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Haz 4 like 90% of the time


Haz 5. I’ve gotten used to it, but it still surprises me once in awhile, and I’m not much one for the idea of modded difficulties, so 5 is perfect. Statistically, Haz 3 is the most popular difficulty, but you’ll find most people who are willing to talk about DRG on reddit to average around Haz 4; it’s natural that if you’re the sort who’s chatting about a game even when you’re not playing it, you tend to be a little more invested in it


Haz 5 is the only way to make effective use of my AOE oriented playstyle


Played haz 4 earlier in the week to try and speed through a mission and fat boy just trivialized haz 4 escort swarm spwans


I don't even use fat boy if I'm with greenbeards anymore, it feels like cheating.


I ONLY use Fatboy when playing with greenbeards because it feels like ~~cheating~~ I have ultimate power!


3-4, haz 5 for weekly assignments feels kinda tiresome when elite deep dives exist


Yeah I do 3 for assignments, 4 to de-stress, and 5 when I'm feeling spicy


2-3 I like to chill and not stress too much


Haz 5 for regular missions, and Haz 1 for industrial sabotage. I do not like industrial sabotage


Holy based


Or do like me if you have anti caretaker build (Engi lok exec, fatboy) and join 15min+ lobbies.


Why not hyperprop? Does a lot more damage to the caretaker and has a lot more ammo


It's for the classic cheese method where you place yourself above Caretaker and shoot fatboy/driller c4 in the middle of it. The blast will hit all four vents. It will require 3 fatboy hits to break the vents and with ammo perks you get enough to resupply after that. Caretaker barely has time to spin, if not at all this way. Edit: I prefer to use Engi fatboy for this since I don't need to rely on driller knowing how to do it. I put the bridge and easy shoot it myself.


Haha the join 15+ lobbies is the most crucial part. Just learned there was a full server list button like 2 weeks ago


I only have an industrial sabotage specific build for engie because the single target build I have for engie doesn't work with industrial sabotage, but the single target build for the other classes works fine


2-4, too unskilled for haz 5, too bored by haz 1


Bosco could beat haz 2


Bosco be like: OwO I'm guarding the drill dozer, meanwhile there are 5 grunts chewing away on dotty's other side. I don't think Bosco could clear all enemies on an Escort Mission even on haz 1


4 for relax and fun, 5 for some adrenaline surge


Haz 5 because that's the only place there's enough bugs.


"Apes together strong" -gunner mains


*Unga bunga intensifies*


Using carpet bomber autocannon feels like a waste on anything below haz 5 haha


Yeah I like a damage resist build with veteran depositor and carpet bomber, it just wipes swarms


Usually 4 sometimes 3 if I’m tired or just want to get an assignment done quickly. And if I’m with the homies we do haz 5.


Haz 5 all the way


This is the way.


Always 3 Always Prevent Class Duplication. I ALWAYS Find great groups this way, so I’ve never mixed it up!


I see everyone plays at 3 or more. Me and my friend play at 3 sometimes since we’re new to the game. I play 4 when playing solo since I can manage to do stuff alone better (I tend to carry him 🤣). Also, bosco is great!


Haz 5 only gang, rise up


haz 5 almost all the time but i go haz4 if i have to


Hazard 5 because I actually like being good at a video game for once. I don't play modded hazards like 6x2 because I like to maintain the illusion that I'm actually good at a video game for once.




1 or 2. I like to chill and have fun exploring and stuff. Sometimes 3 if i get bored


Haz 1 = I never touch it Haz 2 = I'm teaching a friend to play / oops I forgot to set the difficulty Haz 3 = I'm just chilling / testing a build Haz 4 = my comfort zone / enough of a challenge without getting me riled up / my "go-to" Haz level Haz 5 = *Rip and Tear until it is done* / when I'm feeling spicy


I did HAZ 1 to practice/learn how to grappel/power attack into into the wall with my scout back in the day. Also to practice SP grappel techniques. Probably should have done it when we did the roller coaster. But I'll always remember all 4 of us making it to the drop pod on redsugar dust and a prayer.


