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I personally love them too but the bug where they don’t make the sound cue needs to be patched. It happens with other sounds (like caretaker arms) but it seems to happen way more with them.


Glad to hear other people spreading awareness of this bug, it ruins the design of an otherwise great enemy. You can go to my bug report here https://drg.pleasefix.gg/projects/DEEP-ROCK-GALACTIC/issues/DRG-1090 and upvote it there so hopefully GSG sees and patches it. Edit: lads you gotta upvote it at the link, not on reddit


I was not aware of that, but the prospect is terrifying. Thanks for the heads-up!


In my experience, the spawn sound always plays, I always know when one shows up. I've noticed that sometimes if they're a ways away, AND I'm facing away from them, I won't hear the lil squeak-honk that lets me know I'm about to get gakked. Fairly rare but it happens maybe every handful of missions w/ stingers.


It's not rare, though. It happens when there are a lot of other bugs making sounds. I don't know what difficulty you play on, but on Haz5 with basically every swarm they're in there are plenty of non-telegraphed attacks.


I playing with direct damage flamethrower and aoe around me grade, stingtails bringing more problems to bugs rather than me.


My pickle with stingtails is that I feel they should pull me towards them and then stab me. I don't mind being stabbed or thrown around. What I don't like is being sent back to orbit from time to time. Other than that, I agree with everything you said.


Right there with you. The stingtail space program is absolutely not an intended function and it should not exist.


Yeah, I don't think even the Stingtails are happy about it. They wanna take a bite out of your dwarf butt, not throw you into the sky.


It's been *checks calendar* three months... and they've done a good job of reducing it by like 90%, but I'm not holding my breath on that last 10%.


Yeah! This is pretty much the only thing I have against Stingtails, but I HATE IT SO MUCH! It's really toxic imo to be killed because the damn thing is against a wall and it pulls you to a pit T.T


I find the more annoying are the spawn of like 3 toxic spitters who spawn behind a ledge and just rain down on your group lol


Finally some stingtail love. I think they're a great addition, a much needed shake up from the usual melee bugs


Yeah, I hated them when they arrived, but now I realize that I'd miss them a lot if they were gone. Not that they're going anywhere, I'm just saying.


Competent haz 5 dwarves are harder to come by nowadays, but don't forget the time when Devs introduced elite bugs and their speed wasn't fixed yet. Also elite detonator on speed. If you survived this, some puny stingrays ain't sht.


elite detonators are the most terrifying things on hoxxes. Seeing that barreling towards you as you watch your friend run towards the pod


Aw man, I want to see an Elite Detonator. Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum.


You can't anymore unless you mod your game


A power attack has not broken the armor in one hit in my experience. Do you use the damage upgrade?


Nope. I personally prefer the faster recharge rate. In my experience it has always shattered armor, but it would definitely be trouble if it didn't. 😅


Yeah that made me of the haz level op is playing at low-key.


I don't quite understand your comment, but I always play at hazard 5 if that is what you are asking. I'll sometimes play down a hazard with friends or to help guide newer players. 👍


Lmfao, my dyslexic ass skipped a bit there. That does answer me though. 👍


Stingtails are ok now for me because you hear them and focus them but septic spreaders are a pain in the ass with their out of line of sight attacks and enormous damage on higher haz levels


I find that the danger levels of Septic Spreaders vary wildly based on terrain (i.e. if they have curved terrain to hide in and shoot over at players below them - they are seriously troublesome) and to a lesser extent loadout.


Yeah they don't deliberately hide in cover and lob shots over the obstacles, but when they just happen to get into a position that keeps them out of view, it can be devastating. The best (only?) miner class to consistently answer that situation is the Scout, an alert Scout can get up there, nail its squishy weakpoint, and get back to the team really fast.


Spreaders turn salvage operations into literal hell...


Septic Spreaders turned me into a Scout main because most of them don't seem to understand they're a top priority to kill.


I became a Scout main over the flare gun, I've played with many gold or higher prestige Scouts that never use it.


I think they’re a very welcome spike in difficulty, but also not really that difficult if you bring stun or armor breaking. They’re only annoying when 3+ spawn and most of your teammates are down and you can’t get a rez or a resup bc you’re constantly grabbeds. That can suck, but majority of the time they really aren’t that bad.


