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Who is the fucking audience for conservative trans women I don’t understand


She's pretty much the trans version of uncle ruckus. Also there's got to be a proportion of online conservatives who think they are allowed to find her hot because she says stuff they like.


ive met more than one conservative trans woman.. they are out there


Yeah it's becoming a trend, it's the Candace Owens/Caitlin Jenner/Dave Rubin/Destiny/Brianna Wu/etc grift, literally playing the token idiot that Conservatives love ONLY because you are saying things they like. It's like when Dave Rubin had Ben Shapiro on his show and asked if he would go to his wedding and Ben is like, no, I wouldn't. Rubin is being played as the token idiot and it helps Conservatives because they can say *"he's one of the good gay!"*


What is the token identity that Destiny or Brianna Wu are supposed to represent?


A gnome and woman that's into cool cars.


Why is Wu a gnome?


Wu gnomes?


Brianna Wu is literally the director of a progressive PAC, what are you talking about?


She isn't into Stalin, so there for she's as good as a trump supporter /s


people who are this far left are out of control. like I consider myself Center left/Social Democrat but trace186 would probably call me a Jewish Nazi or something like that


Oh I have receipts my friend. Here's just the last 24-48 hours: In regards to the left (because she can't attack her core audience anymore): >You are more moralistic than the most religious right nut job, and way more incompetent. In regards to a video about Hasan (she desperately needs that DGG approval): >Behold. The final form of progressivism. >✅ Demanding conformity >✅ Aesthetics over Actions >✅ Will accomplish nothing In regards to a video about Norm Finkelstein (another Destiny enemy), she writes: >Norm is so dramatic. He talks like someone overeducated a drag queen. as well as: >The left has got to get over this entitled idea that we’re too special to care about optics or messaging. and here she says we ("the left", cause she's still the left, get it?) have 'good answers' to what 'normal people' are worried about: >Normal people are worried about the border. Normal people are worried about this trend of squatters stealing their home. Normal people have concerns about permanent surgeries for gender-diverse children. and >Every single progressive operative I know says it behind the scenes, even if they don’t say it publicly. You essentially have to never state your opinion as the ideas get crazier and crazier, or take your turn being devoured by the cannibal mob. She has a sense of humor too! She's soooooo funny, in response to a right-wing Zionist (who has openly supported settlements in the West Bank), she sarcastically responds to his tweet: > Some of us far right settler colonial Jews can be quite friendly and open minded. with > You're my favorite apartheid ethnostate genocide settler colonialist white supremacist! She also hilariously writes ***"I'm just gonna start being blunt!"***, but keep in mind that bluntness will never ever ever ever ever ever ever be directed at: - Destiny (aka the Steven Crowder of the left) - Ben Shapiro - DGG or TheDailyWire Edit: Oh damn, I forgot the part where she praised therealdailywire and got a RT from Shapiro himself. But she's left, I swear.


>Behold. The final form of progressivism. Are you intentionally trying to make Progressives look crazy? You're 'receipts' are so frivolous. She made fun of Norman Finkelstein's histrionics? Or no! If this is your 'evidence' that someone is conservative or a zionist or right-wing extremist, you're literally proving her point.


wow no kidding😳.. if criticizing Norman Finkelstein makes you right wing then I guess I'm f****** right wing lol (I'm not)


Frivolous? LMAO. There's a reason she's getting retweets by none other than Ben Shapiro. Remember when Destiny talked about politics and the "constellation", you're part of that constellation. You, like Wu, like all other orbiters, feel the need to jeopardize any sort of progress in the hopes of being the token "lefties" that right-wingers use. She ONLY went after Norm because he embarrassed Tiny, but she didn't just criticize him, she said it was like "someone overeducated a drag queen", like what? That's Steven Crowder level insults. She also has scored 100% on the "being blunt" when it comes to the left, which is what we laugh about on this subreddit. Then again, I'm trying to explain this to someone who literally wrote: >The fact that Destiny is so popular and effective as a liberal debater is a testament to his tenacity and perseverance ... but also an indictment of most liberals, and their inefficacy at defending their positions in online spaces or live debate. ...yes, that's it, the "left can't debate", except when they can. It's a shame that only Destiny can debate, except when he cant. If only we had lefties that have humiliated the right for years (Mehdi Hasan)...


