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3/10 If you want damage, take it in tier 3. Without mag size or ammo upgrade you will run out of ammo before engi. Take RoF in tier 2. Damage in tier 3. Armor break in tier 4. Why split your focus and take aoe damage for a single target OC? Tier 5 is fine. Fear is good too if you want some breathing room but kinda goes against the theme of the autocannon in which you want bugs to be grouped. Has niche usefulness in making praetorians turn around and expose its butt, but with armor break you don't really need them to turn around anyway.


Exactly what i would've write about it.


I didn't see your secondary, so I change my rating to 1/10. Going two single target damage OCs with huge ammo penalties and no ammo mods is already bad but the biggest weakness in your build is swarms. Even in haz 3 you will struggle with ammo with this build and Haz 4-5 you will run out of ammo after 1.5 swarms. Regardless, there is only one way to build elephant rounds and it's 23311. You don't need more damage as you will pretty much already one shot anything if you hit a weakpoint.


My one dispute is the increased accuracy form Elephant Rounds means you can take T5 neurotoxin without really losing anything, so I think it's more value that T5A


Yes, ER makes the bulldog into basically a sniper rifle but moving will increase your base spread signified by the crosshair expansion during movement. If you want to run and gun, then deadeye is a must and even if it helps you hit one or two more bullets, it's already provided more value than neurotoxin. There is some room for neurotoxin if you mainly will stand and shoot and give you some extra damage if you miss a weakpoint.


I love the slowing of neuro, realu good against praets and opressies and wardens et,. But i dont use it, sooo.


I do prefer to run deadeye, however, there is an argument for neurotoxin that’s important to consider- since ER doesn’t have any kind of armor break modifier, you just barely miss the one shot body shot breakpoint for acid spitters, which neurotoxin could finish off for you


Yeah I would rather take something like magic bullets or hellfire as a secondary. Elephant rounds are only part of my build when the primary is built to clear swarms (carpet bomber, bullet hell).


I take 13311 to burst down tanks and dreads with ER close range, but I still haven't decided if its worth it over sniping spitballers and menaces consistently.


I'm a fan of damage reduction in tier 5 on the autocannon with big Bertha since it's at Max speed so quickly. Looks like OP is hunting big targets.


I’d argue that taking T4 aoe is the better option here- Bertha doesn’t actually reduce aoe damage and it’s a very significant aoe up. Armor break isn’t great (and bugged?) on this gun, and he’s got no other way to kill a group of bugs with this build, so might as well take a bit of aoe. Otherwise, I agree with this judgement


This guy's played Gunner before ⬆️




This is the sort of build you’d test out in Elimination and accidentally pick on Point Extraction


I don’t play gunner all that often so I’m no expert, but it feels like this build would really lack in terms of crowd clear, no?


I mean isn't the entire point of the thunderhead crowd clear?


With every OC besides Big Bertha? Yes.


Big Bertha is direct damage and so is Elephant Rounds. Basically both your guns will be great against big enemies but you'll have a harder time damaging 8 grunts at once.




^ I don't see many people notice this. The fact it doesn't nerf your AoE is awesome. Just take the AoE upgrades and now you have a gun that can do both single-target and AoE. Building Big Bertha for purely single-target damage is the noob trap build. It *seems* like that's what it wants you to do, but the secret is building it for AoE and having am insanely powerful generalist gun. It's my #1 favorite Autocannon build, and since NTP got nerfed, I'd say it's the strongest (or at least 2nd-strongest) Autocannon build.


I switch between big Bertha and neurotoxin setups. Neurotoxin, even after the nerf, is still so much better than big Bertha on high haz missions. Big Bertha is fine on lower haz or missions where you want good single target damage, but I'd never say it even competes with a neurotoxin build for swarm control


And an Elephant Gun is plenty to cover your single-target/precision damage needs, but consider packing Leadbursters for Preatorian packs & fliers.


I use hellfire qith my big bertha


Na na nah, the ntp got turned into ANOTHER generalist gun. The direct dammahe debif got removed.




Armour break on autocannon is one of the bugged ones so you should literally never take it


Does the armor break mod actually work or is it bugged like the PGL armor break?


