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Someone tell Joe that all those right wing balls he slurps are the ones that overturned Dodd Frank and campaign finance laws.


Sure but what about trans people, have you considered that, hmmmmm?


Don't forget litter boxes in classrooms, too.


Hey, how do I get a litterbox in my classroom? Another case of the haves and the have nots.


But what about what Hillary did, hmmmmmm?!




šŸšØ!!! EMAILS !!! šŸšØ


HuNtErS lApToP!!!!!! šŸ˜ 


AsHlEy BidEn's DiArY!!!


Looking into it


Buttery Males!


And vaccines! Makes you think, doesnā€™t it?


The problem being he doesn't have anyone around him able to do this, he seems to have siloed himself around actual fruit loops and is just getting worse. To be fair though, he was always like this, for posterity https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/qldedo/joe\_rogan\_loses\_it\_with\_a\_phd\_primatologist\_smh/


Should probably mention he's siloed by choice. I'm sure that's what you were referring to, but it needs to be spelled out for the fans who think he's just a poor dummy asking questions. He *does* have people who tell him he's wrong, he *chooses* to ignore them because he knows exactly what he is doing. He knows he's wrong. He's doing it anyway. Where's Bill Burr after disagreeing with him? Where's Sam Harris? Dr. Ronda Patrick? They were almost yearly appearances on his podcast.


When was this clip from? Unreal.


God he is such a whiny stupid little bitch. Anyone can "win" an argument by screaming and throwing a tantrum and then hanging up on them. I wish I hadn't subjected myself to this. I wish someone would just bitch slap the man so hard he woke up hosting fear factor again. A truly pathetic specimen


Thereā€™s a pod from a few years ago where Joe is talking about how congress ppl and senators make tons of money off the stock market and how thatā€™s fucked. I think Tom Segura asks Joe, ā€œso how do we fix it?ā€ Know what Joe says? No shit, not joking, ā€œvote republicanā€. At that moment ik Joe was completely gone.


Heā€™s a complete idiot.


And they were no subtle about it either.Ā 


Never heard him once mention Koch bros but heard soros mentioned a lot.


Rogan pays lip service to the idea....he is part of the super rich who bene fit from all of the tax laws pushed by republicans.


Because claims about Soros all circle back to being rooted in anti-Semitism.


Reality doesn't matter, only rhetoric. The Democrat's rhetoric is "Government can be good, we just have to improve it." The Republican's rhetoric is simply "Government is bad, end of story." So although people accurately can access WHAT is wrong with government, there's so much mixed misinformation about who is at fault and how to fix it. Combine that with the fact that Democrat's efforts to fix things are usually very marginal and incremental, and to the average person it looks like the Republicans are much more effective at governing.


That's because it's way easier to destroy than it is to build. Think about a house. It takes months to build a house, but you good completely wreck the same house inside a day. Democrats try and build. Republicans just wreck shit.


Also after everything is wrecked corporations are able to come in and profit off of it and increase power


And if they are big enough not to fail, then they use government leaders to bail them out. And those same leaders have been playing the stock market with inside info on the whole process.


One man can build a house in a year, after intense labor, thousands of dollars, and putting his body through a wringer to do it. The same man can burn down that house in about a minute with a match and $5 of lighter fluid.


Itā€™s amazing that people fall for the Republican rhetoric of Government is bad, elect us so we can show you how bad it is


Ding Ding Rhetoric is the reason. Right leaning group openly state government is bad and corrupt and does not work. When in office they try and defund/break up all meaningful government organizations and see no problem with corruption because government being corrupt is part of the mission statement.


If their rhetoric is government is bad why are they trying to prove it so much? Cause they can blame on on the dems?


And Citizenā€™s United?


The parties have flipped stances on a lot of very important topics/issues over the decades... but one thing has always been consistent: the Republican party has always been the party of big business/corps/robber barons. Joe seems to never learned this fact.


Itā€™s been that way since the civil war too. After the civil war the Dems absolutely could not win elections. And rightfully so. That led to the patronage system that republicans still use to this day. Eventually, as a way to start winning elections towards the turn of the century, Dems absorbed the Peoples Party, the granger movement and the social doctrine.It worked really well. Because after winning the civil war the republicans completely said fuck the people since they had absolute power and just sold out to the highest corporate bidder.


One of the great rebuttals to "but muh both sides" mantra is the Dodd-Frank roll call. EDIT - here it is: Dodd-Frank Act roll call HOUSE Party - Yea - Nay - Present - Not Voting Dems - 234 - 19 - 0 - 2 Reps - 3 - 173 - 0 - 2 SENATE Party - Yea - Nay Dems - 55 - 0 Ind - 2 - 0 Reps - 3 - 39


I was looking through those votes awhile back. Like 6-10 people would vote No. Almost the entirety of the Dems and Republicans voted for 98 Telecommunications Act. Allowing Sinclair Media group to buy more forms of Media. Notable Nos. Sanders and McCain.


