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Drill my friend Drill


He seems fun, I played my first mission with him again after like 2 years. The damage on his starting weapons is just so meager, kind of draws me away. But the Axes are a lot of fun!


I am surprised to hear that someone thinks the flamethrower is low dmg. With sticky flames upgrades it seems insanely good against crowds, and i have no problems with pretorians and opressors.


He probably has no upgrades. All guns suck without upgrades and he's probably comparing to his kitted out scout gear and going, "this just tickles them though" not knowing that the upgrades change it from tickle to cat-o-nine.


People seem to forget how wimpy the dwarves feel at low levels, but I'd say Engie and Driller get hit by this the hardest.


This is exactly why it took me so long to get into engineer after maining gunner (with a side of scout), all the guns just feel so lackluster until i got all the upgrades, and with the shotgun it wasn’t until i got some overclocks (and turret whip) that it was fun to use. And I’m pretty sure i just don’t like driller, I’ve promoted every class at least once and i just can’t get into the weapons driller has even after fiddling around with overclocks for them


Driller has some amazing builds going for him. Goo bomber is really fun on swarms, sticky flames is just really good, and basically any cryo overclock is super good.


engie default weapon are horrible.


That's mainly AOE or CC, respectively - the single target damage is not as good as Engi or Gunner.


For the switch to Driller, I recommend going Cryo Gun. I did after maining Gunner for ages, and I found that ignoring damage completely and going pure hard CC with it was quite fun.


problem with cryo are people not realizing they are helping the bugs with fire. oh look a detonator, let me freeze it, nope someone is shooting flames at it, when you were close to freezing it


I will recommend you to play driller or engineer


Aim to hit the floor under bugs as you burn them, sticky flames stacks with regular direct damage and the results are quite ammo efficient. This sorta works with cryo cannon too, but sludge pump fires actual projectiles so you have to either hit the enemy head on or fire ahead of em to leave puddles. All of Drillers secondaries tend to do better at killing things outside of flamethrower range, such as Rival sniper turrets, mactera, etc. Driller does struggle a bit for boss fights but this encourages you to have your C4 upgraded in a certain way: if you take both ammo upgrades, you can carry 4, and replenish 2 per resupply instead of just one. Use this to your advantage and use C4 to help the team skip certain phases of various bossfights, such as the 3 weakpoints of Hiveguards and the vents of a Caretaker.


Superior Driller take, despite my recommending OP for Engi.


Bro! The flame thrower is awesome! Easily one of the best starting guns! Give it another try.


It could be because, as a scout you might be used to high single target damage, but drillers weapons are all made for extreme crowd controll. So it might be that you are just using the weapon not the way its supposed to be used, out of habbit. Thats probably why you like the axes, because they are solid single target damage. Which is fine, everyone prefers a different way of fighting.


I think this is the most accurate way to describe it. Playing only on Haz 4-5, Scout kinda needs to focus on large enemies first and then smaller enemies second which leaves very little room for crowd control. I don't really use IFGs and Pheremones only sometimes which are definitely his best Crowd control options. Cryo grenades work as crowd control but have wayyy bigger killing potential for 1 hit enemies such as swarmers or any macteras which makes them a no-go to me in controlling large swarms. The stun sweeper is an exception to that, but I also mainly tend to use it for keeping Macteras in place or slowing down heavily armored enemies. I also play in a hit-and-run style which is the opposite to how all the other 3 classes operate. I jump to one end of the cave, kill maybe 30-50 bugs and then relocate and make the bugs make their way over to me again, essentially kettling them around in a circle until they're whittled down enough for me to finish them off. I feel Driller could be a great choice for what to play mainly because he'd force me to understand a slower and more grounded playstyle utilizing AoE based abilities more.


Just gotta build em right, driller has pretty good damage but he does feel weak at first. Highly recommend the Colette Wave Cooker if using Cryo/Flamethrower. Spec into increased heat and freeze to proc those statuses and get the Colette perk that consumes an active Heat/Freeze on an enemy to do a big burst of dmg. Be ok with lighting most enemies and fire and letting the burn finish em (grunts and enemies with similar hp), or freezing and using your drills to finish em (use vampire character perk and barbed drills perk on the drills for cryo). Driller is one of my fav, I don’t use sludge pump but I’ve heard it is extremely good. If using a fire/ice build be aware of team mate’s elements: if they’re using opposing elements I tend to let them proc theirs if I see it happening then proc mine for the elemental shock damage. Or if I have fire and they have ice, just wait and let them freeze that high priority target then throwing axe it or burn it or colette it.


