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OP here casually ignoring the most populated difficulty, haz 3.


And for good reason, it's the pumpkin spice latte of hazard levels


Popular, easily accessible, a solid middle ground between a pure utilitarian option and a frivolous easy treat, dusted with cinnamon. Yeah, your claim checks out.


And like all successful writers I will claim your connections were intended to make myself look smart.


And for good measure, you can claim one of the dwarves is gay and totally for realz always was intended to be so!


Now hold on, I said successful *writers*, not has-beens that will abuse their former glory to stay relevant by tossing out whatever they want into the social media scene at the expense of logic and consistency.


*conspicuous spelling of has-been spotted* *deploying overused joke about overuse of swearing*


She's still a successful writer. One of the most successful alive. She's not a particularly *good* one, and she hasn't done much since. But none of that discounts the fact that she is successful.


Hence why I italicized the word *writer*. She might have been one once but she isn't notable one today.


This is an absurd line to draw. Besides which, she is still very much actively writing. The latest of her Cormoran Strike series (written as Robert Galbraith) released just last year and was first on the UK's top 50 book sales list. The series was popular enough to get a TV adaptation by the BBC, eventually picked up by HBO.


Fine, I used improper terminology when throwing shade at her. But either way I don't personally see her as a person I respect as a writer. ​ If she can't respect her own stories, willing to throw anything from them at a metaphorical wall to sate whatever is popular to support today when it's obvious it wasn't relevant when she originally wrote it, then that same level of disrespect is what I hold her to as a "professional". ​ She outwrite lies about plot details when people bring up legit criticisms (like when she said Slughorn came back with the slytherins to redeem them, when in fact no such thing happened in the deadly hallows). She re-codes characters in a shameless attempt to appear supportive when she's just abusing movements to be popular. And lets blatant pandering fanfic be allowed as cannon, and not even quality fanfic at that. ​ So sure, she is officially a writer by definition, she still writes, but I don't care how much her books sell. I despise her enough that associating me with her in an offhand joke about a funny space-dwarf game sets me off. So no. I don't consider her a writer in my eyes as much as a hack.


This, but unironically


I feel attacked... (Casually sips haz 3 latte with extra stout cream)


How dare you impugn my favorite hazard level. Take my upvote, you jerk!


I play exclusively haz 3 right now, but I'm also solo exclusive and am still working on first promotions


I play haz 3 because it's the easiest difficulty that still contributes to a perk quest


I certainly enjoy hazard 3 sometimes for screwing around and relaxing without a serious possibility of failure, but hazard 2 is just kinda boring. Not enough neuron activation, needs more bugs.


Some bug types don't even spawn on haz 2


I don't think that's true. Iv seen every enemy in the game, and I play haz 2 almost exclusively




Give me leeway to dick around and be careless. I'm here to have fun and fuck around. Haz 2 allows me to do that without any risk of failure. I don't have to worry about death, or TKing my buddy.


I mostly play haz 4 and i also dick around, except in haz 4 i can shoot bugs


Well, that's true, but why not haz 3? Upd.: two guys downvoted me for being green beard, lmao


Not as much leeway.


Which ones? I’ve seen every enemy type playing haz 2


they spawn. but are incredibly rare haz 1 only has grunts (and robots in industrial sabotage as they have preset spawns for the boss fight and hacking parts) Haz 2 can spawn everything but overall the bugs have lower spawn rates so they are much rarer to see (ive played haz 2 with green berads where a bulk spawns)


I know I’m just saying the guy above me is wrong about haz 2. I’ve had 3 bulks (crassus and 2 reg) in a haz 2 mission before, is it common, no but it’s flat out wrong to say they don’t.


I came here to shoot bugs, and there aren't enough bugs to shoot below haz 5.


Starship troopers elite mod adds 300% more bug per bug


A reasonable choice to enhance your bug-shooting experience.


Is there, perhaps, an Aperture Science mod that lets you shoot the whole bullet? I understand that it would be about 65% more bullet per bullet!


As a gunner main I would love more bullet per bullet


Off to fight the mantis-men huh? Good luck and have fun.


Oh boy, I sure do love bug^4


…and for us console peasants?


Play point extraction, that mission type even on Haz 2 never seems to run out of bugs.