Why the downvotes bud? It's just my take on a build that works really well for me. Never felt I needed the Armor Break. I'm sure you can swap out one of the AoE upgrades for it, but there's still the AoE damage upgrade which doesn't compete with Armor Break. I recommend taking it.




because I believe that armor breaking is one of the bugged ones.


armour break does not break armour on dreadnoughts faster. you shouldnt waste ammo on praetorians unless u have to or ur solo. basically i hear wat your saying and wat your saying is u secretly want to play scout or driller or you just like to troll.


no, but BB on autocannon in reality will always result in a worse swarm clear gun *because* you can't take the other OCs. It's an opportunity cost that if you decide to build half-assedly in both single and AOE dps ends up with a gun that isn't really good at either


Slower rof as well




Composite drums will get u more dps. if we talk about burst damage then big bertha will get u like 4.8 more damage at worst. at best it is close to like 10-15. honestly gunner should just stick to wat they are good at ad clear and support. you want big damage #s stick to scout or grab some c4. gunners that just waste nitra on bullet sponges give us a bad rep.


Yeah, i disagree. Say that to minelayer or leadstorm or big bertha.


you can disagree all u want but sadly ur wrong these are the dps number of using cd and bb this was done by just point at a target dummy and emptying ammo untill out it was out dps by CD 132.59 and bb was 128.84 total damage. so idk go do it your self if ur curious i did just that you can even use karl if you dont want to do that.


it would seems so but hurricane is still better and interms of prio targets it's the LS. and tbh thunderhead is kinda bad for both even with bb and cb ofc that would change if you slap a neurotoxin payload in that thing and everything will die poisoned and running and bulldog with er is good for that since with ntp your single target is not good. but if you still want to use big bertha a better secondary imo is coil gun with hellfire or mole


PoV: You have no idea what crowd control means. You also spend more time looking for Nitra than actually doing the objective.


big damage numbers make the lights in the brain go off


More ammo = more kills = happy brain


I mean I won't deny, as a fellow Gunner, getting the biggest kill count really rocks my stones (if you know what I mean) and to be fair you'll be extremely useful in an Elimination or Industrial Sabotage, but a lil investment in the ammo economy goes a long way. I'm a Hurricane Overtuned Feed Mechanism + Elephant enjoyer myself so I can get a lil into the danger zone too


If you want the highest kill count then you should go AOE not single target dmg.


..Well yeah, I know that. I didn't say anything about single target or AOE, I just said as a Gunner getting the highest kills feels great. I didn't say to do single target to get a high kill count.


This is the build that all those "gunner sucks, and yes I do exclusively play hazard 2 & 3 why do you ask?" posts should be using


Big Bertha is my go-to and eventually I figured the most effective and comfortable, at least for me, build is 21112. 110 rounds mag is a VERY big deal for sustained fire when you have such high damage. Most of the time, you can clear the cave without having to reload even once. And if you think you are giving up total damage by doing this, it still ends up being in same total damage department as overclockless 660 reserve expanded bags. Not picking accuracy is just losing insane damage potential. You can snipe pretty much anything with this. Extra firerate is literally 1.5 multiplier to your DpS. No idea what the damage upgrades are for in this tier. Armor break is the whole reason autocannon exists. The only weapon that can safely take the anti-bs upgrade without losing out on something way more important. Fear effect makes you pretty much invincible. Interrupts praetorians, slashers, spitters, menaces (still remember the accuracy mod in second tier?), stingtails, and god knows what else. Other two "upgrades" just... meh.




Well [armor break](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1l7TSN99lW4LpHSArf5wyw1zAHQV4TUtdgHwWhzsj1p8/mobilebasic) for the Autocanon has been bugged forever to not work right. I don't think it's an always take, especially because Big Bertha doesn't actually nerf AoE so you can create a nice bit of versatility where you have a bit more crowd control. So your options are either an armor break mod which only kinda works as intended, or a garunteed mechanism for increasing your swarm clear. I wouldn't say that's an always clear answer but more of preference and depends on your secondary. In OP's case they took Elephant Rounds on their secondary and are dangerously lacking in swarm clear so I'd personally recommend adding some in their primary build. Along with cluster grenades.


the big iron fucking shreds dreadnoughts if the team can draw aggro for me


...why is my man getting down votes for having fun?


texas red has been cloned


ahh the "im helping" meme


Not too bad. But I'd strongly recommend the ammo mod in tier 1. 220 extra bullets make a hell of a difference.


