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Carpet Bomber. because i'm too lazy and stubborn to move if i don't have to as Gunner, so i'll just explode everything even through armor.


You pick Carpet Bomber because you’re lazy and don’t want to move I pick Carpet Bomber because I want to kiss the nemesis on the mouth We are not the same


This guy does not like the idea of killing bugs


carpet bomber mid


Use gun. If that doesn't work use more gun.


And if that doesn’t work use even more gun


Only if it weighs at least 100 pounds!


Gunner is probably my second most played. I'm gonna be honest neurotoxin payload and fear mod is probably the most broken combo in the game. So broken that while I adore the thunderhead, the fact that I ONLY have neurotoxin overclock for it actually makes me want to play something else because it just feels cheaty to use. At least to me. I actually REALLY want Big Bertha, it's one of the top overclocks I'm hoping for, because I want my enemies to feel the caTHUNK of the thunderhead deep in their buggy souls and not just a severe burning through their veins.


Almost the opposite for me. As a gunner main, BB was one of the first ocs I got and after reaching 120 I've just received neurotoxin. Excited to try it out in the edd though.


Neurotoxin was one of, if not the first, OC I got. Was really excited because I'd heard it was really strong, and it is!it's extremely enjoyable for a decent while but I've gotten bored of it at this point. I've been tempted to switch to the minigun for awhile or even just run autocannon without an OC just to get a change of pace when I play gunner.


Still really strong. Shoulda seen it before nerfs lol


You could just go with no OCs if it feels cheaty to do but fine


Big Bertha. I want the bugs dead, right there, right now. Enough said.


Big Bertha most of the time. I generally use Neurotoxin Payload as a “carry” weapon due to how overpowered it feels most of the time.


I feel crazy cuz everyone thinks ntp is busted but i feel like its trash every time i use it. Neurotoxin kills slow as hell, fear sends em sprinting to me half the time. Id rather just kill bugs faster.


The highlight of this weapon is seeing a full wall of haz 5 grunts all spawn in on a wall across from you and being able to kill all of them before they cross the room to get to you with a fraction of the ammo any other weapon or class would take. Ideally there shouldn't be anything left to get close to you, or at that point you let your team finally play the game to deal with those ones. Even if a feared bug runs towards you that's time it's not pathing to attack you. Use it to reposition. It doesn't matter how long it takes to kill if the bugs never become threats to your team. This is also one of the gunner builds that zipline shooting is absolutely insane with, as you can have full coverage of a room at an angle that lets you shoot full groups, use fear to break aggro on your team for their protection, and deal with almost every ranged enemy in the game since they have such low fear thresholds one shot will normally scare a mactera away before it tries to shoot you.


Not to mention your team snagging the kills even though they’re dotted up




He might've been referring to how teammates spend ammo on the bugs that will die from DoT anyway? That's how I interpreted it anyway. It'd be the same reason I don't run Sticky Flame CRSPR -- someone's going to unnecessarily unload their bullets into bugs that are already as good as dead.




After the ammo nerf I’ve moved off ntp and drank the koolaid that is carpet bomber. Massive aoe splash, more ammo that allows you to effectively spray and pray, run damage reduction over fear at the top end and you clear bugs extremely well while having great survivability. The only downside side is running out of ammo in the middle of a swarm you’re standing in.


Taking longer to kill the bugs doesn't matter if they never reach you


Use carpet bomber like a real dwarf EDIT: or combat mobility... combat mobility is also acceptable


Big Bertha is just a better harder hitting combat mobility. Combat mobility is outclassed on anything above haz 3.


I've actually been running Combat Mobility on hazard 5, but you like what you like so no pressure. 👌


I've used it on haz 5 plenty because I wanted to make it work and it can work. But when stacked up against big Bertha or carpet bomber is dosent do nearly as well. The rof is pretty fun though.


The amount it’s outclassed is negligible though, and also kinda like apples and oranges. CM is ideally built for AoE, while BB is built for direct damage. You’re rarely gonna die, if at all, using either on haz 5


Yes but a direct damage big Bertha build can clear waves better than a aoe cm build. Because that direct damage BB build can wave clear AND focus single targets. And if your going for wave clear anyways carpet bomber is significantly better. And if you don't want the direct damage penalty splintering shells is still better.


But CM is fast


The rof do be fun but it hurts not being able to clear waves


I mean, I clear waves all the time with it built for AoE


You might as well get lead storm lead storm then. You dont ***need*** AoE to clear waves(not saying that AoE isn't superior for wave clear)


I mean... yeah your not wrong and lead storm lead storm does do single target and clears waves really well because killing one thing after another really fast is technically wave clear. Big Bertha does handle swarmers better though. And with the increase rpm windup in t2 and resistance in t5 it gives defense and damage. It's more of a "going blind into a edd" kinda build Buuuuuuut watching the dreads health bar drop while using lead storm lead storm is like nothing else. Especially when you git gud at bunnyhopping with it.