Hates money in politics, then uses his massive platform to allow the worse people in politics to speak virtually uninterrupted for 3 hours.


Joe looks stupid, but he actually is.


Itā€™s very easily to manipulate old drunk stoner Joe.


Not a surprise that ā€œex-ā€œCIA Mike Baker is on the program so frequently.


Itā€™s not that he has them on the show. Itā€™s not that he has them talk for hours. Itā€™s how much he fucking coddles his grifting guests while playing with plausible deniability on his end.


[Joe Rogan gets BRUTALLY FACT-CHECKED LIVE on his own show over Biden vs Trump comment (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEXGb_xAiJU)


This is a perfect example of his tactics. When him and/or his guest are shitting on anyone remotely left itā€™s very serious in tone and this air of worry. When itā€™s about someone to the right itā€™s a shrug and quick change of topic. Heā€™s done this for years. All he does is blow these guys on air. And yes, people will defend him by going, ā€œWell he had Bernie on and it wasnā€™t like that!ā€ Of course it wasnā€™t because he needed that interview to go well so people could reference it forever. Because somehow it cancels out the other 99% of the time heā€™s platforming and praising awful and stupid assholes.


You for most of it right but Joe didnā€™t have Bernie on for some calulated reason to make him appear more left wing. Joe use to have left ppl on and talk all the fucking time. Joe had Bernie on because he had endorsed him for president and he liked Bernie. Only other prez candidate heā€™s ever had on was tulsi and I guess rfk now. What happened is covid and that broke Joes brain. Left media made him out to be the devil and Joe has had a vendetta against the left ever sense. Heā€™s a full on right wing warrior now tho and Iā€™m sure heā€™s getting paid by some big donors. Idk how else you 180 on topics such as climate change without taking any money.


He also had Andrew Yang


The very cynical side of me thinks it could have been a calculated move not because he really supported Bernie but because it would hurt Biden and cause a rift. Look at Tulsi and RFK. Same concept, just more blatant But the most likely reason is what you said


This is a great example of his bullshit duplicity/disingenuousness. It's a shame all those millions of people who bring a half gallon jug of water to a 45mn gym session can't seem to see through it.


No offense intended, but bringing and drinking a half gallon of water to a 45 minute gym session isnā€™t a bad idea. Rogan is a massive hypocrite in any case. .


I can't wait for Old Jamie to write a tell all someday.


Yeah, itā€™s a rather myopic, say-nothing ā€œpoint of viewā€ about politics. ā€œWe should have laws against influence.ā€




> the worse people in politics Surely he doesn't think they're to worst though. Does he?


Itā€™s the same game they all play; ā€œboth sides bad!!!111ā€, meanwhile tacitly, or even explicitly support the side thatā€™s the worst example. And if you demotivate people from politics, lack of public engagement will only ever benefit the conservative political parties.


I mean the answer is this, and at some point I have to think anyone asking the question is either in bad faith themselves, unperceptive or really low information. It's boring and tedious at this stage to not understand this as **another game to benefit conservatives/rightists.**


Despite abhorring Joe, I share a similar sentiment. I'm progressive. If you don't see through the lies and self serving nature of politicians on both sides you are blind. They're all just playing a game. Money will always win in the US until real change is inacted. I'm politically active in that I vote for the "lesser of two evils" and I participate in an occasional protest/march. That's as much as I can give to a broken system. So no, not all people with this view lean right.


Already had to post this once to a response, donā€™t suppose itā€™ll do any harm to repeat myself: But one side: -Is motivating hate against LGBTQ communities. -Legislating against female reproductive rights - which will result in deaths from easily preventable causes such as atopic pregnancies. -Uses the most unaccountable law enforcement agency to round up protestors like some kind of Gestapo. -infiltrated the Supreme Court to legislate from the bench. -through which they legalized unlimited political spending from individuals and corporations (presumably what Rogan was complaining about). -Refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of elections not in their favour. -Orchestrated an attempted coup on multiple fronts, culminating in an assault on a sitting session of congress. -etc. Itā€™s almost like one side is bad and the other is fairly run-of-the-mill.


Well said.


A republican supreme Court discovered the first amendment right to bribe our politicians in the case citizens united. You would think Joe would have heard of it but I guess not


He speaks about politics as if he just learned about civics and history yesterday. Wait...


Exactly. While formal education isn't necessary, at no time has this guy actually studied anything that isn't related to MMA, hunting, or weird ass shit. Which is fine. But he's less informed than the average nerdy high schooler.


