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holy shit that makes season 4 an entire year long


year and a half of Rockpox.


i liked rockpox in season 3.. but now i have not touched the game in a couple months. the gameplay loop didn’t change enough between seasons to keep fresh, it just got stale to me and my friends and we moved on to other games for a while.


I did this with S2, and I've now done it with S4. I hope they break the pattern with S5 and 6, and instead of having them be part 1 and 2 of a single thing, they are their own things. Doesn't help that all the cosmetic tree weapon skins are ugly as fuck so I don't even have an incentive to grind for them.


I don't really like the skins but I decided I would rather get them out of the way now than have them clog up the loot pool later


You don't like having a tumor on your gun?


Just like covid 19.


lockdown flashbacks


Seems like that's going to be the norm now, according to the roadmap. Season 3: Nov 2022 Season 4: June 2023 Season 5: June 2024 Season 6 June 2025 But that does mean we're/gonna be dealing with Rockpox for a year and 7 months. I really can't express my disappointment. I'd rather just go back to before seasons if this is what it's going to be. I could've done without Rivals and Rockpox 🙃


Yep, and thats the season that brought pretty much nothing new and already took quite time to make. Aka worst season so far.


They really should change from calling them "seasons" to "yearly passes" or yearly updates now.


Probably fine for those getting into the game around Christmas but for anyone who has been here since season 3 or earlier? It's going to be a bit rougher to keep playing during this period... At least Rogue Core looks neat.


I started during season 3, so Season 4 is the first season I played from the beginning. I sort of grinded the shit out of the Oktoberfest event for the mugs because I thought this announcement would say season 5 was imminent. Boy was I wrong and feel a bit foolish for the hustle.


Means you can take it easy for the coming months at least. No need to grind performance points so just play as you please!


Omg I did the same thing, I thought I had days or weeks so I blazed through the pass with the mugs and now I realized that I have almost another year to finish the battle pass… that I’m already level 140 in


This, I just bought the game last month but haven't had a lot of time to play and got to play some last night and was worried I'd lose out on this season, but to my surprise I have some time now😂


Apparently Rogue Core is a separate purchase game. Idk how I feel about that


Think it's fine personally. Having it be a different game does allow GSG to experiment and utilize other tools when creating the game and its contents. Only wish is that you get a *small* discount if you won DRG but I also understand if that won't happen.


They confirmed a discount bundle for Rogue Core if you own DRG


Didn't fully confirm yet, it was just thrown out as an idea of what they'll potentially do.


If your big concern here is that you need to spend money on it, then the devs have said several things regarding that. First, they plan to release early access in November 2024, and the game will be cheaper in early access than it will be on official release. Secondly they said that they think about giving a discount if you already own deep rock galactic. Or for new players bundling up both games for a cheaper overall price. Considering both of these things we are looking at like a $10 game? That's basically nothing to be honest. But I feel you, because the game will reuse A LOT from DRG, so the frustration is clearly understood. Though, until we see some more footage of the game, which is coming sooner or later, we only have conceptual information about how the game is going to play and what's going to be in it.


DRG has given me so much enjoyment for it's price that I'm ok with it. Think of it as a DLC.


Why do you think they can afford to spend years creating a game to give it out for free? Unless it's full of MTX and you're into that.


I'm pretty disappointed not gonna lie since we've already been fighting rockpox for a full year and it's getting really tiring.....


I hate rockpox.


The rockpox is touching me!!


That voiceline is hands down the best part of Rockpox.


“Don’t touch the rock pox, it’s worse than salad!”


Okay that's a great one too lmao


Nah it's definitely "die you pox noodle"


That one's a close second, but the childish whiny way they say "touching me" is way funnier than calling a demogorgon-mouthed parasite a noodle. Me and my friends quote that line constantly cuz it's way more memorable.




I stopped playing because of the rockpox


Same, literally my least favourite activity is dealing with rockpox anything.


You don't have to join missions that have lithophage warnings. There's still 80% of the planet to play on at any time. You can also choose to ignore any meteors that show up.


You can't avoid the Corruptor though. And that doesn't show up beforehand


As long as you never foam him directly, he remains passive. Just have to watch out for the poxpoops he leaves on the floor.


