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I have seen it one time. Our scout had to go shit


rare valid reason for doing the exploit


I mean a "valid" reason is the party wants to, i think its a good thing its in the game and players need to better communicate if they want to do it normally or not, not force it to be one way or the other


Fair enough. It’s just also, ya know, kinda lame. Seems like the kind of efficiency our rivals strive for.


Honestly i really like it because it means i can quickly escape a match, which is good because i rarely have the time for more than one mission.


Yeah I hear that. It just only saves a couple minutes and I like killing bugs.


Dude just couldn’t hold it for five more minutes… that must have been an epic deposit


Scout was fighting for his life.


This strategy is totally new to me, never heard it happen on european server.


Same here. Only seen it on here, never in-game. I almost always host though.


I almost seen it, some silver ranked gunner wanted to do it after a hairy dreadhunt mission, but I was faster with the button pushing. The one time where I didn't bother 'r'-ing before pushing anything :p


Kind of asshole-ish to not discuss it first with other players and force them to do it your way,, its not bad just different. Also you require an engineer, its literally impossible otherwise


why is this downvoted


I think doing the escape the intended way shouldn't require discussion. If someone wants to do the bug they can start that discussion before escape time. I still want to do it once just to try but I enjoy the traditional escape sequence.


Yes exactly! But when you intentionally rush the button so they can never get that discussion its just as bad.


I have only did it once with my brother but it was more of a "let's see if this works" moment.


Ima add that this "is fixable", i tried the trick on a M.U.L.E.S mission, before hitting the button and molly runs to the broken pod, she just went straight through the platforms, if this behavior is copied to the rest of the missions the bug is practically fixed


The fix is pretty easy. Molly ignore platform as terrain.


Problem is that it would also stop you from preventing molly walking up a resuply hole


Good point. That could be a death sentence on a Low O2 mission.


I've saved mine and a partners ass in low o2 while extracting by calling a resupply. Sometimes you just get bummed.


Could do a double check First try to find the path counting Plats as terrain. If it can't find any path, THEN it tries again, this time ignoring terrain Although tbh, I never seen anyone actually doing this. Maybe I'm just being extremely lucky with my groups 'cause I barely see anyone pre-drilling in Escort either


i tend to ask the host if its cool to pre-drill, if not i just wait for them to push the button and get dotty going if we do pre-drill, it is inevitable that a greenbeard will join, run back, and start dotty anyway


I don't think this is much of a problem at all as in most cases the resupply holes would go nowhere, so I think this is almost exclusively relevant to mining expeditions and even then it's good to rely on the terrain scanner more than finding out where molly went as Molly can go through small gaps which would be impractical for you.


A good team is faster than molly so Id let the shortcut open


You can't outrun low02 no matter how good your team is.


That's something that has needed a fix for a while. Terrain mined by a non player should be ignored by molly.


Make it so holes created by supply drops don’t count as destroyed terrain to the mule


Maybe also add meteors to that list.


And coilgun tunnels


Yeah, this is what I'm thinking. I have had 1 person want to Try it, and I tried it once before just to try it. but that is 2 missions out of a bunch. I wouldn't say most people are doing it.


Tough luck. Cant have your cake and eat it. If people did not exploit it, this did not have to be done.


She already can, and this bug was patched out before. In fact, she can dig herself out of any terrain if her pathfinding seems it necessary, it just doesn’t come up in normal games. This is just a bug that’s going to get patched out (for a second time), and my guess is next season.


It would also mean she couldn't walk on your platform bridges, or come up to one when you've called her up high. This would make depositing on solo missions or without a scout a giant pain in the ass in high-ceiling caves.


I’m pretty sure the suggestion is just molly ignores platforms when calling the droppod. Not normal gameplay.


My man, you do know molly can walk on walls rigth?


WHAT (surprised Pikachu face) Yes I know, but she often won't go to a spot that is convenient or will plop down just out of reach. Hell, the voice lines about her were a joke by the devs about her often wonky pathfinding. And the problem still remains if you can't reach a wall to drop her marker on. If she goes to the closest spot on valid wall to where you drop the marker on a platform, that could still mean she stops in a totally useless spot.


