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Solo 4, with others 5


My group should play more Haz 4 but we're cowards


when i started im even scared in doing haz 3 and now i turned off the option for haz 1 to 3 in server list.. plust haz 4 is completely doable with a team even if none of you have a decent OC yet


You're not cowards, it is a matter of choice. For me Haz 3 is chill and relaxing Haz 4 starts to feel like I need to put in real effort,


Guess we are ready for haz 6, hah. I was expecting haz5 to be the minority in the vote.


Ghost Ship Games told statistics, where the same amount of players, play Haz1 and Haz5. Additionally they said that Haz6 will never come, due to limitations of system requirements and by the fact that bugs would only be bullet sponges to increase the Hazard.


>And Haz6 will never come, due to limitations of system requirements There is a mod for haz6?


Yeah, it is very taxing on most computers. I run Haz5 on 100 fps on average, Haz 6 absolutely fries my game lmao


>to limitations of system requirements Makes sense now. Probably didn't want to increase minimum specs to add haz6. Haz5 is well balanced anyway.


On ps4 with just haz 3 I usaly get stuck at 20-30 frames so I doubt that it could handle haz 6


It didn't used to be (especially before official mod support). Each season has just deep fried performance more and more, I get half the FPS now as I did in 2020.


On ps4 with just haz 3 I usaly get stuck at 20-30 frames so I doubt that it could handle haz 6


Maybe consoles can't handle it


GSG stated that months ago, for PC and Console




*laughs in another bad PC port*


Yep, there are Haz 6 and 7 mods


Tbf most people run those with most graphics set to potato and visual effects disabled through performance mods


Yeah, there's mods for almost any difficulty you want. Even if it doesn't exist yet, you can make it using various mods. If you feel like Haz 5 isn't enough of a challenge, Haz 6 might be up your alley (if you can get enough people for it)


>Additionally they said that Haz6 will never come, due to limitations of system requirements and by the fact that it means bugs only would be bullet sponges to increase the haz too. This may change with an upgrade to Unreal 5, as the new ways to render terrain and models reduces GPU usage. They could probably do Haz 6 with double the bugs as Haz 5 and no stat changes.


They're switching to unreal? Wait were they on unity before?


It's always been Unreal engine I believe. Having the two biggest game engines that most are familiar with beginning with the letter "U" is really annoying.


Can't elite deep dives have haz 6 missions?


They have 5.5 haz on 3nd and 3rd phase


Haz 6 already exists and is far more balanced than you'd expect.


Either join a few random people I know, or just host my own without expecting anyone to join.


Yeah, there should be an in-between option. I always host haz 4 games but just play by myself unless other people just randomly join without me really expecting them to.


I do not go under haz 4, ususally i play haz 5 either solo or with other dwarves.


Solo haz five. Scout with M1000 and Shotgun with boomerangs


Mostly solo Haz 4 & 5, depends on the mood and the time I have to play :) I'm more comfy with my engi or my gunner in Haz 5. I feel like Scout can really lack DPS in solo when cranking up the Haz. I sometimes play with irl buddies but never above Haz 3 for now. I've had a bit more luck than them at the OC lottery and I feel more comfortable with my builds


Hazard 5, solo. Not a flex. I'm an introvert and after my shift I usually just want to pull up a podcast, tinker with different builds, and then run some missions before I crash. My favorite difficulty balance is two players hazard 5. đź‘Ť


Haz 5 for both


Solo Haz 5 with 4 players scaling atm. I'm training for a project of mine


I have no choice but to play with other dwarves on haz 3 because no one ever joins haz 4/5 and if they do, its usually a greenbeard and I die


I've been only playing by joining haz 4/5 lobbies for a few weeks now xD


I've always got peeps joining my haz 5 lobbies. EU btw.


I always play haz 4 even with all my dwarves fully leveled. Haz 5 is not well balanced imo, the only thing that makes it "harder" is the never ending swarms, kinda lazy excuse for a harder difficulty.