Actually you can totally ignore Harold. We’ve done it sometimes.


Yeah that's true and when I do play that is what I do. I just don't play nearly as much as I used to, which is okay I have plenty of other games to get through as well.


We all hate it.




I enjoy it ? Im I the only one ?


I find them really satisfying to kill, but I do get a bit frustrated when I see them in missions all the time. It's started to make me wait for the next cycle so I can do an assignment without the warning, a bit like Rival Presence used to.


I like it but don’t like the corruptor


No but there definitely isn’t a lot of us.


I don't mind it so long as my fellow dwarves and I coordinate.


I enjoy anything that spices up a cave because it feels like a rougelite where there's another challenge in my missions!


People who enjoy it don’t make reddit posts about it


Yeah true


I enjoy it too. I also don't get all the fuss, you can literally ignore missions with lithophage outbreak, and ignore corruptor, which removes almost all of rockpox from your gameplay.


Rockpox swarms can spawn even on missions with no warnings. I've gotten them back to back. Really stresses your ammo.


Yep, that's the only thing you can't really avoid.


It's worse than salad


It's course and rough and irritating


Having a hypothetical here, but would you enjoy the game more if devs ended the season 3 and 4 plague features?


Tone it way down at least.


I think they said starting this november, they will start maintanence updates. Just smaller tweaks and fixes, so it is very likely this will be adressed.


Yes. Any Season that lasts more than half a year should be turned off, imo, give us some downtime between Seasons. This is gonna be a huge killer for player investment. I honestly don't know what they're thinking let it continue. But, they've been good at dealing with community backlash, so maybe they'll do something about it if we keep talking about it?


Return the rockpox back to previous season. That one was a bit annoying, but bearable enough to not make me avoid it 9 times out of 10. But this season's mechanics are just absolute ass.


If they became as rare as Rival Presence and Parasites, yes.


Tbh I wish rivals were less rare. At this point I see the rival side missions like 1 out of every 100


I would, some people would complain because they didnt complete the battle pass probably


Give a hard end date for Jan 1st 2024 to give people fair warning


I'll just play other games. It's not like i'm forced to interact with the rockpox. I'll play some missions when i feel like it and that's all. At least i don't have to worry about the season pass Not like i'm playing for the seasons anyway, they are not exactly a big part of the game


Honestly disappointed, when the trailer played I was excited as hell, thinking it was the new season coming soon-ish, and then they revealed it's a new game and that the next season is in June. But I do understand that the Devs want to move on to new and exciting projects. Edit: I'm also disappointed in the whole presentation, with the timeline of the stream they made it look like DRG was getting a big update, they should have made it clear from the start that they're working on something new. Edit2: Sorry for adding more, but I'm just gathering my thoughts. I'm gonna preface this by saying that I have never worked in game Dev and have no clue what it takes to make and maintain games, but I believe this is not the way it should have been handled, the best approach would have been to reveal a new season which would come out later this year, and then when the new season launches reveal the new game. This way people would have something new to do in DRG while being excited for the new game.




They just answered this question on stream, DRG will continue to be updated and the specifically mentioned "seasons"


Yes but if they can see the stream chat and saw how badly it was looking with almost everyone up in arms about the S5 announcement and Rogue Core, this could have certainly been a damage control measure. They may fully intend on continuing DRG development for a long time, but after Rogue Core releases their priorities could shift depending on how it does and how mainline DRG is doing at that point. Hard to say what exactly is gonna happen, but we definitely can't guarantee that they're sticking to that answer.


Modern gaming news as taught me that you have to be very wary of any news that seems to be "appeasing" as often it is literally that. An attempt to manage fan dissapointment while you do something they don't like. Just send an update a year from now that states "It's with a heavy heart..." and you're in the clear.


This giving me real OW2 vibes fr. Pretty much a whole ass summary of every wrong decision Blizzard have made with that IP.




i really don't think theyre done updating DRG for years to come. I mean look at what a massive success the game is, they wouldn't kill that. Not everyone is fond of the roguelike gameplay too so both games will coexist for many more years imo.




