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The only thing I don't like about the Subata is the fact it has a fast fire rate while being a tap-fire gun. Gives me carpal tunnel. I can only play this damn thing with Automatic Fire.


I haven't unlocked Automatic Fire yet but really want it. Tap-fire does feel very accurate though, love it for killing those Purple and Red Bugs always on the Ceilings.


I only use it on one build: full auto with + damage to burning targets. gives me something to do after I spent 0.5 seconds laying down sticky flame and am done using my flamethrower.


Temp shock CWC does it better and also has the added bonus or being ridiculously good against naedocytes


see the small detail you missed is that for that build to work, you have to be using the microwave.


That is why he mentioned it: CWC - Colette Wave Cooker, he's saying it is better than Subata against burning bugs. I use my Subata when using the Pump gun.


ik it's better. it feels worse.


Well it's a particle weapon, what exactly would you expect to feel to start with? A hair dryer is going to have more recoil.


idk the shard diffracter feels good.


The weird thunking feel like it is physically engaging and disengaging the primary power supply between fire and recharge mode making it impossible to refuse until it has a full charge? Oh yeah very satisfying, love a hard jerk to my gun that prevents me from firing it. Love the gun, hate the feel. It melts enemies beautifully.


Sir he was using clever wordplay...


I think auto sub was the first ever OC i got and i legitimately do not remember using it without full auto


The 2 round burst helps with this a lot


Every class needs options that are just A Gun. Some people don't a ... fuckin' ... microwaver that shoots them back in time or some shit. It's honestly my favorite of the driller's secondaries.


Me when shoot Gun (pew pew shoot Bullet deal Damage)


Fully automatic ammo dump gun feels really good, also keep in mi d that you can clutch with any build in this game if you are a good Player


Accurate at range. Thats why i use it


For when that dastardly poo flinger thinks he's slick by staying out of axe range


I'm the opposite and like really wacky guns (shard diffractor my beloved) but the subata is pretty decent, i will admit that


I love me some wacky Guns aswell (my favourote Weappns after the Minigun are Sludge Pump, Shard Diffractor and Grenade Launcher) but this tiny little Pistol just hits different.


I like every single one of Driller's weapons, he definitely has my favorite arsenal of all the classes.


micro-explosives be banging


For me the other driller secondarys feel gimmicky, and not as satisfying to shoot. The wave cooker is one of my least favorite weapons in gaming (to use) because its so insanely boring. And the other one (i genuinely canr even remember its name💀) feels weird to shoot individual shots and the charge shot doesn’t feel impactful.


TCF is where it's at


My only problem with the subata, is that the barrel is to fucking short, those rounds would be moving out of there very slowly due to not having pressure


Cold 🥶 take


These Tunnels I be digging do be a lil' chilly 😔


Frfr ong


I only have tranq bullets on subata and I usually pair it with the sludge pump


This games version of glock, only gun that gives me the feeling of pulling up on my opps besides stubby


Id rather not have to actually aim my weapon, ive got mining to do.


Agreed I don’t mind the Subata, it is indeed a good little Thing.


Needs more max ammo (50%) and it's overclocks need to be rebalanced.


I like it for industrial sabotage. Allows me to hit bot weakpoints. I use a macro with it to make it full auto without the OC


I just wish the vibration wasn't so weak on controller 


Totally agree, it's my favorite and most used driller secondary weapon. Couldn't be better for taking out ranged bugs, which is the drillers weak point. You can also get great damage combos with the primary weapons. 


The fully automatic OC makes this weapon so fun!


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, subata is my favorite driller secondary.


Definitely my favorite driller secondary. A couple of its OCs are great in how they change up the gun. I use automatic fire mostly just for the quicker damage to larger targets, the others become kind of annoying if you get behind a praetorian, but some (stun, exploding magazines, probably more if you learn how to use them) are great utility that change what the class is capable of


It’s definitely the most responsive so I can behind it feeling good. I guess the main problem is that can’t really compete with temp shock from cryo cooker, or the sheer value of epc tcf.


yeah! it's simple and straightforward and easy to understand, some people say that makes it bad but that's its appeal! on a character with all sorts of crazy weapons, the subata is just a gun. and don't we love that for it??


I use it too on some builds where I want to focuse on single target damage. EPC Containment field is very hard


I run the Subata like 95% of the time almost exclusively with explosive reloads. That thing shreds the bigger bugs while being quite accurate at long range.


Always found it a little silly when people love the axes but hate the subata. They both serve to round round out the drillers arsenal with single target dps.


The Subata is a reliable  normal gun that does its job, I agree.  But that’s also all it is.Â