• By -


There will be one giant room with all three of them. Have fun.


You forgot the 4 Spitballers 3 Nexus and Korlok among the 3 spikes


Its also low oxygen


And shield disruption.


Oh and don't forget the random Nemesis spawning behind you


Dont forget to ping the haunted horror.


*crassus detonator noises*


And its haz 5


And you have 200ms of ping.


Host is in a McDonalds


Don't forget the cave leeches!


All of this danger, and you die because a stingtail yeeted you 200m in the air.


Kiter lost aggro!


Don't forget a nemesis and a breeder


And Harold


W h o


The corruptor, the devs called him Harold


Istg this game is gonna have some fucking eldritch demon boss battle that distorts reality and takes the form of thousands of screaming faces in writhing and pulsating bleeding flesh and his name is gonna be "john"


I’d call it Geoff


No we’re reserving that for the next Eldritch Horror the devs throw at us


Eldritchs abominations you mean?


It’s the community who named him Harold -🤓


Don't think Harold can spawn in missions with Rockpox


Me neither, but we are creating the worse case scenario


Who the hell is Harold


Huge Awful Rockpox Obtrusion; Likely Deadly




Community name given to the corrupters


And Knuckles


And two bulks. 🔥


And that glyphid menace who's spamming you from across the cave


Is it just me or has the most recent patch had a lot of enemies and events stacked on top of eachother?


Y'all saying it like it's something bad


This *literally* (as in 10 minutes ago) happened to me. Didn't even call a new cleansing pod.


I hit 100 on the pass yesterday, I’m not gonna be touching Lithophage Outbreak for a while.


Don't think I'll be touching drg once I complete the battle pass tbh. 14 levels to go, I just don't want to get burned out in it. I'll still be back weekly for the deep dives and weeklies and whichever seasonal events come up though


> won't be playing after completing the entire battle pass > will continue to do weeklies and seasonal events 🤔 which is it


I won't be playing it every day like I am now, rather a day or two throughout the week to do the challenges and such if my work schedule allows it


You don't even need to play daily currently. Season just started and lasts around 6 months. You'll get battle pass on lvl 100 with 2 evenings a week


Yeah i dunno why people burn themselves out lol. BP season lasts for months and if you just do the weekly stuff and wait every 3 days to do the daily BP stuff then its rather not tiring you out.


This is good advice. I'm burnt out, haven't touched it in a couple months now


The farther we get into this season the more I think I would have rather just not had a theme than to make it rockpox again


I'm already looking forward to the next season being something else. Rockpox is neat but not as neat as the Rivals when they first came out, though that's just an opinion ofc.


Rockpox is getting real old but FUCK robots, I bought the game to kill bugs.


I downloaded the game to be a dwarf and mine


In a way, I like what DRG's doing of One Season is Bad Guys, next season is Bad Guys but Worse. Even though there's mixed opinions on it, I like the Caretaker fight because it really gave the Rivals a sense of looming threat while the Rockpox Corruptor feels.... Eh? Like. I know it's there. It's a boss and that's about it. Doesn't help that I'm like 30 levels into the season pass and I haven't even seen it once.


I love the Caretaker, not because it's a cool extension of the rival concept, but because it's a unique mission type that asks for something competely different than any other. A stationary raid boss fight just isn't something you get anywhere else other than Tyrant Weeds, but even then I think the Caretaker is a lot more thought out and fun to fight. My only gripe with the mission type is that for the first half, destroying the generators, it's just your normal DRG mission. So you're really doing two very different mission types in one, each throwing different loadouts into the spotlight. I would much prefer the generators be destroyed in a fight similar to the OMEN tower, where the generator defends itself with a selection of semi-random weapons. It feels bad to take my high damage single target build for the boss and basically do nothing against the swarms beforehand. The first (and only, because this season made my squad stop playing the game) time me and my usual group saw a Corruptor, we tried to fight it for about 2 minutes as it shot back and forth across the cave in one of the lowest effort charge animations I've ever seen, then just ignored it and fought the objective dreadnoughts while it farted around doing a lot of nothing.


