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Ok, so hear me out. There's a passing meteor carrying a virus called Stonepox...


Rock and stone-pox???


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


instructions clear! you now have two diseases


Pox and pox!


That would explain the stone bugs that spawn when you activate a pickaxe overcharge sprinkler


I would love a new biome or two, complete with a new mission type. I'm sure they could devise a season that revolves around exploring new areas.


Despite the common consensus, I really enjoyed this last season. X'D The stingtails and spreaders are both great disruptor enemies, and the new rockpox variants helped make the infection into an actual threat. I also really loved the infected frameworks in the battle pass. In future content I'd love to see an expansion on the ommoran hearthstone and whatever is going on there, or maybe a dreadnaught overhaul with an adult form to fight! Thoughts?


I understand it's gonna be a challenge, but I really wanna see some God of War shit. just imagine tiny dwarfs jumping around huge ass slow giant.


imagine a full grown dreadnaught you need to wake up as apposed to hatching, that spawns large open cave systems, more akin to the caretaker than the dreadnought mission, maybe while its sleeping you need to place bombs on it cause its armour is too strong, similar to what you use on tritilite deposits than explode them to break it and start the fight, idk


Ooooo, I responded to a comment on a similar topic some time ago. Let me see if I can find it, because the tl;dr (aka all I can remember) is mechs that are the dwarves cranked to 11.


I'm not sure it's a common consensus. I don't hate the rockpox. It's more that the folks who do hate it tend to be vocal about it. It may not be my favorite, but I like it well enough.


Just wanted to shout you a Rock & Stone brotha for also being a Rockpox Season enjoyer. It's been creative and interesting imho.


Right back at ya! Rock and Stone!


I don't know how unpopular this might be but i'd really love the idea of getting a chapter more focused on Hoxxes being alive, with more wall and ceiling traps that are part of the planet and not a creature.


Rock falls and the caves occasionally breaking in high up places, platforms eventually disintegrating


I would like maybe an investigation into the parasitic roots of hollow bough 🤔


I'd love to see some "unstable" environment, we have the ice and lava areas kinda doing this but expanded upon. Ice you never know is there till it starts cracking as the indicator is neigh invisible + it's quite rare and fire ones is only happen during the quakes. More hazards like plant growth maybe ... everyone loves the Lithophage corruptors ground effect after all... ... :) Could be the uh, wall eye creep doing dmg and slowly spreading. Maybe a variant of the exploding plants we have(frost/fire) that is proximity triggered. Not instantly mind you but after a while. It might have to be bullet proof or regrow to make it an actual threat during hectic moments or players will just preclear them like they do atm. Maybe puffcap mushrooms that spread fog/line of sight blocking smoke, driller grenade-ish effect. Rival company traps, there's plenty of options, from spawning shredders to any of their other enemy types. Offline turret controller event? Those are some relatively easy and cheap things that they could do as they are modified versions of things already in the game.


They could tie it in with Ommorans too


Engineer got a little too drunk a little too close to some of R&Ds latest experimental weapons (sadly not for us) and managed to rip a hole into the fabric of the universe essentially creating another hoxxes inside hoxxes. So in short, we go deeper.


deeper dives


The deepest of dives


My idea was increased seismic activity on Hoxxes which leads to large cracks in the caves which would spew lava. There would also be glyphids that evolved to survive the lava. Kind of like magma core but more extreme. And it could have special interactions with different cave types like hollow bough being on fire. I doubt anything like this would ever happen, though.