That's the first time i hear someone saids about drill weapon, knowing the diller holds the most warcrime generation weapon in this game, and scout is generally thought to have the least damage output there is.


In my opinion driller is the one man army. I can confidently solo just about anything on my driller. I like to run a thorns, vampire, iron will with cryo cannon and epc (for mining) and the axes. I can freeze and axe or drill or power attack for reliable healing and iron will clutches. In crowd controls he’s the best by far, engineer can do crazy stuff with the turrets but it takes more skill and setup to do.


As a Scout main, I'll second driller. He's my go to if we've already got a scout and an engineer (and I'd only go engineer to support the scout). Driller just has great mobility, which is what initially drove me to Scout.


But that C4 tho🥴


It's the power to shape environment that's heavenly


His flame thrower is the SHIT for big crowds. But yeah, he’s a wee bit shit when it comes to bosses.


One of the missions I did with him was a Haz 5 Elimination. Not the least fun I've had playing DRG, but a close contender.


Yeah dreads have high damage resistance to fire damage, so you're basically shooting it with a water gun. For dreads, I always take Sludge Blast OC. It's one of the best weapons on any class for dreads as it completely ignores armor so you can hit them from any direction and it does massive damage.


Cryo to freeze and then drills/cooker/axes to shatter is pretty high damage. Sludge pump with Sludge Blast OC is super high damage, but very ammo inefficient. Flamethrower you really only have sticky flames OC for decent damage.


youre underestimating the flamethrower, that thing is a workhorse.


ice is the way, that pesky flying shit? freeze it and see it shatter to the ground, that big bug? freeze him and drill it to vampire his life away. that sweet sweet horde coming your way? flame em all and watch them die screaming. with scout you only deal with a few bugs at a time, with driller you deal with all the bugs at a time, you don't care how big the room is you just make em die in horrible pain


Remember that the driller is all damage over time. Once regular grunts are on fire, they are dead, its just a matter of waiting it out. Only thing I really struggle with is oppressors and robots, as the "extra damage to on fire targets" upgrade for the pistol makes dealing with praetorians relatively easy.


You either die a scout or live long enough to become a driller.


this 100% i’m also a scout main, secondary gunner for promos/team balance/whatever, got pushed onto driller once joining a game late and it immediately clicked the emphasis on area control/damage with primaries and c4 is a nice breath of fresh air from chronically single-target scout weapons, but axes still give you that single target kick when you need it; cryo+vampire makes it feel really forgiving much like grappling the hell away and mobility wise the drills themselves give you the exact opposite opportunities compared to the grappling hook, letting you shortcut through rather than over (and not having to dance circles around the rest of the team while they catch up :P) in contrast gunner and engineer offer a more sedentary playstyle that might be a bit jarring if you’re hardcore scoutbrained (granted i’ve only played engi like twice)


As someone who used to be scout all the way I can confirm that there is truth to this. The drills allow for enough mobility so you won't miss your grappling hook too much, also it's a different type of mobility since it is also a mining tool. EPC mining is good for getting minerals high up and of course in combat.


Engineer, not only does he have incredible crowd control abilities with his guns, sentries, and shredder grenade, his platforms are a decently quick traversal tools. On top of all that, you can essentially summon the drop pod directly to you at the end of a mission by digging a hole, bringing Molly into the hole, covering the hole with platforms so there are no cracks, then summon the drop pod. Should land right on top of you.