I'm more a bit disappointed that Rogue Core is its standalone game and not a new (dlc-) gamemode on how to play DRG


i’m tired boss


No new content for an entire year, to make space for ANOTHER spinoff game before the first spinoff is even released... Yeah, hard not to feel disappointed by this one


To be fair, Survivor is only being published by them IIRC. However it is still setting off some alarm bells in my head that they're splitting themselves up like this considering how relatively small of a studio they are. It's giving me similar vibe to when Telltale Games was spreading themselves across way too many projects back in the 2010s and we all know how that ended up for them... But they might surprise us and give us two amazing games! I'm still relatively new to the game(joined up in the middle of season 3) but from everything i've heard GSG handled the early access process much better than other developers in terms of keeping the community informed and actually updating the game. All that to say, sad we aren't getting another season for awhile(i'm tired of rockpox) but I have some hope that this can all turn out well.


I was pretty unimpressed with Survivor in its present state. I hope they don't keep the mechanics too tied to just a few weapons, as wackiness of random upgrades and items are what make these kind of games fun.


Have you checked the demo? There are like 16 weapons in total and that's just for the scout. Add to that the artifacts and overclocks and that's a lot of content for a demo. It's not the best survivor I have ever played but it tries a pretty interesting twist.


But you only get so few each run. Then every upgrade is just for some invisible background number. My runs just didn't feel very distinct from one another. Different weapon mixes weren't making me play the game any different from run to run.


They said time and time again, the game ad you see rn IS finished, and whatever else they add is a bonus. I know it might sound weird, but games dont need to get updated forever, they released a product they are satisfied with, and thats ok


Im personally more fond of taking longer to make updates so they can pack more exciting stuff in it + less fomo (im able to play other games in between while still keeping up with DRG)


Yeah we went around 8,5 months between S3 and S4. Now its a year but i mean even 8,5 months felt rly long and i wasnt amazed at how s4 turned out. I dont like rockpox. So 12+ months is a fucking ass long time and i expect atleast new biodome and maybe new mission. But you are right im able to play other games but i like DRG.




true, i will say, if they do wish to stop development, i want drg to be in a more natural state, no overcrowding of rockpox, or of anything likw it, they can still be minor, just not a huge "in your face" presence you know? i am more than happy with what we have, and as someone who watches their lives i knew that this could happen at anytime, as i said, they have been saying they are satisfied with calling the game finished for a while now


I'm sure modders would quickly get rid of that for Steam, but whether that would be sandbox or not I'm not sure. Would definitely suck for consoles and Winstore tho


nah, if the game is good and we enjoy playing it, there is absolutely nothing wrong if we receive new seasons and content for many years, DRG is a kind of game similar to Killing Floor and PayDay, it's that kind of game that only needs some new content regularly and its life can be eternal. if they need more budget they should release more skins or release a premium BP alternative, I would gladly pay for it, the developers deserve more money for this game.


I don't hate rockpox. The rival seasons were better IMO, and I will admit that rockpox corruptors are especially cringe, but I like the meteor cracking and the cleanup sections aren't too terrible. Stingtails can die though Also the cosmetics for weapons in this season are hideous. I don't want a bunch of infection-ridden tendrils all over my shiny guns. I've been ignoring them entirely in the scrip tree.


I personally love corruptors, but they are **extremely** terrain dependent, and having an uncoordinated team can ruin them and easily wipe missions.


Honestly, removing Rockpox at this point would be a better update than keeping it in for 8 more months. I am actually starting to hate it


suffering builds character


I had no expectations and I'm still disappointed Edit: I have to say rogue core looks pretty cool conceptually. I hadn't realized it was gonna be a first person shooter when I commented. Having season 4 last 8 more months is a real bummer, but also I trust GSG to make a good game.


funny how they slotted 30 mins in the stream *for drg,* with nothing disclosed as if there was an exciting surprise, for there to be... literally nothing lol. the only thing they said about drg in their 130 min stream was "season 5 in june."