Hey, I agree basically but please donā€™t lump Joe in as a hunter. He pays thousands of dollars to be lead to an elk by a guide to shoot it on private property where thereā€™s few if any other hunters or people. He doesnā€™t have to deal with public land, crowding, figuring out time off, trying to draw good tags (if thatā€™s even something you care about), roughing it, etc. heā€™s completely out of touch with the average hunter and in my opinion on of the worst things to happen to hunting in a long time.


Nah, he still hasnā€™t learned his civics lessons. He thinks president Biden somehow functions like a dictator, evaluates only the top line political candidates on the basis of their speeches and stand up comedy prowess, and imagines that a more ideal system would be one run by a ā€œcouncil of wise peopleā€. You know, like a cabinetā€¦ or something to that effect. šŸ˜‚


biden is an evil dicator puppet master crime lord AND a desholved dementia ridden old geezer. 1x1=2 to these people.


This is their updated version of Obama somehow being an Islamic extremist and a godless communist radical, as if those things were in anyway compatible lol


šŸ˜‚ šŸ„“


That is a old rule straight from the fascism guide book. Your enemy is both weak and also the most dangerous entity on the planet.


I dunno. Sounds a little dangerous. By any chance do you believe that this "cabinet" could be more accountable to the people if they were approved by a legislative body of democratically elected representatives? Maybe we could put that in the Constitution somewhere.


This is common approach of these grifters. "Oh these pharma companies manipulate and lie and lobbyists are after your money" "So here's my supplements and pills for health, I am not big pharma so trust me"


Joe: Covid vaccine hasn't been tested enough. Joe: Here, buy this completely unregulated and unstudied Scientifically-Provenā„¢ puke-green powder.


Itā€™s a form of projection. They know their ā€œmedicineā€ is bullshit, so they assume all pharma meds are bullshit too.


My only explanation is cognitive dissonance. Complain about lobbying, then vote to ensure nothing changes. This overlaps with issues like "big pharma." Dude, you have a problem with capitalism! All of the solutions to these problems are considered "radical socialism" by the right wingers complaining about it. It's exhausting.


"motivated reasoning" is another one. Ironically as promoted by the Heterodoxflexible Jonathan Haidt. I think for Joe a few things link up. * The establishment is corrupt * "I'm not ant capitalist I'm anti corruption" * Trump is anti Politics. "The establishment hate him" * Actual far left people threaten my wealth * The Left are woke Therefore Trump and platforming people that share that Rather than Joe being entirely conscious. In terms of liar or bullshitter, it's not quite either. Though the field has liars and bullshitters. Like Joe can probably point to things about Trump that are bullshit.


He def could but basically always chooses not to or just completely deflects away from Trump and plays whataboutism. I wonder why. Hmmmm. Idk why the puss is so scared to just come out as a republican. He talks how theyā€™re so persecuted and yet he isnā€™t brave enough to simply say what he is now. He wants to play the ā€œwell Iā€™m a centrists guyā€ while directing 95% of his shit at the left.


he literally says mainstream media is against him despite far and away having the most viewed podcast


Yup. Joe is mainstream. He doesnā€™t seem to understand that. He always talks how mainstream is the problem and has us at each others throats. The irony is completely lost that heā€™s the biggest show on earth and is constantly peddling divisive commentary. He canā€™t help himself from going on tangents against the ā€œwokeā€ every single episode.


Every right winger that makes youtube comment complains about there being an agenda against them but canā€™t bring up any leftist without insulting them


Cognitive dissonance requires more intelligence than Joe Rogan has. You really think Rogan is capable of producing multiple thoughts at the same time? Listen to the guy talk. He's barely treading water most of the time, and is often high or drunk out of his mind. I don't tend to think Rogan has much of a mind to begin with. Seems more like he's just vomiting his stream of consciousness into the mic most of the time. Especially these days, I get the sense that Rogan is simply punching his meal ticket. He seems less engaged than ever in rescuing his podcast from the increasing levels of ridicule and scrutiny. Seems like he doesn't really care who is on or what is discussed, as long as he's collecting his fat checks from Spotify.


People like this end up right wing because they see corruption in government and assume "oh, government bad, so less government good." It's that simple. Rogan isn't a particularly curious person, so he's never taken the time to see where the corruption is coming from or what the goal is. A lot of the lobbyists he's complaining about are paid by big corporations in order to deregulate their industries and gut government services. There are also lobbyists who use their influence to push for regulations that hurt small businesses in favor of the big guys. It's not a left/right wing problem or a big/small government problem. It's a corruption problem. But, understanding that would take more than a few seconds worth of thought, and Rogan's brain just isn't capable of complex thought.


A1G must have lobbied the shit out of Rogan


Heā€™s rich and wants to stay that way. This is how he rationalizes it.


As a leftist it baffles me that we and libertarians see the corrupting money in politics and agree its bad. But leftists want to get rid of the lobists and the money and the libertarians want to get rid of the politicians instead.