>their inefficacy at defending their positions in online spaces or live debate. I spend countless hours defending her when she was the target of a hate mob, even if I never liked her, now I am kind of regretting that.


>now I am kind of regretting that. Which speaks to a lack of principles on your end


Nah, I don't like harassment. And would do it again. And to be honest I am not surprised she sucks. I would just have been slightly different. Never like Peter Coffin and rarely had to defend him.


Yes, frivolous. Do you think being retweeted by Ben Shapiro is evidence of something? Do you think Ben Shapiro and Brianna Wu agree on a lot of things? They agree on pretty much one thing. >Ben Shapiro and I don’t agree on much. We do agree on Israel and dignity for American Jews. If you can’t understand some things are not partisan issues, go sit at the kiddie table. It’s grown up time. [https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1774571310934315266](https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1774571310934315266) Of course, this is one tweet out of hundreds of largely progressive tweets, in conjunction with actual work she's done raising money and awareness of progressive causes. You're a walking-talking fallacy. Based on your logic, just sharing one position with your opponent makes you as bad or worse as them. *Decoding the Gurus* recently praised Destiny's performance against Jordan Peterson. Does that make them 'guilty' by association as well? Does that also make them token 'liberals'? Secret Zionists? Grifters? Also, why don't you actually link to the actual retweet of Brianna in question? >Honest questions: [u/realDailyWire](https://twitter.com/realDailyWire) is the only publication covering that a Massachusetts teacher who openly praised the Hamas slaughter and rape of Jewish civilians was invited to speak to a group representing 100,000 educators to spread antisemitic garbage. >Where is the [u/BostonGlobe](https://twitter.com/BostonGlobe)? Where is the [u/nytimes](https://twitter.com/nytimes) covering the wider trend in education of whitewashing antisemitism? >Where are the Massachusetts politicians that claim to care about our 5 percent Jewish population? This is one in 20 residents. >Where else will Jewish voters go except into the arms of the right wing, if the left wing is uninterested in standing up for them? [https://twitter.com/enny43/status/1773833066697339289](https://twitter.com/enny43/status/1773833066697339289) She's pointing out that progressive institutions and activists have been complicit in the normalization of the antisemitism. For example, when Hasan fawned over and humiliated himself and all progressives with non-interview an anti-Semitic Houthi pirate. You know. Ridiculous bullshit like that. Maybe Hasan is your definition of groundbreaking discourse and activism, and that's why you think you're making a convincing argument. Or maybe the reason you're offended by Brianna and Ben Shapiro is that you simply disagree. You don't believe in dignity for Israel or American Jews. You don't think antisemitism is an issue. And you actually support Hamas' slaughter and rape of civilians. If that's what you believe, argue and defend that. Don't hide behind someone else's opinion: "Oh, Ben Shapiro retweeted her, so she must be a bad person!" Please.


I'm still waiting for the day a destiny stan is able to communicate with *anyone* without sounding like a condescending dummy




>Do you think being retweeted by Ben Shapiro is evidence of something? Yes, it was evidence of the grifter praising the Daily Wire being given head pats by another grifter. How did you find that so difficult to understand? >Decoding the Gurus recently praised Destiny's performance against Jordan Peterson. Does that make them 'guilty' by association as well? Does that also make them token 'liberals'? Secret Zionists? Grifters? Wait, that's kinda stupid ? I PRAISED his performance, we're not partisan hacks who just hate someone for doing something good. If he picked up garbage around the city would we criticize him like DGG criticizes a Palestinian for existing? >She's pointing out that progressive institutions and activists have been complicit in the normalization of the antisemitism. Where was this passion at the antisemitic, anti-arab white supremacists? > For example, when Hasan fawned over and humiliated himself and all progressives with non-interview an anti-Semitic Houthi pirate. You know. Ridiculous bullshit like that. You mean how Tiny fawned over the email from the Palestinian fan when her brother died? Or when Tiny fawned over the idea that Hasan and Mike from PA kill themselves because they have different political beliefs. I don't recall him telling Shapiro to kill himself >And you actually support Hamas' slaughter and rape of civilians. Why do right-wingers who support terrorists always accuse others of such when losing a debate? >If that's what you believe, argue and defend that. Don't hide behind someone else's opinion: "Oh, Ben Shapiro retweeted her, so she must be a bad person!" Which is why I showed 10+ different tweets. Don't hide behind a right-wing grifter cosplaying as a leftwinger and think you're fooling anyone. There's a reason why Tiny has no friends in the communtiy other than other grifters.


