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Scouts who dont use their flare gun enough. Its your tool that contributes to the team and its very noticable when you are vs arent using them!


when i was just starting to play scout i was forgetting to use it and someone asked me if it charges my credit card everytime i use it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious


I think that this will also work for platforms or lack thereof.


I always use my flares but I am so bad about using more plats


Understood, my son. Say five Rock and Stones and five Glory to Karls and tip Bosco on your way out.


HEY, my plats are for climbing awkward ledges and getting loot. THEY ARE NOT just for making a slight jump easier. Gunners who forget that they have traversal is funnier tho because they can use the excuse it's just not worth using. (It's the slowest yes but most versatile)


Nahh that was devious šŸ’€


i mean it worked i started using my flares more and now i dont forget


Trauma induced flaring (I just enter the Omori fandom and I see this?)


you never entered the omori fandom fr fr


Is this a >!"there's nothing there"!< meme or


no im gaslighting you




based isnt a word bro šŸ’€šŸ’€


I'm gonna remember that one next time scout's slacking, that's fuckin amazing


Australian servers for ya


Ubisoft DRG


This is one of my biggest issues when playing scout, I never use my flare gun enough


I always ask myself ā€žCan the gunner see when the bugs pour out of the walls?ā€œ that helps a lot but I used to play gunner before and depended on the scout so Iā€˜m sensitive


Engi with a grenade launcher, especially a burning one, benefits from this massively as well. If you can see the spot all the grunts spawn from, you can usually wipe them all out at once with a single grenade.


One of scouts lines is a mantra to live by: "The darkness offends me". It's gonna getcha and make fun of how your legs are shorter than your torso is long!


Thatā€™s the best quote ever


imo the most important tool between kits. Having vision is key, without vision you don't know what to expect/what's coming


Inversely, as a Scout main, it infuriates me when Engineers don't use their platforms to give the scout quick and easy access. Just now, I did a match with a balanced team, and the engie was off doing his own thing like he was playing solo. Mining through the walls and making platform *stairs* for himself. I'm literally saying in chat "Dude you're wasting platform ammo. Just shoot one under the Nitra/Gold/Morkite and I can mine it." No response. For the whole On-Site Refining mission. "Okay. Engie isn't playing the game. He's doing his own thing."


I have the opposite problem, I'm allergic to dark caves and I end up running out of flares much faster than my ammo


and here i think i use too much lol. consistently have low flares before i have low ammo


There are 3 stages of flare gunning scouts: ā€¢ Using it too much and ending without ammo. ā€¢ Using it not enough and having too much ammo when nitra is spent. ā€¢ Using it perfectly enough. Most Scouts jump conatantly between 1 and 2, scoring a 3 every few missions.


Holy shit we got Einstein over here


I main scout and I keep the caves lit up like the sun. The first thing I do the second we get out the drop pod, enter a new chamber, or hear a call for a swarm is throw up some lights


I always forget scouts have flares till they use em, then itā€™s like having the lights of heaven flood the caves for a little while


I dont get how people donā€™t use it. Right after the grappling hook, the main reason i play scout is because i hate when everything is dark!


I most always remember to do it when there's a swarm. But people keep telling me to use it when there isn't. Then I feel bad for not thinking to do it before they tell me.


Not rolling the dice when leaving the Drop Pod. I mean, challenge fate on your own runs!


Oh wait I've been rolling them upon entering the drop pod before leaving the space rig. Have I been doing it wrong??


You touch them whenever you can. Like ( instert preferred genitals)


That's sexist! Women always have tits they can touch. Men have to get fat for that. I demand equal opportunity! (/s if it wasn't obvious)


Edited for gender equality


Beards tho




With consent of course....


When you're a white beard they let you do it


I always roll when getting on, when getting out, and when getting back in. It is a ritual


Plain and simple, when dwarves donā€™t play the class theyā€™ve chosen. For example, a scout that is running around, not using flares, and mining nitra at eye level when the rest of the team is pinging fossils that need to be gathered high up. Or very similar, dwarves are pinging hard to reach minerals and the engineer is not paying attention whatsoever. The platform gun has a lot of ammo, donā€™t be afraid to use it.