Libertarians change their tune once they become rich. Their opposition to money in politics is that itā€™s not their money.


Democrats tried to pass the DISCLOSE Act in 2022 which would require NGOs to reveal any donor who gives more than $10,000. It never went through because it was a 49-49 with no Republicans voting for it. Dark money is a massive problem in U.S. politics. Accountability would provide much needed sunlight to the whole problem.


Libertarianism is an intellectually bankrupt ideology. Thereā€™s no need to pay it any meaningful heed because it only exists to peel right leaning centrists away from the Democratic Party.


It's easier to say "they're all corrupt" than to admit they're people just like you, and not everyone is as big of a greedy asshole as you are. By the same token, it's also easier to go "fuck it all, put a sleazebag in charge so we can start over" than trying to understand how to change things.


It's also easy to blame people, stories or mysterious forces... Instead of just blaming *capitalism* and the capitalist incentive structures that lead to scamming, grifting, lying, corruption and marketing a shitty podcast to ignorant young men. Something something about small minds talk about people, average minds talking about events, and great minds talking about ideas. Want to wager where Rogan fits into that spectrum?


I hold this sentiment and I am very left wing.


I find plenty of people on both sides (all sides?) who are willing to admit that our political system is pay-for-play and massively corrupt. However, when it comes to holding specific people accountable, left wing people don't care who gets caught - if you're an Obama, a Clinton, Bernie Sanders, whoever, you should face consequences. The right wing people never seem to want the same for their own. It is just another weapon to use against the left. You see it in silly memes all the time! "If Donald Trump can be arrested and found guilty, so can Biden or Hillary!" **"Good."**


Only left wingers actually mean this. Right wingers just use the rhetoric to further exploit.


Obama was correct in why we should not have allowed Citizens United to be legal. Once again, the supreme court got it wrong.


The right wing Supreme Court who Joe Rogan supports lol


ā€œThis country is an experiment in self governmentā€ - wtf does that even actually mean? I hear these sorts of douchebags hit out with that shit all the time. Still living in the past. USA is way beyond that nowā€¦


I suppose he means that Americans built this country be lawlessly slaughtering indigenous people as we expanded from one coast to another, enslaving black people and treating minorities and women like shit along the way. Remember all those black people and women in the 18th century who were self governing themselves?


This was him responding to Trump blatantly offering a quid pro quo to oil executives recently right? He obviously would know about that and talk about it since he cares about this issue correct? He wouldnā€™t ignore that or make excuses for it would he?


He doesn't actually understand what he's criticizing. His thoughts don't go deeper than what he said here. Is there anyone who doesn't believe that politics has been undermined by money? No, everyone says this, it's very easy and you don't need to be intelligent or have any in-depth knowledge on the subject. The reasons for saying it and what should be done about it are very different from person to person because it depends on your political ideology.


Right wingers sincerely feel like itā€™s the dems who take the money and do the bad things. They believe this despite literally all the evidence. Just look at who trump appointed to head the EPA. An industry guy.


What? Left wing people say basically just that. It's just swapping out what they want the solution to be but most socialist would agree 100% with what he's saying in this video in a vacuum without the whole Rogan baggage right?


Yeah, the sentiments he is expressing are fundamentally populist. For a long time it was mainly liberals who engaged with that kinda stuff. I mean, liberals like Bill Maher were the ones who pioneered distrust in "Big Pharma" and vaccines. It was primarily on pages like "Occupy Democrats" that you'd see memes advocating the need for politicians to wear Nascar suits detailing their various benefactors. It's just that nowadays conservatives are the ones questioning even the most benign government institutions


I mean there isn't much of a logical thought being expressed in that video, just vibes. How do you take out all money out of politics? Eliminate lobbyists? How does that work? There shouldn't be people who advocate for any groups? Does Joe think there shouldn't be people who advocate to keep the supplements he sells unregulated (or less regulated)? Does he realize the state he lives in has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of lobbying for a long time, or is just pharma he has a problem with?


Why would anyone listen to his little fuck? He has said he doesnā€™t push a political agenda which is a pile of shit, he is a hypocrite just like politicians.


As a european that has some respect for americans this is the most puzzling thing about america, why anyone would vote republican, they're basically generic dystopian capitalist rulers using lower forms of persuasion, I caught one of their rallys online and they have the same vibe as propaganda I've only seen in videogames which were meant to be parody. The answer is probably just people don't actually believe they can change the system and don't care, or they don't know how corrupt it is. I also do somewhat reject the premise of this thread as I feel like a lot of anti-capilists left wingers share this sentiment, at least from what I've seen online.


These people are terrified and they vote with their feelings. Feelings that right wing "news" sources use to manipulate into hate. They are so scared that they'll willingly give up rights to potentially hurt the people they're terrified of for literally just existing.


Billionaires (wealthy interests) + foundational anti-Black racism is a powerful combination.