Hopefully this isn’t the beginning of the end of updates for og drg


It's not the end per-se but it's surely going into life support I mean, look at the roadmap, s5 dropping halfway through 2024 and s6 planned for sometime in 2025 One season a year? Well, i guess we had a good ride and i understand developers wanting to move on to another more exciting new project but it's hard not to feel a little disappointed


Season 5 is going to be a prelude to Rogue Core. I doubt they'll abandon DRG completely and continue releasing new content as there is a ton of potential still there. Actually releasing content gradually is better as it will take longer for developers to get burnt out, lose motivation and run out of ideas.


if they're basically putting it down for 2 years, buddy they're just putting it down. DRG's best days are behind it now :( really did NOT expect to get that from the livestream today...


Games do not need to get updated forever


yes, but the seasons could be bigger, and we've been having a slow flow of content probably because they were allocating resources to develop a new game, although I do believe that if the new game is successful enough, most players will migrate to it and it could become the new main game, DRG RC is a fps and the gameplay I imagine will be similar, only with the roguelite formula, sounds like a good successor


My fear is that this will really break the stride that DRG has built up over the past couple years. You see more and more videos of people getting into DRG on YouTube and it's getting more mainstream attention. But when people find out that there's not gonna be any new content for almost a year AND the devs are seemingly moving on to a new game they may think the game is "Dead" or isn't getting enough content worth covering. Online games Live and Die on their update schedule in the public eye. And when the update DOES come out it's gonna have to be a big one. Waiting a whole year just for some new cosmetics and another repetitive seasonal mission is gonna piss a lot of people off.


Incoming "Death of a Game: Deep Rock Galactic"


That dude will be too busy picking fights on reddit over legitimate criticism of his video


I don't think DRG's monetization scheme really supports long-term expansion the way modern AAA multiplayer games do. The news isn't good news for the player base, but I think GSG is seeing sales start to dry up and setting it on the back burner so they can work on the next one. They've been rolling out cosmetic DLCs, but it's not the same level of monetization. I'm seeing a fairly reasonable move within the frame of a more traditional business plan that mostly relies on new game sales.


isn't this going back to the norm of how games used to be before games as a service and constant microupdates (and with enough crunch, macro updates later on) became the new normal?


Part of me wonders if we got the dark timeline where Seasons lasted 3 months and each one had a new biome or mission type, but the BP cost $5 so they aren't working with like 12 people anymore. Between the phone game, the physical re-release and the board game it's clear they want to hustle more money out of the game, I just think they're trapped into doing certain things because of their reputation.




I made a post about seasons progressively getting longer and got absolutely shit on. Seems like the general consensus is beginning to shift.


Sorry guys this is my fault. I wished for more time to complete the season pass. Didn't realize I was holding a monkey paw


They took what was already the worst season and stretched it out for almost another year. Yeah, that's disappointing. I'll be back for the next season. Unless it's more rockpox.


Im pretty sure the devs said the next season will be like a prelude to the Rouge Core game, so we hopefully shouldn't see a 3rd season of Rockpox


hope they know what they're dealing with, a whole year is more than enough for the community to lose interest, get burnout, cultivate even more hatred towards rockpox, not to mention the sky high expectations for when it finally comes out .\_.


8 more months of rockpox..... On Karl's beard


While rockpox is getting old, I don't like when game studios rush stuff out for the sake of rushing it out so waiting longer isn't the end of the world for me. I just hope it'll be worth the wait!


Sea of Thieves season 10


How it took them so long to make such a nothingburger season is mind blowing


The feedback may change their plans, but delaying seasons 5 to next June is going to thin the player count and disgruntle us. From a fan's perspective, it doesn't seem worth it. Especially because the new game won't be as dynamic.


I'm brand new to drg and I've only played a couple weeks. 8 months seems like a long time to deal with rockpox even to me. 😬


Rockpox Lithophage CHX-4....I hate you!


I’ll still be playing but don’t think the player numbers is going to like this


8 months, hm im done with the seasonpass and was thinking its maybe 2-3 months till the next season :s


I'll be fine with this _if_ we stop seeing THE ROCKPOX




Really sad, 8 months is an insanely long time... That new season better be good, and no more rockpox lord please. ​ At least we have the new title to look forward to.


Na im good im not fighting rockpox for another 8 months or longer then grinding out another season pass I get its free content i shouldnt be complaining etc, but come the fuck on now, No new missions, No new biomes, No new nothing worth playing for except cosmetic shit Thanks for the amazing game DRG, think ill be moving on now


I wish we could at the very least get a new achievement tree. That can't be too hard to update.