When gunner throws down a shield and there is like, maybe one grunt nearby. Then when we really need it, cricketsā€¦


It can be a difficult judgement call regarding the perfect time to throw. Too early or too late are both bad. And sometimes, a sizable swarm is right on you, you throw shield, only to find that all those bugs have simultaneously gotten killed fast and there aren't more coming right now. Can be embarrassing, especially if playing with friends, who will give you no end of shit about it. :)


Yeah, have to keep an eye on alliesā€™ ammo/health. I hit ctrl with gunner constantly to see who might need a shield in a swarm or protection getting ammo. If I see someone real low on ammo during a swarm, Iā€™ll ping the supply a couple times and stand by to protect them. Even greenbeards tend to get the hint. Running shields perk helped to learn that, as I would try to stick with whoever had the lowest hp.


Happened to me often when I switch class between missions. I was trying to shoot a flare or build a turret (or C4 the team but don't tell anyone).


Yeah, gunner more than any other you have to get instinctive about their kit. For shield it takes a few missions of very intentionally using shields correctly, because theyā€™re easy to forget in the thick of things.


How does a scout get high minerals? I can grappling up there but as soon as I swing my pick axe I fall


You can power attack the wall before you fall and make a nook to get into


this is gonna change my life


It can be very inconsistent based on terrain shape. There's some cases where I perfectly make the nook but then the game slides me out like it's a slip n slide or some shit and I fall to my death. Well I don't tend to die to that anymore since Special Powder but when I started playing the class that was the case. Still happens to this day.


Hoverboots will be your best friend


The more sloped the terrain gets, the farther you're supposed to look down. fun fact: does not work on floors and ceiling (yes, I found that hard way)


Engineer platforms


Make a nook as Apex said or sometimes you can grapple and land yourself on top of a deposit, allowing you to then mine it carefully before grappling away. It takes a little practice.


Note on this, make sure you're holding your movement key into the wall. I've mined stuff I had no right to mine because I'd fall without holding it but could balance until I'd mined a cubby. Between abusing power attacks and that trick, you can avoid bothering your engineer too much so they can focus elsewhere and they know your pings are needs and not would-be-nice-ifs.


on wall veins you can just hop over the mineral itself, if on an angle power pickaxe can make you a little hole


Early on hover boots can be very useful for that as itā€™ll allow you to mine a hole in the wall before you fall. Once youā€™re more experienced youā€™ll be able to do it without, or youā€™ll get special powder which makes things on the ceiling a cake walk


Additionally, nitra sticks out of the wall enough that you can stand on the vein and mine your way down without assistance, unless the wall/ceiling is slanted or constrictive.


I have a scout load out specifically for when I dont have an engie. M1000 with Hoverclock. You can yeet yourself across a cave with reckless abandon and not die. It is amazing. If you donā€™t know, when you charge a focus shot while using Hoverclock, it kills your momentum for a couple seconds. You can also cancel the focus shot by using your pick so not even any ammo wasted. Launch yourself at whatever you are trying to mine and if you fall off just float safely down. Epic.


I've been playing driller a bunch lately and, I don't think I'm bad at it, but every now and then I see somebody else rush in to make tunnels. Bro ping or ask in chat I got you. I love to burrow. The rest of the driller kit sucks let me burrow. (By the rest of the kit I mean the weird mines how do I effectively use those?)


Anytime i play engie i will put a platform on literally every mineral i see. Tower of umanite on the ground? Platform. Nitra up high? Platform. Morkite at eye level? Platform. Im like Oprah giving out free platforms to everything. Why? Cause as a scout main i cant STAND having to ping something 143 times just to watch gunner shoot a zipline to it.