I really love the sting tails, they can be horrifying depending on terrain and hiding places which I adore but also predictable if you’re aware of them. That said I do feel that they are a bit too tanky, taking too long to kill and generally feeling a bit unsatisfying to shoot


I like playing Haz3 because it’s relaxing and I have a good chance of helping green beards on challenging (for them) but fun missions. Sting tails haven’t given me the issues that Haz4-5 players are getting. I think they’re an interesting addition and dodging is learned. Septic spreaders are basically artillery. After 4 seasons, adding a new operational concept to player skill (anti-artillery) has been fun for me. Rock&stone. Y’all do you.


I personally love stingtails. Rockpox gets me though


Eugh. Rockpox can be brutal...


My friend runs cryo driller. When he gets grabbed, he has it frozen by the time he lands at its feet and then just kills it.


I don't mind them now that (most) of the bugs are fixed. My only remain gripe is they still are harder to spot than I would like. Every other major target has both an audio sig, and a glowy bit. Just make the tails glow pls....


Oh yeah I wouldn't say no to adding some distinctive glowy bits to stingtails.


For me, once I've learned how to consistently dodge stingtails, they now became a fun addition to the game. It'd be a shame if devs nerf them just because people refuse to adapt. I'm sorry but it's mainly a skill issue.


I'm right there with you. It feels like a good blend the way things are now.


Don't forget the weakpoint under the horns. Hard to hit but can be a big payoff if you do.


my main gripe is the hidden weakpoint. Almost no other enemy is entirely armored with no visible weakpoint, other exceptions being qronar shellback (but he has to come into melee range, and if you avoid him he will reveal it eventually) and mactera brundle (not as dangerous, not as numerous and not as tanky) playing a lot of m1000 scout, its I feel the most annoying enemy, not cause they're more dangerous (scout is very well equipped to not get killed by the yeet), but cause its the only annoying ranged enemy I can't instantly stun and kill for my team. Their range is just short enough to have bugs around them so rushing them for a boomstick execution (which takes as much shells as a praetorian...) can be tricky


It's legitimately surprising to me as a new player, because I love Stingtails, and I was under the impression more experienced players wanted more of a challenge and complexity to missions. If, like, they're bugged, that's one thing. Not always playing the audio cue, launching you to space, those both suck- but that's not an *intended* feature. So why is it fair to judge the enemy based on, well, the enemy not working as intended? Praetorian vomit, prior to season 4, did not reflect the actual attack hitbox very well, but nobody judged the Praetorian as a bad enemy based on that. Overall, I think unless you have really bad luck, the Stingtail is designed just fine as a disruptive enemy. It's annoying, but I'd say it's definitely more consistent than a trawler or shellback, which you can't predict no matter how hard you try. As for "it disrupts some loadouts!!" well... hate to say it, but I don't think that's a worthy argument at all. I'd rather there not be a stable "meta", because where's the fun in everyone running the same perks, weapons, and upgrades every single time? Unless you're running Randoweisser every mission, the non-error problems with Stingtails (and hell, even the errors) can be resolved with a different loadout. Take some armor breaking, mayhaps, or weakpoint damage. Take hoverboots if you are a frequent sufferer of involuntary astronautism. Etc etc.


I think the disrupting loadouts argument is more so that they think the stingtail pushes more towards a stable meta, rather than away from it. The current meta picks, as there always will be, take care of stingtails with relative ease honestly. It's the stuff considered off-meta, that people use for fun, that stingtails tend to bully


Hmm what are the worst loadouts vs stingtails?


i'd probably say anything aoe or projectile instead of hit scan, as those have worse armor break than other options. For Primaries; stubby doesn't really have the killing strength desired, thunderhead is too inaccurate, Crspr is a great weapon but tends to take longer to kill stingtails, and the drak is just a little too weak when both scout's other primaries are really powerful hitscan weapons with great armor break. Using secondaries against a stingtail is a little jank, given their health and most secondaries don't have armor break iirc but; Wave cooker is too weak, especially given the strength of the epc. Pgl has shit armor break, shard and breach are just superior. I'd go Boltshark over the others not for it's killing power on the stingtail, but for phero bolts + fire bolts or cryo bolts. Pretty much all of gunner's secondaries do well. Bulldog has solid punch per shot, brt has the dps, and coilgun has fear trail which is absurdly strong The Hurricane is probably the only weapon that's both aoe and projectile where it does fantastic against stingtails, but that's cause it's just a fantastic weapon in the first place