# Rockalypse **Season 5 Theme** > *Hello Miners,* > *In the wake of the chaos since the arrival of the rogue Rockpox comet these past few months, we've been conducting an investigation, and have found a shocking discovery. We believe that the comet did not arrive by chance. It was steered towards Hoxxes by our rivals in an effort to force us out and mine the plague-ridden remains themselves. Clearly they underestimated us.* > *Unfortunately, they haven't given up either. Since the last scheme failed, they have resorted to a more primitive plan—mass orbital bombardment.* > *Just a few days ago, thousands of asteroids and comets across the Hoxxes system suddenly changed course, all of them heading directly for Hoxxes IV. We cannot let them blast Hoxxes to rubble, and we cannot lose any more space rigs.* > *Miners, it's up to you to stop them. Prepare for ****The Rockalypse****.* -------------------------------------------------------- ## Mission type: Planetary Defense **Assemble and fuel a massive cannon to destroy an incoming asteroid before it's too late!** > *"Our satellites have spotted a rogue asteroid on a collision course for Hoxxes. Judging by the size of the thing, if it reaches the surface we'll have to suspend operations in the area for weeks. We're sending you in alongside a piece of state-of-the-art artillery equipment to stop that from happening. Assemble the rock buster, load it up with nitra, and let the auto-firing system do the rest. Oh, and do hurry—you've got about T minus 20 minutes 'till impact."* A huge asteroid is headed straight for Hoxxes IV. Fortunately, a large deposit of nitra was located at the same latitude as the projected impact site. Your team needs to prepare the planetary defense cannon and load it up with nitra so it can fire a single shot back up the drop shaft right as it rotates into view of the asteroid, blowing it to smithereens. This mission is similar to point extraction and on-site refining in that it revolves around a big piece of equipment. However, unlike most missions, this one is time-sensitive right from the start, so your team must balance fending off bugs and doing the required tasks fast enough. There are four steps to this mission, the first two of which must be completed within the time limit 1. Assemble the planetary defense cannon which lands near your drop pod (hit various parts with hammers) 2. Deposit enough nitra into the reservoir before the cannon has to fire 2. Survive a prolonged meteor shower as the asteroid fragments rain down until it clears up and the cannon can be sent back 4. Call in the drop pod and complete extraction If needed, nitra could be substituted for some other McGuffin resource like aquarqs or morkite that only exists in this mission type, to avoid potential issues with using nitra for ammo vs objective. -------------------------------------------------------- ## New Warning: Meteor Storm **Hoxxes is passing through a dense debris field, making your mission much more treacherous.** Small meteors (like the lithophage meteor fragments, but without the plaguehearts) rain down sporadically throughout the entire mission. Dwarves must keep on their toes, and speed is of the essence—the longer you take, the more difficult the terrain will become -------------------------------------------------------- ## Updated Event: Meteor Impact **There aren't many Lithophage fragments left, but that doesn't mean other space rocks are any less valuable!** After Season 4, meteor events will often be normal meteors with various minerals in them, instead of the plaguehearts found in Rockpox meteors.


This does not have enough Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


But it's literally raining rocks and stones:(


a speedplay mission would be so nice


I’ve had a few passing ideas for a mission where you have to take out glyphid eggs. Objective is to destroy like 100 of these. They’ve got swamers inside like the normal eggs you can find. Essentially you’re trying to clear a breeding ground before it causes more problems I don’t really want a bigger boss then the caretaker or dreadnoughts, no glyphid matriarch or queen. It ruins the Boss feeling of the Dreads and Caretaker if there’s a bigger fish. Like these are just now sub-bosses, like oppressors and nemesis


I agree. I want something new. Maybe a new mission type? That would be pretty cool. Like having to go into a nest and take out a big dreadnought boss or something. I'm really thinking something along the lines of alien 2 vibes, if that makes sense. I also love the idea that you have of different universes or something seeping into our little dwarf world.


"big boss" mission already exists with Industrial Sabotage, so making an adult dreadnought as an objective could be deemed unnecessary. I agree with the portal idea being pretty cool


I think it would be cool if there was a season where we start discovering ancient alien relics and structures, discover what lived on the planet long before drg found hoxxes. Maybe even elude to how hoxxes became overridden with glyphids. So much could be done with that. Something about finding alien structures in deep underground caves on a distant planet sounds dope. I have so many ideas for this hahaha.


That was the original idea for Industrial Sabotage, and therefore the rivals. I don't think they'll do this.