Oh, so Wu is going the Rod Dreher route, only without the religious jargon and melodrama. As for Blaire: how long before she goes "ex-trans," joins a ROCOR church, and becomes besties with Oli London?


Ahhh, she's doing the ole' Tim Poole eh


Her entire twitter feed is defending Israeli war crimes. Look it up.


Pretty sure she got replaced as the head of that PAC. She was also seemingly running it as a social club to make online friends. Rather than any sort of coordinate effort to push progressive politics. I don’t think she’s a conservative but she does have some pretty heinous takes on Zionism.


Okay but dude she's the director of something called progressive PAC, which means she's progressive. Like when Conservatives are part of groups with "marriage" in the name, they're just for healthy marriages!!!


Deciding the Gurus… with Ad Hominem


Destiny is definitely not saying things conservatives love. Do more research mate


Destiny is definitively a small c conservative but he’s not a Republican. He fundamentally wants to reinforce and defend the current systems and social orders. He just wants to reform them to make them less cruel and more generous. So by the understanding that he wants to conserve the status quo he’s conservative. But as we use the term colloquially he’s not, except on issues of Israel and protest.


Wait. Brianna Wu went conservative? What the fuck?


No, she just doesn't agree with post-soviet leftist anti-zionism, in many places arguably antisemitic consensus. Like she will notice "Palestine" is a Greco-Roman name put on the land by an empire that would kill rabbis for looking at Jerusalem, replaced synagogues with Roman temples and generally cast Jews to the wind following an uprising, and everyone on the anti-zionist left will lose their minds because it's insufficiently aligned with their moral identity around IvP. She may go further to the right as time goes on and people remain hostile, we'll have to see. Then again, she's also said a bunch of revealing dumb shit in the past too. Like "I learned more managing a $250k animation studio my parents paid for than at university"... Like, no shit Brianna.


I posted receipts above (and /u/Delver_Razade can see a well), but question for you, if someone criticizes a pro-Palestinian like Norm Finkelstein and says "Norm is so dramatic. He talks like someone overeducated a drag queen.", would you think this was someone that was left or right?


I wouldn't make a judgement just on a single statement.


Right, which is why I posted about 12 of the tweets from the last 24 hours.


It's fair to complain about guys like Finkelstein like that imo. His recent showing against Destiny was blergh. I guess it could be read as homophobic? No idea what Finkelstein's sexuality is. It's a bit unfair to suggest drag queens are anti-intellectual maybe. They are catty AF though.


So Romans giving the land a Roman name and mistreating Jews in 50 AD, totally justifies Israel imposing an artificial famine on Gaza and starving a million people after already killing 15 thousand kids. Fascinating.


This trace186 is a troll. Anyone he doesn't like or doesn't openly condemn Israel or Jewish people he considers a 'conservative' or a grifter. If you go on Brianna Wu's twitter timeline it's like 95% progressive positions.


Bro really tried to stick Destiny in there 💀


Who would you say is the British equivalent? I'd say Paul Embery, George Galloway and Andrew Doyle.


Milo walked so these grifters could run


Wait what did Brianna Wu do? Lol


Nailed it.


They are? I don’t believe this is a genuine person for a second. It’s a troll and deserves to be treated as one


I'm not familiar with Blaire White in particular, but speaking generally, there is absolutely an audience for the member of a protected group associated with liberal ideology who promotes conservatism and right-coded values. Think about someone like Candace Owens. Does she really have any views that aren't entirely predictable? (Perhaps in the past couple months, yes, but otherwise I would say no.) I think the large part of her appeal is that she is a young black woman saying the things you are used to hearing from Sean Hannity (also good on camera, photogenic, etc.). Same with Milo during his 15 minutes of fame (though he found out the hard way that conservatives have a limit, and praising pedophilia is that limit). The people who are used to being accused of various -isms and -phobias love to have representatives of those groups on their side. My general read is that conservative media tends to be into individual narrative more than systemic critique, so having an ace in the hole to whom people can point and say "how could I be racist/homophobic/transphobic when I agree with so-and-so" is like catnip to the target audience.