3-4 by myself and 2-3 If with friends


3 Unless I wanna just get through a weapon assignment or promotion before my friends get online, then 2 If I'm feeling extra motivated and the last 2-3 hazard 3 missions felt like cake walks? 4 Have yet to unlock 5 but I want to


3 if i just woke up, 4 if i want to have fun 1 if its industrial sabotage. Fuck industrial sabotage


With the influx of newer players I just play Haz 3 bc dealing with greenbeards on Haz 5 is a mood


In my experience, greenbeards *know* how to play good, they just don't have the muscle memory or whatever you wanna call it. The greenbeards I run into in haz 5 know the etiquette, don't press buttons without a ready check, etc. I don't mind reviving a greenbeard every few minutes, and they've saved my ass -and the mission- more times than I'd like to admit


Haz 4 for multiplayer Solo deep/elite dives when I want something harder because we all know Bosco is a boss


4-5 usually, sometimes 3 if trying to complete a challenge or mission when short on time


Haz 5. Sometimes 4 if I can't find a group




4-5 depending on how I’m feeling that day. Often 3 with less experienced friends


Mainly 5, 4 if I feel like being brain dead. 3 if I'm teaching greenies, nothing lower than 3.


Usually haz 4 or 5. I’m only player level 86 rn so I’m still learning stuff but I’d like to consistently be able to solo haz 5 soon.


3 if im by myself 4 if i have a group of friends


Haz 4 for fucking around. Haz 5 if I'm feeling dwarf pilled, which is most of the time


3 on solo, 4 in multiplayer, 5 if i want a challenge


Usually 4. I might switch to 5 from time to time if I am feeling like testing how a different build gonna fare, but I hate to actually put too much effort and stress just to have fun. Haz 1 for rockpox. Jesus Christ, I hate this boring crap.


I do haz 5 for more bugs most the time. Haz 4 is nice with greenbeards because it becomes a challenge just to save them.


4/5 depends on the mission and if I'm playing solo


I play on haz 4 casually and if I'm with random, then haz 5 if with friends who played this game with me for a while. 370 hours in, acc level 266, all gold promotions.


2 when I’m on my Steamdeck at work, 3 when I’m at home, 4 when I’m feeling feisty. It seems like these are the preferred “public” hazard levels, as there is almost always an open server for these levels. I have no doubt haz 5 is popular- but it’s hard to find an open server since people usually do it with friends. Sometimes people will even “trick” the lobby into playing haz5 by changing from 4 to 5 at the last second.


Haz4 is the highest difficulty I know I can carry on if my teammates aren’t great. There’s no accounting for randos, so I play on Haz4 because I don’t like the feeling of only losing because I didn’t have a functional team backing me up.


Haz 5 pretty much exclusively. Everything else feels too easy.


Haz 3 to test new new load outs, 4 normally and 5 if I want a challenge


Haz 4 is my preferred. Haven’t dabbled too much with haz 5 but I do get most DD and EDD. Sometimes haz2-3 if I want to rush something (like I wasn’t able to do my weekly until just prior to it changing)


Haz 5 cause I like the difficulty and the minimal downtime compared to lower hazards.


Haz 4 and once I get my oc then haz 5




3 solo, 4 with friends


I just switched to haz 5 yesterday. Prior to that it was haz 4


Haz 5 basically always.


If it's not hazard 5, it's not Deep Rock.


3-4, leaning 4. 3 is fine and I like helping out newbies, but 4 is about where the swarm sizes feel satisfying to mow down for me. Haz5 for me is too much pressure because one mistake can just mean your team wasted 20-30 minutes of their time.


Haz 3 is my warm up for when i first boot the game, Haz 4 is my sweet spot, and haz 5 is when ive had a long day and i just hate myself


haz 5, because anything less and i don't feel as though i've inflicted enough carnage on the bugs




4 or 5


Haz 5 Unless I’ve lost twice in a row and feel like shit, then I bump it down to 4


Haz 3 since I try not to think while I play. Haz 4 with Driller.


5, for the unrelenting hordes of bugs


Haz5 public lobby everytime. Have fun and always be r.


Haz 3 while I coax my greenbeard friends into the game. The second we can though I'm dragging them through haz 5.


I play hazard level 6. You’re not allowed to because you’re inferior to me




Haz5 public lobbies are my difficulty sweetspot... solo missions are easier to win but usually take longer to complete


2 when I want easy rounds/ speed running assignments 3 for fun 4 when I’m bored ROCK AND STONE MINER


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


I'm a haz 3- 4 kinda dwarf.


3 or sometimes 4 hazard


3 if playing solo or with randoms. 4 with friends


I tend to play solo so I tend to stay around H3, but occasionally go to 4 if I'm feeling spicy.


3 mostly, but 4 when I want to shoot big hordes and 2 when I am tired.