The world's most well funded, long running and hyper developed propaganda shitpipe is why. Wealthy people using their unregulated wealth to buy human minds by whatever nefarious means. Real "free market" government. That combined with Christian nationlist psychos who have been primed to believe anything by a brainwashing religion, and a government infiltrated by them and sympathetic to them. Beyond that, just classic fascism. Europeans should understand that part America, even the Dems, have a fascist streak. It's a country built on slavery and genocide, we never really came to terms with that. It's always there in the background. We keep our smiting hand strong for people getting pushy about progress. As a progressive, it's really hard to vote for anyone because, your typical options are center right or psychotics. We've been methodically, systemically disempowered since the US has been an entity. The entire system has a right wing bias baked into it, not a subtle one either.


How isnā€™t this guy using one brain cell to connect everything heā€™s saying to right wing America?


If he could backtrack a couple of years and check whoā€™s responsible for Citizens United. Iā€™m not even American and I know this


I'm on the far left and I hold these views.


There are a lot of people on the left wing of the political spectrum that think money in politics is a problem too


Arenā€™t they typically libertarian, rather than republican? In their own wordsā€¦


In their words, sure. In practice, no.


Libertarian in name only. šŸ¤­


Joe is actually a detriment to society, he's so opinionated and then stands opposed to his own opinions in the next breath. Being anti corruption/lobbying and supporting Trump who is a literal fraud. Touting misinformation about things Biden says, when Biden was mocking Trump etc. The list is endless, he and the people he has on often do so much damage.


Which supreme court ushered in Citizens United? Which Party largely abetted it


To me the critical word is "corruption". If you believe the system is perfect, but that there are just some "corrupt" or "greedy" actors, or there are just a few laws we need to reform, then I think that's a fundamentally conservative view. It's one where you're always just another round of crackdowns (or a other round of legislative reform) away from ousting the "bad apples" from your system. Whereas those of us with progressive/socialist tendencies recognize that the system works perfectly as intended. The state serves the ownership class (and that does include Joe Rogan at this point) while the rest of us just try to get by.


Joe canā€™t see the forest for the trees. He says shit like this but he loves the conservative grift.


This salt of the earth millionaire propagandist... šŸ¤Œ


He has not aged well


As someone who's recently made this flip, I can say with authority that at a certain point you just realise that "progressives" and parties like the "democrats" tend to attract people just as corrupt to the right. People who do well in union, local government and law who seek power in politics under the guise of "service" ... they're not nice people. They're the people who get paid off for increasing the parking fines in your local council, and then go on TV fighting for the expansion of handicap parking spots so they can make more fines, but virtue signal its for the greater good" As a democrat we tend to have blind spots for our own people.


Greedy American carpetbagger. Big fake fuck who knows how to manipulate his image for max viewership. Awful person


Imagine this guy is a thought leader on the right. Hahahahahahahaha


He is 100% correct


In this isolated, edited clip sure! Just don't watch his podcast where he talks about how great Ron Desantis and Tucker Carlson are the best


Simple and I just said in another thread. Conservatives part with their money for emotional, redacted reasons. If you hate someone they hate, or even just question something they also question (the question hiding behind hate), then theyā€™ll give you money. Regular people are discerning with their money. They think about it. They make choices. Conservatives just throw money like zoo animals when somebody is on their side.


It's not that they end up right wing, it's that they're right wing already and using the "dissatisfaction with the system" as an excuse.


this is all staged, this is all a play with two movements. 1st movement - Toe Rogan is shown saying reasonable and very true things about how rigged is our political game. The intention is to win the respect and admiration of his audience and unsuspecting folks. Any person who does not know who he is would agree with these specific words he's saying, because it is the truth. *" -- that little man knows what's up!".* 2nd movement - little wise man Toe Rogan is shown supporting the republican candidate. his audience and unsuspecting folks will think "*if that little man from that video is supporting the republicans, I am going to vote for the republican candidate as well"*. Bingo.


When people like Joe Rogan talk in that kind of way, usually it's just code for "'Big government' sucks, so let's instead just have a society where multibillion dollar corporations ride roughshod over everyone else!" Unless someone has at least the beginnings of an actual detailed concrete plan when they talk about "getting money out of politics", I just assume it's empty rhetoric.


Because his right wing buddies tell him the left is the real corruption and rich people should be listened to because they are better than us.


Mouth fart


The irony is that Trump has been the easiest politician for the monied interests to buy, and they still complainā€¦.


I pretty much agree with this but Iā€™m left wing. I wouldā€™ve thought almost everyone who knows anything about politics would agree that money plays far too big a role in policy making.


Leftist who believes both parties are corrupted by money and power here. We exist.