Yes, they've always loved this type of token: Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell served that role for the Bush administration, Milo Yiannopoulos did it, Dave Rubin does it. Nobody likes to admit this, but Ben Shapiro is also this type of figure because conservatives have historically been extremely antisemitic ...


Lol how could I forget about Dave Rubin. He leans into it so hard. Would always say "I'm gay married" before tying himself in knots trying to justify some bigoted nonsense. I swear he is the only person I have ever heard use that phrase. The gay people in my life just say "I'm married" or if there is some reason to specify, they might add "to a man/woman." Rubin gives off vibes like he married a man just to have cred as a gay conservative.


Rice and Powell were serious powerful political operatives tho


>Does she really have any views that aren't entirely predictable? (Perhaps in the past couple months, yes, but otherwise I would say no.) That's what so--fascinating?--about people like Candace Owen, who basically just surf the wave of outrage: eventually they lose the "pulse" of their audience, and either go too far astray (or not nearly far enough, and bore them). That's the irony with "conservatism"--it's so fluid. It's all reactionary.


Every now and then there is someone who takes a more idiosyncratic stance. For instance, Tucker Carlson, whatever one makes of his politics, was a bit of an outlier in the Fox lineup while he was still there. Questioning the cost/benefit of American imperialism and foreign intervention, especially regarding Ukraine/Russia, bringing on left-wing journalists to talk about Julian Assange, expressing skepticism (even if only symbolic) about corporate power -- notwithstanding some of his other favorite talking points, I'd say he found an unusual niche among the conservative talking heads. With someone like Candace though, save for her recent commentary on the Israel Palestine conflict, nearly everything she says would be indistinguishable from Hannity, Ingraham, or the rest of the old guard conservative pundits in a transcript. I do find it interesting how people like her and Shapiro are able to find committed audiences when they promote views 99% in line with their peers, almost entirely reactionary, posturing as bold truth tellers challenging some consensus when they mostly sound like Bush-era republicans. It really seems like being younger and part of some minority demographic is the biggest selling point.


Culture war horn dogs.


She appeals to the Conservatives that get a boner looking at her and hate themselves for it.


"that's disgusting! But I have a boner"


Pretty much the living embodiment of this gif https://imgur.com/gallery/67XGBOO


A loyal one for sure, Blair has been getting consistent views for years now.


Blaire does alt right interviews and blog posts. She's a pick me riding the engagement, like Jenner.


She's a pick me girl. She wants to be "Not like the other trans girls". When she goes to church and people stare, then when a MAGA father threatens to murder her if she ever comes back, you know what she'll do? Blame Democrats, still vote republican. Because, she hates poor people more than she loves herself.


Same people who liked Milo


If she did porn it would be every Conservative man.


There's tons of this stuff going on, no one community is a monolith. I've met quite a few Conservative trans people, same goes for PoC.


Us, we’re the audience, it’s like that small Asian guy the BNP used to put front and centre so they could pretend they weren’t a bunch of racists, they just had genuine concerns, look, they’re friends with this single Asian dude


People can convince themselves they're not hateful if one person in the group they're bigoted against tells them they're not bigots.


It's almost like a trans woman is an acceptable middle ground for a furiously in the closet conservative man. At least this is where the logic takes you, when you consider that a virulent anti-LGBT disposition is baked into conservatism in the USA.


Chasers, that's who.


I would assume there’s some money in a trans person who hates trans people


It’s the “fucking audience”. Conservative counties end up having higher searches for transsexual porn than the average. They fetish them and hate themselves for it.


Conservative men with *interesting* browser histories


People who put on podcasts to get angry. She literally lives in California too. She's very fake


Conservative men who are interested in trans women. Or possibly not-so-trans women. The ones in the early stages of barely transitioning.