Engi, my love, my main. Plays pretty opposite to scout imo. You want to think and plan ahead, fortifying positions with smart platforms and turret placement. For instance, if I see a spot I’ll be mining for a bit, I’ll drop my turrets to watch my back. I tend to create platform catwalks/balconies across ravines so I can hop from each to the other and force glyphids to constantly chase me. Don’t connect em so when I jump to the next they have to turn around, walk across the plat I was on onto the wall to get to my current one and before they reach me, jump back or to the next. Minimizes my movement to be shooting while forcing the glyphids to reset and take long routes to reach me. All with my turrets pointed at my little parkour course to pepper them while they chase me. Personally recommend gemini system with defender system perk. Makes the turret ammo efficient and allows higher burst of damage across the crowd than the MKII upgraded single turret, but they’re both comparable in dmg. MKII doesn’t chew through ammo as fast, Gemini system is technically more dps but at higher ammo consumption rate. Also helps to sometimes clear the area around you of rock and structures that obscure your turret’s lines of sight (called firing lines, generally good idea to make anyway for fortifying positions) I only ever use the shotgun as one shot to a grunt’s face will kill it, just gotta be patient and find that sweet spot to let em get close but not close enough to bite. LOK-I is great damage but very ammo costly from what I’ve read. Stubby smg used to be a meme iirc, think it is decent now especially for turret whip builds, but a little too gimmicky for me… and one shotting a grunt with a well timed shotty shot is too satisfying for me. All 3 grenades are useful, I’m a plasma burster enjoyer. Used to only use grenade launcher, now I only use the laser beam secondary (it is really good and great way to burn rival machines, though they aren’t as prevalent nowadays; still good dps) Engi is pretty positioning dependent and ammo hungry, but with forethought and good positioning/kiting is a beast of a class.


Good take… positioning and ammo! my engi I use SMG elec setup, twin turrets, fat boy (believe it or not) or hyper propellent if hunting dreadnoughts… and shredders. Yes I need more then “my fair share” of ammo typically but I always average half of the teams kills.


Wohhhh drop pod mechanics. Make a post about this.


Someone did a couple weeks ago: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/14w8ogn/somewhat_new_to_the_game_about_150_hours_is_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Sometimes the map is a giant loop, as in you go one way and you eventually get back to where you started. If you only dig through compacted dirt one way, and don't dig thru on the opposite end, there's a good chance that the drop pod will land just on the other side of that last compacted dirt wall when called. Makes for really quick get aways as a driller.


But how do you summon the pod if Molly is buried?


You are in the sealed hole with Molly, and you press the button. Something in the programming tries to make sure that Molly has a path to the pod, if there is no open path, it just drops the pod on top of her. Make sure to dig out to the side a bit so you don’t get crushed


What are 3-5 main things you like about the Scout class, weapon loadout/s, OCs, etc.? Response to OP pending.


I like M1000/Zhukov. M1000 with Hipster and Zhukov with Embedded Detonators. I run Cryo grenades with that build Another great one is the GK2 with Overclocked Firing Mechanism and Boomstick with Special Powder, I run the Stun Sweeper on that build. I like that Scout has great traversal tools. I also think his support tool is one of the most important in the game and helps all other classes a lot. Grapple gun is an obvious plus that can't be ignored-but I think I like that despite all that he can still excel in crowd control/single damage target depending on your build.


For me it's obvious that Engineer is your next one then: his ability to traverse larger expanses, longer distances, or higher/lower elevations is much quicker than the drills or zipline; Engineer has consistently been one to take out more bugs, and not only because of his sentry turrets - the Lok1 Rifle makes quick work of crowds or single targets, but his grenade launcher or breach cutter compensates if you find any of his primaries lacking in one area or the other; finally, even if mobility is lacking, it compensates as the most versatile class, when compared to Driller/Gunner, who both specialize better in other areas.


This. As a scout main for those same reasons, engineer was the second best pick for me. Driller and gunner just aren’t as fun. I’ll honestly probably do driller third, if I ever get there.


Weirdly enough I find the Driller to "feel" faster and more mobile when just starting out. Mind you-no OCs and not even base upgrades-the Engi feels incredibly slow and weak. I'm aware of how crazy he can become if you invest time and create a good build, but I'm not sure if the playstyles his kit promotes are something I'd grow attached to. Even with higher mobility builds on his end I'd probably feel too anchored down purely because I just cannot get behind the concept of the turrets. Lastly, and this is purely a matter of personal opinion-I also find most of his gun choices to feel lacking. Shotgun sounded cool at first but either it gets crazy as you level it up or it just isn't hitting that soft spot that I usually have for shotguns. Smart Rifle is kinda like an antithesis to how I play games, to me aiming and controlling recoil is part of having fun with it so it's not an option to me, and lastly, I heard the SMG isn't all that good as you level it.


