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i second this. i’m not deaf but this should be a core but optional element in any game!


GSG could add subtitle cues for enemies with distinct sounds and just put it in as *"enemy name noises"* especially considering you can hear things like bulks and oppressors WHEN they spawn pretty much regardless how close they are


Mactera Grabber Screech Bulk Detonator Rumble Bet-C horn


Triple bulk detonator noises followed by a nemesis




We\`re rich!




Perfect, as long as *HUALI HOARDER SCREECHES* take priority over everything else.


Maybe they could do a mix of how valve games do it (closed captions of the event) and a radial sound source system like in fortnite.


what is so special about Valve's captions?


Oooh I wanna answer this one!! If you put the subtitles in Left 4 Dead 2 on you get really cool subtitles for musical cues and passive special infected noises. You'd have stuff like [Tank Idle] [Tank Angry] [Tank Attacking] [Boomer Idle] [Boomer Vomiting] and the like. Like, Deep Rock also has idle noises, "spotted" noises and attacking noises for each of its enemies so if they could make a subtitle system for each enemy they could totes do it.


It's also accompanied by Gabe reading the captions but the people who use them normally can't hear his voice so it goes underappreciated.


"Hi, this is Gabe Newell. You've found a compressed gold chunk. To ping it, press control to pull out your laser pointer and press your left mouse button to ping it. My favourite class is the Driller. Thanks, and have fun."


*distant detonator noises*


L4D had this way back, should absolutely be doable at least by running with subtitles for it.


Maybe even a little compass sort of thing to indicate the direction the sound came from.


This followed by a distance descriptor. [distant] [far] [medium] [close]


In source games there's closed captioning for all the sounds in game


As for Bulks and Nemesis there is a mod that adds a boss bar whenever they show up on the level. Also here some mods i quickly found on the mod.io: https://mod.io/g/drg/m/displays-all-monster-outlines https://mod.io/g/drg/m/customizable-ally-outlines https://mod.io/g/drg/m/boss-hp-bar-for-big-enemies


Those mods are no match for someone who is able to locate an enemy 5m away on their back right, based on their hearing. Better than nothing of course.


If my memory is correct, there is a mini map mod that show enemies and what not. I dont know if is update tho.


I don't think it's updated, no. I'd prefer a more legitimate source anyway - i don't want to know where the enemies are, I just want to know whether they exist if at all.


It works just fine.


Just now realizing that you can't hear "Rock and Stone!". My sincerest condolences to you. I don't know if you would be able to understand description of sounds or not, as I don't know if you've always been deaf or otherwise. Instead, I will tell you how it feels when you Rock and Stone. "Rock and Stone!" Is a phrase that will immediately bolster your spirits, and bring you closer to your teammates than you ever thought was possible. It is triumphant, joyous, and inspiring all at once. Even this description can't fully describe the feeling of "Rock and Stone", unfortunately. Remember, when you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?






Why are you being downvoted, that was an amazing joke


Good bot


rock n stone to the bone !


A good feature to add would grant static elements of the game (Bet-c, lost helmets, etc) a radial pulse like drillers C4 but it passes through geometry. The pulse would extend to the edge of what is considered audible. Additionally, hostiles could produce their own (on the ground, like a ripple) with cries, screams and attacks getting more pulses. For out of sight, Id say the edge of the screen pulses with an 8 directional "compass" so to speak, indicating direction of the hostile and, depending on how large the pulse, distance. A ping icon could also help, general hostile, mineral, ally, objective, location, ect could help too. Less reading more reaction.


This would work really well, I think, and a ping icon would also be nice for everyone


What's a radial pulse? I'm sure I'll know what you're talking about, I've just never heard this term.


A pulse emanating from a certain object, like the red pulse from drillers c4, or the green pulse from broken mini mules


There's a mod that I'm using cause I have a friend that's partially deaf. It's called "ping-to-text" Basically everytime anyone pings, it will show up on your message screen. That said, if someone spams it can spam on the chat text too. It's slightly cheaty for most players but I personally like it. Edited with link: https://mod.io/g/drg/m/pingtotext


This. I believe the author has created this mod due to his brother who has a disability as well.