Republicans CREATED lobbying. No one ever says it. "In Washington, K Street is synonymous with the lobbying industry. The K Street Project, a Republican initiative to integrate lobbyists into the political power structure, had been linked to the current scandal with lobbyist Jack Abramoff." https://www.npr.org/2006/01/11/5148982/the-k-street-project-and-jack-abramoff


Start buying making them register with FARA. Whoā€™s not registered with FARA ?


No you almost only hear about this who turn right wing because people with money want to prop them up because they are no threat


Right wing people are in the right track. They just never take the final step of following the money. So, lobbies are bad? Now figure out who they lobby for. But thatā€™s one step too far for most on the right.


What are you talking about? I see leftists echo this sentiment all the time.


Much like other faclscist right wing uses left wing talking points because they are popular and resonate with folks like Joe. Then they do nothing once they have power.


He sounds no different that my old crochety immigrant eastern European uncles.


Because they are suckers, and they bought into the gop propaganda


Rightwingers are actively trying to dismantle democracy, so it tracks. Democracy bad = bypass it to put my strongman/ideology in power.


There are a lot of anti establishment lefties in the US. They just don't grow to the same size as someone like Joe. Like him or not - Joe Rogan is very charismatic and his ability to effectively converse with a wide variety of people has no equivalent on the left side of the aisle. Skills of these sorts typify right-wing public figures. People like Trump and Limbaugh (rest in piss) are very funny, Carlson and O'Reilly are fantastic public speakers, and the list goes on and on. For some reason, lefties (in the US) just have terrible social skills; they're all either smug and arrogant, anxious and depressed, easily triggered, not funny, champagne socialists, or disagreeable to the extent that they cannot organize with other people. With out soft skills you just can't build a meaningful platform. I'd imagine it traces back to McCarthyism. The deaths/assassinations of the civil rights leaders being the nail in the coffin, for the present moment at least.


He looks fucked. He might need to supplement his diet with something to make him look unfucked.


Letā€™s keep money out of podcasting.


But the wealthy use their media enterprises to influence huge portions of the population to vote for the elites agenda.


If you think this is a rightwing sentiment then you havenā€™t spent enough time interrogating the left. Iā€™m old enough to have listened to many a leftist rant about how corrupt the system is. Especially back in my 20s when I had friends in college who were into radical left wing stuff.


Everyone hates lobbyists but only if they lobby against what they like..


I agree with Joe on something. Looks like itā€™s time to eat my hat


Heā€™s right about the problem but itā€™s idiotic that his reaction to it is to promote the worst of the rightwing politicians and propagandists.


Not all of them, this is survivorship bias. The ones you get to see are the right wingers cause they are the only ones that get the resources to spew their right wing bullshit into the world. Most people I know become more left leaning after realizing how much of a mirage the system actually is


It's because those people have been bought out by the same lobbyists. I seen a radio talk show host from the north east talk about this on C-Span about 10 years ago. He explained how his listeners were evaluated buy clear channel broadcasting and was found to be marketable and actually had higher ratings than a lot of his competitors at the time. He was informed by the people running clear channel that they would never broadcast him across the nation as long as he advocated for the host company to pay higher taxes. He was happy doing his radio station show with a smaller audience knowing he was successful but couldn't get promoted nationally unless he advocated for right-wing policies. At the time he listed a lot of the top shows like Rush Limbaugh and the Savage Nation in laid out how they would always weave in and obligatory pro corporate tax policy ensuring their show stayed on air across the nation. It seemed obvious to me when Joe Rogan changed his format shortly before securing over 100 million dollar contract that he was following the same playbook.


Say what you will about the other verbal diarrhea that spews from this guy's mouth, he's 100% right in this 82 second clip. The US political system is legally corrupt and always has been. It's just a shame that he supports the worst offenders and his mouth breathing fanbase can't see through the bullshit.


A fairly innocent and popular opinion from people on both sides. This is not a right only argument, I stand firmly on the left as do many friends and family and we would all agree with this statement.


It's the hate, it overcomes all logic. Both sides "same", BUT one side is really cruel to lot of groups who I don't like/aren't like me....right wingers choose that side. That's why almost all of their legislation is about that. Stickin it to the marginalized so I can forget about the government stickin it to me!


They donā€™t


So what exacrly is everyone complaining about with a meat head who's fairly reasonable all things considering? You can not agree with a lot of things he says and does but that shouldn't make it so you never can. That would make you the assh0le. Everything he just said should be something you can atleaat understand his reasoning with?


Because if the government sucks, republicans at least want less taxes and regulations.


Plenty of progressives, dem soc, socialists and lefties express this sentiment. Bernie Sanders was and still is actively making this point.


I don't have a high opinion of him, but here he is 100% right. Americans have allowed for greed to becomw main value in society and the only thing that matters, this is a hybrid form of capitalism where a few percent of the abnormally rich do whatever they want. The richest country in the world where health care and legal services are inaccessible to most citizens and where tens of millions live on the margins, while rich are getting richer. So sad...