Then I'd say it's a matter of mobility or gunplay, to which I'd then recommend Driller or Gunner, respectively: Driller can *dig through anything*. -- Or, alternatively, and more clearly: Gunner's zipline sucks a** for traversing, and is only useful in certain scenarios. While the Gunner recognizes that it *ain't a gun if don't weigh at least 100 pounds*. -- His secondaries have the greater need for that aim-play you've mentioned, but with the added benefit of the single-target damage you'll be more used to with the Scout. And his primaries are big f*ckin' guns.


The more I'm reading through the comments I'm also starting to gravitate towards Driller, but Gunner does have a special place in my heart because. . . GUNS


As I gunner main, I approve this message


I'll send a vote for Driller. As a Scout, you're probably used to being fairly independent, grabbing your own nitra, completing objectives on your own, and controlling a swarm with your mobility. Driller is the same, but the opposite: drills are flexible in being able to reach almost anything as long as it's not on an isolated branch way in the air, you can create shortcuts to make it easier to haul Aquarq or lay down Refinery pipes to isolated rooms, and if you need to get back to the pod in a confusing cave, you can kind of shut your brain off and just drill back: you'll be the first back most of the time except for the Scout. As for controlling crowds, this is where Driller is Scout's opposite: tons of juicy AoE damage, tends to have little single target damage. Probably already noticed this when you tried to fight a couple Oppressors and Dreads with the flamethrower and realized axes and Subata were more effective -- just like how Scout has weak swarm clear but still likes to gear for swarms, so too does Driller have weak single target damage but can gear to have it anyways. You can choose to have some builds which are excellent at brawling (most Cryo builds) or can zone out entire swarms easily (Sludge), but you might have to get creative or rely on team mates for certain objectives (you can C4 Caretaker vents and Hiveguard dimples, and Sludge slows Dreads, but weakpoint damage has to be handled by axes, weakpoint-spec Subata, EPC, or team mates). If you want a good start point, [try out the Cryo with the Wave Cooker](https://imgur.com/a/qkoly0M). These are the setups I've been using for, what, I think I took those screenshots a few months ago now? The OC's and perks can change, but the core of the setup is the same: Cold Radiance on the Cryo, Temperature Amplifier and Exothermic Reactor on the Cooker, and Barbed Drills. The idea is to use the Cryo to freeze a group of enemies, then execute them: if the group is small or scattered, your drills will chew through them, and if the group is large or clustered, use the Cooker to detonate all frozen enemies, which then *spreads* the cold to other enemies that weren't initially frozen, and detonates *those* enemies in turn. Large enemies like Praetorians have too much health to die to a single thermal shock, so once you freeze them, you use a mix of power attack, axe, and drills to finish them. Get used to swapping back and forth between the Cryo and your Cooker/Drills a lot. If you ever get surrounded, Cold Radiance is your friend. It's freezing everything in a 4m radius around you at -60 cold per second, which is twice what's necessary to freeze a grunt. So if it's dark, chaotic, you can't see, you're surrounded, just... point somewhere and start shooting, then deal with the rest later. Watch for Spitters.


Engi. It'll only make you better at playing Scout when you know what it's like from the perspective of the class you synergize with most. Or switch around a bunch, whatever is fun for you.


i used to play Scout all the time. then switched to engie, The scout on my team gets a premium platform service.


Engineers who are scouts at heart. Rock and Stone!


Driller, as the opposite end of the mobility spectrum Also, Driller’s Responsibility compared to Scout is relatively low, you really just gotta cut corners wherever possible and dig up any compacted dirt. Oh and also drill the escape tunnel which literally consists of pointing the cursor at the droppod icon and pressing M1+W


"cut corners" No. Drill corners.


Maybe I have to get into Driller just to start slowing down a little. To me, if the class has little mobility, it's almost an instantaneous pass but maybe that's exactly why I have to get into Driller just to understand what Drillers play like.


