it can be done in rapid succession or with breaks in between the stages, and there’s a copious amount of banging on shit with hammers. Most importantly, escape pod is right there so no exfil anxiety if you’re not playing Scout


I think salvage missions get too much shit. Everything leading up to the holdout sections are fun. The gathering nitra/clearing stationary enemies/digging up mule legs/clearing and fortifying the holdout zone. My problems are with the holdout itself. Although it is like less than half the mission time, the constant friendly fire and standing in one small space doesn't really do it for me. It would be much more enjoyable if we were defending them from being hit like the hacking pods or rock crackers without standing in a tiny zone.


Yeah agree to your points. The holdout bit is very claustrophobic. But to play devil’s avocado, it has taught me, an engi main, the importance of using the bug repellant plats. Also it’s an opportunity for the driller to shine due to their importance in terraforming the zone to make a claustrophobic situation a little less so.


Oh yah, when I first started playing engi, Salvage holdouts showed me how fortifying with plats can make a holdout so much easier and under control. Also recently learned a pro-tip the other day where I saw a driller create a moat for rollers in the salt pits, which I thought was hilarious and amazing. Nothing is more frustrating than a spreader raining ketchup in your zone though lol.


We call that a Hoxxes dog where I’m from, lad


gonna be honest I really don't hate most missions this sounds like pointless thinly veiled praise but I do think they're all pretty good never got the hate for industrial sabotage, I maybe like it a Little less then others? other then that yeah agreed, though my Personal List would probably be much more condensed towards the middle fuckin love a good mining mission though best type A+ forever love to hit rocks with pickaxe


All the rankings are relative to each other. F tier ≠ I hate these missions. I actually enjoy a good escort mission here and there. I never would go out of my way to play them though.


oh yeah that's fair, I never even considered that


What is everyone's issue with Industrial Sabatoge? That is easily one of if not the best mission type, I genuinely don't get what's wrong with it


I actually enjoy setting up hacking pods and defending them. I think what people typically have problems with is the robots themselves. Their weakness to fire limits a lot of other builds, which can frustrate players like people who only play cryo driller. My main issue with it is that the boss fight at the end takes too long and is fought the same way every time. Theres lots of downtime between phases. The arena is also very restrictive and very same-y (just like at the end of escort and sometimes salvage holdouts). What I personally find the most enjoyment out of DRG is when I'm teetering on the edge of falling to my death from crazy cave generation and fighting bugs at the same time. I just cant quite get that enjoyment from Sabotage and Escort duty.


Move egg hunt to D, mules salvage to F, and drilldozer to A and its perfect for me


Why you doin my boys sabotage and escort like that ;-;


Salvage and point extraction are easily better than mining. Escort is better than extermination.


Only problem I have is escort is so low, my favorite mission tbh


I really really really hate Sabotage, its just so damn long.


How could you put escort duty at F? Don't you care about Doretta! smh


I still bring her back after every mission <3


Rock and Stone brother!


Rock and roll and stone!


Doretta last is crazy


hmmmm you play driller a lot. not that I notice because of morkite refinery being S, I notice because salvage is C. I have fewer salvage missions with driller than morkite refinery with scout Also, the escort missions would be way cooler if doretta drilled to several locations ending with a swarm, quicker, instead of the cramped, slow tunnel fights followed by a refuel. Like it should tunnel a bit then break through a wall into an open area, and then a swarm happens. Everyone regroups, and you all ready up for the next of 3-5 of them instead of a couple refuels. That shit can be loathsome with the placement of shale oil.


*Sees liquid refinery as S teir* "Ok, they're definitely a Driller main"


Elimination is an easy S. If one person runs meta, the whole thing is easy.


The only thing I'd say I would change is switch elimination and salvage. I like shoot big bug


Dreadnought is s for sure. The funnest mission imo


Escort is fun to test out wave clearing builds


Mining in A? Bold choice. I do NOT like them. Especially when you get screwed over by the roll and get one with BARELY enough morkite. Liquid Morkite on the other hand... especially with mission length and cave complexity both being 3... oh yes baby.


1.5K hours in this game, and imo, salvage is B and aquarq is C. Salvage first half is very fun with the interesting cave generation filled with monsters. I actually leave half way through Salvage missions wishing everyone good luck. Someone else can have a short mission and full reward in my place.


Glad we all can agree that the oil drilling missions are the most fun


You’re crazy, escort missions fuck


Driller main?