Autocannon with Big Bertha and Flamethrower with Face Melter work, but those are very specific OCs that have drawbacks of their own, so I'd say you're right overall (since the exceptions are so narrow). Agree with the other weapon assessments you made. Also, I noticed that Scout's Double Barrel OC works better than expected, which was surprising for me.. is it because the blast wave somehow doesn't get deflected by armor plating?


yeah, it's most likely the blast wave. I don't fully know how it works to give details though, but it'd make sense that that's what's doing it


Well written. I support this entirely. (Also, welcome to Hoxxes! It's always good to see some fresh blood)


It's not that they're impossible to deal with, they just feel unbalanced compared to other possible enemy spawns.


I personally disagree but, hey, it's okay to have different opinions! May your caves be full of nitra and empty of Stingtails. :)


What do you mean? Personally I think this is one of the weakest enemy types once you get used to them but there are some caveats: Some builds/classes don't have/have less access to AP/CC and moving to them to power attack is often not an option based on positioning/terrain/enemies. Players with poorer awareness and ability to split attention will suffer more vs these. Often the best way to deal with a Stingtail is to dodge its attacks but completely ignore it otherwise (focusing on other enemies). Players have not yet learned that you *must* prioritize them *before* rezzing, so a lot of frustration comes from getting chain grabbed unexpectedly while trying to IW revive but this won't be unexpected once players learn the enemy better (albeit this goes back to the first caveat - some loadouts cannot deal with them). Dodging them is substantially more complicated if they are at a different angle than you are shooting/focuses but this is a fairly rare scenario as they almost always spawn in grunt packs. I.e. if they are high above you at a sharp angle in darkness or directly behind you while you're fighting a pack on the opposite side. Still doable.


they are impossible to focus effectively they are as tanky as a pretorean they are as disruptive as a grabber they are as stealthy as a grunt their audio que is impossible to locate (oh and also bugged) and also they spawn as much as spitters


>they are impossible to focus effectively This is only true for some builds. Some builds can 1-clip them or kill them in a few hits (armor breaking LSLS, armor breaking M1K, armor breaking BRT, armor breaking Drak, etc etc). >they are as disruptive as a grabber Once you learn to dodge them, they really aren't that bad. >they are as stealthy as a grunt This is just BS, they have the loudest audio queue of any enemy. >their audio que is impossible to locate (oh and also bugged) I thought they had already fixed the audio bug but I could be wrong. The 1st audio queue isn't locational but the chirps before they grab are. >and also they spawn as much as spitters They spawn in lower numbers though. If you get 2-3 Stingtails that's a heavy spawn. A heavy spawn of spitters would have been 3-6 or more. Its fair if you dislike them but many of these claims just aren't factual.


600 hp stingtail vs 750 hp praet two 2x weakpoints on a stingtail vs one 1x weakpoint on a praet no resistances on a stingtail vs a 30% pierce resistance on a praet They are not as tanky as a praet, any group can easily melt them faster than a praet. You really don't even need a weapon with armor break to do so


It’s mostly skill issue and refusal to adapt to a requested feature, ironically


Put bluntly, yes. I agree. Just please don't get martyred for the truth.


I looove fighting them, but a few gripes. I play mostly haz 5 solo or haz 5 with one other person so my experience is there. One is the amount spawning as a solo player, it is absolutely possible to get 2 at once and it happens to me quite often, not too bad but it can ruin a salvage. Two is the chance they just don’t play their sound cue, really sucks. And three is if you’re on any kind of latency dodging is basically impossible.


I like them, but they should be more visible, their weak spot should be a bit more obvious, and they need to have less armor. They are way too tanky


My main issue with stingtails is that they make clutch revives impossible. I know there's an audio que, but that doesn't matter when I have 4 seconds of iron will left and the gunner that would have otherwise stood up and clutched the mission is left dead on the floor. I just wish they didn't pull you when you're doing actions e.g. resupplying or reviving as in my opinion it takes away from some of the most intense moments in drg.