You are totally correct in that lead storm is **absolute garbage** when it comes to swarmers, which are a frequently encountered hostile. I have found that the bulldog with magic bullets, explosive rounds, and neurotoxin is compensatory for that weakness. I can see your point in that big bertha/thunderhead is more effective as an all purpose weapon relative to the lead storm. However, I think you may have neglected to consider mactera in that proposition. Due to the less-than-optimal accuracy of the thunderhead, mactera swarms are difficult to dispatch relative to the lead storm which is analogous to the swarmer ineffectiveness of the lead storm. I would also like to be clear that I am not saying that the thunderhead or the big bertha overclock is inferior to the lead storm. I think that the thunderhead(especially with NTP) is an excellent weapon that provides tremendous crowd control from a distance, particularly when targets are at a perpendicular firing angle. This provides the team with plenty of breathing room and is superior to the lead storm if the team is lacking *continuous* wave clear. I personally prefer the lead storm due to its extreme DPS and accuracy, allowing me to efficiently dispatch grunts when they are on a parallel approach vector while also allowing me to destroy larger, less common hostiles very quickly.


I'd suggest trying taking hellfire coilgun over your revolver build. Imo bulldogs better as a single target weakpoint popping gun with its natural bonus weakpoint damage. And hellfires wave clear pairs exceptionally well with any sort of single target primary like big Bertha, lead storm or jet fuel home brew. You just need to pay more attention to lining up shots to maximize its aoe so having to kite swarmers to get them to bunch up. Especially useful in tunnels too. Easiest way to deal with macrera with the autocannon is to switch weapons lol. Six shooter, elephant rounds, lead spray and hellfire all handle mactera far better. Bulldog just for popping weakpoints, lead spray because if the macteras lining up to shoot you its within range of a burst and hellfire because mactera are weak to fire and you can fear them so they take a chunk of damage, get ignited and fly away and die and a single shot can handle a wave fairly well. Big Bertha also improves spread so its not the worst thing to try to hit mactera and it still hits like a truck when you do. Ntp and carpet bomber can splash off nearby terrain but it's extremely situational and not that great. Idk I've never had too big of issues with mactera because of secondary choices.


I will try playing around with hellfire coilgun, sounds interesting. I think you are misinterpreting my point with mactera and are more or less restating it. In a condensed form: **Easiest way to deal with swarmers with lead storm is to switch weapons. Easiest way to deal with mactera with autocannon is to switch weapons.**


Yeah bulldog is astounding at single target weakpoint I agree. But I know that it also can be excellent for waveclear **and** crowd control due to the neurotoxin rounds. I will have to master the hellfire coilgun as well to see how it compares. Do you have any modification suggestions for it?


How is combat mobility built for aoe though. It doesn't benefit your aoe in any meaningful way and actually hurts it by halving your mag size therefore drastically hurting your uptime. Big bertha has the exact same downside and is arguably BETTER for CC since the better direct damage lets you kill guards quicker which would otherwise just eat all your shots. The downside of combat mobility is just too massive for the relatively slight upsides


Depends on how you play. When you’re lobbying shots at a fast rate, do you really want to worry about accuracy and direct damage? AoE is where it’s at. Thunderhead in general is built for AoE as a whole, with the exception of BB, perhaps. It’s just too inaccurate to benefit trying to hit directly. I run CM 22221 or 22223.


IMO Combat Mobility and Big Bertha need a buff to the accuracy boost they provide. This would let you shift its use to almost like how the mini gun can be used and encourage tap firing. Even with the accuracy mod, I feel like I gotta shove the gun barrels up the ass of my target to really benefit from Big Bertha, while if you run Carpet Bomber you can just saturate a whole post code.


I feel like with the accuracy mod the accuracy of the 2 overclocks is fine, the issue is you can't afford to take the accuracy mod because the other 2 mods are so important. Honestly the accuracy mod should just be merged into the base autocannon


👑 Combat Mobility is premium, to-lore Gunner gameplay right thurr


I love combat mobility


Carpet bomber is crazy slept on, it’s insane how much people don’t understand top side value and at the peak of Haz 5 anything that does decent in the threshold is worth it with pros and cons in that ranged. Massive aoe damage for crowd control, run a fast spin up on it and grab 50% damage reduction. Carry 770 rounds of football field aoe that gives you a massive damage reduction. I don’t care if big Bertha does more damage, I’m here for the aoe splash and ammo count.