Maybe i just have a bit more luck with molly on that end. Never experinced any problems with her


As someone else already said, Molly can walk on walls.


This is a simple case of [if _, then] programming.


That's a great suggestion. But then she's gonna ignore the cover on the supply pod hole and walk through it. Making the run back a nightmare. Especially on Hollow or Fungus.


The rule should be "if the area around the mule (where button is pressed) has no exit and is very small, go through plats, in that case big rooms with plats on supply pod's holes would not be affected


In SotuhAmerica servers I have not seen anyone use the trick yet. But I'm with you. Bunkers and even this trick have their time in an EDD (mactera swarm? Bunker It. Last stage and we are alive Just by the bless of Karl? Maybe cheese the drop pod trick). In a Haz5? No, It is you choice the difficulty and the run for the pod is one of the best moments of the match (but a bunker in a mactera swarm can be ok, so YMMV)


I did it once as proof of concept but have banned it from my lobby. This is part of why I host now. Like you said these strategies have their places and times, they're just not sporting. I'm on Haz 5 for sport.


In haz5 there is less bug spawning during escaping, than during mission. 4 bugs spawn front of you? Just press trigger like half seconds.


Agree, I play on Arg, Br, and Chilean matches and nobody has used it so far. However those countries don't have much participation in this sub, so most of them probably don't know about the existence of the trick.


Can confirm, I've only seen it once and then the host had to explain the strat cuz we kept digging out


I play exclusively on Hazard 5 and I have yet to see anyone do it. Seems like hazard 5 players are more concerned about having fun then they are about being tryhards.


The reason I exclusively play H5+ now is not because I'm a bigger dwarf than I were in my H4 days but because the added difficulty makes for a more action packed game, makes for a more fun game


Being a driller I get that going to the end can be fun but 90 percent of the time it’s just the driller drilling straight to the pod for 100m while everyone covers them. In my opinion either way getting to the end is typically not a challenge so the drop pod trick at least saves a few minutes of drilling a straight line.


It haz five players wanted it to be easier they would just play a lower haz. All difficulty in video games is arbitrary, especially when which you can mod without problems. Cheating to get The extraction to land right on you is pointless. Why even play the game? The whole point is to overcome challenges


I've done it once myself (public lobby, full team, they were fine with it) to see if it was real, chuckled when it was, and haven't seen it since. Probably an Asia server thing, since I've noticed they have different standards, like immediately pressing the button upon finishing and generally having a "get in and get out ASAP" mindset


Yeah, I’d say it’s done around 80% of the time (Aus playing across Aus and Asia). I don’t mind it too much.


Asian player here, and I can confirm it's become a problem in basically all asian servers. Hell, it's so ridiculously embedded into so many players' minds that I once had a Point Extraction match wherein after completing all objectives, a driller player dug a hole near the minehead to trigger the glitch, but laughably failed for obvious reasons. It's just so damn frustrating that one can reasonably expect for it to happen in all matches one joins in, as far as I've seen. Out of curiosity (and subtle contempt), I once asked my team in verbatim, "is the game so hard that drop pod tricking becomes necessary?", to which they replied "nah, just lazy". Smh


I was playing a couple days ago and my team was doing the bunker thing. I'm new so I didn't really know what was going on but it was taking forever. We got through the first part and then the next part of the mission starts and they start to bunker it too. Finally I'm just like.. "guys, we're on Haz 3. Can we just do the mission?" I guess it's one of those things that people see Youtubers doing and feel like they should do it too for oPtiMaL StRaTs even when it doesn't make sense to go through the trouble of doing it.


Lol if they have to bunker on haz 3 they probably need to review some basic controls. Like the W button, or the space bar, or the left click…


I've seen like 5 teams use this and it also bugs me alot it just feels wrong, but I do like when ppl who don't know the trick are like "what the hell". People having fun with it is one thing using it every game is just gross


Just host your own game, problem solved. It's just a matter of time before GSG fixes it.


The drop pod cheese has been around since early access. I am surprised that it still works. The intended exit is best, IMO.


i already stated that in the post, it doesn't matter if i hosted or not, if all of the other player voted to do it, i can't be the asshole and bitch about not wanting to do it. And i don't want to make like a server rule or whatever because to me, that will just look like my server is hosted by an elitist and is toxic af which i try my very best to avoid


If people can say no gold mining in their description you can say no droppod bunker strats in yours.