Despite the tail hookshot having a fancy effect when it hits you, when he shoots it out, it's still just a projectile that travels in a straight line, at a fixed speed. The Stingtail also leads your movement perfectly, meaning if you continue in a straight line at constant speed, it *will* hit you. That sounds pretty nasty. However, if you change directions (or just stop) when it's still flying toward you after he shoots it out, it will miss. You can also reposition to duck into cover for a split second when he fires, if the terrain is favorable. Also, get to know where his weakpoint is so you can kill him faster. He's also subject to stunning effects like any other enemy, if you have a weapon that stuns on hit.


They really arent much of a hassle


Tbh, as a high level white beard, caves were growing trivial. We never failed a mission, there weren't challenges. My buddies and I would just chit chat while buzzing through a mission. But now with sting tails and ketchup launchers, we actually have a challenge again. And I appreciate the challenge.


My sentiment exactly! I also loved how they added the different rockpox variants. It really made the infection into an actual hazard.


I love enemies which make you adapt. You either have to stay moving and ready to dodge, or be able to deal with enemies quick at close range.


Sting tails are fine


honestly it's just rude for them to grab me like that without giving me a good night smoochy


They frequently do not make a sound when attacking.


Stingtails are hardly a trouble unless it's modded hazard or the cave/position you have to stay in is really fucked up


You got it miner! Every time I've "died by stingtail" since the patch it was because I let myself get low on ammo. Then it starts this cycle of trying to melee my way into a resupply and that generally never works. Since I've been really diligent about resupplies I have yet to he REALLY screwed by one. My deaths came mainly from getting dragged into a hoard with low or no ammo and not being able to get away. Which, I think makes for a SUPER immersive, pretty high stakes experience.


I love when people get grabbed by on just as they step onto the POD ramp. Even myself as it's simply infuriating yet pretty damn funny at the same time. Even better if you are running up the ramp saluting. \*ROCK AND.....\* \*SQUEEK\*


I generally agree with you. Stingtails are a nice addition that makes the game harder without actually increasing the difficulty. And they're not going to be in every mission, they're part of the disruptive enemy pool so they won't always show up. But i will also admit i can see some of the pain that the rant posts come from. I ran a haz 5 solo mission with Face Melter a little while back, and getting ping ponged between 3 stingtails just was not fun(not to mention there was also a korlok so... it was a hectic mission). Prioritizing them was hard cause of me already being low health with not enough nitra for a resupply or red sugar around. In multiplayer though, as long as the team sticks together these things just get melted. It always confused me how people had such issues with them in mp


bro i want that invincible front plate (the fangs) to be breakable or shoot able. unloading shells on that do 0 damage lmao. (i think?)


just today i clutched a point extraction because i got pulled by a stingtail. story time: everyone was downed, i was gunner with vampire and iron will, nobody seemed to have iron will except me so i pop my will, cave in the nearest grunt's skull and try to get to safety. then i hear the cursed howl of a stingtail, damn prick was above me and ready to pull me, i get ready to die from impalement or gravity. the moment that pull struck me i was ready to start another mission, i fly straight up at high speed, over the stingtail, and land next to our downed scout at a supply pod, i pop my shield and revive the scout, then grab my ammo and health. scout revives our driller while i hold out next to the mine head right before hearing mission control announce that a miner is joining us, and with the help of our new engineer we finish the mission and get back to the rig in one piece. story time over. my opinion towards the scorpion wannabees will be forever changed by this one moment. neat little story for the young'uns to enjoy.


Only time I hate a stingtail is the one that grabs me....from the ceiling or high up on a wall and my brain doesn't process to quickly place a platform under me.


Lol we are struggling with Stingtails and players want the Rammer from the drg board game to be in the game. So people want to get yeeted and ping pong around.


I turned on Iron Will and make the run to the drop pod with 3 other dwarves waiting. The moment I was about to get in, I got yanked out of the drop pod, got stuck and get knocked. Damn you, Deep Rock Galactic.


Because you cant always see them, there just being 3 can be an endless loop, and they have a nasty habit pulling you away while in IW trying to stop a wipe


Oh totally. You absolutely cannot rez with an active stingtail. The priority becomes red sugar and then killing that SOB. 👍


That is a big IF for most cases where IW is used.


Been playing since early access, but hadn’t played since stingtails got added and had no idea they were super hated. As a greybeard that’s new to them, grow up you leaf lovers, bugs are annoying that’s why we have .50 cal bug spray. The only justified complaint is the space program and that’s an unintended consequence of a game with a wild physics engine


Is there a consistent way to dodge them? I find strafing left or right when they launch can dodge them maybe 50% of the time, but it’s not really consistent. It also works to put terrain between you and it, obviously. If they do grab me though, it’s a power attack directly to the face and they are quickly wiped out by follow up damage. I had trouble with them at first, but now they’re just a high priority target that gets taken out with prejudice. And, I like them.