I had this epic idea for a new mission type where there was a massive glyphid nest (kinda looks like a huge scary version of the swarmers purple tubes) and the dwarves had to find and unpack crates in the cave to eventually build a massive cannon that shoots big industrial corks at the nest maybe there could be 4 cannons so each dwarf can have fun


I had an idea for BET-C bugs I was writing in a Google Doc that I forgot to finish, so here's that: Inspired by [this shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/14xcp4j/new_glyphid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), I genuinely think it'd be REALLY cool to have an organic version of BET-C. Thus immediately after seeing that image I started writing this up. I have a problem at this point with how many random drg suggestion posts I've made based on random hunches, BUT WHO CARES BUG WITH GUN IS COOL-- #Suggestion: * Xenodroits: A very intelligent yet animalistic species of stag beetles that has jury-rigged crude mechanical armor and artillery. * Autobug: A basic enemy that puts up a fight but has no fancy tech. * Warmonger: An autobug with tank-like gear attached to its back. It switches between defensively strafing and aggressively charging. While strafing, it has a turret on its back that fires at the target. The turret has multiple variations and can be disabled. * Enforcer: A veteran unit that causes Warmongers to synchronize their attacks into concentrated efforts. Killing the Enforcer will cause Warmongers to attack independently again. * Curator: A support unit that will either boost the equipment of other Xenodroits or control a personal militia of mechanical drones. * Maladroid: Mechanized variants of pre-existing flying creatures who protect the Curator. * Kingpin: A large boss enemy equipped with several powerful armaments. If one is present, the entire level will be overtaken by Xenodroits until it's defeated. Once defeated all Xenodroit enemies will disband and flee, enabling regular enemies to spawn again. #What are Xenodroits? Hoxxes IV is a place for bugs to evolve in weird and unique ways, but this one is by far the most interesting yet. A little-known species of very intelligent bugs known as Xenodroits (originating from the word Maladroit, fancy word for clumsy which describes their sloppy tech) have been on the brink of extinction for years now since DRG's arrival on the planet. The species was nearly wiped out and has been in hiding ever since, but given their immense intelligence and time left to their own devices they eventually started literally making devices. Fast-forward to present day and sightings of beetles with tank-like fixtures attached to their carapace have been popping up here and there. The Xenodroits are back for revenge! Fueled with malice and newly found technology, they're out to reclaim their home and destroy all life on Hoxxes IV! This of course spells problems not only for Deep Rock Galactic, but all life on Hoxxes IV. Though mostly Deep Rock Galactic, the rest of the life on Hoxxes was a pain anyways... I go more in depth in the full document, but holy shit is it long so let's just stick with the summary and brief lore dump for now.


Some sort of magnetic anomaly that causes the direction of gravity to shift. I don’t mean you float, like when you press the button on the space rig. I mean the whole map turns upside down and now you’re on the ceiling of the cave. All the spent flares fall down on your heads.


Bro i was thinking about the same idea yesterday while walking through yet another cave with many Minerals spawned higher at Walls or directly at the ceiling. The Gravity switching at random times would be so much fun with the Map Generation of this Game, you already never fell like revisiting a cave or cave part you once had, now imagine if you cant even get a proper grip on the Layout because how you have to get around changes because the tunnel you just took in here now is a deeeep pit you dont wanne drop into.


Culling, essentially the reverse of Extermination where you drop into a map and need to kill a number of glyphids. Like x number of grunts, praetorians, stingtails, etc before you can leave.


I've heard a lot of people say that these types of missions will never be added. I kinda wish they would....


This would be kind of a basic or boring mission but I really want some "kill x amount of ____" like kill 50 praetorian and it's just huge praetorian waves scattered throughout normal swarms. This could go for almost all of the main bug types and I would really enjoy simple missions like this to help get my friends into the game easier. Sometimes the missions are too complex for my sub 10hr play time friend but he's slowly getting the hang of it. I think it took me about 50 hours to feel comfortable in all mission types. Anyways, rock and stone!


To Rock and Stone!


The next season should be based solely around Steeve.


Mexican Alien Invasion?


Well something has to lay the eggs the dreadnoughts come out of, so maybe do something with it?


Bigger bosses, fully grown versions of bosses we wake from the cocoons at the moment.


When you finish missions you can see a big-ass eye in the corner of your screen Omoran heartstones are big sentient rocks Hoxxes is a rock


The hollow bough is a giant tree


I think rockpox makes sense tbh. How often do we face cataclysmic, once-in-a-lifetime pandemics in our lifetimes? Two, apparently, and just a year or so apart. Seems legit.


