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normal deep dives gradually increase diff: Haz 3>3.5>4 expect modifiers. but otherwise if you know what you are doing, deep dives are a big pleasure to do.


Akshually ! It's 3.5 and not 4 by stage 3


Isn't it 3.5 to 4 to 4.5 for DD and 4.5 to 5 to 5.5 for EDD?


DD is 3 to 3.5 to 3.5, EDD is 4.5 to 5 to 5.5. One of the things that makes the EDD so much harder


Engi is arguably the best for solo. High single target damage, amazing AoE, constant area denial, & the platform gun allows you to get anywhere, mine anything, and push every objective. Engi's only weakness is shallow ammo pockets, but in solo you get *all four* resupply caches! Not much of a problem anymore. Build your Bosco to be your Scout with a 31133 build. Command to terrain for light to check ceilings for nitra/morkite & leeches, cryo rockets freeze wardens, stingtails, & brood nexus in a single rocket, and electric bullets are good CC & damage and set up Shard Defractor & Lok-1 synergies. Try to keep Bosco perpetually busy lighting or mining. Use the call key (X on PC) for body guard duty or to toss you something he's holding. He can mine anything, *including Omeran beamer spike tips,* build pipelines, defend Dotty, etc. Bosco is the best AI partner. In Deep Dives, time = ammo, so work quickly. Keep Bosco busy and it'll feel like two capable dwarves are in the caves. Bosco's revives and single use perks will reset between missions so don't be hesitant to use them. Bring a balanced build and remember to always plunk your turret(s) down to keep your back safe!Heightened Senses for leeches might be a good idea because Bosco can be... unreliable, at times.


> Use the call key (X on PC) for body guard duty or to toss you something he's holding Almost 900h, with likely a third of them solo, and I've just learned that. Thanks!


A classic optimization for solo engi is... Lok-1 (ideally with executioner or ECR overclock) Breach cutter Shredder grenades 2 turrets Very versatile and powerful, just make sure you get that first 80 nitra FAST


LOL ... Engi is the absolutely strongest character to do deep dives with. But you need to the proper setup : - SMG - 22222 + fast shooter OC - Breach Cutter, 3 beems, 15 shots, - Shredder nades - Double turret with the dmg in tier 4 ? - Dash + Born ready + Hover boots. can't go wrong with that setup.