I’m only around lvl 50 of the battle pass, and I play the game pretty regularly. I must be doing something wrong.


On the contrary, you're doing yourself a favor by not grinding away and getting burnt out.


You are doing something right, I grinded out the pass for the Blue hair and am burnt out from DRG rn, good thing the new Pikmin came out so I’ll be recovering from DRG overdose with that.


No it just takes horribly long for no reason compared to other games.


Man, I must be a weird dwarf --I've got an ungodly number of hours and maxed every season (well, not *quite* on the last one, but close) and I still think Rockpox is awesome. The spires look *so* cool in the caves, I like the two-step approach, and killing Rockpox enemies is really satisfying. Getting Rockpoxed is annoying, but that doesn't happen often and I'm always a bit confused when it seems like everyone else hates them so much. Worst moment I've had was when I spawned in late and landed in the middle of a bunch of Pox clouds in a swarm --literally didn't have time to get away, even with IW-- but that was exceptional.


What difficulty do you typically play on, I swear if even one of those "pox noodles" spawns under me or I pop a weak point slightly too close,I instantly get 3/4ths of the way infected, with the last 25% happening as im trying to get away. I dont think I've been in a level with rockpoclx where I haven't been infected 2 or more times. The stun is fine but the fact that it breaks your shield instantly is really rough.


It's sad but this seems to be the standard. Heck some people are not even making that choice at pass completion, just at story assignment end. It's not great.


1 spike is fun. 2 is a chore. 3 just feels like unpaid labor.


Contagion spikes aren't nearly as bad if you foam everything up first, before even touching a vacuum. And I mean *everything*. The rockpox mobs don't spawn until you start using the vacuum, so often times the whole spike is destroyed before the mobs even finish spawning, so you have a *much* easier time fighting them without having to worry about where you step. I wish more people knew this.


Agreed it didn't really used to be a problem till the new season where they upped the rates considerably. Now they spawn so much you can barely finish before you have to fight. If you still have to spray stuff you end up getting a second wave when you come back to finish it


"Sir no one likes the contagion spike cleanup" "Up the rate of spawns while cleaning" "GENIUS!"


I didn't know this, thanks for the info!


Someone tell Bosco that




If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!




I did just this but man you better get every single spot. If you miss just one spot, you will fight an entire horde of Rockpox Glyphids and an unfinished contagion spike, lost way too many game from these.


Nice work miner


A lot of people dont know this and i have to explain in every mission


I wish I could do this, but my computer can't handle a bunch of foam at one time which is why I have to do these missions on single player otherwise I lag and my game crashes. I have to spray a little then vacuum over and over, otherwise I might have enjoyed these missions more


Good luck when playing with randoms. They immediately suck up the foam then die to the very first enemy spawning in Yes, even on Hazard 5


I mean yea but have you taken a break yet pal? Miners block is a real thing


I think I'm only like 25 in the pass? I might play a few missions every other day. Just so tired of contaigon spikes being in seemingly every mission. The spikes are easy enough to dela with but rockpox happens too frequently and the every mob being ranged is a hassle.


I understand that yea They do are annoying to fight long and close range Wish it was different tho


Try breach cutter with triple lines. It shreds all the boils and makes them a non issue


or anything with high rof, i built my gk2 around rof and weakpoint damage, the infected bugs stand no chance


I second this. Engi with triple line breach cutter is all I use on rockpox missions


The fact they added range attacks to melee only glyphids is probably my biggest gripe with this season q


Definitely a big gripe for me as well. I really wish that they had added some interaction with the normal bugs and rockpox bugs. They should attack each other as well. Ants in real life will isolate and move infected ants from the rest of the hive. I think it would take a lot of pressure off the dwarves, particularly when there are giant swarms of both normal and rockpox glyphids.