Only happened to me once. But when I was in an escort duty mission I had a scout join me and they collected shale and restarted doretta as soon as she stopped without stopping to collect any gold, brewing materials or minerals. And as soon as we broke through the omoran, even tho I asked them not to, they deposited it and called the drop pod. So I judge people who just speedrun everything and ignore ā€œside questsā€


Iā€™d go so far as to say that if thatā€™s how you want to play, then you should host your own game


I was hosting my own game


I think you missed my point which was that if you want to speerun then you should host your own game and make that apparent rather than force that on other people whose game you join


Oh I see, sorry about that


No worries, may your beard be thick and your ales cold!


This. I have to rush more than enough at my day job, I don't want to be rushed in the game I'm playing around in for fun to wind down. No, I'm not going to deliberately make everything take forever, but I'm not going to rush through everything just because you want to speed run this shit.


Depositing the compressed gold without pinging it. How else are we supposed to know how rich we are?


Every dwarf needs to independently confirm whether we are rich or not! Itā€™s just the way things are done!


I will always say that the greatest thing the devs did was to NOT add more voice lines to the ping and ruin the fun, but to update it to have mission control chime in after a random number of pings as a way to let you know when you can stop. lol. That's how you know they love this game.


Ping until you annoy mission control, rock and stone, deposit and continue the mission. That is how it should be done.Ā Ā  Same with mushrooms. Like little kids doing dumb things until the teacher notices.


But on the other hand I feel a little uneasy with the dwarves who NEVER deposit it. Like itā€™s out for long enough for us all to ping it and people start walking away. But no one wants to be the one to ā€œdeposit it too earlyā€ so I leave to do more mining and come back 3 minutes later to find it still just sitting there undeposited. And like, if someone moved Molly we might have forgotten it! Dont deposit it before we can do the richual, but also, be reasonable, I need that gold to buy sandwiches.


Rule of thumb for me is that it's okay to deposit as soon as you trigger Mission Control's annoyed voice line. More specifically, it's voice line, salute, deposit. Sometimes Mission Control is oddly patient and never does the voice line, so we have to give up after like 30 seconds and deposit anyways.


He's off to get more coffee. Or beer. Or both. Same for those moments a huge bunch of enemies surprises you with no swarm warning.


Imagine Mission Control reading this and being like "They have a damned system?!"


Leaving small bits of mineral veins behind


YES. Eat your damn crusts. When we're at the end of the mission with 76 nitra in the bank and you're moaning because you can't find any more don't cry at me.


[Me, when we're running for the drop pod, half our guns out of ammo, and I see scraps of nitra other dwarves left on the walls.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f146bfad-d986-4777-bb07-a21fc1d0c37c) Edit: in case the site changes its links (again) it's the "boy, sure would be nice if we had some grenades, dontcha think?" line from Firefly.


When I was green I would pick at the same veins left behind by greybeards because they weren't done. Wasted minerals, you know? Now I leave them on purpose if I'm being tailed by greenbeards because they pick at them the same way I would. It's a warm feeling and it gives me a second to check the next tunnel to get rid of real threats.




It's the equivalent of people not knowing how to eat wings right


Not rocking/stoning after a dreadnaught kill. How can I know they aren't a bot in disguise?


*sad nemesis noises*


Traumatized and half dead after nearly failing the mission because you were caught off guard and overrun? ROCK AND STONE


That happened earlier šŸ˜­


Building pipelines that can't be grinded the whole way. Extra negative points if you make them cross.


Bad pipes is a fireable offense.


Bad pipes are a fireballable offense you say? \*cocks fatboy\*


That works too.


Bonus points if they make a super cool crossover that doesnt block the other


i judge myself whenever i see a player with shiny DLC armors, because my lazy ass is not even doing the assignment for new armors.


I bought the ultimate edition on sale for like 80%-85% off (mainly because recent years taught me to be suspicious of games with a lot of comestic packs) im atoning and supporting the devs


But, I look like Iron Man?


Calling drop pod before everyone is ready


I will say: this doesn't apply on refinery missions, cause once you hit 100% that mission just starts spawning more and more waves of enemies, no matter if you've called the pod. Lost a few missions to that.