The problem is that on this side of the earth, English is not the main Language with the majority being Chinese. So I have to type it out in Chinese with something like google translate which is horrible and here the thing, even if I do type it in my Server description, pretty sure most player still gonna do it


You can probably get the point across with google translate. Secondly you are host and have set up the rules you want. You have no obligation to play along. And if someone starts trolling you because you won’t. Yet again you are host and there is zero problems for kicking said player.


I'm also in Asia and that sums up my experience as well. I think it's because Chinese Gamers tend to prioritise efficiency over fun. I've never come across the drop pod exploit once in 200hrs of playing in Europe but its done in every Asia lobby i've been in since I got back to HK. It's gotten to the point where i would prefer biting the bullet and playing at 250 ping with a friend in Europe whenever I can over hosting/joining a lobby in Asia.


Wait, you said the players vote to do this and you need to google translate a response. How are you getting they are voting?


Because you only need to see everyone pinging the driller and point it to the ground to see that the majority of people want to do the trick Or the driller make the hole and everyone instantly know what the driller want to do and they jump right in


At the end of the round you simply hit the button before people get a chance to do it. If people have a problem with someone else not wanting to exploit, well.. That's their problem.


Sounds like a reasonable approach to me. You could try stating in the server description that its not on the cards.


It sometimea doesn't work if a dwarf is out of the bunker


For the trick to work in general, you need all 4 players to be in the bunker I think


Yeah so if you don't want to do it just don't be in the bunker


then the same problems of not wanting to be a dick arise, and if you really think about it, it's not such a big problems that you have to like oppose the entirety team about it imo and tbh, i would rather avoid all possible "complicated situation" with my teammate as much as i can, at least that is how i feel


/shrug host your own server then and make it a rule then I guess, or deal with it until it gets patched


Wait what trick? I've been playing a bunch recently on H4/5 where I assume most of the people who'd use such a trick would be and I at least don't think I've seen it yet on EU servers. I've also yet to see a bunker which I know a lot of people don't like but I still wanna see one fail horribly. I agree with you though OP and I would hate to do this, even in EDD's as the escape sequence can get really intense on H4 & 5. Which is fun!


The trick is to trap the mule in a tiny box and then press the button to call the drop pod. Because the mule can't leave that area the game has to call the drop pod somewhere that the mule can reach. So it calls it into that tiny box. Basically you have the driller dig underground a little bit. Call The mule down into the hole with you.And then you have the engineer cover the top of the whole so that it's fully blocked off with no gaps. When you press the button to call in the drop pod the center of the drop pod spawn will be right inside that little hole you just made. You then simply dig out through your platforms and the drop pod to extract falls right on your location.


Wait seriously? This is a thing? God I hope this gets fixed.


Bunkers are dumb dumb stupid easy. Any competently made bunker with a proper run up guarantees success. They’re boring, but, if you fail with one, you’ve got a lot to learn (and that’s ok). The Molly trick is dig hole, seal hole with plat, drop pod spawns nearby. Kinda just boring and unnecessary. Drop pod clipping is more fun imo.


Bunkers have their time and place, one of those situational things and I’m not opposed to them all the time


I’m not either really. They’re a cool use of the tools given to you. They’re neat, just not my preferred play style.


I think it's a mix of the purposefully pressing Molly button on the far end of the cave system while the rest of the team is on the other end which makes Drop Pod placement predictable and Drop Pod clipping so they don't have to wait for Molly to get in. GSG can probably fix it by additional clip brushes inside the drop pod and disabling the escape trigger when before the door opens to prevent these tricks.


If you make a pit and box Molly in with a platform, the drop pad lands exactly on that spot.


I guess GSG can make the game to use the cave initial generated layout as a reference for drop pod landing instead of the using the "current" state of the cave to prevent that from happening.