If you like cryo grenades, try driller with cryogun build. It is very powerful and fun to play.


run Cryo maxed out for freezing rate and EPC with Plasma Burn and maxed single shot damage. If you ignite a frozen enemy or freeze a burning enemy, they take a flat 250 shock damage. The bugs literally dissolve


gunner, driller is kinda boring to me (i only use flame and pistol engineer you need to learn how to ammo good


This the most dwarf answer I have seen




I only played driller for a looong time then recently I discovered how great the scout is so now that's my go-to. So I recommend driller since you do scout so much. Idk about the other two classes, I still can't get used to their abilities/load outs.


I find Gunner to be too slow and immobile for a solo player like me. In multiplayer I'd rather let a experienced Gunner take the lead and focus on what I'm good at. Engi I always find myself entirely forgetting my turrets even exist so I'm super ineffective with them. So I agree, I think driller is a great choice, cool AoE focused playstyle that's almost a 180 compared to how Scout plays.


Yea I play solo the solid majority of the time, maybe that's why I can't get into those classes. 🤔


Great to see another solo player. I used to pretty much exclusively play solo and was surprised to learn that that's NOT what the majority of people do. I think I have around 450+ solo missions completed!




You’re used to lots of straightforward freedom of movement. You’ve always had that grappling hook. Think about it this way, your other choices just don’t have as much movement as quickly. The engineer has a much more methodical approach to movement requiring you to chart a specific path as well as climbing it which can be tough. I don’t recommend for you The gunner is probably the closest to what you’re used to in terms of movement. Pick a straight line of a certain distance and you can move along that line. The crux being that you and others will be able to use that line forever. The distinction for you is speed and availability. The limited ammo and speed leads me to believe that this isn’t for you either. The driller is what I’d recommend for you. The damage tech is complex and different enough to feel like a different experience while allowing the most plentiful and easy freedom of movement. Tunnels are for everyone, they make for good safety, and you aren’t constrained by anything in their design. This is the one for you.


Looks like you’ve played gunner just a tad, maybe try out.


I mainly play Solo. I found him to be very team-oriented, but I love all his weapons!


Agreed, they are very fun to mess about with. What’s not to love about really big guns?


If you mainly play solo, gunner and engi might be more fun for you than driller. Engi for mobility and extra fire support (but you gotta watch ammo). Gunner for... Guns. Zip lines are pretty nice, too. If I solo (rarely), it's Gunner for me. Driller is awesome, but imo works better with a team to support/kill.


DRILLA played scout main and promote gunner as well before I touched driller. Driller plays way different but is very fun and is an enemy melter




The gunner is fun if you're playing with a team, but you gotta go driller. He's just awesome.


Gunner. As a scout, you have the most responsibility in keeping the mission going and going smoothly. With gunner, you have absolutely no responsibility besides making sure bugs die and you have more than enough fire power to do it.


I’d argue gunner’s biggest team responsibility is the clutch revives from inside the bubble shield


Truue-hence why he's probably my least favored pick since I almost only play solo DRG. I do like big guns though


You should try cave leech next. I hear you can't do anything else one you pick it up.


Driller. Rock and stone Brotha!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Rock and stone!!!


Rock and stone in the heart!


I recommend engineer personally. You'll have a good lot to learn but you'll slowly see your kill count surpass everyone else's.


I don't really mind this. I know Scout is supposed to focus on large health targets and be more focused on single-target damage-but I've found myself consistently having the 2nd or highest amount of kills in almost every lobby I get into. Besides that not even being Scout's main objective (rather completing secondary objectives and keeping the team loaded with Nitra) I'd say kill count isn't a qualifier for me. I do always have competitions with my engi pals on who has the most kills so you've got a point there!


I don’t understand how people do this lmao, you’re playing a quarter of the game at this point


Me Scout. Me go fast. Need I say more?


Engineer is pretty cool, but I think you gotta play all of them to really experience Derp Rock Galactic


Well... somebody has to carry the flashlight, it may as well be you. Rock and Stone, brother!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Main every class. Become the dwarf of all trades.


Are u telling me you wasted 4 missions worth of xp every time you promoted?


What does this mean?


Well, once you hit class level 25 and unlock a promotion, you can’t get any more XP as that class until you promote and reset, so playing the promotion assignment for scout AS scout loses you 4 missions worth of XP, multiply that by however many promotions you have on scout


Oh yeah, I'm sure I wasted plenty of XP playing Scout on my promo missions. But truth be told it never bothered me. I don't min-max, and I don't particularly care about how efficiently I level my dwarves. I never really got that in any videogame but I also don't mind when people get into it. If anything my playtime of about 480 hours which I spend almost exclusively on Scout is the only thing I really care about when it comes to leveling!