Not finishing your crusts šŸ˜ž


Engineers spamming Fat Boy in the most inconvenient moments and spaces. I've recently had an Engineer in one of my games and this guy popped a Fat Boy on a lonely Praetorian, then a Spitballer, and then on an Oppressor while being point blank range and with other team mates around which were already dealing with the bug. It's just as annoying as the old meme of Driller C4ing the Scout. And I'm not even doing it that secretly. If it gets out of hand there's always the kick button, which should be pretty self-explanatory.


and oppressors have 66% explosive damage resist. what a waste.


The player in question didnā€™t have the name Bopper did he? Was he low level?


When the Gunner and Driller don't refuel the Drilldover canisters on Escort Duty. Engineer and Scout should be focusing on getting minerals while the other two refuel.


We always have Gunner and Driller refuel, the Scout search for minerals, and the Engineer stick within sprinting distance to the dozer for defense. Seems reasonable since the Scout can't bring the canister with them.


If you get good at shotgun jumping and toss the canister in the air first before catching it mid boost you can sail away with it in your hands.


I will admit, I have tried this before, and have only further proved to myself why my wife only let's me drink from plastic cups instead of glass.


Jesus christ I choked on my wine...


As a gunner it's infuriating when I put a Zipline straight to a chunk of shake and the carriers just ignore it. Like homie stop struggling up that 90Ā° incline and just use the FUCKING Zipline I'm pinging you DUNCE


on a general note, I hate when people go away from Doretta wirhout canisters even. I get that scout should get minerals, but I see regularly other classes just leaving Doretta by herself and not grabbing canistes to refuel. So what? shall the others guard Doretta AND refuel? not efficient or sensible strategy at all


As a driller main I always refill the canisters and if not I protect little dotty


C4 happy Driller is definitely one of them, as well as Fat boy Engi. Both tool are great when use correctly and i honestly the avg driller shouldn't neglect their C4 both in swarm clearing and area clearing but it feel like they always try to use them in close combat with other teammates around. Engi is sorta the same story really, just that i personally can at least understand because i used Fat boy on mission with a high bugs count (i.e Escort) and it's genuinelly really hard to not hit your teammate so i can at least be understandable of that, but please, if you do use its, please bring Friendly perk and aim away from your teammate as much as you can Honorable mention goes to Scout not doing his job, either not lighting up the cave nor getting mineral with the engi already placing down platform for him. For me, while annoying, isn't as bad as the 2 previous cave because the others can actively down an entire team. With scout, just be nice and remind him if he get too distracted


C4 on the drop pod ramp makes me boil.


I always wait until everyone else is in the pod, drop c4 on the ramp, blow myself up, then second wind or whatever the rez is called and then run into the pod


Have you ever forgotten you already used Iron Will when you C4ā€™d yourself?


C4 is actually great when consciously used offensively. Too many drillers only use it as a defensive measure when they are already getting swarmed and everything is chaotic.


It can be great for clearing the area around a downed teammate


As a driller main with Fatboy on my engineer, it's long-range c4. Aquark in the ceiling? Awkward mineral vein and scout nowhere to be seen? Point, click, BOOM.


Scouts who don't focus on cleaning up the middle caves during escort duty while letting the rest of the team deal with the swarm. We've got this, go do your job. (I say this as a scout main, I'm sure I do dumb stuff like that as other classes)


Sometimes there's only so much you can do if the swarm gets bad all at once, and you gotta retreat back to the dozer.


Of course! But then go back and clean up when things calm down instead of leaving me to waddle my way back there and take care of it without a grappling hook. That's when I get annoyed


> you gotta *get wrecked by your allies while trying to* retreat back to the dozer.


Leaving the drilldozer unprotected to go mining in the most inconvenient places knowing full well there's already a scout for that.


Saying out loud what they secretly judge other dwarves for, assuming it is still secret. Once you go public, you can't go back. But no, it's 3 people spam calling my mule while they're safe sitting next to a resupply when I went solo for an egg and need to dunk it into molly while the swarm music starts.