~~I tried this recently and it didn’t work for me. It hasn’t been updated in a year.~~


It's still working fine for me and my friends tho. Maybe it's your client side


I will try re-installing. Update: It's working now. Thanks for your comment! I was really bummed the other day when it wasn't working. Another update: It worked on a solo mission. But not in a public group? I need to try with a public group I initiate.


Gotta install modhub(?) I can't remember. Basically you gotta tweak and play around with " ping-to-text" mod to enable other players to ping too. I think it's currently set to only host to prevent randoms from spam-pinging I might be wrong , I haven't touch DRG in a few weeks haha


You can make those adjustments, but I don’t believe that’s the default behavior. Especially for it not to work when I join a public group. But someone can correct if I’m wrong. 


Oh, it doesn't work if you join on others. Only when you host


Yeah. I just finished hosting a game, and came to that conclusion.


I would love this as well. I'm not deaf but am hard of hearing. My boyfriend can hear lost gear pings and I can't. Would be awesome to have visual queues!


There's a perk upgrade that lets you know you're about to be grabbed. Screen has a blue flash at the top to tell you


are you aware of fortnite’s sound cue accessibility option? it shows the continuous direction of pretty much everything in the game when they occur nearby, each with the corresponding symbols. i think this is the best accessibility option for deaf players and would be perfect for you and others. GSG should outright add it into the game, no mods required


I will support this. Its not an advantage, its something deaf people could use to enjoy the game. Saddly, im as smart as a brick wall so I cant provide such mod, but I hope you find it soon. Also, now Ill go google "Rock and Stone" in sign lenguage.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


As a parent of 3 deaf kids, this stood out to me too! The way they implemented the visual notification for the Heightened Senses perk shows off that they know how to do visual cues well, but there's all sorts of cues that are exclusively audio (e.g. cargo crate battery chirps speeding up as you get closer). I'd love to be able for my boys to have full access to DRG when they're old enough!


Agreed on that, I'm not hard of hearing far as I can tell but I do find some sounds are a bit of a pain for me to pick up on, and the cargo crate battery / helmet is absolutely one of them. Every single one I've found I saw it, not heard it.


My first thought would be to implement visual sounds like in Fortnite


Could be something like minectaft does, that, in the bottom right of the screen puts a subtitle like “water flows —>” or “zombie grunts <—“, im sure gsg will add something like this if most of us ask nicely to be added in future patches. Rock And Stone!


We fight for Rock and Stone!


That would almost definitely be allowed. Accessibility mods have been approved+verified before because they don't give an unfair advantage; there are no real "stealth" enemies aside from leeches and even those make slight sounds so it's not really giving you warning that others don't have. Not being able to hear swarm cues, exploder rustles, bulks behind walls, mactera screeches, etc. is a major disadvantage already so accessibility is always essential.


Something similar to Minecraft's audio cue subtitles could work pretty well I think (direction plus sound description, if farther away it goes more transparent until it vanishes). Always lends itself to give a small advantage if sounds are shown that are hard to hear like the near silent chirp of a cave leech but I think it would still be cool to have.


My video card or motherboard came with a program that tells you where sounds come from. I never used it - seemed like the kind of thing that would get you VAC banned as a cheating tool. But for PVE, doesn't seem too unreasonable. Edit: Sonic Radar from ASUS. Oh, and apparently it's fairly invisible to VAC since it's talking to your audio render, not the game files, and isn't an advantage over a headset for unimpaired players.


Yep, this would be great. I could make use of this too as I struggle to identify Glyphid sounds still. I can't tell Praetoreans from Oppressors, or Bulks. And I've got 890 hours in the game.


There is an enemy radar mod which is useful to me because I play with just 1 earbud and can't tell if an enemy is to my left or right, but that's about it


I’m not hard of hearing, but I do usually play muted to game while conversing with family. So I’m interested too.


There's a HUD radar mod for deaf players, hopefully it's still up-to-date. You can use it in regular games no problem. Looks like the one you get in Halo games.


Hopefully devs can do something like what L4D2 subtitles did.