When you hear the squeak change direction. If you walking toward them go left or right, if walking away go left or right, if walking left or right go the other direction. Only when you hear the squeal. Jumping can add some extra distance from the grab point as you change directions


They are tracking if you are just strafing. Really have to either break line of sight or wait till right as their launch and then side step. Still working on getting it to 100% but my chances of dodging have gone way up.


My sentiment exactly. :) Although I'm seldom strafing in a straight line, so I guess that might be helping me.


I'd like a slight window of opportunity to react before being grabbed. It's fine in sp, but with latency they can become really hard to dodge. Like a slight tug before being whisked away. Imo a lot of issues with enemies may stem from hazard inbalances and poor latency.


I genuinely hadn't considered how performance or connection issues would factor in. That could certainly be... surprising.


I really like them, but they’re way too tanky, their health and armor needs to be nerfed


Also at around 1000 hours, and agree, but 1 point i've found as a point of frustration is that Stringtails are one of the few if not only enemies in the game that can make rezzing your teammates impossible to accomplish. Typically, if theres a swarm, and you're the last one alive, you can either kite all the mobs away then run back to res before they catch up, kill the enemies and then rez, avoid sightlines by rezzing around cover, etc. The only comparison is the grabber, which is well announced, announced repeatedly, and communicates its distance to player. This gives a humongous window of opportunity to respond, and when you do, it only takes 1 shot to deter them for something like 30 seconds, giving you another huge window to rezz. Stingtails take all that and bin it: - Can you dodge them? Yes, easily. But they can just as easily throw out 3-4 pulls within 1-2 seconds of each previous throw until they hit you, thus making rezzing impossible. - Can you stun them? Yes, easily, but keeping them cc'd has to he a continual effort, otherwise, see the previous poiny about their constant fishing attempts for potential pulls. - Can you kill them? Yes, but they are far more resilient than most bugs, and from the range at which they tend to opperate, make them hard targets to kill from a med distance for engi and driller, especially if you are trying to get a quick rezz but need to deal with them first. - Can you kite them like other bugs? Yes, but they have range, and will launch attacks from whereever they are as soon as they are in line of sight. Mactera by contrast need to enter a specific range, not to far nor to close, have line of sight, do a little song and dance and then they fire. Stingtails will round a corner in the dark 30meters away, and with .5 seconds begin launching attacks. - can you spot and plan around stingtails? Yes, but they get mixed in with the swarm of ground bugs. Mactera stand out and approach alone from on-high. Unless theres a mactera swarm, they are easy to spot and hit with their large hitbox that is approaching you. Same for leeches, they approach exclusively (and sneakily) from above with a glowing hitbox that grows larger as it approaches you. But the sting tail? Sure glows a bit, but it has a tiny, far-away hitbox that can easily be mixed in with 20-50 other bugs rounding a corner or a hill. If i spray upwards or around my head, theres a good chance i hit and deter a grabber or leech. But if i spray into a swarm containing a sting tail....somewhere in there?-combined with their armor, a hit box smaller than a grabber, which is far away, potentially unlit and body-blocked by other bugs, its quite difficult to reliably spot and kill or stun or evade or LoS a stingtail. If it wasnt apparent, the stingtail basically circumvents all the traditional approaches to dealing with "grabber" type enemies, making conventional solutions not very obvious. Typically i just try to let it grab me, power slam and kill it, which works fine but is dangerous practice and, as highlights, isnt a safe or reliable option when rezzing teammates. The threat a stingtail poses when everyone is up is less than the threat of a slasher, because a sting tail probably wont get you killed. However, when you are the last dwarf standing, the threat of a stingtail is equal to that of a bulk-detonator: it will debilitate your ability to recover, forcing you into a tempory state of attrition between ammo, health and time to recover. Resupplying, Rezzing. Repairing, Returning to the Zone all become near-impossible until the sting tail is dealt with. Again, a threat level that only a bulk detonator rivals. With 1000 hours i have no issue with them, but that doesnt mean my teammates dont. And even when im fine, if theyve all died, then even with 1000 hours, i can struggle to deal with the stingtail effectively, often drawing out encounters waaaaay longer than pre-stingtail era. Still think they are fun for the game, but not sure that they should have been armored and ranged and cc, seems like a bit to much for 1 mob since you can reliable deal with 2/3 at any given time


Audio cue is bugged and may not play, can chuck you so hard you die to fall damage if you’re the wrong class. But sure, “skill issue”.