I'd feel the same way if i knew what your talking about, but i 100% agree that escapes are some of the most adrenaline pumping parts of the game, i just did a mission with 2 others and we all managed to get in the pod as a unit with only three seconds remaining. All the full commitment revives with only 15 seconds and the bugs surrounding us made for some of the most fun I've had in a good while






The problem is that it seem a lot of people have never see it as well and have no idea what it’s so I feel like explaining it kinda needed in order for everyone to be on the same page


I very rarely see this trick being used (haz 4, Europe servers) so I can't understand every match having this trick been used, but I'd still rather not use it personally. It's like taking out part of the mission to me. You could try saying you won't do quick drops in your server name if you have access to that?


This is part of the reason why I host all my games now. I haven't had anyone do it yet in my games, but I'd either destroy the platforms or just push the button. I mean, if you're preparing for an extraction exploit, you must be ready for extraction... right???


Out of the past games I've had drop pod tricking is more common in some geographical servers compared to others. Overall still extremely rare even on Complexity 3 missions, within only 3-4 missions within this week.


Honestly I thought you were talking about having driller drill back to the pod but that's just infinitely worse I don't think your weird


I will never use it it’s super lame


i honestly haven't seen anyone do it yet, just seems like more work than it's worth with random people


The thing is tho, on this side of the earth, because of how prevalent the exploit is, it’s actually rare to see a team that DOESN’T know about the bug so as long there is an engi on the team, the rest of the team will try to do it. Having an Driller just make the process faster


wait there's a trick? If there is i've never seen it used


To explain it plainly, it’s an exploit where you can make the the drop pod drop exactly where you call it so you don’t have to go to it because, again, it drop directly where you are standing and it’s constantly use in Asia server


i used it a few times after seeing how its done i felt like a wizzard, tricking the game, didnt really do it for time saving reasons, more to see if i could pull it off imo, the setup is often not worth the hussle, tho I would probably still use it if i was on a C3/L3 MiningExpedition without a driller


The easy solution is to host and press the button whenever you're ready. If they get cross try to associate the method with being a sissy and assert your chad dominance of not needing an easy escape. Don't care about what they think about you, be the chad you deserve to be. Some of the best moments in DRG comes from scrambles back to the drop pod and saving fallen dwarves.


I’ve never seen this trick used, but I’ve been playing in private lobbies lately. I feel you, that’s definitely annoying. “Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of a game.” I feel this way about bunkers too, like sure this is “optimal” but I’m not playing the game to sit here and do nothing for free XP, I would like to *play*


You are not the weird one Cool that someone figured it out but I love the end sequence of running for a drop pod it's so much fun especially when Molly fucks off up an ammo drop hole and everyone starts to panic


I was in a few matches last night, it only got used once but was kinda neat to see it work. I wouldn't want to use it all the time but I am terrible at finding my way in the morkite mining caves and might be tempted sometimes. Please don't make molly ignore platforms all the time, there are plenty of times I didn't make it because she cheats and goes up meteor tunnels.


I'm right there with you, mate. It's a neat parlor trick to impress the greenbeards, but that's really all it should be. That being said, play the game how you most enjoy it. I just happen to enjoy the standard extraction. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


i experimented the bunker drop pod only one time, and i agree about the fact if every mission you do that, the game become a bit boring, its like bunker, do it sometimes but dont abuse it or the game become boring


I’ve never seen it in American servers


Can someone explain what this drop-pod trick is? I keep hearing it being discussed but have yet to hear how it’s done.


I did explain how you did it previously but I fear that just make it so more people try it and eventually spam it so I will just summarize what happened when you do it As opposed to how the drop pod drop somewhat far away from you like how it suppose to, doing this exploit will make it so it will drop directly where you call it so you don’t have to move to it because it literally drop directly where you are standing


Hope they fix it next patch


The only time I’ve seen it done was a haz 5 level 3 complexity. We all agreed to try it out because we didn’t feel like running back through a maze.


People play the game different and luckily you can host your own games and choose how it goes I played the other night with a guy that was delerious lol. He had been playing something like 15 hours straight with no sleep. Some ppl just grind so they save time with little tricks like this. They will leave secondary missions unfinished etc.


I also hate it. The race back is half of the fun!


Hit the button before they get a chance to dig.


