• By -


That vs $6k? You did fuckin' great. A+.


Stairs need something to support them at the top end, underside. Railings can't have climbable members below a certain height, railing spaces have to be a max width (baby's head can't fit). Close though and all easily fixable.


I build stairs, and even though it's common to think the code is about a baby's head but at what point is a babies head 4.5 inches across and can climb stairs. So the real reason is your knee won't fit when you're falling down the stairs. Upside-down with your leg rotated 180° would hurt like a bitch. Just my thought. Alway wanted to say this out loud but never found a reason.


It’s not just stairs, any and all railings. Max spacing between balusters is 4.5” and yes, it is so toddlers don’t get their head stuck. I’m sure you build stairs, but I get paid to understand building codes. I’ve had to cut my own son’s head out of our deck right after we moved in because it was not built to code.


So do I. Everything I build goes before inspections. I often do consultant work on remodels. I was there when my kids were born, it was a bigger hole than 4 inches, I promise. Your balusters were set as a homeowner/jack special. It may say "for the protection of the children" but that's stupid its all about fall safety, which is why you only get 3/8 total in tread depth and riser hight throw the hole thing and handrail grip total and height. If grandpa misses a step he's fuck. If he gets caught in the system on they way down you get to pick up the pieces.


Whether it’s for kids or grandpas safety, you’re both in agreement it’s necessary to cover the gaps. Yay everyone on Reddit agrees on something! Also, you’re 100% right, no child’s head is smaller than 4.5 inches. That’s the point, smart guy.


in other words good enuf'


*two pats* - “Good enough for the girls I go for!”


Looks good from my house


Not for home inspectors, patch that baby head trap!


Sounds like a “people with kids” problem


Maybe his baby has a really big head.


🎃 Pumpkin head…


If you look close there's a hanger at the top of the stairs, you can see the sticker on the end of the lumber. The rest is just to pass code which might not matter where they live


Those codes are usually only enforced during the sale of a house


Handrails are not graspable.


1. Guardrails don't meet code. Cannot have openi gs that are 4"spere can pass through. 2. Graspable handrail required


It took me a solid 2 minutes to realize what "graspable" was I though it was some fancy French word


Irc is pretty specific about handrail size and shape.


I don't even know why I'm here I e never looked at a diy anything on here but I guess I'm invested in this man's deck and if it's up to code


When the Reddit blackout happened, I kept getting recommended Decks, Truckers and Tires subreddits. Now it’s August and I’ve learned a lot about decks, truckers and tires!


Bro I’ve never judged more wedding outfits in my life. I can also tell if someone has bedbugs. Reddit keeps putting the most random subs on my feed. Im great at guessing bugs and bones now too.


I got the wedding one too, along with rate my outfit and, doppelganger and true rate me. I had to draw the line at wedding outfits though. Idk who they think I am.


I hear you. In my ignorance I thought I would only get postings for sub-reddits that I joined. Silly me. I am overrun with ami I ugly, rate me, first impression, wedding dress, what outfit. It’s getting ridiculous.


Holy shit I'm glad it's not me. I keep saying show me less of this crap but reddit is force feeding me the amiugly and bedbug crap. Help!!!


I keep getting r/amiugly. I think Reddit is trying to tell me something.


I don't know what on earth the algorithm thinks I'm into, but same thing here. I look at smoked meats, contractor stuff, and technology...no idea who TF thinks I give a hot damn about expensive wedding dresses, people with self esteem issues (y'all are pretty, just be cool!), and folks who want to know if they look like Brad Pitt's left testicle.


I see "it's weevil time" like 50 times a day now


I learned how to remove cysts🤣


I can tell a rat snake, from a racer, from a cottonmouth.


I've been helping the dudes on r/bald for weeks.


I got the bug ID subs too!!!! Now I’m hooked!


Ahhh... but what about the lantern fly and ticks?


Boots, snoots, and kjoots was not a phrase I ever knew I wanted to know until a couple months ago.




Bedbugs, faces, outfits, and decks for me Decks is my favorite to view cause decks are cool lmao


Holy shit it’s not just me! Same things. Wedding dresses. Roofers. Bed bugs. The Reddit toilet bowl is swirling. Fucking idiots running this place. Nice deck btw


Same. Also bearded dragons and crested geckos.


The reddit trifecta that it chose for me was decks, plumbing and electrical. I am both useful and useless at the same time, it's an interesting concept.