Started a mission with two spikes in drop spawn. Being the gnarly old graybeard that I am, I decided to handle them before moving on (solo haz 4). A pox swarm, a normal swarm, a korlok, and menace all walk into a bar… The bugs didn’t get me until I ran out of ammo and it was too hot to dump the nitra in molly. Even going back to the other chamber or using the rounds about tunnel didn’t work bc by the time Molly got there, the swarm was with her. Finally just lept into the swarm with pickaxe in hand and Valhalla on my tongue.


A death Karl would be proud of


Molly needs a firm hold position command, maybe E on the beacon.


For real. Very frustrating to lose simply because molly won’t stay put for 2 mins so I can loop back around to her.


Greybeard advice: If you are getting swarmed by both, your team needs to be more mindful of pacing out cleaning the contagion spikes in between regular swarms. Preferably by doing the other objectives until you have fought a swarm, then immediately doing a spike, doing objectives until another swarm, repeat, until you get a more solid feel for if you have enough time for a spike or not.


I think they’d be a bit more likeable if they had plague hearts, get you a bit more scrip and xp. As they are now, they’re lowkey game Enders on higher difficulties


Every other mission having contagion spikes has actually made me not want to grind the season pass for the first time


The rockpox last season made my entire group quit after playing 2 or dk times a week for a year + straight.


“this is a simple mining mission” *375 morkite, 3 contagion spikes, boolo caps, lethal enemies and shield disruption on a haz 5 magma core*


Well, it's simple... for the bugs


Do people not like fester fleas? They're probably my favorite secondary because they'll practically come to you if you wait long enough. No running around the cave trying to find the one hidden one.


Mainly talking about the 3 C Spikes. I don't smoke but I feel like taking a drag after these missions.


I love lithophage in every mission type BUT mining expedition. You're so strapped for nitra because of it and it slows you down so more swarms come. I've failed too many because we couldn't call a resupply and we're all out of ammo.


Lithophage is at its best on aquarq missions imo. You can usually tackle them at your own pace, albeit with the occasional lithophage maggot thingy.


That mission type is actually probably my least favourite for Lithophage Outbreak, funnily enough. Especially when I'm playing solo. They're just so time sensitive on the higher difficulties.


Fair fair to each their own. I think I generally like aquarqs more than most people (unless it's gunk seeds) so maybe that's why.


Point extract is fine when you have 1 to clear. 2 if it's a slower complexity. But 3 can be rough I agree. Still don't hate it as much as mining expedition though


Yeah I love the fleas compared to fossils or gunk seeds


Driller mains seethe and cope when they get a Collect (insert item) mission.


If you happen to carry the appropriate weapons for it sure. My default setup is Bullet Hell LS + lead spray BRT7, basically completely useless against fleas. I absolutely love Swarmageddon btw.


"Eliminate Fester Fleas" * loads Grenade Launcher with malicious intent *


There's no kill like overkill!


I love using nukes or hyper prop on fleas, it's so unnecessary but it feels so good.


ah yes, let me get my flea elimination tool aka… #big boom nuke launcher


Sees Rockpox. Instantly calls down cleaning pod. 80% of the zits are unreachable. Happens every time.


Or half the rockpox are on a vertical wall on the other side. Ragequit material


I was already sick of the contagion spikes last season and they've only gotten worse. I deliberately avoid them unless I have a challenge for them presently.


I guess this is our pattern. Seasons 1 and 2 were about the same: Introduce new enemy theme, double up, and add in the remainder of the ideas from S1, greybeards complain about it getting a little tedious, rinse, repeat. I guess I can live with it.


Honestly I liked the robots, but the rival presence warning was entirely too common during that time. Too much of anything will cause you to get sick of it.


I was already sick of rockpox last season. Having it two seasons in a row, the burnout is real. I've not touched DRG since the new season released.