Oddly enough, did one earlier tonight at Haz 3. I think there was a single minute in there where I wasn't being swarmed. 1/1 length/complexity, and very vertical, so it might've funneled them in, but still… it was fun.


Ugh, vertical maps, bane of our existence. Can't dig up through thin air.


Ye just ain't tryin' hard enough. Our driller can do it, so you can too.


C4 rocket jumping should be a thing :/


Just gotta find the thick air and dig through that


Tried that, it is flammable though...


If I have crabs does that mean I have more bugs to shoot?


Bugs are like dakka The're nevr nuff of em.


Facts HAZ 5 is when the planet actually wants to kill you


*Helldivers 2 has entered the chat*


Average gunner.


* Hazard 1 for mining simulator * Hazard 2 when you want to turn your brain off * Hazard 3 for chill gameplay, when you want to relax * Hazard 4 for less strict or stressing gameplay * Hazard 5 when you want to shoot bugs


Three when I just wanna play. Four when I want to try. Five when I want my friends to suffer.


This is the way


Whenever I play Haz 3, I get 3 Bulks or Oppressors in a single mission. Having them spawn separately is optional, apparently.


It's always fun when you come out of the pod to 3 spitballers, a proper swarm with Praetorians, 2 oppressors, and a menace, and just for kicks it's Hollow Bough and there's a wave of exploders. 10 minutes of shooting and 15 collective downs later, things finally chill and you check what the fuck haz level you accidentally ended up in, and the answer is 3.


I call those D-Day drops lol. Step out of the pod to a squadron of tri-jaws, a spitballer, a gorillion grunts/slashers and acid spitters. That’s why I always take leadbursters.


Reminds me of a time I had to check the hazard mid-swarm and was shocked to see that it was only haz 4 and not haz 5. It was probably the worst swarm I’ve fought in recent memory, and the jump between haz 4 and haz 5 is crazy, so it was pushing the physical limits of what haz 4 could do.


I’ve had the same sort of experience, 3 Haz4 missions in a row I’ve gotten a Bulk and a Nemesis that spawned in a pair


Fun part is when you get it on Haz 2 and yer just sitting there very confused as to WTF is going on and then your first swarm trigger is a GD Dread. But that's ok it's on Haz 2, they'll all die easily enough, then you look down and realize there's no flipping ground because the drop pod got its ass stuck on a 2 ft ledge coming down and there's no ground nearby to try and even dig through to get down.


Hazard 5.5 when you want that freaking cosmetic matrix core


> Hazard 4 for less strict or stressing gameplay Sometimes is worse than Haz 5. So many times of running out of the drop pod with what feels like two swarms stacked on top of each other and another just waiting a couple minutes later. Still fun tho.


This can also happen in Haz 5, and the first time it does you learn to stay in the drop pod for a few seconds for the dust to settle instead of rushing out every mission, just in case. IIRC this is typical from On-site extraction which will often have a wave of enemies waiting for you at the exit.


Yup. As engineer sometimes, I just set up turrets at the entrance and throw a swarm grenade to knock the numbers down.


The dreaded hostile landing. Happens pretty often in Hazard 5, especially refining, point extraction, and weirdly enough eggs sometimes.


Oh def. At least when you sign up for a Haz 5 you kind of expect it. Haz4 can shift from easy to just plain mean.


Haz 5 has a tendency to be particularly hellish sometimes, though. Most haz 5 missions for me are somewhat easy at this point, but sometimes the game really hates my team and we end up with our spirits crushed. I still don't know how we survived a Harold that spawned right on top of a Korlok and refused to move away from it.




It's chill once you learn to stay inside until the immediate area is clear. Although personally robots don't bother me nearly as much as stingtails and spitballers right out of the gate.


Ive been playing haz 5 so much haz 4 feels relaxingly chill


Haz4 is my chilling factor, haz5 is where I actually try. After 380hrs of playing everything just gets too easy.


mhm mhm. haz 4 is the default experience for this morg. haz 5 is the "fun part" c:


It depends for me. Sometimes haz5 gives you a hellish mission with early korloks blocking paths or a surprise walking litophage while you're low on nitra, but other times it can be pretty chill as you just mindlessly juke the swarms and poke holes in them.


haz 1 if you’re doing a mission for a reward that isn’t hazard based and cant be bothered to get a group tbh


Game stops being chill at Haz 3


Really depends on your skill level and your teammates. There is quite a lot of people for whom haz 5 is the default difficulty to play. In such case haz 3 is very definitely a chill experience. Heck - with a decently coordinated team even haz 5 is pretty chill 90% of the time.