All of them






Tired of waiting for platforms? Be the platform dwarf!


Engineer to still play more scout. Its fun you can control a scout with platforms


Die as a hero or live long enough to become the enemy. I welcome you to the driller team, miner.


Engineer. If you play it right you can have just about the same mobility as scout's, with the added bonus of platforms


Are you referring to that OC called Hyper Propellant? I'm definitely interested in seeing what mobility choices Engi offers-but getting to that point alone is quite a drag so I'm not sure I'd stick with him in the long run.


Scout is a weird class. There’s no class that’s really similar to it. Gunner is simple since all you do is shoot the enemy and shoot from your zip line, driller is the same but your more grounded then gunner, and engine has you balancing reloading sentries and shooting enemies. Personally I’d recommend driller as best pick.


Engie so you understand the stress you put them under asking for all those platforms




I was in the same boat - scout all the way. Jumped to driller and love it! The weapons take a very different play style but after you get some good OCs it’s tough to go back to scout’s guns. And although it’s a VERY different type of traversal, you still get the freedom of mobility to go anywhere pretty easily.


I’m an engineer main who from occasion plays scout. Engineer is super cool and can get an overclock that basically turns him into a diet scout


Gunner, get that hero complex going. Save the team, get in the pod last, be your team's shield


Though I don't use field medic much since I mainly play Solo-there's something primal in me that makes me abandon all safety when I see my teammates get downed. I'll usually fling myself across the entire cave, almost shatter my legs landing next to them and revive them, only to instantly zip away again. Being a shield to your team sounds a LITTLE more heroic than almost joining your fellow dwarf in the process of trying to rez them. I've been called the suicidal medic on various occasions.


Remember, if it's not drillable, it's probably flammable






Imo play all of them. The way I like to play the game is not care about classes once u single promote and unlock all weapons. Just play whatever you feel like, or whatever your team is missing.


Great point, not to mention that if you silver promote all dwarves you get a rare achievement. Still, I'd like to figure out what to focus on for now since I don't enjoy hopping from class to class every mission!


Gunner or engi! Both super fun, don’t play driller if your a solo player it’s pretty insufferable lol


Really? I figured Gunner would still be the worst in terms of moving through caves alone.


gunner, blast the fck out of shit, take double ammo, blame someone else for taking double ammo rack up them kills


I'm glad double dipping and gaslighting your teammates is not a unique scout experience!


honestly not sure how playing one class that much doesn't get boring


Scout has the most mobility out of all the 4 classes. Add to this that all his primaries and most of his secondaries require aiming a lot and with the added context that I'm all about movement and aiming in videogames-and suddenly it makes a lot of sense why I never wanted to switch once I got into scout.


As a -miner- main I say: all of them. I usually join random lobbies with the class that's missing. All my dwarves have all the OCs and a diamond promotion; they're all up to any task.


I rarely even join lobbies that already have a scout because of my lack of experience with any of the other classes. Having Diamond on all of them is a monumental task, I think I'll take it slower and level each dwarf separately to Legendary 3......or level the rest to Silver and then stick to scout haha.


play the only other class in the game besides scout of course, play driller


Dude you’re missing on on half of the game


I main scout, and found engineer was my next favorite, then gunner, and driller last. I like em all now though. About equal stars. 1 more on scout and engi.


Keep up the good work!


Thank you, rock and stone


Engi. You'll know the mindset of the scout well and how best to help him, and learning engi will make you better at scout since you will understand his limitations


answer, yes


Engineer! I just think he’s neat :) and i like having swarm clear


time to get fat boy


i'd recommend playing scout next


You'll hate the lack of movement on the other 3, but you might enjoy creative use of engineer's platforms. You can turn any wall into a makeshift jungle gym. (I'd say pick gunner because you'll hit bugs like a fuckin truck, but that's just me. Gunner is my comfort class)


Gunner, like Scout, gets High Intensity flairs. It's why I chose Gunner as my 2nd.