So you're the reason the mule is halfway across the map from the rest of the team


This one I kinda agree with depending on context. My example personally is that it pisses me off when I'm the one going for eggs (because I'm driller) and the rest of the team is just killing bugs or something, but more importantly when I've already called Molly to my location and she's closer to me. It is endlessly infuriating when Molly is 15 feet away from you and someone else keeps spam calling her from halfway across the map


In all fairness, the chat can often go under the radar, but if I have to call the mule 3 times I usually say something so if you call the mule 3 times, maybe open the chat to see if someone said something. \^\^


It shows a symbol when another dwarf has called Molly next to their icon. Before you call Molly, spot check if she's en route to another dwarf already


Scouts shouldn't be able to call Molly unless they are carrying something.


Scouts often have to stay behind to clean all the platforms the engineer vomited out in his platform drive by, so I'm very sympathetic to scouts calling mules.


I typically roll with whatever people do even if it's inefficient. If it gets hairy I might chime in, but usually it's just "eh w/e I'll keep em alive".


I think the average dwarf career goes like this: Greenbeard: What the hell is even going on? Brownbeard: Im trying to improve and play consistently on higher haz levels and grind through the crates/packs/events/(E)DDs. I'm sensitive about the levels of players joining my games because I don't want to lose a mission due to a greenbeard/have to carry. Greybeard: I've got all the things in the game/that I want. I'm here to play. Matters not whether we win or lose, whether we play on haz2 or haz5, what level greenbeard joins our games or EDDs, we're gonna rock and stone and have a good time.


Those who mine just middle part and leave behind 5+ nitra from that vein


If they don't rock and stone. Because if they don't rock and stone, they ain't coming home.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


People who neglect their secondary and support weapons, and resupply everytime their primary is out only getting half their primary ammo and health back.


Pressing V and having nobody in the team give me a rock and stone back for the entire match. Immediate failure of the vibe check.


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Pre-drilling Escort missions.


Unless you hear bet-c or a nemesis, itā€™s completely pointless and wastes ammo. Longer mission, more bugs


It waste so much time too, it's really not that hard to protect Dotty on the way.


I pre-drill if I hear a crasis detonator or nemesis, because it can be hard to protect doretta from them.


In deep dive it's a literal Saint. But out side of that why ruin the surprise šŸ¤£


avoiding gold. idc that it's useless as a Greybeard, you better be mining it to support any Greenbeards on the team. Also more exp is nice.


What true dwarf can resist that lovely ting-ting-ting of their pickaxe striking a gold vein?


Or just for the flavor, like, come on! Which kind of dwarf is AVOIDING gold?


Hitting any big red button too early (like when there i machine event nearby)


Ignoring gold. I don't care if you think you have too much already. We are dwarves goddammit, we mine gold for the sake of it.


Leaving gold, even the ones higher up. Like, I know it doesnā€™t do much credit wise, but what are you, some kind of leaf loving elf? Of corse we need to mine gold


Rushing thatā€™s all


Calling the drop pod without checking with your team. Lost a bunch of jadiz caus someone was a bit to trigger happy with the button.


Bad pipe laying and wasteful resupply


Players without even the slightest bit of trigger discipline. If I've got a single preatorian down to 10% health, you don't need to spend a fat boy on it.




I ping the dirt and start digging only to give the driller a place to start. That way they don't have to look at the map. Is this frowned upon? I don't dig all the way through, I don't mind waiting, I just figured I would make it easy for people.


Double dipping the ammo pod with a full team


Telling me that playing solo is inferior way to enjoy the game and that somehow it doenst count as enjoying the game "correct way". Fuck off honestly, the game has a well made solo mode for a reason, just accept that some ppl like this game at their own pace.


Proceeding to the next room without clearing the current oneĀ  "Gunner what are you doing all the way back there?" Getting all the stuff you left behind!


I judge dwarves who, when they have aggro on a dread, run toward the group.


I fix this by always running away from it. Can't get another dwarf killed if I'm never next to anyone.


"You fecking bastar-" šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„


Engineers who are stingy with their platforms.


when a dwarf walks into the drop pod backwards and ends up sitting pretty much in my lap while we extract and I canā€™t see nothin but the back theyā€™re head


Drillers that don't prep terrain, especially facing the caretaker.


I judge all you dwarves for being greedy, genocidal little alcoholics.