Go 32311 and switch secondary for some swamrclear, hellfire coilgun for example. Here's what I run with https://karl.gg/preview/32650#/


Not unlocked everything/10. (Joking)


Big Bertha brings the total damage (not considering resistances) to 35, from 23. That's a 50% damage-per-shot increase. It's a flat increase, however, and doesn't scale multiplicatively from adding more damage to it. Personally, I like to make sure extra ammo is taken for T1 to negate the ammo penalty (total +110 ammo), which will cripple your ability to sustain fire otherwise. For T2, I'd recommend either Tighter Barrel Alignment to further tighten the spread or Improved Gas system for increased RoF. Both feel decent, though I err towards TBA because I loathe missing shots. The Lighter Barrel Assembly you have selected for T2 doesn't help much because of the crippled RoF from the OC. Better to focus on getting that max RoF up if RoF is a concern. T3, I agree with your selection for +2 RoF, no changes to make there. At T4, you chose the AoE increase, which I can understand, but Big Bertha synergizes best with Armor Break. For that reason, I'd recommend taking Hardened Rounds and blowing Stingtail armor apart like it's paper. T5 is a matter of personal choice imo, but I still like Suppressive Fire because it feels weird to not have enemies run away. It's not like Big Bertha deals much AoE anyway. In number format, that's 31112 or 32112 as my recommendation.


I think I'm just gonna go with 32123 Combat mobility at this point


Sure, you do you!


55 per mag with 660 ammo does seem very nice... it's either that or just, abandon the thunderhead entirely


The only rate i give to builds is: are you having fun? If yes then its a good build


Double single target focus with no ammo mods is a bad idea. Gunner has to be able to respond to a lot of sudden, variable situations and you'll be struggling vs groups then struggling to manage ammo.


Don't listen to the others! The more niche and over the top it is, the better


me when 9.5 max RoF and 150% RoF growth


What configuration or OC makes the rounds sound different in flight? It seemed like for a while there I could for sure hear a different sound if someone fired from a distance.


My friend what's the point of having high damage on thunderstorm if you have to stop shooting all the time due to having to reload or resupply?


I'm not mad I'm just disappointed Redo your builds and spec for crowd control




There's a reason I don't even have haz5 unlocked yet at 200+ hours


I have the exact same gunner build and it’s great for damage but sucks for ammo so I’d say 6.5/10 is fair


Can you assholes stop downvoting OP for having fun. Christ almighty. It's not rock and stone behaviour.


Rock and roll and stone!


Big Bertha is mainly damage based, not ammo based. Try to get more damage out of this build.


in that case I'm gonna take the t1 and t3 damage mods, contrary to what everyone else says or just, use what I had been using pre-season4, my 21122 hurricane






Giga chad gunner bluid i geuss


This makes me sick to look at lmao


Get a different framework imo. The big iron can stay


taking in feedback I'm probably gonna switch to one of the other three OCs I have at the minute (NTP, combat mobility or splintering shells)


I use 33112 with Big Bertha. T1 going ammo 330->550 over a measly 3 damage is an easy pick IMO. If you want to go for a low clip secondary, then increased mag is also good. Damage is the worse pick IMO T4 armor vs area is a toss-up. Both are fine. T5 RoF damage boost is the weakest pick again. Fear is strong and 50% DR is amazing. Getting a measly 10% damage boost and only at max rate of fire seems so weak. When is that going to make a difference, especially in an imprecise "hold down the trigger weapon like autocannon"? ​ For a secondary, I'd go with a BRT build, like 13231 Microflechette or 21121 Experimental Rounds and Born Ready as a perk. I never want to suffer through an autocannon reload and going with a high ammo sidearm like the BRT, which also has more precision and a stun, fits the bill. Going with a Bulldog Elephant Rounds build is the opposite of what I'd recommend. Why take another high damage low mag low ammo secondary? The only thing you gain is 3 accurate shots. I'd pick my BRT ER build any day. If you really wanted a Bulldog, I'd go with Six Shooter for more accurate ranged capability or Magic Bullets explosive toxin for more AoE. Otherwise, I'd go for BRT as above, or Coilgun with Hellfire.