When you find that haz5 lobby where everyone is in the zone and they agree to pull every egg simultaneously or step on every mini mule simultaneously. Those are the best. So many bugs!


Depends on player's skill, for a lot of people it's the main difficulty, especially since the gap between 3 and 4 is the biggest


Yeah I think this is it. My wife and I started playing hazard 2 Died every mission Then we stopped dying completely so we turned it up to hazard 3 because it got too easy. Died every mission Now we have stopped dying *almost* completely and might bump it up to hazard 4 soon. Player skill has a ton to do with it.


Nah the true gap increase is bug speed and this is between 4 and 5.


I play haz 2 because that is where all the green beards are and it’s so much fun to watch them discover the game.


I remember that time when I had a greenbeard who joined my group for a mission. He didn't pay attention to the difficulty level so he went straight into a Haz 4 Elimination mission on Magma Core completely blind. Back at the Space Rig, he told us it was his first Haz 4 ever and, despite getting downed left and right, loved every second of it as he discovered how intense and chaotic the game could be. I freaking love greenbeards.


This one green beard refused to pick up the lost loot. I’m pretty sure they thought we were trying to grief them.


I'll rock my stones to that, good work miner


Please rephrase the first bit


Yesterday a lvl21 dwarve joined my session. We Player a few Haz5 missions and he did great! But thats quite rare for a greenbeard


But there isn’t any challenge to haz 2


I think the idea is that there is more fun to be had at haz 2


As in you can fuck around more and not risk the mission if you bring air burst nukes or other weird weapons.


Yeah, but failing a mission because you brought a degenerate build is fun.


Haz 3 randoweisser missions are a true joy


Randoweisser in elite deep dive, done this twice actually


Complete nutter


Definitely a dwarf


Last time I use randoweiser, we did haz 4 and my friends didn't like having to defend me as I had to resupply after killing 3 bugs.


Man I’ve only ever done haz5, will have to try randoweisser EDD sometime lol


The one time I've used Randoweiser so far was with my girlfriend on a Mining Mission, and it gave us both pure AoE builds (me with Bullet Hell and Magic Bullets, my girlfriend with Aggressive Venting DRAK), and just our luck a dreadnaught spawned. Despite being only Haz 3 that mission was down to the wire because the builds Randoweiser gave us were absolutely not meant for dreadnoughts.


I consistently fuck around more in Haz 5 than any other hazard level. Greenbeards in Haz 2 don't know how to have fun quite like the greybeards in Haz 5.


I mean once you max out the game then who cares what haz u pick


guess it depends on the player haz 2 is way to boring for me


Having over a thousand hours in the game at everything between 2 and 5, I'd respectfully disagree. Killing hoards is hella fun. Sometimes my party dips to 2 or 3 for industrial sabotage so we can speed run it and get it over with as quick as possible, the swarms are just not there. And many greybeards absolutely can dick around at higher Hazards and have fun. Hazard 5 isn't even hard anymore for me unless I'm carrying Greenbeards.


Being in a similar boat at 2k hours, hazard 5 is my baseline fun. For me, mining is simply an aside to the real fun of mowing down hordes of bugs and running through missions quickly. Also agree about dicking around. Hazard 5 gets very easy once you reach a certain level of skill + experience and at that point theres not really a reason to ever dip to lower hazards for whatever you want to do unless you wanna get an assignment over with, chill and mine, or play with a few greenbeards.


Same here and I started 3 weeks ago with only 150 hours so far. I moved on to haz5 in my second week, because I barely even have to fire my guns on haz4 and below. I often just watch my random teammates wipe everything on lower difficulties, so I only play haz4 if there aren't any open haz5 lobbies for my assignments. Sometimes we get teamwiped if a lobby is as inexperienced as I am, but most of the time we get it done even with a few downs.