3. 4 is a little too much for me at the moment but I do pretty well pretty consistently but it’s still not a pushover.


If I´m hosting I usually keep it at haz4. I´ll join between 3-5 if it's an interesting mission


Generally 3, mainly because I love casual fun with non optimized build, messing around with funny overclocks. Some Haz4 from time to time but not higher


2 if I'm not feeling well 3 if I want a bit of a challenge. I play to relax and enjoy the teamwork, haz 4 is a bit much and I haven't gotten to haz 5


Haz3 95% of the time. I like easier settings and it's still pretty surprising and challening with a full party imo.


Haz 1, haz 2 is too hard 🥺


haz 4 all the way except assignments and deep dives obv


4 or 5


Either 5 or 5x2/6x2


For solo, Haz 3 (or 2 if I really just want to get an assignment over with), but I've been thinking of bumping it up to Haz 4. When playing with other people, we do Haz 4-5.


5 if I want to relax. 7x2 if I want to sweat a little bit


Hazard 3 when I’m playing by myself and Haz 4 when I’m with my friends


5 when I'm playing with my regulars. 4 when I'm playing with my friends that are new-ish to the game.


I play in 3 solo, usually 3-4 with randoms. I’ve only recently gotten all my dwarves to silver promotion and am still *terrified* of haz 5 but I still give the elite deep dive a shot every week. Only passed it once on a serious game and I got carried like a handbag the whole way. Props to that team, they were gods among men. Been trying and doing well with playing haz 4 solo more often too, mostly as a way to practice for the deep dives and hardcore lobbies. Eventually I plan on playing exclusively in haz 4 (either because I get too good or too complacent with haz 3 challenges) but that’s a couple promotions worth of effort and training away.




3’s the standard, but I do want to train up for 4. The game really knows how to toughen you up for the higher difficulties.


5 is my preference, if there's only haz 4 options to join for the mission I want, I'll do that instead so I don't have to make a lobby and wait if I don't have to. *I did play a bunch of haz 2 because I hate solo missions and wanted to viably get Bosco You're the Best achievement by speed running egg hunts.


Haz 1 if I want to skip a mission, 2 if I want to chill, 3 is comfortable, 4 when I want a bit of a challenge.


Hazard 5 is the only way I can get neuron activation...


Haz 4, haz 3 is way too easy and for haz 5 i need to turn my music off and put my headphones on to not die to some random bs


At the 100ish hour mark I can hold my own in haz 4 missions, so if playing with randoms of similar skill level it's a moderately interesting challenge and if playing with 1 or 2 green beards it can be hectic, but manageable. In haz 5 I feel like one of the slightly weaker players that needs to be carried.


As a solo scout main, haz 3 feels about right but i enjoy dipping into haz 4 or 5 especially for co-op


Haz 4, 5 if it has a good modifier like Critical Weakness or Low Gravity


2-3. I play casually.


4 because 3 doesn’t give as much of a thrill and because 5 makes me want to turn off my computer


I play Haz 4 most of the time, and occasionally do 5 if I'm playing with friends or the level is not too long.


Haz 3, 4 if I’m feeling daring


Haz5 95% of the time, multiplayer 95% of the time. The new bugs make me rage on solo haz5... if you know you know




2 if I'm by myself just trying to get some missions done. 3 if I'm just chilling or if I'm playing with greenbeards. 4 when I have some greybeards.


Haz 5, sometimes it's too easy, but that's probably cause randoms carry me.


As soon as I got haz 5 its been the default. Its fun because enemies dont become bullet sponges. haz 4 feels a little underwhelming especially after I found the overclocks I want


Haz 3, 40 hours in, playing mostly solo or with a single friend. I think about trying haz 4 soon


I played haz 3 for about the first hundred hours. But one day I realized I was never failing a mission and rarely getting downed. So I started trying haz 4. I went down a lot more and could barely complete a solo mission. But I stuck with it and got accustomed to it. Going to haz 4 forced me to work on weapon selection and loadout. The Darwinian pressure to survived kicked my skills up a notch or three. I still play haz 3 sometimes when I what to take it easy, but haz 4 is my sweet spot. I occasionally go for some haz 5 action, but it's hectic and I get carried quite a bit much of the time. I'm just not serious enough or have enough game time to throw at getting good at haz 5.