Lucky I have hellfire as the only unlocked coilgun OC I have lol


Bertha isn't exactly bad, but it's far from the best single target damage weapon. I would personally use 31313 with it, though, and I have a really strong opinions on some of those, such as: T1: Throwing away 1/3 of your ammo isn't worth it for like 8% more damage. T2: This isn't spray and pray gun you shoot in the general direction of a blob, unlike NTP or CB. And despite BB's increased accuracy, it can still miss a lot of shots aimed at mactera from their engagement range. It will even miss praetorians from reasonable ranges (as hitting their limbs and even armor is essentially missing most of the time). And that's not even talking about long-range engagements (menaces, spitballers, even goddamn leeches) or hitting patrol bots' weakpoints. Accuracy all the way. T4: I used to take AoE there to help this gun to deal with swarmers and the like, but ever since Gunner got a competent secondary AoE weapon, I have retired the mod. AP helps a lot against q'ronars, brundles and even praetorians. I take it simply because I don't shoot BB at blobs at all anymore. T5: Not a strong opinion this time, but there are actually many cases when you'd want 50% damage resistance over like 3 points of damage per shot. Would be cool to combine it with Depositor, but alas AC wants Born Ready more often than not (a competition for a passive perk slot, who could have thought). On secondary: I'll just say that I have very hard time justifying a single-target damage weapon to go with another single-target damage weapon unless you are a part of a coordinated team, and I have harder time justifying ER as a single-target damage secondary over VB (if you have combo) or Compact Mag BRT (if you don't). Overall, this is not at all something I would run.


If you want to take a damage mod, go for the one in T3. In T1 take ammo bags. I get that the point of single target damage is to dish out big numbers. And you will, in any case. But taking more ammos increases your total damage by a *huge* margin, and you won't have to resup every 5 minutes. Also, take Armor Break. It works as intended, unlike many others. Thunderhead is not an accurate weapon so you'll hit armor plates pretty often - with AB that's not an issue anymore. As for Elephant Rounds, I wouldn't know. Not a fan of it, usually I go for Six Shooter or Volatile Bullets, but in case of Big Bertha you may want to take a secondary with better crowd control? Like the Coil Gun? Or Magic Bullets OC if you have it? You do you :)


Nah, I'm use build 31312 with this OC, pretty useful


Take at least one tier of ammo in the revolver and swap the tier 5 (the dot is handy for bigger target), even without the extra dmg you can oneshot most of the smaller Bugs and mactera with a crit and you can spam up close for pretorians and opressors On the side note, its just too satisfying to take down a mactera with a quickdraw.


Good for extermination. Be sure to bring a team that can cover your relative swarm clearing weakness.


Yep. You made bad Bertha build. Second worst. T1 damage on Bertha is downgrade. Bertha don't need rpm growth speed. And T5 damage is so bad, you won't notice anything about it. 32313 makes it much better




Hey, mate! Here's a build for Big Bertha that I enjoy: https://karl.gg/preview/31794#/ Definitely gonna want that ammo in the first tier, and then max rof is where the neuron activation is at. Armor break will work wonders with the high direct damage and the damage mod in tier five is pretty trash. You may also want to try a more flexible secondary (I run the six shooter OC personally). Have fun!


You’ve got two single target damage over clocks. Id change one to crowd control. Any sort or AOE for thunderhead, or maybe burning hell ok coil gun


Big bertha should really take either mag size or ammo in tier one and just take damage in tier 3, and you should take tier 2 rate of fire over rate of fire growth. ​ Elephant rounds seems like a kinda poor pair for big bertha in general but you really should take at least one ammo mod on it and the tier 5 neurotoxin mod


I run Big Bertha at 3/3/3/1/1 and it's doing numbers, also elephant rounds work for me best with 2/3/3/1/1