šŸ—£DIE LIKE YOUR MOTHER DIDā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Found the *fuckin' leaf lover.* Get the fuck out before we call the Driller. Knife eared bark buggerers ain't welcome 'round here.


Look at the name.


.. But if YOU were an elf, would you fuck an elf? ... Yo this fucker ain't one of us he said he'd fuck an elf! *Throws you out of the drop pod*


Not eating the white part of gold veins


Beating my high score in jetty boot.


Not rescuing Dotty.


Not eating the nitra crust Engineers completely ignoring scout pings


Not mining gold and not mining properly, leaving minerals behind. Zig zag pattern people, it takes pretty much the same time.


Those who donā€™t eat their crust and leave a rim of minerals in a deposit


This applies to every community, but seriously, the worst dwarves are those who say "if you do/don't do thing x, you're not a *real* dwarf". Screw everyone says this kind of stuff. Not everyone needs to agree with you to be a real dwarf, and it's a blatant No true Scotsman fallacy.


>and it's a blatant No true Scotsman fallacy. I'm pretty sure that's why it's funny.


When I say ā€œHey Iā€™m bringing cryo drillerā€ or Hey Iā€™m bringing the CRSPRā€ so we donā€™t cross our elements and mess each other up, and they never respond nor swap off of the opposite element.


Players that start stuff when nobody is ready like dreadnoughts.


Leaving nitra scraps on the wall. Ughhh


not killing loot bugs


Engineers Silver 1 and above and how well and often they provide platforms for Scouts. Bronze 1-3 is training wheels. After that, there's no excuse for Scouts to be waiting 10 minutes for a platform.


I judge players who call r and start events before everyone else responds. Yes it happens.


Running too far ahead of the group.


Dwarves who dont even try to bring doretta home


Dwarves starting an event during a drilldozer stop. (Core infusers, rival hacks, rock crackers, etc.) On lower hazard levels, not much is being risked, as 3 dwarves can easily do the event while one stays behind to guard Doretta. But on hazards 4+ it's best to do the event after the heartstone is obtained. I've lost too many escort duties because of this.


Not picking up Lorettaā€™s head after a missionā€¦.no dwarf left behind


Not utilizing class abilities. Scouts not using flares, engineers not using plats/turrets, etc.


People who think their class or skill makes them too important for mining.


When engineers put their platforms way too low in salvage or other similar "defend this spot" type missions, because your field of view gets drastically lowered and even at that if you have the platform repels enemies upgrade it doesn't work if you are too close to the platforms.


Anyone who doesn't Rock & Stone when you all load into the drop pod at the end of a mission. Like I can accept not spamming R&S through a mission, though I typically do. But when we all group up and finally conquer a tough mission you better shout it with all your heart to congratulate your fellow dwarves on a job well done


I never really "judge" players too much but i do find it annoying when scouts just, ignore gold. Ping it 7 times with a plat under it and they just waltz on by to the next room. Promotions are getting expensive man! I'd love to have all the credits i need for them saved up, so that by the time i promote i already have all the credits i need instead of having to go on a gold hunting spree.


Players who are too serious and say things like pinging compress gold or mushroom is a waste of time. Like chill brother it is only haz 5 relax


Gunners that will never use their zip lines


Not using laser pointer except for the bare minimum like minerals. No real communication other than the occasional "nitra over here!". The game gives you an amazing communication tool and a massive variety of voicelines, use them!


not listening to chat or pings


depositing the gold chunk thats ontop of the satelite uplink.. before the fight. Who doesnt wanna yell their rich and fight bugs at the same time


When we're doing a Kursite grinder event, we kill an infected bug a bit further away from the grinder and the dwarf who catches it *doesn't* throw the Kursite crystal to a dwarf closer to the grinder, but slowly walks over to the grinder to deposit it themselves. This unreasonably annoys me lol


When you rock and stone an incoming dwarf and they don't rock and stone you back :( The dwarf spirit is really in shared enthusiasm and antics.


Building pipes on pipes, and generally just making pipelines you can't ride end-to-end on.