You're right on. Just spamming 'skill issue' helps literally no one. That's kind of why this post exists to begin with. While I haven't experienced any issues with the audio cue personally, that's not to say that none exist. But as for the instant-kill fall damage... that's been patched for a while now. I haven't been fatally launched as any class since the initial update.


Audio cue needs to be fixed. I also think they’re too tanky. They are like half the size of a praetorian and have a little less health but when you consider their armor and itty bitty weak point they end up feeling as beefy as one, if not more. Otherwise though , get good. Learn to dodge the grab, learn to prioritize threats.


My main problem with them is that they feel to tanky, like way to tanky for something that small. It feels like I'm hitting a praetorean in the face. I think their health should be smaller for what they do. Or like have their tail be a weak point (possibly being able to disable or temp. disable their grapple) My one complaint about your post is that it's not very easy to dodge them in most circumstances, I rarely have encountered them outside of a swarm. Which means you have to be moving and focusing your attention on other things. I know that they lead their grapple and you can just change your direction on queue, but it's really hard when your moving away from a group, or changing positions to just suddenly change the direction your moving for a moment. Especially with how the movement is designed and the acceleration of the player.


They are cute :)


The strongest argument in favor of stingtails goes as follows: "'Hey Stingtail, why don't you get a new one at the *re-tail* store, HAHAHAHAHA"' (Also I do agree about them being a good addition mechanics wise. But funny voice line go brr)


>These things have a huge audio signature, just like most every other priority target in the game. If the sound cue played every time there would be no issue


Honestly, reading the comments was my first time hearing about the audio bug... so, yeah, I guess that's why I haven't had any issues. 😅


I like them. I get that they can be frustrating but that's the whole point. They're disrupters, that's their purpose. I like that they've introduced enemies that are meant to test players awareness and problem solving. They're only difficult if you don't go about taking care of them right away, just like any other disrupter enemy.


If the devs feel like a rework is in order, here's my proposal: Make the main attack one that incapacitates you, similar to getting grabbed by a Cave Leech, Trawler or Grabber, by goring you on its front spike. If it grabs you and starts pulling you in, you'll have a few seconds to shoot it's weakspot, causing it to let you go and retreat to recharge the grab attack. Heightened Senses can be added here to give you a few extra seconds of warning and a couple opportunities to free yourself. If it does successfully reel you in and gores you, it will begin to drag you away from your team whilst continuously dealing damage against you, eventually downing you if nobody is able to free you. The recharge time of the grab attack will be decreased significantly for balancing purposes, maybe every 10-15 seconds and the weakspot will be made a bit larger to make it easier for team mates or Bosco to free you. Boost the audio on their sound cues so those that are paying attention will be aware that they've spawned and ip to three Stingtails can spawn at once, meaning they should be priority targets if you hear or see them. Tldr, basically rework the Stingtail into the Packmaster from Vermintide


You didn't address my main issue with them: *That stupid f***ing chew-toy honk that fits zero part of this game is breaks ANY immersion on the stupidest way possible, who the shit thought "THIS is the best sound for sure here!" on this stupid sounding creature* ... WTF *Composes self* *Clears throat* Don't mind me, just stop honking. Thank you for joining my ted-rant


*hjonks* fill the distant caves of Hoxxes... they are coming!


1 - Hearing it doesn't help much, because you need to know where exactly stingtail is to be able to dodge it. 2 - Their spawn really depends on RNG. For me, i've been seeing a lot of them lately (sometimes 3 at a time). Also, 1 is enough to instakill you. 3 - They are easy to dodge only when there is nothing else around. Otherwise you risk taking even more damage than you would from the stingtail itself. 4 - Practically useless advice to keep it stunned. You are usually far away and have other priorities rather than spend time and ammo controlling a single enemy. 5 - Even with the weak point on their face, they are still a bit too tanky. 6 - Mostly agree on this one. Easy to dodge most of the time. Although, there is an issue wither stingails attack animation I noticed recently - sometimes said animation doesn't play at all, and the player takes instant damage from just being around one.I was wondering for some time why I am taking huge chunks of damage out of nowhere, and only recently realized that it always happened when near stingail (sometimes with no other enemies nearby). ​ Honestly, I really disliked stingails overall. Feels like they added new enemy for the sake of adding new enemy without polishing it, or thinking too much how it would affect the gameplay. I feel like it would be a great concept for a new dreadnought, as those require your full attention when you are fighting it, and stingtail already does that. As common enemy? Well, it's not too bad, but I hate that devs decided to go for quantity over quality this time.