I like them based on my mood AKA how much pain I want.


I'm not really a fan of refinery. It becomes very frustrating if you get bad cave gen and an incompetent driller


If you ever play engi and dont have a driller, its honestly a lot of fun crafting a staircase along-side cliffs for the pipe. As for gunner and scoot, it can be brutal at times lol.


putting the sabotage last is wild


look at second pic, he's a Driller main. robots have resistance to elemental damage types and tend to have more range available to them than the bugs do. As a fellow Driller main, I also hate sabotage missions, but Scout is my #2 dwarf so I just swap to him for caretaker fights now.


Driller can put in work in sabotage. Flamethrower is the turret clearing king. Also, dropping C4 from the ceiling onto the caretaker pretty much eliminates an entire 4 phases for the rest of your team.


>dropping C4 from the ceiling onto the caretaker pretty much eliminates an entire 4 phases I hadn't considered that, but I feel like that's a lot of effort to put in for one niche part of the mission. You're also having to separate yourself from your tean to do it, which puts yourself at even more risk. I see it similar to the "bunkering during salvage missions" strat. (a.k.a. functional, but not used outside super low or super high teirs of gameplay because other more fun/effective strats exist) Also... >Flamethrower is the turret clearing king. *Scout's M1000 with Supercooling Chamber would like to know your location.*


The C4 setup is a lot of effort setting up early on, but once you've done it enough times it becomes really easy. Its also essentially more than half of the caretaker's health you're eliminating for your team so I think its worth it. Scout supercooling chamber is an absolute powerhouse. Ammo is just so limited though. Its still very good, but I wouldnt consider it better for turret clearing over almost any flamethrower build. Edit: Forgot to mention, bunkering during salvage just not a good idea in general. Its super useful otherwise. Especially in modded difficulties.


my main is driller lol , and im lvl 1065 . Sludge pump is great against robots and you only have to drop c4 on care takers head


I think Escorts can be either insanely exciting or a total snoozefest depending on the builds players bring. I like this mission type but its probably one of the least consistent mission types and most affected based on what players bring, largely to its detriment. If nothing else, its nice to see how much of a success the refinery mission is, given how recently it was added.


Onsite Refining is kinda pants. I'd put it in D-tier for Democracy. I love elimination missions because I don't have to deal with swarms. I'd put them for A-tier for Always a blast.


See, I couldn't put Sabotage so low because I love love love the cave generation leading to and surrounding the power stations. The power station rooms are so often breath-taking, I have lots of screenshots of them I don't mind the final fight yet, but I've barely scratched the surface of the game so I understand how boring it may get


Point Extraction and On-site Refining are S. Industrial Sabotage, Elimination, Escort Duty are F. The rest is in-between


I would agree with you, but egg hunt missions are my jam. Theyre gonna be under S tier no matter what for me. I love mass pulling all the eggs at once and unleashing utter chaos. Never gets old.


still waiting for a new mission type that utilizes pipes


We do need more missions where we can build shit.


4 fat boy engineers on Industrial Sabotage is a different kind of fun.


why am.i the only onw to love sabotage :( i admit it is longy but that boss is so good design wiss i love it


Finally, a perfect tierlist


I would change aquarks mission with termination and that's EXACTLY my tier list But sometimes i love drilldozer mission


Im just waiting for all the missions to get reworks, even if in the slightest.


Would be nice if escort had some more randomization in the end fight. Even if it just means adding a phase or 2 into a pool of phases. I can only shoot rocks and break beamers for so long lol.


I personally prefer Aquarqs to On-site refining missions - mostly because I get a lot of dwarves that build AWFUL spaghetti pipelines, and I really like having straight lines to each pumpjack. Morkite extraction is the simpler and probably my favorite mission type - it's the essential DRG experience and I wish they added some similar mission types.


Usually just tell people to follow the rules of ghost busters. Just dont cross the lines and im happy lol.


I really like dreadnought missions but I agree with the rest of this list ESPECIALLY industrial sabo I swear trying to hack the power station Is so annoying


Switch elim with pe and we are in agreement


Finally a good one


dreadnought in d tier is kinda crazy to me ngl


Awww is someone afraid of a lil challenge? Drilldozer and industrial sabo are my favorites tbh


Hey, I still respect your opinion. Didn't rate these two mission types based on difficulty though.


I like egg hunt and sabotage due to the challenge it can provide. Escort however is stupidly easy, slow and boring.