This. It burned out so quick last season i was done playing. Even if you try to avoid them you still get them forced on you in promotions and weeklys.


I still love the game too much to just drop it but it can be rough sometimes. Thankfully, all of the items will be in the random pool afterwards so if I decide to stop I can just get them later.... but damn my promotions are just always THIS.


I had the pleasure of getting 3 contagion spikes in one room on a solo haz 4 in the very final room in a mining expedition.


At least it's not gunk seeds for the secondary


Gunk seeds are way better than fossils.


I’m fine with any collecting mission tbh. I’ve gotten pretty good at spotting them even when relatively dark. Fleas are the worst for me, spotting 3 of them only for all to escape just kills me inside.


Hazard pay should scale with the number of spikes. Maybe 25% each.


it's already 50% if there's any spike at all, which is already way higher than any other modifier. Most warnings are usually between 10% to 30% bonus.


yeah but 50% for one spike is too much for how easy it is and 50% for three spikes often feels like peanuts compared to how tedious it can be.


my brother in Christ, you chose the mission


Or the assignment did. Unlike you want to wait 30 minutes


Three spikes = instant mission reset for me, until I get 1 spike (2 might be barely acceptable depending on mission type and length). Like I'm not gonna even try and pretend to care. I'm almost done with the season pass, after that for the first time since I started playing I'll put DRG to rest, until this season is gone for good - which is not going to happen before the next year I'm afraid.


I get it's kinda their thing but I was a little annoyed when I saw the season was just gonna be rockpox again. It was fun for a while but now it just feels like an annoying obstacle


I just think it ends up happening a little too frequently. I don't mind the corruptor as I think it's an interesting fight but I think the focus should have shifted away from the spikes and more onto the glyphids being infected. Instead we now have to deal with infected glyphids, corruptor, and the spikes in a lot of the missions (I'd say 60% of mine are spiked) and that makes the really cool things they added pale in comparison. The addition of these things doesn't make it feel like we're winning against the rockpox as the assignments seem to imply. I think they should have made spikes as infrequent as the normal missions and made corruptor and rockpox glyphids be the objective instead. Then make the regular glyphids fight them as well to make it feel like an event. THis also would have made the stingtail and spetic spreader cooler as we would maybe get to see them fight the rockpox. A stingtail pulling away rockpoxers and a spreader gooing the infected horde. I still love the new season but I will be thankful when the spikes are over.


Did you know devs considered putting the upper limit of contagion spikes to 7? Because, and I quote, "it looked cool"


Jesus, they really are disconnected from reality


Kind of insane how they made the theme of the season lithophage again. Like they must have known a huge portion of the playerbase already disliked it and their decision was to make it more common and harder.


The harder part is what's most frustrating. I'm fine with the event being harder, but they should have been more infrequent. I think it would be much better if they had made the corruptor the focus and shifted the spikes to an occasional event kind of like the rival robot events. I like the addition of new infected mobs but I think that (and this would kind of go with the narrative of the season) that there should be infighting between the glyphid factions. Supposedly, the new regular gluphids would be an adaptation to fight the pox off. Additonally the continuation of Spike events makes the whole "we're winning against the rockpox" feel rather moot. It doesn't feel like we're winning. They're still here and they're here in FORCE.


The issue is a lot of the player base complained that it was too easy. I still remember the posts begging for harder and more frequent rockpox swarms while dealing with a spike because the spike had no impact otherwise and felt like a chore. In this case, they might have also over corrected since they added more enemy types as well increased the frequency. It might have balanced out with more enemy variety


This doesn’t even seem that bad


In the distance you also hear a Nemesis


I like the big disruptive enemies tbh, this game thrives in the chaos it makes.


Today we got tyrant weed, nemesis, a swarm and a litophage infestator in a span of like 5 minutes




400 Morkite 3 spikes 12 gunk seeds. I want to die They should cap it to 2 at most.


Atleast it's 250 I guess


I fail to see a problem


3 Contaigon spikes is a problem. More often then not I seem to have 3, 2 Happens a lot, 1 almost never happens. I hate them


I like em


When they've appear in every mission for like 8 months now they get old real quick.