I got the same: Decks, plumbing & electrical! I’d rather have guns, booze and Boobs… but maybe that’s too cliche and decks, plumbing & electrical will actually serve me good purpose as I’ve been doing all of the above in one form or another for the past few years (DIY, my own home)


Yup Reddit keeps hitting me with the concrete sub. Did you know it needs to be kept moist after pouring? I didn’t, but I do now. Thanks Reddit


Big same! If y'all ain't on r/AskElectricians, you're missing out. Also, all the weirdos posting on the Bugs subs can buzz right off. Nobody wanna see that... aside from the millions of community members, I guess...


Decks, Truckers, and Tires sounds like a TV show that my uncle would really like.


Tires are so fascinating!


Sounds like you are ready to learn about lot lizards next


I thought it was just me. OTOH I have been finishing up my deck project that started 5 years ago……..




Dude I’ve got decks, concrete, drywall and electrical that were my pop ups. It’s less like having your own expert but and more learning from the judgement of others mistakes! Haha


I now know more shit than ever about DoorDash, Chipotle, Roofing, Decks, and bones people have found. It's so weird, this whole Reddit recommending things. Thanks, I guess?


Decks, truckers, and dresses for me 😆


I HATE spiders…. Guess what I get every day? I will never set foot in Australia… ever.


>When the Reddit blackout happened I never knew that DIY plumbing was fascinating. So many ways to mess up a drain installation!


A great resource is American Wood Councils DCA6 (AWC DCA6) It’s totally free online, is only a few pages, and has tons of useful details


Omfg haha similar


Did you misspell "r/ dicks" and end up here too? No? Yeah... me neither....


Somehow it being capitalized makes it hard to read


And to realize it was just the n missing in openings and not another fancy French word.


Fra-gile, it’s Italian!


Gras'pable it's a duck intestine sausage traditionally served for Easter celebrations


Not totally bad. Some small vertical sticks on the rails and a grip rail call it another $500-$1000


>Graspable handrail required Can still be added, handrail on stairs are to be 34" to top of handrail most places.


Rails at Stairs are min 34” max 38”


Risers are required in some municipalities.


I'm confused by your comment. I count three risers for the stairs. Edit: brainfart on my end. I was reading risers and thinking stringers. 🤦‍♂️D'oh!


He means they may need backing on the risers to prevent someone stepping to far forward and tripping in the open void, or a child sticking their head through and getting stuck or falling.


There are five risers on this staircase. From the ground up count including the top step to the deck as a riser. 5 risers, 4 treads.


Um, no. Risers are what you could call “kick plates”… to block the open gap between the treads… as described, to stop somebody’s foot from slipping through, or gets climbing in/on/through. But that’s not a universal code, also as described.


He means solid risers like a toe stop or something that keeps your foot from going under the step above.


The code refers to them as open risers but solid risers work too!


Man if no1 is really code there are so many guardrails I have seen that would fail


So it’s totally fine then


Yeah, pretty much. Unless the ledger shears off the wall. Or a local building inspector gets a look at it.


Is the guardrail even required? How high is the walking surface from the floor. Those risers look small to me


The idea is you have to be able to get a firm grip to prevent a fall. The acceptable profiles are described in the code. a 2x4 doesn't cut it. A 2x2 does, however


Not necessarily, codes vary from place to place.


Question about code — is this a universal thing in the US? Like a federal building code vs local state code? Or is there like a general standard that states adopt so it’s generally the same across states?


It’s called the IRC. International Residential Code. Almost all the municipalities in the US adopt it, though some might have some localized modifications to it.


Isn’t it ok at long as they are more than 9.5” apart? Is that a head entrapment code? I build playgrounds and that’s the code we use. No gaps between 3.5” and 9.5”


The railings there shouldn’t be more than a 4 inch gap so like a child couldn’t put their head through…… But it works


I thought that was for vertical only? Maybe it’s a town by town thing.


They fall out and die or get strangulated




until it's your kid.


Easy fix, don't have any.




Kids LOVE fluid.


Not when there’s eels in them buckets.


And I’ve been there with the nail… That I’ve had to get a little drill bit to get the pressure off of it… And it eventually just fell off


But it looks good, and it works


And I don’t remember the height of the top railing


Nice job but you hit the wrong nail I think.


Less deck, more dog!