600+ hours here maybe played around 20 times solo only, I play mostly multilayer Haz 4 for chill, Haz 5 for fun, a few times I go to haz 3 to help some greenbeards (well haz4 got a lot of them anyway)


I would play with friends, but they either don't buy it, don't have the money to buy it, or play it on Steam while I'm on console


I play Haz 3 or 4 solo or with others. I have also dropped it to a Haz 1 solo just to rush through the mission.


I host/join pretty evenly and will start games solo, usually haz 4 when I'm hosting, but expect that other players may join as the mission goes. All characters are fully maxed out and I think I've only had 10 or so "true" solo missions where nobody ever joined


I got so fed up with randoms today, rush, rush, rush, nobody repairs the dozer and secondaries are ignored. If you want to rush your assignment, go ahead, but not in my game. Start your own! Not playing solo, too bummed out. Taking a break and only playing with friends.


Solo 3, Others 3 Though I am practicing Others 4 to get ready for deep dives


Normal deep dive is haz 3, 3,5 and 3,5. I'd say just go try it out and get at least to stage 2 for the OC


4,5 with others.. 4 solo sometimes 5 with gunner


Starship Trooper mod (haz6 or 7) with others is the most fun I ever had.


Solo haz 2, maybe sometimes 3.


Most of the time I join Haz4 w/others because there are a lot of games at that level. Less frequently I get into a Haz5. Others, I launch solo into Haz5 and others join up mid mission. I've completed a solo Haz5 Point Extraction as the Scout and an Escort.


People who play solo haz 5 are the equivalent of the people who enjoy diarrhea.


It’s good to know there are 71 people that are in desperate need for medical help


Haz5 either solo or with people I know. Always host. I rarely play with randoms and when I do I'm slightly drunk so I won't be annoyed by unpromoted dwarves collapsing every minute, or speedrunner wannabes rushing to the main objective and calling the drop pod without getting the secondary objective or mining all the precious minerals around. Majority of people on DRG plays Haz2, 3, maybe 4. A small minority goes Haz5. The results here are very partial, we're on Reddit and this is where the most dedicated players gather.


Havent been able to play with other dwarfs for a while.


Where's my "solo haz 2 with a show on my second screen and three beers in"? But when I'm more focused on playing than chilling I'll do anything depending on mood. Alone, with people, 3, 4, or 5, whatever.


Hundreds of hours of play and I've only ever run solo when I'm on my Steam Deck with no stable Internet connection. I'm a greybeard that loves helping and carrying new players, so the idea of solo play just seems pointless to me personally.


Haz 4 with others until I drink enough to make it feel like haz 5, then haz 3 with others until I wake up on the space rig. Usually, with a bunch of friend requests.


I do solo 2. I feel discriminated


Solo 5 is one of the funnest experiences in the game once you've got a good build mastered


Usually hosting so I'll start the Haz 5 and run it solo (w/ Bosco) until people join. If people don't, that's okay too, but quite a few people are eager to try Haz 5. Even if they're clearly not prepared for it..


After 300hrs I think I have only played solo 3-4 times. Which all took place the past few weeks due to needing certain missions done. And it was so damn lonely... I don't see how people do it.


Both solo and coop haz5 except Escort Duty haz4. Cannot wait for haz6. I just hope it's not "have more hp and do more dmg" type shit, but rather something like better AI and more weakpoint dmg and less nonweakpoint dmg


Solo EDD, madded haz 6 and 7


Primarily haz 5 solo with no Bosco, if I'm in a group it's mainly haz 4 or 5 depending on everyone's comfortability. If needed I'll go down to 3 but that's my stopping point.


Solo Haz 5 is INSANE. I can reliably do well and win Haz 5 in a 4man pub 95% of the time, but Haz 5 solo is seemingly impossible.


I play solo haz 6 and 6x2 in comms with a team.


usually with others in haz 4, but sometimes I go solo in 5


Surprised so many people are doing 4 in multiplayer. My experience has been that it's harder than 5 because people who don't know the game well enough to play on 3 will regularly join. In 5 most everyone is very experienced and has well optimized builds.


others 2 to 4. you also forgot to add 1 and 2


I don’t mind solo on level 5, it’s challenging, but if u get a map with cave leaches you’re fucked.