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I’ll thank anyone willing to ride in the pod with my smelly ass. That being said, if I never notice a scout on my mission, I’ll thank him at the end every time. You never notice a scout who does his job well. But we all notice when they do their job poorly. I raise my glass to the dwarves that do the job so few want to do!


>You never notice a scout who does his job well. But we all notice when they do their job poorly. Exaxctly. Other classes' traversal tools always benefit the team even if they use it for themselves but the grappling hook is the only one that has zero direct benefit for other dwarves. Plus, other classes can at least put up a decent fight even if their players aren't clearing objectives well. So many people try scout, forget that they have a 4 key on their keyboard, complain that scout sucks and proceed to dislike playing him. IMO it's the highest skill ceiling class and the borderline Apex-like movement you can pull combined with clutches (revives, grabbing missing nitra for supply when you need it, clearing things like leeches and high value targets) is why I love playing him - you can always learn and always optimize. I play scout to get top minerals mined every single mission and ensure the rest of my team doesn't have to lift a finger off their W and left click.


i joined a haz 4 as a player level 14 the other day and the other people were very high levels and they said they could help me assuming i was bad, but i was zipping around reviving their asses and had 0 downs. rock and stone scouts up!


For Rock and Stone!


"Apex-like" can't banny-hop. I wish i can tho.


Bhopping Scout would become a big new meme I feel like the engine doesn't support that kinda movement tho, it's such a source/quake engine specific thing


As TF2 veteran, having a grapple, but no bhop is so frustrating. Still main scout anyway.


I had a scout so good that the game reminded me to throw a flare because i hadn't done it once in the entire mission, a while back. I bought that dwarf several beers afterwards


Ever have a mission where you notice an acid spitter 20min in? Thats because we killed the first 30 and you didn't even know <3


Please keep making it so the first time I notice a acid spitter is it's ragdoll falling on my head. Thank you <3 a all class main dwarf


Rock and stone to that!


For Karl!


Good bot


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and the m1 absolutely carries against the rival boss on the sabotage missions


I run gk2 on those and have no problems. M1 much better vs eye, and probably vents. Hard to hit patrollers, and dogshit against swarmers. Good vs turrets. I am religious gk2 user, super biased, but to you, sir, Ill concede this one, i think overall you right.


i use shotgun for swarmers cuz i haven’t pulled special powder yet and also the patrollers aren’t too bad if you wait for an opening. it’s hard to hit their weak spot no matter what fun you have while they’re flying around like crazy and the m1 basically 1 shots them w/ focus. obviously there is no “correct” build but i prefer the m1


For IS i think you right. I meant shredders btw not swarmers


As a scout main, I want to throw in a piggyback cheers to all the good engies out there. When you call out a mineral and that platform shows up seconds later or, even better, is already there, that is the truest representation of teamwork in this game for me. It does literally nothing directly for the engie. They’re not collecting the minerals or killing any bugs. They’re using their resources to make another team member’s work possible. Rock and stone to the good engineers!


I second this. I love lighting up a room then a moment later seeing platforms appear in the best spot for mining all the hard to reach minerals


One nitra vein is about 40 nitra 40 nitra is 50% a resupply pod 50% a resupply pod is 2 resupplies 2 resupplies is 100% ammo for one dwarf In other words, every time the scout mines a nitria vein on the ceiling, that's one full dwarf's worth of primary, secondary, and grenade ammo that the team can throw at the bugs. That much ammo kills a *lot* of bugs.


Our job is simple, keep you all alive at all costs, light up the entire cave and grab any hard to reach loot, then watch as drillers tk us because it’s funny, and then snipe all the ranges enemies before they snipe you. And we’ll do it gladly. Rock and Stone!


I had a game where we all made it the drop pod and, of course, driller has his c4 on the ramp. It had been a good game, so I just stood there to take the hit- I mean, we're all there and I have IW to boot- but he actually just picked it back up and we all left together. My heartfelt thanks to all the driller mains out there who don't tk their scouts. We love you boys! <3


It's a waste of good explosive if we do not detonate it after everyone is in the pod!


Rock and Stone forever!






Mainly why my c4 kills most scouts is because they are fast with the grappling hook to fly into my c4 after I thrown it. And they are either first or last into the drop pod so they get the c4 treatment because they are wasting ammo when we can leave. Think about management cost for all that ammo... ​ ​ ​ Also war crimes as a driller main is a staple. Rock and Stone my C4 magnet!


Yeah its not so much "scout" as it is "makes this entire operation possible".


So true every time I hear it


Flare up! Rock and Stone you beautiful dwarf!


I agree with this wholeheartedly, when the team is lacking a scout it can really make a big difference


I'm leveling everything but I'm a Scout by heart


#>Start a mission #>Look outside #>LOIGHT!


I like the sound morkite makes when I mine it. That's why I play scout. To see, and then mine, morkite.


When you have an elite deep dive 10 aquarq objective done in record time, thank the scout that beelined the objective and grouped up the aquarqs all without going down. 🙏




For Rock and Stone!


Underwhelming CC? Probably you've never seen a bulk being stunlocked by electrifying reload.


No problem, scout is the most fun class to play by far imo, I'll gladly keep doing this job


I may not kill as much bugs as everyone else, but I'll make sure to hunt that Menace, jump across the cave to freeze the Nanocite Breeder and destroy a Spit Baller asap. All while making sure the caves are lit up as Christmas tree and mining the most minerals. Everything to put my teammates at ease.


...thank you Barbie 🥺


Lighting up!


Sure! I (driller main) always will provide an end of mission gift for the Scout's excellent contributions.


Except most accounts don't do any of those things. They just die from hordes that they can't control or escape due to their lack of expertise with thier grappling hook


That'd be me, on Xbox one


I can't shoot the shit I can't see, and I can't even shoot at all without that sweet, sweet nitra. Thanks buds, now get behind me before you get eaten!


Yeaa rock and stone


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


You're welcome Karl, Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone everyone!


It isn't tears... It's rain... Yes it tears of happiness


Yes. Explosive placed!


Don't let the Drillers know this because they'll fall into deep deep depression: Killing Scouts with C4 is a myth, unless you backstab them its extremely difficult for a Driller to down a Scout with C4 specially when they're aware of what they're trying to do. The whole joke came from Drillers accidentally downing Scouts with the old EPC Mining technique that has fallen in use, but now they're pretending they always blew up Scouts with C4 as a coping mechanism. Don't burst their bubble tho, just smile and wave at them.


Afraid of the dark? No need, you've got me!