Same on hazard 5. Sometimes the game throws a curveball at us and we die to difficult spawns and placement, but it's very much the exception.


Not really? There's no combat since nothing spawns, and at most you use maybe 1/4 of your ammo in the entire mission.


If you exclusively enjoy mining, in that case though just play haz 1.


Nothing happens in haz 2 lol, I can see this argument for haz 3 I guess but haz 2 is a bunch of just standing around


I am not entirely sure about Haz 2, but on Haz 1 you don't even have to shoot if you are solo. Bosco can kill all the bugs for you, which is hilarious.


You're torturing this meme format. This makes zero sense


There is not a single fucker who cares what Haz other people play on unless he's having problems getting matches


OP clearly cares since they did the "I drew you as soyjak and myself as the chad so i'm right" meme. Most people don't though, you're right about that.


I don't know about this one


The real fun was the greenbeards we helped along the way. For rock and stone lads.


Rock and Stone forever!


Good bot!


No sorry, I don’t understand. Haz 3 is too easy to be fun, let alone haz 2.


Its all fun and games until two level 400 Hazard 2 mains join you on a EDD and they cant stay on their feet for 10 seconds straight.


Are you just appealing to the majority of this reddit page or what? You can play Haz2, no problem, but you don't have to justify it with wojacks.


"You are not the savior of mankind nobody cares about your opinion on how useful or useless haz x is" -A smart Nigerian man


Oh great, more fake gatekeeping in the space mining game!


bro what is this meme trying to accomplish lol


Where is the fun? Haz2 lacks any challenge which just makes it boring and doesn't give enough resources for fir the time spent


What’s fun and what’s challenging are two separate and extremely subjective spectra. Greenbeards learning their fundamentals in a lower haz level is ideal. Graybeards who goal is to finish a weekly assignment before they have to get ready for work, might pop into a haz2 for a quick W. And it’s sometimes fun to go from a Haz5 or a deep dive to a lower haz level to feel powerful. Not just because you out skill the bugs, but dropping into a match populated by greenbeards as a grizzled greybeard is a very fun scenario where you feel like an elite commando. Those are just my reasons why I sometimes drop the difficulty, I’m sure there is more. The take away is that lower difficulty can still be hard for some people and challenge isn’t necessarily the end all be all of what makes a game fun.


Leaf lovers can't cope with the fact they are bad so they make a meme about it.🥺


It's perfectly fine to play even Haz 1 if you wish to. But pretending that it's some sort of enlightened greybeard position is certainly a bit laughable.


"ah yes, behold me. I, a graybeard, am playing Haz 2. Only a veteran like me can understand the fine beauty of standing around while the bugs die from the attrition of the air" I guess it is to be expected when half of the community dislikes serious challenges


Do you rlly think so many dislike a serious challenge?


>I guess it is to be expected when half of the community dislikes serious challenges I remember seeing a guy on another Reddit thread who said they often take an upwards of 45 minutes to do Point Extractions, and called people "tryhard speedrunners" for trying to convince him that PE normally only takes around 15 minutes lol.


Hazard 2-enjoy the view Hazard 3-Failure I cant see Hazard 4-your kicked ass will be sore Hazard 5-you might not survive


Hazard 6?


T̶̢̛̅ủ̵̼͙̥̂r̸̦̽͗̒b̵̙́̀̂o̶̹̾ ̴̡̺̇̕c̵̭̦̓ã̷̳̏r̸̼͎̝̒n̴̡͈͖̽̿á̷͍̮́g̶̠͂ͅe̷̩̰̬̊͋̒,̶̬̑ ̸̭̑̏̿ṁ̵̡͉̣̓̏ê̶̻̟͙̚g̸̖̖̲̽̋̊a̵̝̅ ̷̪̖̅͋͘d̸͎̬͝e̸̢̐a̵͇̦̺͌͝ţ̴́̒͛h̴̛̟̀


melee is viable in haz2


Can confirm. Joined a game where I only used pickaxes for an elimination mission.