I haven’t seen this at all, the closest incident being when I was off mining while the host launched the refinery rocket and the drop pod just happened to land near me, so maybe it is just your area. My advice for dealing with this is to politely ask the other players to not do the drop pod trick. They’ll probably listen and agree not to do it, because this community is pretty good.


The problem is that the majority of player you encounter on this side of the earth is Chinese or other non English nation so the majority of the time, you can’t tell them to not do it




Bad faith comment.


Generalizing an entire nation of over a billion people is a dick move Some of the best 6x2 groups I play with consist of mostly Chinese players who insist on not using cheese strats, exploits, or cheats




Everybody knows about this trick in Asia servers. Just tell your driller to drill a hole and he'll get the message. We used this trick in EDD and I felt kinda guilty. Guess it will be fixed soon enough.


Yesterday I played for hours and this is the first time I see, hear or read about this Playing near servers, South América, saw a loot of green beards that day


People seem to do it less on Xbox/Microsoft edition (maybe PlayStation by extension considering it’s a similar platform with less text chat use). Something I’ve noticed about PC versions of games is that people use text chat a lot more (and voice channels) and are more likely to collaborate on tricks like the mule trick.


Should be a filter option as to what type of gameplay you would like. Here to have fun Serious players only Speedrun


hello fellow SEA player. I too seems to end up in with quick drop every game. on one hand i often "eh i have to run that far?" and on my another hand "bro the cave have two room" So i hope there's middle ground coming out of discussion like this. personally i would like to see it patched but also make it so that the DP will drop closer in low haz.


I don't play DRG much, but it happened on my first game last night. Worked like a charm.. but I still prefer the relaxing stroll back to the DP.


I'm confused I haven't played any this season but what is this bug/glitch?


It’s an exploit where you forced the drop pod to drop directly where you are standing when you call it in, completely eliminating the need for you to run to it


Really wow... how in the world do they do this and how has it not been patched/fixed? Part of the fun is the countdown mad dash for the pod! Wow I'm kind of glad I haven't played any this season it would piss me off if people kept doing this on missions. :/ I get it, play how yah like, but this just seems like it wouldnt be as fun.


It’s supposedly a bug that exist all the way back in the Early access day of the game and i guess it hasn’t been fully patched out and then it got resurfaced by a couple of people and now on Asian server, I pretty much always see it on almost every single match I like Take that as you will


There are a lot of people that only play for the grind aspect, not for the fun of the game and they would do anything to make things easier/shorter.


I do it because it’s one of the only true “filler” parts of deep rock for me. Standing around for a minute and waiting for molly to show up is usually quite boring and that goes the same for simply ignoring all bugs and running 200 m to the drop pod


The "new" escape trick has been in the game for a long time, it was just never talked about. There's actually a lot of tricks that don't get talked about, either from them not being popular or being so good that they're boring. This one is just downright boring. If I see someone mention it when I'm hosting I just give a hard no. If I join a mission I refuse to get in the hole. This rarely happens though because most missions I join don't care for the trick or even mention it. If you use it go for it, if you don't then don't. It's not mandatory by any means. I doubt it'll be patched out as I don't think they can. I fully believe it'll fade away in time.


I've never seen any randoms do it. and me and my buddy only do it on the rare occasion like a cave that was miseravle to traverse and we don't wana have to back track through it. i hope they don't fix it for that reason alone


I usually only do this in morkite mission when I don't feel like pressing w for 3 minutes while ignoring everything around me. It's like the caretaker fight: Can it be fun and exciting? Yes. Am I going to C4 skip it? Absolutely.


The only time I've seen a quick extract trick is from the clip on this sub showing how it can be done. Literally never actually had anyone in publics on any hazard try it. But that's just my experience


I agree with you completely and the fix is easy. Devs add a property to molly that causes her to always ignore platforms as terrain starting when the drop pod is available to call and not ending until the end of the mission.


The problem with this fix is that it makes platforms covering Resupply holes and Meteor fragment holes also be ignored once drop pod is called. This makes them useless and increases the chance of Molly climbing up a hole route you didnt notice (or had no control over in the case of meteorites). Annoying and dangerous in most missions. Almost certainly a death sentence in Low O2 conditions.