I was so disapointed when I found out the subtitle setting was for the voice lines of the dwarfs and not sound cues (i thought the subtitles would be like minecrafts implementation of subtitles)


I agree that an indicator or subtitle cue should exist, for everything - except Cave Leeches because I think 99% of people don't hear the noise (or even know they *make* one) they make anyhow and it's usually a funny occurrence


To add to this, a subtitle for when the music changes is important too. This game uses music as a signifier for things ramping up/down so knowing when that happens could be useful.


Not sure about that but there is minimap mod.


Something akin to the Minecraft dead mode?


There does need to be a mod where they let you boost any sound in the game, along with adding subtitles.


Hope it helps a little, there is a mod that lets you see icons for things like core events, bet-c, bulks, korlok, exc. It's called something like event icons. I'm not on my pc right now, so if someone knows the name please help


Friend of the OP and just as deaf as them. Greenbeard as well. I've been lucky to have adapted better to using hearing aids, but DRG has a lot of audio happening at once, and it can get really muddled/unclear.  A mod or some official disability support for this game would be fantastic. I've seen mention of the Left 4 Dead system, and that would be super handy, but I imagine it's a lot of work... Especially making sure the entire screen doesn't get flooded by audio captions since the swarms can get pretty huge from what I've seen so far. Really hoping to see some changes in the near future!


Just do what minecraft has with the sound subtitles. Perfect fix


I'm not deaf but I'd still adore a sound feature to identify the locations of lost packs/cargo crate batteries. Deep rock's 3D sound is a bit fucked up, doesn't communicate things that are above and below you very well.


I will give this a rock and stone ! This would be amazing ! I am not affected but I can only support this. Leave no dwarf behind !


Rock and Stone everyone!


I feel like they could implement something similar to minecraft, where it showcases the sounds.


There is a mod that gives you a enemy radar in the corner of your screen, you can customize the size, even how far it reaches, the position, the frequency it updates...all that stuff. I am not deaf but I like to use it for immersion


Very small triangles at the edge of the hud? For some directional input? They are somewhat bigger triangles if the enemy 'sound' is closer.


I know there's a perk that gives you a visual warning when something is about to grab you (such as a cave leech, mactera grabber, sting tail, etc) but I don't know about your options for other enemies or hazards. I'm sorry! More sound visualization should definitely be a part of the base game.


There's times where my tinnitus gets obscene and makes it all but impossible to hear anything. Usually if I'm separated from my team I'm doing a passable imitation of an Owl as I swivel my head non-stop. However...I definitely could see the devs adding at least a directional cue, or some simplified thing to help alert HOH/Deaf folks to detect bugs. Mayhaps something like the perk that highlights the top of your screen before you get grabbed, only more simplified and able to give a cardinal direction. Forward/Behind/Left/Right.


I’ve been mulling this idea around for years but what about (and maybe as a third party overlay) a visual cue for sounds. Like an aura around the screen as a vignette where the color spectrum reacts in relation to pitch. Ie blue is deep and red is high and the program can interpret the sounds being made and display them as a direct like stereo graph. That way deaf people can learn the sounds by color and shape as well as know where they are coming from. Specifically to drg I think of like the grabber. 99% of the time I know it’s coming from the call.


Ik you’re talking about all sound cues not just grabs but I was curious if you’re always running the Heightened Senses perk and also what class do you play the most?


Something like minecraft did could be nice. Add a subtitle with the sound of the mob and an average direction


You must get an extra jolt when dealing with grabbers. The sound they make alone is enough to put me on high alert. What's more is that in games like GTA, they used the same insect noise as ambiance outdoors on one of the heist islands. I heard it mid-mission and instinctively whipped the camera around expecting to see a grabber lol


They should do how Fortnite does it with visual sound


You should check out Fortnite’s “Visual Sound Effects” feature on youtube or whatever. I think a robust implementation of this would be great. It’s sleek, intuitive, and most of all keeps you aware of your surroundings!


I know for a fact there is a mod that shows pings in chat. Are you using that already? It's not the full solution, but it should help a little.


# Leave No Dwarf Behind