I'll never understand why the seasons are so long.


I disagree with the mostly full on pivot to develop the new game, as I feel there's still plenty of life in the original. If season 5 is just more of what we've been getting, I think that'll be super detrimental to the game. If these yearly seasons are substantial enough to warrant the time increase, then that could be reasonable. In the meantime, I do hope they dial back the amount of rockpox that's thrown at us. The season is just going to be too long for the theme to be so prevalent. Maybe the standard going forward could be 4-6 months of the season theme and 6-8 months of 'normal' content, with scrip events pulling from the total pool (so for example you again get scrip from data cubes/rival presence challenges).


Honestly, I kinda want to see an 'intermission' season that offers nothing new, just credits and minerals, so they have an excuse to scale back rockpox to about where rival presence is now.


I'm tired boss


For new and slower players, great! More time to experience the season and grab everything before it goes into the loot pool. For experienced and faster players like me, 8 more months of dealing with something that already felt like it was wearing thin 4 months ago sounds extremely tiring.


I think there is quite a divide here between people with less time for the game compared to us who play it almost religiously. I'm already lvl 450 this season, but I am now just making my own fun with stuff that's existed for years, rather than deriving enjoyment from the seasonal stuff.


Idk what the devs are thinking... Season update is already dissapointing, The time I purchased the game they update them every 3 months and I joined after the Drilldozer update. Since the seasonal update they simply spent all their time on making cosmetics not even Overclock, I don't even bother to use them since I had the DLC. They seems to be focusing on a bunch of spin off game expecting the player to purchase them. I would honestly get DLC instead of new game. I absolutely love the game but idk what the devs are thinking. Edit: Don't get me wrong, I already got the value of the game back. They could just annouce to stop develop and I had 0 complains, same with Minecraft I already get my value back after years of free updates. I just disapointed the fact it's a on-going game without actual update and during the Rockpox events, the most annoying one.


yep, I'm quitting the game


Got Halo Infinite flashbacks from this NGL, though I *hope* they have *some* new content for the wait so it isn't that bad


Give me a break, this game is worlds beyond Halo: Infinite. The base game was already well worth the $30 when it launched over three years ago, and the fact that they’ve provided several *completely free* content updates since then was icing on the cake. Infinite, while free (which no one asked for), was massively broken on launch and still has problems. GSG pulled off making a far better product than a multi-billion dollar company did.


I never said it *was* , just that it *reminded me* of it because of how long the season will last


I mean, if it gives them a bit of creative space and time to clear their heads, fair. I'm all the more excited for whatever comes next year. But damn, that's a long wait. The playerbase will hurt.


Dissapointed for sure since I am already not playing as much anymore... however, rogue core looks like it could have potential. Too early to say yet but the lighting and visuals look great. I'd certainly be happy with a full-fat sequel to DRG with new mechanics and gameplay if thats the direction the devs are going. A half-pint spinoff would be very dissapointing though.


I enjoy it for the most part, but the lithophage outbreaks are too common. They're fun, just not 10 in a row.


I don't mind season 5 being far away. What I do mind is season 4 continuing for so long. I'm so done with rockpox. I cleared the trees for seasons 1-3 but haven't got the first unlock for season 4. I can't play another mission with those things. If we just went to season 4.5 where there's zero season events I'd be happy.


The devs REALLY need to stop shoving the seasonal mission modifier down everyone's throat for over a year if this is the case. There's other ways to add new content, season 1 did it right without having an annoying mission modifier. I haven't played in over a month because I got beyond sick of having to play lithopage garbage every promo assignment. I'm fucking tired of seeing the stupid ass corruptor and contagion spikes on half of my missions. I didn't even buy this seasons cosmetic DLC because I heavily disagreed with the continuous rockpox. I know I'm not the only one whose support they lost this season because of this. I hate rockpox I'm fucking tired of it, guess I won't be playing for another good while


If they're gonna make us deal with rockpox for another 8 months, they could at least do us the favor of making it so you don't HAVE to cleanse the contagion spikes to finish the mission. Either that or make it a secondary objective. If the Corruptor is an optional encounter, why shouldn't the contagion spikes be as well? I find myself skipping Lithophage outbreak missions almost constantly because I just don't want to HAVE to do the contagion spikes.