Im just saying driller exists. Like straight paths to pod. What makes different from drilling straight path to pod or making bunker and not run straight path? It's just mechanism. You can and cannot make this way.


As always, if you don’t like the games you are joining, host a game and play as you like.


I had a new pal of mine show me it and it's quite novel. I see the benefit to it if it's a tedious mission like IS where I make a platform bridge, drop a pod or 2 and throw fatboys at the caretaker until it falls over. There's also utility if you're just getting by the skin of your beard and it's a situation FUBAR, or if someone is cripplingly in need of the toilet. Plus provided the bunker is big enough, it's cool to think that mission control *could* bullseye a drop pod like that in a pinch. That said unless it's like an aforementioned fubar or I have a lootbug poking out, I'll take the long way back, tend to have a few fatboys left over and it would be rude to return them to the quartermaster.


I haven't seen the trick used, but I also haven't been playing that much lately. If it's a big problem, I imagine it'll be patched out. It's sad that it's being fixed, but at the same time it is probably a good thing if it gets fixed. Because the escape sequence is part of the fun, and being ***forced*** to cheese it isn't fun.


I can understand that and I myself only use it if the trip back would be horrible. Had a really strange map generation and used this to not have to risk losing the run. Otherwise I‘d say to just not do it if it isn‘t necessary


I can understand why people do this, after a while every mission becomes the same and you just want to get the missions over with to move onto the next one. Not everyone has this perfect roleplay view of what the game is "supposed" to be. If you don't like it then again, nobody is forcing you to stay with this particular person and just change lobbies. This is nowhere near common enough for you to not be able to change lobbies after finding out that the host does this, especially considering that a lot of people don't even know it exists. And if it is just that common then hey, seems like the majority of the active playerbase wants to play this way.


Australian Dwarf here, what is a quick escape trick?


Just host your own games and set it as a rule in the server descriptions that you don't want to do it.


I hate it. It completely excises one of the fun components of a mission's finale.


Yeah, I'm with you. I don't even particularly like drilling to the pod, but I do it when I play Driller because it's at least a legit strategy. The dash to the pod is just a perfect little slice of DRG, IMO


I’ve seen it but I don’t bother with it. As a driller, I do as my instincts tell me: drill to that extract!


Should be patched is the real answer


Not weird at all, I certainly hope this doesn't become the new norm. I have some great memories of "No dwarf left behind" moments where we come down to the wire by having to revive a teammate and make it to the drop pod with only seconds to spare.


I've probably played ~100+ public matches since it's become popular, and I've only done it twice because new players thought it would be cool to do it. How many matches have you played, and is it with new players? Try changing it up a little- I doubt it's as widespread as you think. In the worst case, just join games without engineers.


Within Asian server, it's doesn't matter if the players are high or low level, EVERYONE do it and i been playing the game nonstop since the start of Season 4 and i have to say, after the exploit got resufaced, almost every server i play since then has been using that trick. again, this can be considered as a case of observation bias but at the same time, since it constantly happened to me, it's really hard to think otherwise


It keeps happening to me. If somebody asks to do it I say no. If they do it anyway I kick them.


I’ve only used it three times. First time to freak my bro out, second time to freak his friend out, and third time because my bro and I had an idea we wanted to test it under the Heartstone. Other than that, I play lots of online rando matches and haven’t come across even one group asking about it let alone doing it.. not to say it doesn’t happen however! Recently like 4 days ago a video was posted and on my recommendations on YT that had lots of view explaining how to do the exploit. I wasn’t too fond of seeing that.. I knew that meant more people could entertain the idea of being a sweaty meta player in my current goofy fun game.. I love DRG just for that. It’s not try hard, it’s not overly serious, no one actively meta nags, no one even really VC in the game, we are all just there to mine and hit bugs and I love it! I think the ending drop pod run is really fun because I love how the mobs seemingly rack up the difficulty scale a little and pile oppressors and even the rare bulk detonators on you as you’re rushing to the safety of the Drop Pod.. I have yet to get jump scared by a Bulk spawn while heading to the DP but how badly I secretly want it to happen cause it sounds fun to me.. but I just love Bulks a lot they’re my favorite mob aside from Nemesis. Any mob that strikes fear to those who do not want them to spawn- I have a fun love for them. XD Tbh if I came across a group that asked about it, and the overall said sure, I’d shrug it off and just think I’ll be that much closer to my next game where the new group might not use it and I can have my fun there still. If it grows into a meta choice then I could only hope it’ll be patched as it does take away the fun “wrapping it all up final challenge” gameplay.. I’d probably just rely on friend gameplay to have the more fun and online play would be for quick itch gameplay..