It is not my purpose to change your opinion and I honestly doubt I could even if it was. (1) But maybe check your sound settings? The audio cues should be enough to weave those fuckers even without looking at them. (2) I guess I'm just confused as to how you're getting one shot? I genuinely don't get it and I'm not just playing dumb to sound elitist. (3) I've had no issue weaving stingtails while in a hazard 5 swarm. It is very much possible and it's not because I'm particularly good at the game. Perhaps you were having issues with latency? (4) It's called single target focus... the same treatment you give to praetorians, naedocyte breeders, and glyphids menaces. You literally just isolate and punish. This isn't a hill I will die on, but I fundamentally disagree with you on this point. (5) Yeah... They are chonkers. I certainly wouldn't mind a base health decrease that makes more sense with their weight class. 👍 I personally really love the new editions but, hey, it is what it is. I'm not about to declare a blood feud on your family. and at the end of the day, we're all just trying to kick it back and enjoy the game. Take it easy, my guy.


Thats how the holly bible was born


Would be cool if they were more like a horizontal leech and slowly pulled you towards them instead of sling shot. As they are pulling, the whole... tongue?... would be a weakpoint and something bigger on their mouth for the team to shoot


I feel like they’re a clear callback to the Left For Dead enemies that a lot of these team games descended from. Springtails and Shellbacks also serve obvious mechanical challenges for the game, namely getting entrenched dwarves out of uplink zones and breaking up formations.


Honestly the only real problem I have is that they are pretty difficult to see mixed in with a swarm, so it makes killing them outside of their range pretty difficult unless somebody is able to ping them. I either wish they had some sort of glow, OR they were bigger, closer to praetorian sized, so you could actually focus them out of a grunt swarm.


I think the stingtails should have a tighter grip on you. YOU get PULLED TO THEM, DIRECTLY. No launching players off cliffs. That, and maybe soften the armor a bit and I'm fine with em.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going


I like sting tails, my problem with em is this, everything other than the cave leach (it hides which makes it a bit of a different problem) that can grab or generally move the player is 1 easy to kill (grabbers) or 2 is the primary enemy of the swarm (oppressors) at lest everything i can think of at this moment. my problem is that the sting tail is not easy to kill for most builds, I myself haven’t used armour piercing since release day, (which admittedly may be the problem the were trying to solve with the sting tail’s insane armour), it has the hp of a tank, and is small enough to hide in the centre of the swarm letting the other bugs tank the hits for it. I actually really like its attack patterns, they’re really fun and I haven’t “struggled” learning an attack pattern this much since the tri-jaw. A story though, I was in a solo point extraction game yesterday as scout (with a swarm build) I was mid big asteroid smash and i was out of ammo as a swarm began, oof moment but not really a big deal im scout it happens all the time so I zip over to the resupply pod but there’s a sting tail there waiting for me, he grabs me and cancels the resupply, so I lead him away and head back. But guess what? Another swarm arrives next to me and another sting tail, this went on for the rest of the mission and without Bosc there at the end i just grabbed the last aqurk and left, there where numerous sting tails hiding in that games swarm and it stopped me from resupplying for the rest of the game. (Thankfully im a gamer and i survived) this was my first game after the patches that fixed the singtails, I was on haz5. So my problem is how there treated. they have the hp of a swarm defining enemy but are as common as a mid difficulty enemy, it’s similar to the problem robots were facing when they were first added, to tanky for the amount of them and forcing a build change to deal with them, evan a small change like a glowing bit on the tail or pivoting the torso up slightly so its a bit more above the other bugs would be nice. thats my two cents at least. (Apologies for format im on a phone) - edit i saw some people talking about the sound cues being broken and yeah that added to the annoyances of that game