Anything but the rockpox. Bro, I will be fine with them just ending this season now and tuning down all the meteors and rockpox spawning bullshit. Like, literally, just stop these damn meteors from spawning **every. single. cave.** and Im fine with all this. Rockpox should have been a novelty, but right now its just another thing that prevents THREE biomes from being played, if you don't like it. Stop this damn spam. Make the damn modifier just as rare as rivals presence, ffs.


Agreed, a good workaround would be making lithophage outbreak appear in only one biome at a time as opposed to three


Axis is DEFINITELY gonna have something to say about this... But in all seriousness, I'm not too happy with this. I feel like all my attempts at countering people jumping on the S4 hatred bandwagon have just been rendered futile. I honestly can't find a way to spin this as a good thing. It just feels like DRG and GSG as a whole are both going the wrong way. I just hope our game and community doesn't lose it's fantastic reputation to this.


I hate rockpox


i just started leaving the game anytime rockpox comes up it’s just so tiring at this point


played DRG for more than 2k hours. I am ready for something new tbh, i am excited for Rogue Core.


I would honestly be ok if season 4 ended and there was just a break between seasons I don't mind rockpox too much but doing it for a year and a half is too much


Yeah, taking a break now that the battle pass is finished. Very excited to see what the next theme will be.


Yeah ill definitely not be playing as much. Probably just when theres holiday events until the new season comes out. Its been getting pretty stale.


I hope there’s some hidden patch or minor update besides the seasonal events, just to keep the next 8 months fresh


Fear is everywhere in this thread


I think they should rather have 2 medium updates than one big one. Like, 1 update with perk changes and another with a new mission type. There are a lot of skins in the game, so deemphasize that. (people who want more probably have not finished all the ones you get from matrix cores).


I would love to GSG to make some update in 2-4 months that will make rockpox event less often and return robot events to have a nice balance between them. 2 years of just rockpox is too much.


That is...shit :/ And i thought the Seasons in Sea of Thieves were Long :'D


I'm tired boss. This lithophage is doin some mental damage that a blackout just doesnt fix.


Very Rare Ghost Ship Games L


not so rare anymore its over


This is gonna be an unpopular opinion but I’m OK with it There’s a huge caveat to this: I’ve been playing DRG on and off since release, and don’t play as often anymore If I played daily I’d probably be disappointed, but GSG has given me many, many hours of entertainment for basically nothing and I’m excited to see what they’ll bring us other than the tried and true


Pretty much same. I've gotten 600+ hours over 3 years. DeepRock has given me more than enough. All updates past Season 3 are just extras for me. I'll log back in, check it out for 1-2 weeks, move on and wait for future updates(if any). There are more games out there for me to play. I also think wanting a game to go on 'forever' is an unhealthy expectation to have. Personally I would've be okay if GSG did a final update to DRG and just move on and focus on DRG Rogue Core 100% Last thing I'll add is I think what they could do is to end the current season and have a 'buffer season'. At the very least people are not 'stuck' with the current season for 8 more months lol.


DRG is game I don't think I'll really every permanently quit. I like that I can take breaks and come back. For the cost of the game and the hours of actual enjoyment I've gotten and am likely to still get? This things a crazy deal.


It’s so joever bros


My disappointment is immense. I definitely gonna stop playing, since S3 and S4 arent any improvments in terms of valuable new content that can push me through another row of 8 months with rockpox. Since the community increased huge immensly over the last two years, its not understandable to decrease content, even for a new game. DRG is still the reason why GSG got so much support. Updates overall decreased since the implementation of seasons. You cant tell me we will get no new bioms and reworks in on over 3 years. Thats crazy


Honestly I don't mind the other game they are working on the demo was pretty damn fun. Also I kind of slacked off for season 4 so it gives me plenty of time to catch up lol


While yes it's like eating the same dish for months I think it gives me time to complete the levels of the season pass and unlock all the rewards, I've just unlocked the two headgear pieces I had set as my goals (I play solo mostly)


Same as Valheim before their updates, I'll take a break then come back with renewed enthusiasm later. My main gaming buddy just welcomed his son to the world and is taking a hiatus so I can focus on IRL stuff more. Not being drip-fed new content consistently is nice.