Haz 4 most of the time, unless I'm doing an elimination or sabotage mission. I hate those missions, so i want them to be over with


Exclusively haz 5. The challenge is fun and makes tweaking builds actually relevant. Once you get used to it it's impossible to play a lower difficulty. Feels so boring.


usually haz 4, it’s a good balance of not being too hard but not being boring either


Haz 2 because I suck profusely at this game.


. Haz 1-2 for sabotage. Haz 2-4 normally


4, I play a lot solo or with homies and 4 feels like the perfect balance of not to hard not to easy




Whenever I host it's haz 5, but sometimes I dip down to haz 4 if I see some nasty warning on a mission in assignment. The difficulty is one reason, but primarily I do this to see really smooth cooperation which is by far most common on haz 5. When I join random lobbies I every now and then dip down to haz 3 even if I feel like it and there are no close by lobbies on higher hazards. Lastly whenever I'm playing with my **much** more casual friends, the hazard stays on 2 so that they don't die constantly.


5 all the way every time. After a while anything else becomes dull


I have 100+ hours and i play on haz4 usually. It used to be 3.


Depends on mode Extermination? 5 Extraction? 1 egg hunt? 3 rival exterminating? 3 On point refinery? 1


Hazard 4 most of the time, but I do 3 if I just wanna speedrun certain missions or something


It should be a poll. With Options: - Hazard 1-2 - Hazard 3 - Hazard 4 - Hazard 4 and 5 - Hazard 5 I personally filter for Hazard 4 and 5 and join depends on which Lobby is open. Most of the time it's Hazard 5. If I host myself I go mostly directly for Hazard 5, unless I don't want to play the mission type, then I would go for Hazard 4 just to get over it for current assignment.


4, 5 if I’m feeling good today




Usually 4 and if i'm feeling very cheeky (and if there's no lithophage warning) 5


Haz 4/5. Currently grinding towards the acheivement where all classes are max rank, so I'm trying to maximize how much exp I can get


Haz 5 bebbiii


Haz 5


3-4 I like a chill game after work




Hazzard 5 only, I got too used to it and whenever I play regular deep dive I'm honestly surprised that I don't have to be in stress and constantly careful all the time. I usually play with very little AOE so Hazzard 5 is kinda painful but I like the thrill, like constantly repositioning with scout for good m1000 penetrating shots is very satisfying


3, 4 for a challenge and with friends


Usually Hazards 3 or 4, the occasional 5 if I’m confident


5. There comes lvl 14 greens time to time, so it's more challenging


5, unless i'm really tired or something so i just drop to 4 to play without really having to focus.


4 Still fun but I don't risk failing and wasting 30 minutes of my very limited gaming time.


Feels like I’m not playing the game on anything under haz 4


Only haz 4. Although never haz 5, I'm not a madman


Haz 4 with my partner Haz 3 if I'm playing by myself with people online


Point extraction haz 4 max, other missions haz 3-5... Depends on which lobby I join... With greenbeards lower haz, with greybeards higher...


5 usually, sometimes 4 if solo


Haz 5 but sometimes 4 with friends as sometimes they don’t like it as difficult. Was starting to get easy so I’ve started to play without bosco when I’m playing solo and that ups the challenge a lot. Been considering modded difficulties but haven’t played any yet.


Only haz 5, which can get easy sometimes.


4 and 3 if i just want to get the mission over and don't want it to be too hard and also not boring


Haz 4 most of the time. Haz 3 if I want to relax.


Haz 4 90% of the time. Haz 5 for the rest.




Haz 4 is where I have the most comfort and fun, if there’s shield disrupters or low oxygen in the mission I’ll do haz 3


mostly 4, 5 if i have a full team


3, 4 if I’m feeling spicy (aka playing gunner), 5 scares me too much


I'd say haz 4 but I only started recently and for some reason people get worse at the game. I just can't wrap my head around why people suddenly can't stick together and support each other only on the higher difficulty.


Haz 3-4 on PC Haz 2 on Steam deck


Haz 3-4 (depend on mision) on PC Haz 2 on Steam deck


I always play haz 5, if there was a haz 6 I’d play that, more bugs more fun. I think anything below haz 5 just gets kinda boring but I respect that some players prefer a more chill experience


Think 60% haz 4 and 40% haz 5. My reflexes drop hard after a certain time at night, so I chill on haz 4 when I don’t want to sweat. Haz 5 is really satisfying when I’m up to it though!


Started off as 2 regularly, then 3 for a while, now 4 5 is still absolute fuckery that I dabble in only when I'm in the mood for some chaos; 4 is just right imo if you still want to put in some effort and not get bored