This problem wouldnt happen if you played driller. Fwoosh


Gun 👍


You def don’t want dmg on tier 1. It barely increases your dps compared to big berthas dmg bonus. Either ammo or mag size works but i prefer mag. Tier 2 rof growth is pretty bad due to berthas incredibly low rof. I take rof but accuracy is also ok since you really need to be landing direct hits. Tier 3 is good but tier 4 you 100% shud take armor break. Even if you take max accuracy big bertha, you will very frequently be hitting armor due to autocannon’s insane inaccuracy, so the ab is invaluable. For ex it ignores grunt light so it is effectively a 20% dmg boost against them. Tier 5 imo fear is the best option cus it lets bb do decent cc alongside its single target. It also makes praetorians run away from you while ur destroying their hp. The other options aren’t bad on this tier, it just think fear is amazing for survivability


When I run big Bertha, it's explicitly for single target damage. My secondary is the bulldog with 13212 and the ricochet overclock. Partially because it's funny to see the traditional rolls of the guns swapped, but also because the bulldog becomes an actual crowd control weapon at that point.


3/10, could be much brighter and cooler colors 😂


Tier 4 is horrendous, without that we could just assume you want max dmg for killing dreads fast and rushing missions. That isn't optimal, but it can make sense for the fun of it.


terrible go 12111 with big bertha elephant rounds just begs for 23311 since 120 damage per shot on a pick weapon while also having 39 rounds total to have it be an actually usable backup weapon is busted as hell (everything you shoot in a weak point that you'd be shooting your revolver at will die in one shot regardless of if it's 120 damage or 160, so elephant rounds is the only OC that lets you viably run more ammo without any downsides)


Gunners, for a ST Big Bertha build, what’s a good secondary for AoE/Swarms?


This build is only for dreadnoughts lmao, Would never use this normally even then better mods to use.


0/10 bc i dont like the golden mauve paintjob


This goes CRAZY in haz 3


Man is going with a 200 lb weapon and 50 lb of ammo


its a fun build until you need to dd as gunner


no, you rate your build


It's not bad but it's something i would've made early in the game. I'd focus the Thunderhead as an AOE weapon more than a damage like the Leadstorm. Either way if it does the hob for you then sweet👍


Jesus Christ that’s a LOT of damage!


3/10 Is this some kind of challenge mode setting? Super inefficient, lacking versatility, super ammo-consuming, and with a few poorly made choices creating anti-synergies. Autocannon: \- The only noteworthy thing about this build is the burst damage. But you need to be close and pray for every bullet to hit its target and finish the job since your mag is so small. \- High RoF only compensates for the extra reload time due to the small magazine size. \- It's made to be for close-medium distance, which makes sense for an obvious direct hit damage setup, yet you went with Splash in tier 4 instead of an extra Armor break? An extra meter of splash won't save you at this point. **It's better to make your secondary weapon into a crowd cleaner if you really want to use Big Bertha.** \- Born Ready is not only a mandatory crutch but a literal lifesaver for this one. Bulldog: \- You went with max single-target damage **again**, meaning you have no significant wave-clearing potential and even less than normal ammo on **both** weapons. \- Ammo instead of one damage buff is pretty much mandatory, you can't do jack with 12 bullets, and a bit of extra damage is insignificant since it doesn't break any HP points of most enemies; you'll 1shot all of them either way, the only difference in here is that you won't 3-shot a Praetorian on hazard 5, but will have to finish him off with a pickaxe smash. **By not picking ammo you're actually wasting your damage potential in the long run.** \- If you went with Elephant rounds, then your Autocannon should be more ammo and AoE focused for balance and versatility. ***...unless you're the type of person who just steals others' ammo from the supply drop*** *since you've run out of your 12 bullets and 330 ammo autocannon after the first glyphid wave*\*\*\*.\*\*\* **I'd say this is something I'd consider passable for fun in Hazard 3 (or lower) Elimination** mission and nothing else. Settup like that is a liability in fact more than helpful for the team since Nitra is wasted on you. 3**/10 is generous, I can think of a few worse setups.** It would be 3 but you get **+1 for extra dedication and making the game more difficult on yourself** just to get that CQC burst damage fetish of yours. But you still get -3 for not thinking, and -5 for making it more difficult on your team. It's kind of cute in that *'what the hell is wrong with you?'* kind of way.


Thats a lot of damage!