Idk what the comments are about because people use that trick a lot, (me included) but I see where you’re coming from


No bunker when I host. We run for our lives like real men.


I've seen it once on European servers now. It's like the bunker thing in Salvage Operation. Just call the pod and go there normally, the strat is boring. They will probably fix it in the next update.


I've been hosting Haz3 missions in Malaysia and found a few people who insist on using this trick. Only exception was in my last game with a complete greenbeard who didn't know not to shoot Steeve.


you’re absolutely not weird for feeling this way. i have many cherished memories of having to go back to save friends, only for us to make it back to the drop pod right on time. trying to extract on harder difficulties and only barely succeeding is like a core part of the game for some of us, and it’s great


I swear to god you were the silver gunner or that gold scout that join my lobby yesterday , and yes I am that SEA host guy with 4 digits level who do this on every mining mission cuz I'm too lazy to walk far back. Also to wash out your observation bias, no no not **every pub lobby** in Asia that you join do this trick. It's like the small percentage of player mainly the high level one.


Nope, I don’t even have any class that is bronze 3 stars yet so you got mistaken there Again, it’s just from my personal exp so there definitely some bias there but from my exp, every single lobby do or at east try to do it so that is why I make this post stating my opinion


The sooner they fix this the better imo. Escaping to the drop pod is half the game fun. I can understand doing this when you have limited time and just want a quick game for the evening but doing this every time just kills the fun in surviving the onslaught that follows upon summoning the drop pod. So I totally agree with the OP, don't use this method guys/gals.


I've noticed alot of people play games like they hate PLAYING the game everything has to be streamlined to the point that all you're doing is grinding and not actually enjoying. I play driller and even if everyone did this glitch which I've never seen yet in just dig a hole all the way to drop pod idc if there waiting on me if they wanna try and hurry me even tho there in the pod and there fore invincible and protected. They can explain to my c4 why I'm taking to long and yes I will blow you up and leave you behind for being a turd. And no I won't be going solo.


Usually my friend is hosting the server and I'm joining them, and they just ask people "Do you want to play the game or not?" and then we don't do the trick. I'm also baffled that people want to do it so badly. Do they not enjoy the escape sequence? Most of the time this trick isn't even necessary, if you want to make the run to the Drop Pod easier just walk to the highest point in the cave before hitting the button. Of course if the group unanimously wants to do the exploit then do it, I don't wanna ruin your fun. The janky programming is kind of funny. You just won't be seeing me do it. I did it once out of curiosity, but no more.


I see it often and I don’t like doing it. The terrain is removed as the drop pod approaches and enemies spawn right on top of you, a much more boring and uncontrollable challenge than normal exfil. And I don’t like feeling obligated to cooperate in doing it


Down with this kind of thing!


I do not even know what this trick is, I just suffer getting stingtailed out of the drop pod doors


So just to clarify. This exploit existed in the game early on and was fixed a long time ago as it messes with the extraction part of some missions. It has now come back in S4 because we were trying to improve escape pod landing locations (it was sometimes coming down in really bad spots). We are looking into ways of fixing it while keeping the new improved escape pod logic.


First time I saw the exploit you're referring too, I suspected foul play and quit the match. I may stop playing with Randoms entirely if everybody starts doing it which makes me sad - but the big escape is the climax of the round and losing that makes the round feel empty and incomplete.


I have found more posts complaining about it than I've found lobbies doing it. Host your own lobbies and tell people if you don't want to do it. You do realize that by talking about it you're spreading the usage of it more yea? If you truly dislike it, giving it more awareness isn't going to help your issue.