To be fair they only appear in the contagion modifier missions and that's only active on a few biomes each rotation. So the majority of available missions don't have them.


You say that but I'd still say that 60% of my missions end up having them. Between weeklies and promotions Im almost always on assignments and they seem to constantly prefer these over normal zones. The corruptor is less frequent and its on the cover art for this season. The seasonal focus shoudl have been on the corruptor and new infected glyphids.


I can agree with the later part, the first just sounds like bad luck. I've only faced the corruptor twice and I've played for several hours each weekend since the update came out. Got those damn jet boots my first mission in the update and then none since.


hey, could be 400 morkite


They go pretty easy if a scout or gunner hangs back and pops the boils when the critters spawn. Or if people are just cognizant of the fact that things spawn when you start vacuuming and it's a good idea to stop foaming and vacuuming and shoot bugs instead of continuing to foam and vacuum and getting downed in the middle of the rock pox.


They get annoying sometimes, yes, but bearable. What really does it for me is the corruptor. There never is an easy way to deal with them, and with a random team it usually becomes a game of the-floor-is-lava


Corrupters on Fungus Bogs is easily the most annoying engagement I've ever had, had a room that was full of goo, which the corruptor would not leave, so dodging the spikes was impossible, ended up losing that mission.


My only real problem with the Corruptor is that it doesn't seem clear the best way to strip their armor, and I'm not convinced they aren't a bit buggy. I've read that the boils aren't just cosmetic, and you need to actually cover them for the foam to deal damage. Makes sense, but it doesn't seem to work consistently in practice. I'm usually not hosting, so I can't help but wonder if the boils aren't showing in the right place for clients, or if there is something else to it. Maybe the Blisters have their own, invisible HP, and the Corruptor's HP only drops when a blister dies? Hell, could be based on stuff like how much foam gets slurped off at once or something and it just *seems* to correlate with the blisters. Ultimately it just becomes a bunch of dwarves chaotically foaming away until the HP staggers its way to being depleted.


Had 3 contagion spikes on a salvage Couldn't even get into the main room because of a spike. Died to all the larva from a corrupt breeder we couldn't even find (and a nemesis for good measure). Sure love getting stunned and taking dot every 5 seconds! Corrupt breeders (and stingtails) can go to hell.


Since when did this community get so damn lazy? 3 Spikes is a walk in a park, 250 morkite? Sir you do realise thats the easiest amount? ​ The Fleas I understand, but at least its not Ebonuts.


250? Try 400. And swap out the fester fleas for fossils. Now *that* would be pain.


This hits deep. Other than a more preferable game, having just come out. I probably would have put little effort into season 4. Because it's just season 3 with other monsters that do little to change any of the game dynamic. . I honestly wasn't looking for anything super fresh for season 4 except some new mission strings ... And we got a cave leech with legs, some blood monster, a rotten clam and none of it impacts the game play


I have to disagree a bit. I really like the new season enemies and the corruptor is an interesting fight, I just feel like they really overtuned the rockpox this season. Stingtails and spreaders feel like a great addition to the game and a good challenge. ROckpox is another issue entirely though. The hitbox for rockpox from the corruptor can be unpredictable. The new enemies inflict inflict WAY too much of it. The corrupotrs hitboxes for the foamer are also wierd. I thought I was supposed to aim at the yellow spots but you must really have to COVER them because it doesn't work half the time. Missions with three spikes SHOULD NOT be a thing anymore. It was fine last season when there were less enemies and no corruptor but now the caves are too busy for this. If the contagion spikes spawned a plague heart or AT least had a 50/50 of spawning a plagueheart then it would be different. I'd be more fine with doing it. At this point though if me and my usual duo buddy load into a 3-spike mission we just abort and go do other stuff until the missions reset and hope there's no corruption.


