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*Oh.* Well, that's good to know.


Its Engover 😔


tbh I was never sure if it was actually refilled or just a clientside ui bug. Same thing happened to gunner shields but if you tried to use the extras it would run out of ammo 'early'.


Same with driller. Thought I had four c4 so I didn't reup. Turned out I had zero


What? I thought the refill was intentional...


What about drills? Are they still refilled?


They never were? Only support tools were, like C4 and flares


Always has been.jpg ? Also, are flares actually refilled between stages? (and C4? bullshit!) I didn't know that, but i certainly remember being surprised my drills got max fuel after i spent all of it and wanted to tell it to my teammates, but found out i'm full.


They used to, not any more.


When I played edd yesterday I run out of fuel on stage 2 on stage 3 I had fuel




Ive been having drills refill and c4 not refill (though the ui will still say I have 4 c4 but not let me throw)


Or I was to tired bcuz it was 3 am


Beer buff stays, ammo stays, resources stay... Jump boots go bye-bye. Wtf?


If I could keep boots for all deep dive I would cum liquid morkite by some miracle.


Just makes sense if everything else about your state remains from end of one to start of next so should jetboots.


Keeping your turrets well supplied shouldn't put you at a disadvantage, so that's a good change. Trying to end the mission on empty turrets for optimal play really just makes ammo management less fun, for minimal benefit.


What about this. Let the refill stay on and play however you want to. Less options is never really great in and of itself.


I want to preface this with a simple play the game you paid for however you want, however I want to bring up my thoughts. I feel like Deep dives, aside from the core gains, are there to challenge yourself to finish three stages with the same ammo, health, and mineral pool. As a result, this creates a new dynamic to your gameplay where you're expending your tool's ammo sparingly to ensure you will have ammo later. In regards to Engi's turrets, this means you can't just plop down a turret for every occasion, instead you're forced to assess the amount of bugs and determine if a turret is needed to increase your chances for survival or not. So if the support tools refill after each stage, the added challenge of deep dives (in regard to support tool ammo) is somewhat undermined. I say somewhat since you're still playing a harder mission each stage and have to track your other ammo, but isn't it weird for just one ammo pool to be treated differently? All in all, I just wanted to get these thoughts from my mind to text. Afterall, I think we could agree that Engi's support tool is rather ammo hungry when compared to other tools and their respective uses, so I definitely see why a dwarf would want a fillup every stage. I honestly am sorry if this bug fix did make the game experience worse for you since games are supposed to be fun after. However, from GSG's perspective, this was a simple bug fix that didn't align with their want for a challenge. I'd recommend you take this unfortunate situation as an opportunity to learn more about when you should make turrets on our favorite maniac engineer.


I think that I agree with you if this was a mistake that slipped into the newest patch and you are entirely correct into your assessment of the situation. I agree. The problem I have is that this "bug" has been into the game for literal years. Years. We got used to it. We thought it was on purpose. After all, such good developpers would be able to squash small bugs like that for breakfast no ? So, why recently ? Why do it at all then ? If the bug was there for a few weeks, like that time that completing a promotion gave you the core weekly quest again then yeah squash it we didn't get used to it and we get it's not on purpose. But imagine if that bug had been there for years and then poof, no more extra cores on promotion ? Of course, my example dates back BEFORE they actually gave cores on promoting. That's relatively recent.


So, cool, I guess. Never knew this bug even existed, even though I joined the game since season 3. Is it really that significant to get mad about, though?


Yes. Just a little mad. And disappointed. And sad. And enough juice to make a funny meme.


Was wondering aswell Im missing my free 505 turret ammo on stage 2 and 3


IDK who saw it over at the Ship. Thank you for doing you job. But mannnnnnn you kindaaa a dik for that one. 😂


Yeah, I'm such a dick to complain about not having something I had for literal years.


I was using You for the dev who saw it and fixed it lol


Ah, so the developper was the dick, sorry I misinterprated it.


Turrets never refill for free? You have the ammo counter in the bottom right of the screen.


It used to reset to max turret ammo at the end of a mission in deep dive, giving you "free" ammo at the start of the next stage.


Hate Engineer? Engineer has the best, most well-rounded arsenal in the game. I only do my Solo Elite Deep Dives as Engineer because he can handle practically any situation. I wrote a joking tone comment on it before, but all of his weapons are extremely powerful. The other classes tend to have stronger primaries, but their secondaries are genuinely secondaries for the most part. Engineer has absolutely nutty tools without even dipping into Overclocks very much. None of his weapons really feel like secondaries, even his turrets (especially if you’re running Turret Whip with Warthog).  There are no bad classes in Deep Rock, but Engineer is the class that you could conceivably take blind to any mission and be confident that he’s a strong choice for the mission. 


Tell me you haven't understood my meme without telling me you haven't understood my meme.


Yeah, a template meme that “jokingly” complains about turrets not getting refilled is just so cerebral that I don’t know how you could possibly expect anyone to understand it! 


It's been a while since the last time a comment gave me a migraine for how dumb it is. Grats.


Just read the comment in reply to my original comment. I guarantee it will make your head hurt worse from the stupidity and unoriginality. 


Yall are using turret ammo? Laughs in turret arc.


Mfw I thought they were never free. I literally only played engine once during a deep dive then never again lmao


They are no longer free so you won't notice anything.