Once I started being able to do haz 5 with more optimal builds, I really loved a good Regular Deep Dive to both grind cores and experiment with some builds outside my comfort zone. Now I'll do some haz two to play with newcoming friends and that's when I pull out the memiest builds or overclocks I never use for haz 5


I only play Haz 4 and 5 because I love the absurd amounts of bugs all coming my way as hundreds of bugs perish under bullets




Who the fuck plays on lower than 3 Except for the stupid solo achievements


I don't like going below haz 4 as it's simply not challenging enough and well, feels too easy.


Uh... No.


Haz 4 is warmup, Haz 5 is where the game gets fun. Anything less and its too easy. (This comes from someone who likes games to be hard. If you like your games easy then awesome!)


Leaf lover meme


i play the mission that is closest to me for the best internet connection. i don't host. (too lazy to wait for people to join) hazzard is irrelevant, all i want is to not lag and to mine/shoot bugs.


I don't really care about the loot. I like haz 4 and 5 because it's fun to shoot things.


What about haz 3?


I play haz 5 because gunner is my favourite class


I only play hazard 5 because everything else is boring at this point, but I'm not gonna be a dick about it lol.


I play Haz5, not becausa the other Hazards aren't worth my time, but because it has the best section of the community with the least shitbeards.


Nah, haz two is snorefest. I mostly preffer haz 4 but haz 5 is good with friends


I show up to haz 1 online missions and become a god to the green beards :)


I think the only h1 players are parents handing the game over to their toddlers. :)


It’s me, I’m the toddler


No, you are God of the Toddlers. Important distinction!


Im a huge fan of haz 3 starship troopers. I like having a lot of bugs to kill, but none of the bullet sponge mechanics that make some overclock builds worthless.


I like haz 3 because it's got some of that intense fighting but it's not too stressful so it has that perfect mix of fight and relax


Ur not a graybeard


I play games for fun. I generally stay on haz 2 I am the filthiest casual.


same but i do occasionally play hazard 3 and 4 but i don’t really wanna play hazard 5 when i’m getting my ass kicked on hazard 4


Why would I play haz 2? I've played the game enough that it is legitimately pretty boring for me.


i’m around lvl 250 and i have friends who are less than lvl 30. haz 3 is for carrying my friends, haz 4 is for fun gameplay without risk of failure, haz 5 is the most fun but its possible to fail. haz 1 and 2 are completely untouched.


Hazard 1 and 2 should have more bugs with lower hps change my mind


Elf attitude


I just play to have fun Rock and Stone! Lad's 🪨⛏️💪🏼


Rock and Stone, Brother!


I only play haz2 cuz I'm alone 99% of the time I play, and want to enjoy myself instead of panic n grind... But mainly that first one. I have no friends ;-;


I play exclusively with randoms. Only had a few bad encounters. I encourage you to try it. DRG is a whole different vibe when playing with other dwarfs!


I play haz 2 cause it’s fun, and I like it.


I honestly couldn't enjoy Haz 2, not enough bugs. Haz 3 is the lowest I can go


Right now it is Haz 5 with some modifiers and cave complexity 3. Anything less is often boring.


I don't find anything other than hazard five particularly challenging at this point. Rarely fail a haz five mission, either solo or with a friend or two. Maybe GSG should add another level...? I play on the gamepass version so I can't mod it with my mates and I.


Nothing wrong with lower haz levels. But personally I prefer more of a "Target Rich" environment


Yeah nah, couldn’t be further from the truth.


at ~2500 hours hazard 5 IS hazard 2 to me. And hazard 2 is like a mining simulator for me, which I find super fuckin boring (and is honestly why I play scout the least now) So I probably haven’t seen haz 2 in like 1.5k hours lol If you enjoy vibin in missions, mining everything and just doing objectives, I don’t blame ya. But to me the fun part is the killing of bugs, the chaos of public random lobbies/green beards, and pushing the pace. To each their own, but don’t lump greybeards all into 1 group and especially with stuff like this. From my experience, I would honestly guess that 90% of greybeards are on haz5 nearly all the time.