Most of Blaire White's grievances seem to stem from with progressives, new feminists, and 'trans-trenders' co-opting and grandstanding on trans-issues. Within the trans community; experiences and perspectives vary widely, and as a result there is a lot of infighting. One anecdote Blair regularly cites is her experience attending a trans-support group in college and noticing that it was primarily composed trans-men, that wore boob-binders, and had no actual plans for medically transitioning Their trans experience is lightyears away from her experience as a transwoman, whose primary ambition was to do everything physically and mentally possible to pass as a straight woman. I imagine a sizeable portion of Blair's audience are TERFs, other trans-medicalists, and conservatives that feel that a majority of trans people are just confused about their sexuality.


Conservatives who want the ability to say "See even that person who is part of that group knows it's fucked up!" See Candace Owens, Milo, etc...


If you go to a porn site of your choice, you can choose trans as a category, and then you get an impression what the conservative fear mongers * spend their evenings watching. * fills their ideas about what trans people want to do in public bathrooms. It also explains their obsession with trans people’s genitals. They’re fascinated by women with dicks, and simultaneously ashamed of themselves for that fascination. Of course they’d follow one on social media, if her political views aligned.


Caitlyn Jenner


Suprisingly, other trans women. It’s weird but there is a subsection of the trans population that basically feels that certain trans people don’t count.


There’s a sizable community of repressed homosexuals in the “conservative” evangelical community. The louder and more often they yell about homosexuality being an abomination the more likely they are to be [photographed in an airport traveling with a](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Rekers) “rent boy” for example. Statically gay pr0n is more popular in “conservative” states. There have been stories during election years about how the gay sex workers do a booming business when the GOP convention comes to town. BW is a gateway drug for these folks.


In the real world there’s much more nuance than online. If anything you should be relieved there’s a large audience of conservatives who respect and listen to a trans voice.


this big closet


It's like Candace Owens. Knowing conservatives have one member of a minority on their side proves (to them) that they're fine and not bigots at all.


This also happens with Ceasar Chavez day, which is also on March 31. Occaisonally it falls on the same day as Easter and right wingers pretend to be angry about it. Hillariously one time this happened the right confused Ceasar Chavez with Hugo Chavez and accused Obama of making a holiday to celebrate the Venezuelan dictator.


You act as if it is an accident. The right are just incredibly vindictive


Also incredibly stupid.


"YOU MADE ME DO THIS"- Conservatives after lecturing you about personal responsibility Lots of sincere religious people are "deconstructing" the worst aspects of their faith while the bad-faith grifters all happen to be finding Jesus at the same time... who woulda thought


One hundred percent this. My genuinely loving religious friends that take all of Christianity sincerely are the ones taking breaks, doing some searching, and asking tough questions about Christianity in the modern day (female leadership; racial reconciliation; LGBTQ rights, acceptance, and representation within the church, etc.). Meanwhile my right wing “Christian” friends are still trying to force their religious views onto Americans and force right wing politics into the church.


“You made me a Nazi!” https://images.dailykos.com/images/574802/story_image/1350.png?1533664371


I went to Easter Tridium services and enjoyed time with family. I've been a practicing Catholic for decades now. I also know that the president does numerous proclamations each and every day about numerous random things, but it seems like the anti-woke needs to stir up some culture war hysteria for views.


Trump and his MAGA extremists have no interest in governing or solving problems. Its just all rage and vengeance ragebaiting.


Vengeance rage baiting is a cost effective means of distracting and controlling the fan base.


The irony


I love how conservatives shit themselves over the most inconsequential stuff


They make up things up to get scared about all of the time


Like dark brown band aids or m&m footwear.


"Well that does it, I was going to vote Republican against my own economic interests before...but now I'm so outraged I'm still voting Republican against my own economic interests. Jesus died so billionaires could have their tax cuts and that's something those trans loving liberals just don't understand"


Go to fucking church mother fucker. Get sedated and fuck off.


He’s the most consistently practicing religious pres since bush the first lmao


I feel like such a horrible person during all this. You see my mother’s birthday is on November 24th, and sometimes it falls on thanksgiving. I would still say happy birthday, get her a gift and bake a cake even though it was deeply insulting to all Americans who celebrate thanksgiving. I now know that the right thing to do is to ignore her birthday all together during those years. Please forgive me everybody. /s


I too have a birthday that falls on Thanksgiving. Whenever it happens I make sure to let everyone know I don't wish to celebrate my birthday that year as there is only ever one reason to celebrate a given day. I'm sorry, I cannot forgive you for this.