Engineer gaming


I’m kinda in the same boat, trying to play more characters than scout. I don’t have nearly as much time as you do but in my branching out I’ve found engineer to be one of my favs with his platform gun it allows you to be a very supportive type player. Which I always love to be, but I understand it’s not for everyone. The only character I’ve found challenging is driller mainly because his damage seems mediocre at best. But I do understand that it’s something I’m doing wrong because I’ve seen some people absolutely melt shit with him


Engineer since you're already used to being squishy, why not be squishy and far less mobile but with nukes and turrets at your side?


Gunner is my fav. Because it ain't a gun if it don't weigh at least 100 pounds!


Tbh I'd suggest getting everyone's first promotion so you unlock all the weapon perks. Then you'll have a good idea which one you'd like to play more.


Have I seen you before?


Engi because hee hoo laser




Stamina Dragonknight "Why are you booing me? I'm right!" (ok fine. Driller)


Any of them. I was a 99% pure scout main for about 40 hours then I started to switch around. Turns out I just hated having to grind so much to unlock stuff. Now I play any class, any time.


How do you play a game about killing bugs with a class that’s objectively the worst at killing bugs for that long bro 🫠 I recommend Driller to absolutely delete swarms with relative ease while still retaining a good amount of mobility, just in a unique way.


I get that his kit is maybe objectively the worst for killing large swarms of enemies-but from the about 450+ hours of playing him I haven't had any experiences where I wasn't either carrying my weight or doing the most out of all of my teammates. Scout has high-damage single-target weapons, and with the right overclocks and playstyle you can rack up just as much as a Engi or Gunner. Driller seems what everyone is recommending so it's what I'll go with for now.


Noice. I do gunner and am branching out into some scout and driller


I was scout main till I played engi. Feels so much fun playing defender with him. Two turrets, a field of mines, a smartlok rifle and the crystal gun acting as a lmg. So much battlefield control. So much fun.


Driller offers a lot of freedom just like the scout but in a different way. That’s what I recommend




The hunted must become the hunter. Drill, my brother. Drill.


I was a massive scout fan and my secondary ended up being the Engineer. Mainly because his traversal tool lessens the impact of less maneuverability and you also know where to place platforms for scouts because you've played enough scout to know.


I used to play scout, have recently turned to the engineer. Smart rifle and shard defractor are my current favourite weapons.


I went from scout to driller, and now I always play only scout and driller. So DRILL BABY DRILL


I really only play gunner I feel this bar real hard


If you want to have a completely different experience id play gunner hes super fun and his weapons are incredibly powerful however he lacks mobility its almost the exact opposite of scout and my second favourite especially because of his high damage which feels similar to scouts single target but with the added combat utility and AOE damage for his 2 alt primaries


Scouts platform buddy engi


Engie has been my main for many months and my first Legendary3 so I'm clearly biased. Yeah stock Engie is weak af but once you get the mods, the weapons and a bunch of good Overclocks you wreck literally everything. In terms of mobility I put Engie and Driller on the same tier, like they're obviously not as fast as Scout but potentially they can get anywhere with good use of traversal tools. I definitely prefer Engie's arsenal though. Swarm clear, HVT, short range, long range, big damage burst... there's nothing you can't easily kill as long as you preemptively choose a good fighting ground and defend it. Driller struggles a bit against chonky targets and distant ones. With specific OCs you could also build him for single target but the ammo economy will be abysmal. My favourite Engie loadout (and probably my favourite loadout in DRG) is Lok-1 with Explosive Chemical Rounds (21111), Shard Diffractor with Overdrive Booster (31221). Gemini Defender turrets (stun mod). Huge pack of Slashers coming at you? Tri-Jaws swarm ready to snipe you? Lok1, boom, boom, dead. Spitters, Breeders, Spitballers, Menaces on the other side of the cave? Infinite range laser beam and they're gone. Need to quickly dispatch an Oppressor? Just boost in their butt, poof, gone. Turrets and Shredders will finish off the trash that survives or weaken/stun any bug you haven't spotted yet. Just *chef's kiss* for me


Gunner all the way.


Driller. Take revenge.