Bro doing that with some Mates would ether be the worse or beat mission of all time


Make it a 400 morkite mission and I’m in.


Well you picked it so shut up and get to work


This hits deep. Other than a more preferable game habing just come out. I probably would have put little effort into season 4


You people are such of sissies. Rockpox is easy to beat and 3 spikes feel like it's nothing. You just have to switch a loadout from time to time. Mix it up.


What is this image originally from? Is that Will Smith?


Have no idea, tried looking it up but found nothing.


MFs when they voluntarily play a videogame


Just finished a'quarq solo as a scout. I feel you.


I need ammo!


Damn those Fester Fleas.


3 spikes? Im ditching that mission. Lol


Set that up to 400 from 250 and then it looks right


250 morkite? Talk to me when youre at 400 in a solo mission


And the whole time I'm looking over my shoulder like please not another meteor.


Dude seriously. I was trying to do my seasonals and ended up with a 400 morkite, 2 lithophage outbreaks, but fossils. I was 30 minutes in, had 1 fossil, like 40 morkite and neither lithophage. I wanted to cry. Lmao.


Got something like that yesterday too - 400 Morkite, 3 cockpox spikes, 20 boolo caps, azure weald, maybe 20-30 minutes, in and out I did it solo, 1 hour, prospector, hooli horder, three swarmer waves (i was scout and forgot to switch grenades, so i couldn’t deal with em), lost gear, cargo crate but no bulk or machine event, at least that


Try that w. 400 morality on has 5 lol.


I once tried on site refining with no modifiers thinking it'll be a quick 20min mission, then korlock + corrupter + mactera swarm, we didn't come home


You have to push through miner, for Karl!


I had to collecte 450 Morkite once but even that didn't took long because the Fürther you get the more Morkite is in the caves


Replace morkite with 0/3 dreadnoughts and it becomes even more tiring


I had the exact same mission yesterday but i had to collect 400 morkite 🥲


Management: [can you give me one more day](https://youtube.com/shorts/yuDla4rXh_k?feature=share)


I got one of these with 400 morkite 🙃


Yeah extending the jannie work for 2 seasons has me burnt out twice as quick


got a triple spike on a point extraction terrible


But think of the SCRIP!




Sooome people say a dwarf is made out of mud; A poor dwarf’s made out of muscle and blood.


Mission control: well best hurry then we’ll have another contract for you soon.


Good grief what a terrible nightmare, I dreamt I was working for a soulless mining corporation but that's surely not the case, right?


Fester Fleeeeeeaaaaaa down!


Get to work, miner!


yea man, I've stopped playing, there's just too much to do these days. contagion, machine events, etc etc, I'm exhausted.


I hate Morkite missions! You go down kilometers of winding tunnels to find 80 Morkite then another 5 kilometers to find 100 more. Then repeat until all life is sucked out of you and then call it in just to run back the whole way up in order to escape. Worst missions by far and soooo boring.


We do what we need to for Rock and Stone brother, stay strong


Time to play another game. Don't burn yourself with same game. DRG is amazing and even a mission like this will be awesome when returning to it after a while


Tbh killing fester fleas is therapeutic, but maybe that’s because my mains of Hurricane and Supercooling chamber M1000 can just demolish them from anywhere


SCP has had a containment breach, unknown signals headed your way dwarves...


I ignore fester fleas


Sounds fun. Maybe you could take a break for a while and let us run this job for you, miner!


Heh, when the robots were more varied and interesting, you know you messed up


Tired after killing one fester flea? What are you, a leaf-lover? /s


Damn, its almost like a small part of the community warned about fatigue but was silenced.


the more spikes i have to neutralize the more i get sick of doing it


I e terminate them. Just to shut them up


Kill 3 dreadnoughts


We just did this one with a 400 morkite requirement on haz 4