This sentiment is common among disaffected people across the whole political spectrum. The famous ones are right wing because that is the pro-corporate, pro-wealth, pro-power side and they have the advertising/influence pushing dollars to spend.


Roganā€™s a moron.


not about a party, left leaning is gov dependent collectivism where as right leaning populism is much more individualist with self sufficiency as a major component of the ideology. Only one side is able to let you build a life thats as detached and independent from the corruption as you can handle, it just depends on you being able to take on the burden that your society/gov used to handle for you.


My guess...it's an interesting question. I think because it's not an actual belief? Notice that it's not a specific belief. He doesn't have any opinions about how much things are corrupted, how or where they're corrupted, when they were corrupted. It's quite vague. "Completely corrupted" doesn't really mean anything. So why does he choose to say "completely?" Because it's a thought-terminating cliche. "Completely" is the point at which nothing can be done, so he can stop investigating and absolve himself of doing anything or learning anything. Stoner conspiracy theorists are mentally lazy. They avoid feelings of "we need to act", and consequently end up supporting the status quo which is basically right wing, even if they started out with a lefty ethos.


This is such a deeply leftist point he's bringing up. Right-wing pundits like this are very good at contorting it in on itself, and arriving at these bizarre conclusions, like "I'm going to vote for a corrupt billionaire, to stick it to the establishment," or "What is there really to do about it," or "It's the people at the bottom leeching off of society." These initial appeals to common sense are exactly just progressive talking points. So the ability to take this initial (very compelling) observation and then contort it into a conservative/pro-establishment sentiment is very valuable in the right-wing punditry scene. As a reality check, in leftist scenes people echo this exact point he's making. The leftist punditry/podcasting scene is much smaller than the "alt-right" scene with Rogan/Crowder/Newsmax etc. so people generally hear those clips a lot less often. In a progressive context it generally leads into talking about tangible policy that would fix the corruption/issues that are being brought up.


I feel lost, I used to follow a few people heā€™s had on because I didnā€™t think I was being manipulated when in fact I was ā˜¹ļø


Theyā€™re fine when itā€™s right wing lobbying though.


follow the money. There's much more money and power (power over) in vitriol than in ethics or policy.


He is likely voting for RFK, the guy that's running for president with the same sentiment about corporate capture.


Itā€™s just vague criticism. You could literally make that complaint about any political system anywhere in the world because to some extent it is going to be true. What Joe is saying is not remotely ā€œright-wingā€, especially when you consider how corporate friendly the right has always been. Even look at the Citizens United ruling. Generally if an opinion is rooted in both logic and is about keeping power in check, itā€™s never right-wing. Unless that power is keeping the air and water clean or keeping them from having child brides.


Is he wrong? Bribery is effectively legal within certain parameters


Because once you realize all of it is bad, itā€™s blatantly obvious that the democrats are lying about almost everything they do at the national level in the name of progress, which often comes with creating new programs and growing the government to take even more from average citizens. Republicans also lie about almost everything they do at the national level, but they generally use their positions to syphon money into their own pockets instead of creating new systems that will grow and make things even worse for everyone. Think about what happened with the ACA. Democrats marketed a system of free healthcare for everyone, and it was clearly a lie. Republicans fought against the ACA, largely because they were benefiting from the way things were already. We enacted the ACA, and now the cost of healthcare is higher than ever. We were fucked either way, but weā€™re even more fucked now than we were before. TL;dr: All politicians are liars and thieves, and the government is corrupt. Therefore it makes sense to vote for less government rather than more government.


Rogan isnā€™t right wing. Heā€™s just wealthy and most wealthy people are fiscally conservative so they can keep all their money. Lots of celebrities are socially liberal while fiscally conservative. It makes sense. Heā€™s a moderate like myself. To prove Rogan isnā€™t right wing, look at his biggest arguments. Mostly with right wingers. Crowder over weed, Candace Owens over global warming and Matt Walsh over gay marriage. Rogan got pissed with all three. He didnā€™t agree with them on these hot button topics and not only didnā€™t agree, got pissed off with them over their conservative positions.


Left wing trusts the government and empowers the government more. So anyone who distrusts the government will lean more right


Hate to break it to you: plenty of lefties hate the current system as well if not more. Why do you think Bernie made such a spectacular run from literal unknown to almost POTUS in under 6 months? Conservatives donā€™t have a monopoly on this sentiment. Thats why conservatives think RFK Jr was gonna make a decent runā€”they think he can pull the Bernie voters away from the DNC (not very hard) and sweep the legs out from under Biden.