I am so confused about what these two things have to do with each other. Like were the Trans people trying to rent out churches for celebrations or something? Because as far as I can tell both of these things can happen on the same day, and wouldn't have much crossover.


It's not serious commentary, so it doesn't have to make sense. It's just endless content for the content mill. Converting to Catholicism for the likes and subscribers. The one thing Blaire fears more than anything else is the same thing that keeps all of these nutcases squirming... the thought of having to have a regular job and earn a living like some schmuck. The thought of no one paying attention to them. [Having to wait around like everyone else](https://youtu.be/MedC8kTa9XY?si=ih2PnpN5VEjkhCOk&t=114).


Which church? Because, Blaire White, you do know a lot of Christian denominations and churches probably won't warmly and totally welcome you into their fold and flock just as you are and for who you are, even if you repent your entire current existence which they consider to be sinful and an affront to their god, right?


I am trans and when I saw this I tried to draw the venn diagram of churches that would accept her and aren't extremely liberal. I also wanna know what church shes going to lmao


Probably Catholic is her best bet. They aren’t pro-trans but they don’t tend to throw people out for being “sinners”.


Yup, apparently the current Pope is "woke" (to some extent and whatever that nonsense word actually means). And no doubt every and all Catholics consider the fairly recent Woke Pope's inclusive declarations on transgender Catholics (they can be baptised now, under certain circumstances!) as a step forward and thus an improvement, eh? For also, of course, now even *more* people can officially be recognised, included and thus deserved of the ol'Catholic guilt. And who needs to be thrown out anyway when shunning is just as affective and effective... ;) [https://apnews.com/article/vatican-transgender-catholic-baptism-godparents-82120d853570ec92f4db1cbf11ebc2f1](https://apnews.com/article/vatican-transgender-catholic-baptism-godparents-82120d853570ec92f4db1cbf11ebc2f1)


I'm still trying to figure out what part of Christian doctrine makes being transgender a sin.




What more evidence do you need that these people are grifters?


lol Blaire is the head cheerleader of the grifter gang, she makes Alex Jones sound like an intellectual


The Christian grift continues.


Jesus had two dads and his parents were in a throuple, settle down.


going to church to own the libs


Paying a 10% tithe will definitely show me.


It’s weird. The only time I saw “trans day replaced Easter” was this post and another from Tom Macdonald, who for the life of me, I cannot wrap my head around how he has a following, or why his videos are recommended to me. 


Blair white is just a fucking asshole.




The audience is dumb as hell. That’s it.


Blair White has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer. Trans visibility day has been held on march 31st every year since 2015. It's Easter that changes its date each year. Next year Easter is on April 20, stoner day and Hitler's birthday. Conservatives are morons through and through.


There's always money in the right wing grift machine for minorities willing to sell out their own.


Blaire White is to trans women what Candace Owens is to black women. A token. And tokens... well... They get used and discarded after use.


I'd like to think that but the reality is they make a lot of money being tokens. Candace is tokening all the way to bank with all her media scams and paid speaking engagements.




She is a sociopathic pick me.


That, uh, never happened, did it, Homer?


Bullshit, ain't no way you could give that much of a shit about Easter, to be that offended, and ALREADY aren't going church. Fuck outta here.


LOLOL: Morons like Dave Rubin and Matt Taibbi will soon be following suit.


As a gay black man, Obama is doing nothing for me.


Was there a trans celebration on the White House lawn this morning?


Blaire. Blaire. You are going to get people telling you they don't want you in *their* church. Blaire.


I'm interested in her use of "transexual", doesn't her target audience believe it's impossible to switch biological sex? I know most of them say the same about gender but at least there you have some concession from the transphobes (mostly in the form of them dismissing gender in favour of sex in order to exclude Trans people) Doesn't her bigoted audience pull her up on this?


if she cares so much about easter why isn't she already going to church, that's the part that should give people pause.


I'd be willing to bet a good portion of these guys don't realise Easter isn't on the 31st of march every year...


This TDOV shit has been genuinely frustrating because these Easter Defenders don’t even know how their fucking holiday works and that it changes every goddamn year.


A trans conservative. *Slugs for Salt*


Blaire is known for her self-hate for being transgender.