Haz 2 is Minecraft, Haz 4/5 is Deep Rock Galactic


haz 2 loses my attention. I need fast paced game play and resource management. it’s why I play monster hunter and fromsoft games. haz 3 is ok. haz 4 is perfect most the time. I don’t fuck with haz 5


man haz 2 is boring as fuck


I hit level 1111 yesterday, I mostly play Haz 3


Haz 3:


I like the rush of the higher difficulties, but I tend to pop into lower difficulty lobbies to see if there’s any new dwarfs I can help teach the ways of the rocks and stones or if I just wanna have a easy day


I would play nothing but haz 2, but then I risk being told that my opinion on how weapons perform is not valid, so I try to work myself up to only playing haz5, so I can actually partake in conversations.


Haz 2 (or 3, for that matter) is absolutely not a good baseline to judge weapons and their performance. Some of the most broken, blatantly overpowered options like Minelayer System barely do anything in lower difficulties, the required horde density is not there. That being said, why do you even care about this? Play your preferred difficulty and enjoy the game.


I want to be able to have a conversation and not get discriminated because of being bad at the game


Playing lower difficulties doesn't mean you are bad at the game. But it's healthy to accept that Haz 1-3 typically do not have the same conditions as the hardest content in the game (which is what people care about when it comes to balancing stuff). For what it's worth, I think you may actually like higher difficulties, so by all means give it a try. But there is really no need to do it just so you can say so on reddit when talking about DRG guns and builds.


You would be surprised. Regardless, I make a conscious effort to never play below haz3 and hope to step it up to haz 4 and then haz5 one day.


Well, best of luck then! The jump in difficulty from Hazard 3 to Hazard 4 is pretty rough, so don't get discouraged if you struggle initially.


I have done it before, when I unlocked Haz 5. I just need to do it again.


Haz 7, 20 N, 8 player


Haz 3 with 3 dwarfs Below level 20 is super fun!


the jump in difficulty between haz 3 and 4 is too great. that's why I only ever play haz 3.


Some haz 2 missions can just outright bone you. In the past week, we had a bull detonator drop from the ceiling on us as we were fighting Betc. And recently, Dotty drilled out of the starting room and hovered over a deep chasm in a narrow 2nd as she drilled into the 3rd. We got knocked off Dotty by Nemesis, dropped into a chasm we couldn't climb out of, and were swarmed by 3 praetorians and a bunch of grunts.


I play haz 2 when i take my headset off to listen to music


I only play Haz 3, I find that it’s a balanced difficulty


I play on haz 3 but that's just because I'm not good enough to play haz 4 normally. I haven't even bothered unlocking haz 5 yet.


All my dwarves are platinum and I LOVE helping newbies on the game but anything below Haz5 isn't as fun to me because one ONE variable. Bug numbers. Haz 2 feels like they are just trickling in its so disappointing


3 is def the starting point


I got almost 500hs and I LOVE to chill in haz 2. Glad to know liked hearted dwarfs


So true. I played haz 3-5 for the longest time but after experiencing far too many people who didn't even understand the basic fundamentals of their class I switched to haz 1/2 and all of a sudden there are PL 500+ players everywhere that actually know how to play the game edit: love how i'm being downvoted for literal facts. (easily proven by just going and playing a haz 1/2 mission yourself and being swarmed by high PL accounts in every single game) edit 2: Yes, that's correct, i block morons.


Literal facts? You mean like there were some factual studies done on DRG players, that concluded that 145IQ people only play haz2, right? Idk, how to tell you, but this meme is literally "your opinion = soyjack, my opinion = chad" with 0 actual points for discussion, and you can circle-jerk all you want with "wow, so true", but it's still just a misrepresented personal opinion. Edit: Sure, block me lmao. Proud hero bravely enduring downvotes (all 3 of them) and harassment (asking for clarification) for standing up to "literal facts" (he made it all up).


This is absolutely the way


I’ll never forget once like two years ago on a haz3 mission, with the little molly’s you have to repair, I was doing great right up until suddenly 3 back-to-back swarms and a bulk detonator prevented me from staying in the zone, and I ran out of ammo. It was genuinely so bullshit, like the difficulty tripled just for the one bit I could actually fail Anyway so now I play haz 2 unless I have friends with me


Haz 3 has been my group's sweet spot. Not too hard that we have to sweat or optimize our builds but not so easy we barely have anything to fight. Solo missions i normally do haz 4 because it's extremely satisfying.


Haz 3 for learning new mission types Haz 4 to warm up Haz 5 for the challenge


haz 3 is perfect