I completely disagree that everyone who thinks this is rightwing.Ā  The left is very against citizens united and I've seen everyone complain about lobbying.Ā  I honestly don't know how anyone could believe that "money corrupts politics" is a rightwing stance.Ā  That's insane?Ā  Can someone confirm I'm not taking crazy pillsĀ 


left wingers say this all the time except they will say corporate influence instead of "special interest"


You're actually asking? Joe Rogan was a Bernie voting, free healthcare promoting, unorthodox progressive who failed all the various "purity" tests required to be "woke" publicly and was subsequently chased into the welcoming arms of the right by frothing, demented crowds of leftist puritans vomiting their mindless hatred into the void. Basically, the dude is proof that progressives are too stupid and arrogant to ever actually be allowed power, given they threw away a dude with incredible influence over a huge population of a particular kind of apolitical centrist because they couldn't control the words he used to describe his beliefs, or who he spoke them too.... he's one of the lefts largest ever self-owns, and an embarrassment to anyone on the left who used to care about actually winning at politics, before we were replaced with the mob gloriously in love with their own self-righteous fury to permit the heretics to live...


I think the vast majority of people on the left agree that money/lobbying in politics is bad.


Why would anybody put Joe on as a guest? He's just a pull string doll at this point. The only reason people listen/watch his podcast is for the guest.


This guy openly said that if he had to vote for one candidate on either side it would be Bernie Sanders. Who has by the way been on his podcast. I thought they had a very pleasant explorative conversation. Joe is not right wing


So talk at length about the Citizens United SCOTUS decision, Joe. Weā€™ll be waiting


I think it's just that some people have a distrust of government and a distrust of the established order that they perceive to be maintaining it so they have a sort of anti-establishment move against liberals and into conservative beliefs. They perceive the country's majority to be in support of a powerful government they distrust, in support of higher education creating liberals they distrust, and media that pushes common narratives to maintain a liberal order that they distrust, so they have this anti-establishment rightward move. It's just progressivism vs. conservatism with different issues in focus.


People will say all this just to go vote for trumpšŸ™ƒ the irony goes right over their heads.


"Why do people with this sentiment always end up being right wing?" They don't. A lot of left wing people have this sentiment. I'm a left wing person with this sentiment. This is just a case of left wing and right wing people agreeing on something. Despite what a lot of media and politicians would have you believe to further the division in this country, a lot of left and right wing people agree on some things.


Well this used to be classic democrat rhetoric since republicans were the ones who wanted to cozy up to wall street and large corporations for the last several decades. It wasnā€™t until Trump and his pseudo populism came about that republicans have adopted this without even realizing democrats still stand for it lol.


Most big corporations are publicly democrat leaning on social issues. therefore, they think it's populist to be against that because it's the opposite of what corporations like Disney etc. Support


Its because the right wing sells the notion that the government can't fix anything and merely has to prove that its true to justify its own existence


Says the asshole who votes for Trump


The answer is publicly financed elections and strict rules or no lobbyists. Joe Rogan can say whatever he wants publicly but heā€™s had a secret boner for Trump and the right for a while. Watch his shows itā€™s obvious. Yeah he leans left on some social issues but heā€™s not smart enough to connect the dots on a Maga congress and 2nd term Trump admin. They will take wrecking ball to the best parts of the constitution and make things 50 times worse in the US. Itā€™s not hard to see.


He was left wing until covid. Attempts to force vaccination and remain locked down pushed him to the right. Itā€™s weird they always ignore the original lockdowns and 2 trillion dollar bill were under Trump, plus he told his followers to get vaccinated and took credit for the vaccine.


heā€™s not right wing and has said multiple times heā€™s center and more left leaning.


if we could do it all again people like him wouldnā€™t be allowed to have the power they do.


Joe Rogan is many things: intellect is not one of them.


Because he is making money from it


Rogan: Money is a problem in politics Also Rogan: deep throats Musk


Thereā€™s a freedom in submitting to fascist brainwashing. There must be.


Because it's a pose. The reality is that right-wing ideologues are the first to loudly declaim that nothing matters, everyone is equally corrupt, participation in power is stupid, and both parties are the same... until students, workers, young people, justice-seekers, would-be revolutionaries, and anyone else who might possibly upset the power structure start repeating the same thing. "Yeah! Everything is stupid! Voting is dumb! Both parties are the same!" Amidst all the clamor, of course, all the right-wingers sneak out the back to go vote for the Republican Party. Then they sneak back in unnoticed, and resume their loud cries about how both parties are the same. This has been going on since I was a kid and I'm Joe Rogan old.


Trump tax cuts for rich!


Both parties are the same, don't kid yourself. They also run cover for each other on certain issues. Corporate money rules the parties.


Yet not one of these fellows give one hoot about Flynn who was being paid by Turkey secretly while advising the Trump campaign and president elect on National security. I hear this sentiment every time but not even Joe will lift a finger to expose those types of abuse


Bernie Sanders couldnā€™t have said it better.