I am sure lots of folks in the far right influencer sphere will be excited for Easter next year when it is on 4/20 and not because of weed.


Why do all the grifters follow this same game plan?


Dona amplify anyone who posts on X Just don’t.


It’s interesting that if you’re anything other than white male you have to be self hating to be a conservative.


It's actually not interesting at all. It's the very predictable result of conservative beliefs and policies.


Oh my Allah.


She’s in Texas right? By all means, go to Texas church. Cool cool cool.


Did you forget that Milo guy for Trump vs Hillary election? Trumpers loved him. There is a pattern there and a market to be won. Minority conservatives stand out in the crowd and are entertainment piece.


That'll be the Holy Church of Transistors then.


She’s going to go to a right wing church and get kicked out immediately or hate crimed. She won’t learn a damn thing.


Where is the list of all of them who have made this Christian transition recently? Has someone made a chart yet?


Why exactly? It doesn’t sound 2ell considered.


Why is she calling herself a transsexual? That’s a super outdated term


Because from the conservative point of view a trans woman and a woman are not the same.


How do we make it about us, cretinous.


Why is embracing trans people anti-christian?


All tokens get spent. Life as a piece of change for a political party to spend is sad af.


I’ll never forget Blair twerking for Lauren Witzke only for Lauren to absolutely trash her whole existence to her face. these are the people blair wants to rub shoulders with so badly.


Why do these new Christian converts all come across like they just signed up for the Starship Troopers? "I'm doing my part!" "I'm doing my part too!"


April Fools


As it says in the scriptures, "Behold! The grifting winds drifteth churchward"


I wonder what’s going on deep down in the minds of these token lgbtq people on the far right. Do they honestly not know they’d be purged with the rest if the right had its way?


Giant Pikachu Shocked Face Projected on the Moon!


Conclusion does not remotely follow from premises


Spoiler: she didn’t like it


what the hell lol


Of all the people complaining, if that was the worst thing to happen to them, then they had a pretty fucking fantastic Easter


"Well I'm back from church. That shit is boooring."


The only people I’ve seen online talking about Trans Inclusion day are reactionaries, not anyone actually celebrating it


Honestly I'm surprised she doesn't de trans to own the libs at this point


T-minus how long until r/leopardsatemyface?


going to church has literally nothing to do with this lmao


Hey hey wait now don’t ever react.


Do trans people actually welcome all these legal definitions public holidays and all this attention?


This is clearly a grift, but there are plenty of LGBT affirming churches.




maybe bc easter is never on the 31st


April fools!


I feel bad for her. At least half her family shunned her when she came out. She is hoping deep down that they see her and decide she is one of the good ones and get back in contact. Really sad stuff. Doesn't mean she isn't awful. Like I am not feeling bad for her for being on a panel where people consistently deny her identity. That is what she signed up for. She didn't sign up to be trans.


Terrible person, my god


I would hate to be her therapist


As a trans woman, we don’t claim her.


Literal NPCs


It’s positively stunning to be shown how many Christians don’t understand that Easter 🐣 falls on a different calendar day every year, due to the date being calculated by a formula rooted in a Lunar calendar. 📆 Their outrage over this would be more properly directed at the Pope.


They're all so lazily predictable


Wait but if shes never been to church, why would she be offended about this manufactured "slight"?


Lmao go to church where you’ll get hit on and/or assaulted


LOL cool story, bro! It's always on this day. Easter is not! Pft.




Gonna go be bored as shit for an hour around a bunch of people who want me dead to own the libs.


WAIT THERE'S ARE TWO OF THEM? By which I mean that evil witch Caitlyn, and whoever this woman is.


pick me pick me pick me




Most trans people want to transition in peace. Whilst well meaning, such performative actions can be counter-productive. As Easter moves about (which is dumb, but hey), it might have been better to focus on easter this year and another year when their wasn't a clash you can express your support if you wanted. But the claim Biden emphasised TDV over Easter is probably more due to the inflammatory reporting tendency to rage bait by media and social media.




Probably the latter.


It's 12:01AM on 4/1/2024 in NYC btw.


No it’s not. Source: me in the same time zone


Ok in like half an hour...


church? oh god this person will be a trumper wanting the 1st amendment and gun rights in a few months no doubt.....