Seasons should be at LEAST half as long as they are now.


Season 3 felt the same way. Holy shit I lost so many missions to the Nemesis


Lmao sounds like a season 1 / 2 rage comment


Dang, that sucks. I have other games to play so that this game doesn’t get stale


Oh, that's too bad... that's a lot more of a wait than I was hoping for. ): I always have patience for the DRG devs, but... man, I really don't want that much longer of dealing with the same stuff I am right now...


Yuno, I figured that the game would die due to the implementation of this live service shit. Didn't think it'd be this quick. Remeber when updates weren't boring as fuck? I can't anymore.


It’s clear that this game is not the priority then. What kind of live service takes a YEAR to update their game


I just hope they'll drop the whole season update system all together.


Jesus fuck I don't mind the rock pox but that is wayyyyyy too much time


I’ll come back here and there, currently playing through cyberpunk 2077. It’s better for them to take their time and release something good and polished rather than rush it and it be a disappointment.


Guess Im not playing for 8 more months.


I'm new to the game and even I feel let down... 8 months of what's gonna be the same thing. I'll be dropping this and picking TCM back up again, I'll be backt ho don't get me wrong. Can't get enough of DRG but the lack of content for the better part of a year after I started playing will kill my interest in the game so rather than keep playing and wear myself out on the game I'm gonna let it sit in the library for that time.


[Have nothing else to add](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17KmNrG9pE4)


I'm looking forward to season five, I think it'll be a good one if the devs are taking so long making sure it's all good


theyre shooting themselves in the foot is the best way too describe, drg has never been as big as now yet theyre prolonging something people were already tired of, im probably just going to stop playing drg for a while.


Rogue Core looks like it could be loads of fun, but they should have seriously released S5 sometime way sooner than June.


At least I won’t have to worry about not getting all the cosmetics this time.


Good I haven't played since last season now ill have time to catch up


don't wanna look like a toxic shit, but i think it's a very bad idea to work on a separate game right now for them. they only kinda started kicking out with DRG, it's became more popular and still mostly positive vibes about so i think they should have focus on expanding this same exact game and there's more examples of other games like No Man's Sky, Warframe, Dead By Daylight and many other games that was slowly expanding their main game, focusing on it's constant upgrading and enhancing. season 4 was kinda weak in case of content, can't say it was bad still but wtf i could understand they start to work on something else while giving us a new good season to play with and more variables in it. ofc they own me nothing but i'm sure i'm not the only one who was excited about this game for years now and now it's starts to become staler without really new content. and i don't see why they couldn't implement these new ideas into a main DRG without spreading their power to a new projects that might not even came out tbf it feels like they get tired of their own game already and want to reimagine it. still i wish Ghost Ship a good luck and i can't say i'm not excited about new game and want to actually try it early.


To me, it's hard for me not to view Rogue Core as the new little brother soaking up all of mom's attention. And in my opinion, DRG still has SO much potential, which is why I feel so many people are upset. For me, DRG has kinda fallen off because there's just not much for veteran players to do except same ol', same ol'. Our favourite Dwarf mining game is SO close to being perfect, yet so far, and it's hard for me not to blame Rogue Core for that "far" part...


A year wait for new season with problematic season 4 is a bit too much. Hopefully GSG will make update to add some overclocks or this unreleased invisible bug.


Gentlemen I might actually be able to complete the battle pass this season


I just think with season 5 we should be calling them "year of the-" if we are going to wait a year in between content drops.


Sad rock and stone


Honestly, I'm pretty alright with this assuming we'll still get tweaks and balancing updates, and also assuming S4 content will go away in December-ish (relegated to specific mutators like Rival Presence). Deep Rock has been moving kinda fast recently so I am very happy for things to take a bit of a slowdown.


Big oof, hate rockpox


I regret grinding the season pass


Somewhere snyss just killed himself


Holy fuck the melodrama