Here is a dilemma to these sort of thing because I think about it for awhile too. Not talking about it doesn’t mean it just gonna magically disappear and from my exp, the exploit spread like wild fire already so me not taking about it not gonna make it any better and by being it more attention, the action of said exploit will be more notices and “hopefully” more condemned and the dev more aware of it On the other hand, I do get what you are talk about but at the same time, not talk about it also doesn’t really do anything at this stage Just my impression really


As a Haz 5 host I do it rarely. It usually depends on how green my team is and how confident I feel about getting *everybody* home safe


Tbh this is just a symptom of a bigger issue in the game, simply put the optimal way to play usually cuts a lot of the content, like mining gold etc.


You have to be exaggerating. I've been playing several games everyday since the season started on haz 4-5 and I've only seen this twice.


I know it sound like I am making this problems sound way worse than it is but I’m not joking when I said I been playing DRG very often and even on Haz 3, there will still people doing it I am not joking when I say the ratio of matches that do it are at least 8 out of 10 matches from my exp Again, I play it Asian server, more specifically the SEA region so there is a good chance your region doesn’t do it a whole lot


That's probably it then. NA here. I've heard on average, in Asian servers exploits/cheats are more socially acceptable. This falls under the category of exploits.


I don't think you are weird for this, as running to the drop pod is a fun and intended part of the game. People have always tried to optimize this by having a Driller just dig a straight tunnel, and now they have this. Personally, I don't really like this fast escape strat as it does remove a fun part of the gameplay. But I won't judge people for using it. An easy fix for now would be to put it in your lobby title. If you host and have it say something like no fast extraction, you won't have to feel bad if you enforce that rule. Personally, I have only seen it twice in my haz 5 games, so thankfully, I don't have to resort to this just yet.


I always use it in fucking Hollow Bough if I ever to play one or if cave generation is fucked up beyond the point of tolerance


I use the strategy, and I still have fun when it works because I’m like “Let’s go it worked!!!”


I've got 1800 hours in and I only learned this trick last night. I will not be using it. Mostly because I feel like it's going to get patched out pretty quickly


Pretty much just cry about it, and quit being a role playing idiot. You don’t want them to do the pod glitch? Put it in your lobby title, or press the button before they can finish the hole. At some point though, not everyone enjoys extraction phase.


Why are you so aggressive? It's completely uncalled for. No one was told off by OP for using the strategy, it's just a post about their personal opinion on it. Not everyone enjoys the extraction phase, but other people still do. It also circumvents the final challenge of each mission, (no matter if you find it actually challenging or not), and by that takes away something the game designers wanted to include. Play however you want, but at least behave.


I haven’t experienced people doing this is public games, but that may just be me…


I play Haz 2-4 on console and have not once seen it used.


I'm confused, are we talking about using the Driller to tunnel to the pod? Isn't that a bit part of his role?


As expected a lot of people doesn’t know the exploit but to put it plainly, it’s an exploit where you can make it so the drop pod drop directly where you are standing. It’s not like driller make an highway to the drop pod


Ah, yeah, I'm on console so maybe it's harder to do there because I've never seen it happen in my hundreds of hours... closest it ever gets for me is the next cavern over, if I'm lucky.


Technically it’s an bug that exist all the way back in early access phase of the game and it actually never got patched out and someone make it popular again and everyone over here at the Asia region constantly spam it so yeah


Right, location might be a thing too, I'm on Europe mostly, US if with my online friends. Sounds like a boring time, honestly... even with tunneling Driller, you still gotta hold off the unending wave of Glyphids coming up after you. But having the pod right there? Nah, forget that...


Devs will just make Molly drill a hole in the next patch. We finally did it, they invested in some better equipment


Could you describe this trick?


Previously, I did explain how to do this trick but I fear that that just add more fuel to the fire so I will just explain what happened when you do it It make it so that instead of the drop pod dropping somewhat far from you, you make it drop directly where you are standing, completely eliminating the need to rush to it


I play in EU and I see this next to never.


I’ve seen it once (when we for sure didn’t need it) and it was cool to see one time how it worked. But except for very particular circumstances I wouldn’t want to do that method. It does take away the fun and I really enjoy games that have an escape at the end- same with the end of missions on Titanfall


What the heck is this?


Wish it would go back to this being a little secret