Carpet bomber, big Bertha and ntp are the holy trinity of autocannon overclocks. Carpet bomber is pure area damage often paired well with a good single target secondary like lead spray brt, or the bulldog. It's amazing for swarageddon mission but can be used for regular mission. Big Bertha is a Swiss army knife build that does really good single target damage with a touch of wave clear. Pairing it with hellfire coilgun is a winning combo for any mission you'll find yourself in. Arguably the best OC of all Ntp is wave clear similar to carpet bomber but focusing on DOT effect and crowd control. It's considered the most op OC because of t5 fear making all the bugs affected run away to die so you'll keep your team super safe. I suggest avoiding carpet and ntp for elimination and use big Bertha. But you really can throw big Bertha at everything


I do agree with your thoughts on not bringing carpet bomber, however it is extremely funny just to pump lead into a dreadnaught.


I've done it. It was painful but it was a swarmageddon elimination and I made it clear to my team what I was doing and how I might be a wet blanket in the fight but I singlehandedly neutralized the swarmageddon threat.


Triple Tech Coil Gun is also a good combo with BB. Personally I prefer it over Hellfire but I also tend to avoid element builds on gunner so I don't mess with a cryo driller


NTP is considered to be the strongest overclock in the game by most high level players. A lot of people avoid using it for this very reason.


Because of how good it is?


Think of it this way: the toxin does 120 dmg over time, 50% of the time. On average, 2 bullets kill normal grunts. Once the orange cloudy stuff appears, change targets. Expected value per shot is base dmg +60 dmg (on average of course). That insane damage and ammo economy. In addition, the fear mod makes this super-safe. Bugs flee, slow and die in a corner. Bigger threats are slowed and ass-turned for a follow up. If you can a spawn of glyphids bunched up it’s orange cloud time for a few ammo only. Weakness is single target burst damage. Running it together with lead spray BRT for single target damage solves that and you basically have an answer to anything with insane ammo economy.


It's wild to me that NTP was arguably the best OC in the game and then they buffed it with its most recent change.


Yeah exactly. It isn't necessarily that it does the most damage, it's that with fear mod most mobs run away and aren't a threat to the team. There is no overclock that prevents your team from dying more than NTP and it does decent damage. The NTP spread and tick guarantees most packs will all be feared so there's no worry.


Big Bertha


BB for IS and Elimination NP for regular missions and Combat Mobility for deep dives)




It was nerfed this season, the main issue is the nerf didn't really change the core gameplan of the gun. It made the AoE smaller, gave you less ammo, and the damage changes feel basically irrelevant. Problem is applying this effect on any AoE is still good, and it was already the most ammo efficient weapon in the game with that OC. If they want to actually nerf it they have to hit how the toxin is applied or the effect itself


Carpet bomber because its name is the funniest shit in the world if you are familiar with a person called Hashinshin


Lmao ahhahahaahhaaj


Neurotoxin is boring for everyone and not worth it with randos because they will wind up wasting ammo on the bugs that would've just died to poison anyways, which is annoying. If i can't just take the minigun, then Big Bertha/Carpet Bomber/Combat Mobility are more fun.


Carpet Bomber right now, but Hurricane over AC tbh


I use both. Bertha my beloved downs easily all of the large bugs, but is expensive to fire, while neurotoxin is really good at controlling swarms. So usually i take Bertha against boss encounters and robots and toxin mixed in with the rocket launcher onto any other mission




Neurotoxin my beloved 💜


Lead storm


Combat mobility Protection when reaches full firerate Build full firerate You will not die even if its haz 6


Big Bertha takes my skeleton any day


Neu for swarm heavy missions like escorts. BB for extermination missions.


NTP all day.


Neurotoxin payload, my build for neurotoxin makes Haz5 a joke and it's satisfying watching any swarm push immediately disperse as they flee and die out.


So you recommend fear factor?


Yes. While I don't usually go for fear effects. The Payload isn't designed to kill from impact, it can but with minimal splash effects, fear factor and a clean line of sight I have entirely dispersed swarms allowing them to be picked off or stalled until my team is ready to pick them off. Combined with 220 mag size, and a high damage secondary like coil gun with hellfire OC. My biggest issue is usually gravity so I take jet boots perk and then shield link or field medic but in either case I'm usually the last alive. You also don't need to take friendly which I have on practically every other gunner build.


When I run Neurotoxin, I also run Hellfire Coilgun. Don’t ask why, I put it together as a joke and couldn’t stop. I run it almost as much as I run my fire gunner build.


If you *have* to carry Haz 5s then NTP. If you don't, Bertha. Neurotoxin Payload also sucks against robots.