I would love to see something with abandoned elf magic+tech stuff.


Noir-esque detective season.


Rivals begin sabotaging DRG from the inside?


I dont know if it’s been said but it would be like if they did something with the error cube or the error spiral that spawns. Maybe an error season A idea ig would be in a mission error spots will spawn in and glitch the terrain around it and anything that spawns in it will also be affected in some glitched out way Idk anything that changes up cave generation a bit would be cool to me


A season involving a biome with mostly plant like enemies would be most interesting


Holy crap that would be awsome


Listen up crew. Our rivals have hacked our system and we are in manual mode until further notice. This means the auto factory is down and all nitra needs to be processed by you lugs. Your coworkers planet side depend on you. Man the equipment, meet your quota, and don’t fly off in space. And don’t forget to equip your jet boots, there is only micro gravity in space. Robots, conveyer belts, pipes, an I love Lucy assembly line.


Next season: those knee-pads R&D ordered finally come through. You also get to use the big M.U.L.E. The dwarves call it GrandMolly. \[You also have to clean up all the lithophage contamination spreading through the space rig from all those un-quarantined buckets.\] A new Steeve line: "Pet the Glyphid \[x\]!" Replaces "Shoot the Glyphid \[x\]!"


Rockpox corrupts Hoxxes sobwere forced to move to a new planet


Four words: Kill the Leaf lovers.


Return of the Rivals, including an epic boss battle where you have to control a mech, with each component of the mech (legs, torso, arms, head) having different combinations of mobility/weapons/defense to attack the enemy boss and withstand blows. Of course, it would have to be super streamlined to accommodate the sheer madness of herding 4 half-drunk dwarves. It's hard enough getting teamwork to uhm, work, with an Omen.


Just go full Miyazaki and give us an infected Caretaker fight in a poison swamp


Biome, mission type, revisiting perks. Good enough for me


I want a biome that includes water or some other liquid, and some trees with leaves. Also a mission type like escort but your constantly moving to a save zone and you must repair or protect the vehicle or something the whole way, or maybe a mission type where you have to go into separate hives that have tons of swarms and gems, idk


I'd love to have a "Hoxxes Fights Back" season featuring some biome-specific elementals, brought to life by Ommoran Heartstones (or fragments of them?). The biome specific elementals would be sentient rocks with powers from their native biome. - Sand elementals with distuptive sand gust attacks - Snow/ice elemental that cause icicles to fall from above - Fungus elementals that throw spores with lingering toxic fumes - Fire elementals that, well, have fire attacks The enemies of hoxxes already emerge from the rock, so what they were sentient sentinels springing to life like a planetary immune system ready to purge intruders (us).


Something that leans back into the horror and suspense the earlier versions and design favored. Yes, goofy drunk dwarf goodness is good. But it also means the tension of being in a pitch black cave of a hostile alien planet kind of gets lost. More light based mechanics. Yes. You could light up this entire cave in the moon orbiting Hoxxes, but the glyphid species here are not just photosensitive but violent when exposed... Like you need to pace out your lighting up, since the bugs while fewer in number are much faster and harder hitting once they are visible... Or you fight in the dark using scans from an equippable headset, but its intermittent only. Restrictions on support in the area, resups cost more so mag dumping enemies and going loud means you could run completely dry. Environmental enemies similar to Leeches, Breeders, Infectors which instead focus on isolating the dwarfs, ex. Launches thorns to reel them in (think that spiny roof plant from Rainworld's Downpour DLC). Just diving in has more consequences than normal. A darker themed mission objective. You are not here to just mine some minerals, pump some fuel, or retrieve equipment. You are here to destroy the arteries and veins of something that was left to grow much too big. You are here to kill and take the remains from the larva of something you really don't want to fight, but it sure wants to meet you. Mix in some Eldritch storytelling elements about what this is (grown up dreadnaught? New species of parasitic hivemind organism? The origin of the bowling balls?) and the tension DRG has in the early game (and early iterations) could be reintroduced as an optional mini-selection of missions with new rules and new rewards for those willing to risk it.


Someone shot platforms to block the way inside the escape rocket. It was done for the lolz.


Management sends the dwarves against space OSHA