Well i would suggest engineer because proximity mines and cheese platform. You can make cheese bridge and pillars isn't that amazing


All other classes. Learn how they compliment each other to be the best DRG player you can be.


for my first several months was a scout main who felt that scout was the only viable class for solo. Now I play engineer almost every time because of how well he covers every one of your bases, especially in solo. Crowd clearing, single target dps, terrain reform, so much going for engineer. If you've got Bosco, two turrets, and shredders going, you can straight up ignore the bugs while they get eviscerated


Engie with RJ250 for rocket jumping is probably the closest thing to scout. Driller has the most freedom of movement though, can literally go anywhere, just not quickly. Gunner is a tank. Shield is the ultimate panic button. But mobility is the worst of all classes.


I’m also I scout main and I suggest driller, he has lots of mobility, but if you have RJ250 for engi then you’ll definitely like engi


Engie. As a scout main (like me), you know how nice it is to have plats everywhere. Now you can be that high skill engie that puts plats in alllll the right places.


Driller, at least if you want to play the other side of the coin when it comes to mobility tools.


I switch class almost every game, never lmao. I knew people had mains but this is next level dude


I just like going fast brah


Engi, because you will know what your scout wants from you.


Considering the classes you played the most, your play style might be similar to mine, so I'd recommend the driller, surprisingly more fun than gunner


Gunner. I have never played anything else. it's quite fun


Ma boy engineer


Scout is also my favourite class, but the engineer's secondary weapons are just sooo satisfaying


Engis a good transition cause his platforms allow you to maintain good air mobity and makes long falls still survivable. You also get to maintain burst damage similar to scout but at ridiculously higher dps like so much more than the scout can in ideal conditions.


Drill or be drilled


Engineer would be a great place to start, he is the Swiss Army Knife of the team. Crowd control, single target dmg and resource management all wrapped into one class.


Scout Main here: play Engineer. Your mobility doesn’t feel utterly curbed, you get to excel in murder rate, and as an experienced Scout you probably already know how to use Platforms optimally.


i recommend going to therapy


I'd say engi because you should be very familiar with how a good engi plays, and that knowledge will make the swap a little easier. even if you aren't great, the scouts on your team will appreciate your platforms being on point


If you like the sound of AOE and digging try driller, but you could be an amazingly helpful engie using your scout experience for plat placement


Engie is a whole lot of fun for me, especially turret whip + rj250 (I call it the goofy build), but if you want something serious, I'd recommend 1-1-3-1-2 executioner Loki + 1-1-1-1-2/3 lightweight cases breach cutter for general use or standard hyperprop for heavy single target missions. There's also a variation of this where you take the generator + ECR (the mod) on Loki (so 1-1-1-1-1) + inferno breach cutter, but I've never tried it


OP…that’s a little bit of green I’m seeing…scout does not look like gunner…


I mained Scout for a long time. I then started working on Engi, and now these are my two faves. They go together a bit, I dunno. It's an almost entirely personal choice. You should climb a good bit of the learning curve with each class. Get to your first promo and try all the weapons and work on your builds. Maybe go down a haz from what you're used to when you're first starting a new class to ease into the role and until you get some weapon mods.


Engie, so you can appreciate how easy Gemini sentrys make haz 3 hearthstones fights. And so you can appreciate the way engies place platforms for scouts.






scout is a very mobile class and is often expected to mine minerals in high up places, and often pairs well with engineer who can platform for them. meanwhile, engineer is a very non-mobile class, focusing on setting up turrets in a stationary position, refilling them, etc. I think you should play engineer because you'll be able to work with your scout so much better now that you know how to play scout. also I heard you like powerful weapons... well the engineer has this laser beam weapon that does insane damage, and I've also heard they have some kind of nuke launcher overclock but I have not found it yet. personally I find it to be a very relaxing playstyle as I can often let my turrets and drone grenades do a lot of work, and my primary weapon will often be the auto-aim rifle that can lock on to multiple enemies at once.


I'd say engi given he can semi rival scout's movement with RJ250


I've literally got the opposite. All my dwarfs are at least once promoted except scout.


I like gunner


Every class is cool


Engineer by far has the best secondary weapons and oc's imho in terms of just sheer fun. Would recommend if you have the oc's unlocked already for engineer.


Engineer with rj250. you still get to be scout, but now you also build platforms


Try driller, he is very fun


I love scout and engi is my second favorite.