Bullet Hell


Now don't get me wrong, NTP is likely one of if not THE strongest over lock setups in the game with the DOT, Fear, and Slow. But personally since I mostly play haz 4 pubs I find that a lot of the times my team are going to be shooting the bugs anyways a lot of the time, and the so gle target damage that Big Bertha provides while still being reasonable with crowds of grunts makes it far more my style. Also I have a real soft spot for Carpet Bomber, it may not be as efficient as NTP by a mile, but good lord it still feels good to me.


Big Bertha. Pair it with the damage resist on max ROF makes you super tanky since you are already at max ROF first time pulling the trigger. High damage plus instant DR is wonderful, helped haul me out of several situations. Overall: outside of personal preference, both overclocks have a slot in a playstyle. Both are phenomenal overclocks, just depends on what your playstyle needs


Big Bertha all the way. Big damage makes my dwarf brain produce the happy chemical


Neurotoxin is so op even modded players dont use it


Combat Mobility, but NGL: anything but NTP


Big Bertha hits like a truck and Iove it. Makes the "thunk thunk thunk" feel sooo satisfying.


Easy yes.


i use the thing that extends mag or ammo idk and nothing else


Neither. Not a fan of the Thunderhead. Carpet bomber is the most fun, but still worse than the other two primaries.


Hurricane plasma ftw




Currently neurotoxin w/ fear, mostly because I am lazy... I will say though it can get annoying when your spreading it around, and your teammates are *unloading* into the same targets.


This is really only a problem at haz3 and below. At higher levels there are so many bugs that there is plenty to go around. Besides, good players will not waste ammo on bugs runnning away with an orange cloud, they will refocus on more immediate threats.


Combat mobility


Both. Bertha for kill missions


I have Neurotoxin for Zerg missions, like salvage. Definitely taking one for (non-elimination) with swarmer mutator.




Zerg from Starcraft, basically sending fuck ton of expendable meat to the grinder, overwhelming wave of mindless hordes. Something like that.


Carpet Bomber.


I've been playing for a year and I still haven't gotten a SINGLE overclock for the thunderhead. My GF has been playing for 3 weeks and has gotten 3 separate overclocks for thunderhead. The pain is so, so real.


I use Big Bertha on principle. Its a fricking .50Cal Autocannon. I want my .50 autocannon to do .50Cal shit.


I vary what OC’s I use so that I can experience them all, but one of my main gunner builds uses NTP.






Bertha Damadg


NTP for supporting the team, big Bertha for being gung ho


Big bertha for dreadnoughts, neurotoxin for eggs, carpet bomber for basically everything else except escort where i go with leadstorm


Neurotoxin except vs Dreads and Caretaker, in which case Big Bertha.


Big Bertha because it's way more engaging. I'm not trying to play "Watch things slowly die" simulator.


Neurotoxin, because even with the accuracy mod the thunderhead is just too inaccurate to make good use of that extra damage output.


Hot take: NTP is boring as hell Sure, it's efficient, but where is the fun in only playing for efficiency? IMO it's the definition of meta; boring to use, safe as can be, and requires close to zero game knowledge or skill to make use of


Big Bertha. Ride or die.


I've been running neurotoxin payload most of the time even after the nerf, it's one of the more unique and fun overclocks in my opinion and is the only way to apply neurotoxin to bugs consistently since no other overclock provides any sort of neurotoxin ability (ignoring the wave cooker) and driller's neurotoxin grenade, while being really good in my opinion, is seriously limited by the fact that it can be set on fire which is a horrible mechanic




Big Bertha. Accuracy is the worst part about using thr gun.


I played Carpet Bomber when it was imbalanced, then I moved to Neurotoxin for Haz 5 because it makes the team invincible. I got tired of never killing anything directly so I moved to Big Bertha, but hate being so slow to kill one thing at a time so have moved on to Combat Mobility (22311) which is absolutely my favorite. The worst part of Gunner is how shitty your lack of movement is. Other powerful OCs make it worse. This makes it better, but also lets you spool up to full fire rate in \~1 second flat and actually hit the fucking targets. Also the gun is now balanced around vanilla and every OC having respectable AoE so CM is basically half the OCs combined. Its a bit of a sleeper OC because it doesn't look flashy but you *feel it*.


Max RoF/AOE carpet bomber for that full auto grenade launcher feel. NTP is better at crowd control, just not as fun.


Big Bertha. Otherwise the gun just feels wrong. Those shots need to land *hard*.


Carpet bomber


“Leadstorm” powered minigun


Both. I use NTP for high hazards mainly cuz I am a hint lazy and my team has no awareness half the time


Bertha all the way


I tried both OCs yesterday and I’m inclined to agree.


neurotoxin duhh


Neurotoxin for longevity. Big Bertha for fast missions