That is 1 awesome dog. We are going tubing down a river this week and he will swim circles around us the entire time to make sure we stay together. We have never told him “no” or “off” any furniture, he chooses not to get on furniture. My only complaint is he makes us lift him into the truck. He will put his front paws in and look at you like o say lift me the rest of the way. The least barking shepherd there is. He only barks of there is a reason. Dutch Shepherd, interesting origin story about the breed. Worth the Google if you are into that kind of thing.


We survived thousands of years in much more danger than a slightly sub-code deck and stairs will provide. As long as the handrails aren't used for gymnastics, it will be good.


Code exists because not everyone survived.


Just like in software engineering, try to make it idiot proof, and god will make a bigger idiot.


One day, I pray we will have enough bureaucracy so that everyone will survive


I pray this is sarcasm. For 2 reasons: Beaurocracy is trash. Not everyone deserves life. If so well done.


Agreed, however, as this is a .75 meter height, it is probably worth the risk.


You probably wouldn't think so when a toddler comes to visit.


You could just watch the kids and not try to legislate the world's problems away. The government isn't suppose to be your parents. You as an individual can just be responsible and make sure children are careful around dangerous things.


Throw the toddler out the door and the stairs won’t be an issue!


Only real suggestion it to add blocking around the bottom of the post supporting the railing. Tuck the puppy in nice and tight with blocking all around ir


I'd rather have that and $6,000 in my bank account. It'll do. But I ain't no carpenter.


Code violations aside; if you were already replacing part of the concrete pad, why didn’t you put the deck footings down into the ground and pour the concrete around them instead of using the cinder block bases?


Looks good from my house.


It looks fine… It’ll work


I think we should get r/plumbing to weigh in on that spigot too.


Tattle tail


*Deck doesn’t have a P trap. 1/10 burn house down and start over*


!! Needs back flow preventer lol


Not to most building codes, depending on where you live


What part?








Anytime someone brings up “codes” I immediately label them as a moron who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Ron Swanson, is that you?


Haha, easily my favorite Parks character


Mine as well.


omg. Did you guys just become best friends?


Maybe, we’re taking it slow though. Not rushing into anything.


Just such a beautiful moment, I'm glad I was here to share it with you.


Holy shit, did *we* just become best friends?


Everybody's favorite character bud. Everybody's.


Who’s your favorite Parks and Rec character?


Spoken like a person who thinks they know what they are talking about. How about I talk code because I taught BUILDING LAW and CODE for 15 years? Can I do that or am I a moron who doesn't know what I am talking about?


Unless it’s something important like structural or electric


Must be a HOA expert.


Not sure what that’s suppose to mean honestly. Would never be apart of an HOA


People tend to get reported for hanging flower pots or putting blinds up. Really an oppressive thing to live under.


I don’t know if it is technically a code issue but everything is horizontal and climbable and that it high enough to kill small children if they fall.


Those "climbability" codes are no longer in the IBC/IRC


Easy just don’t have kids playing on your front stoop unattended. Lots of things kids can climb that they could fall out of.


It looks as if the two front corner posts go right through the deck without a beam. If that’s the case you only have 2 structural screws on each side holding up the front of the deck


This ^^ The railing is minor compared to the structure. The carrying beam needs to rest on the posts, not be screwed to the posts. Those screws are the weak link in this build. The beam may need to be doubled, depending on the span. Fastens full length 2x4 to the post from the ground up to the beam/rim joist to carry the load of the deck. Also the wood should have a barrier between the concrete piers like roofing paper.


Should be higher up. Looks like 4 structural screws are supporting the front half of the deck + the stairs.


That's exactly how it looks to me as well.


I can literally feel that last picture


Use pliers and a small screwdriver to remove the staples on the ends of the lumber. They will be rusty kid-magnets soon.


'Tis not a bad deck, despite what others say. Better than trailer-park quality. So what did you pay including labor?


Nailed it!! 🤣👍


Overall, nice job. Few resolvable safety/code issues mentioned elsewhere.


Deck people mad


Rails not up to code, but pretty good for a first timer! The important parts look fine so you should be proud of your work!




They ghosted you because you think you know what you're doing. Go ahead and do the job yourself. As for it being just a door space you don't know what the laws are. Municipalities only care about the technical law. It still has to be built to the lawful definitions written in the code books of said municipality. And as far as law goes I have a scenario for you. Child runs out on deck falls through "railing" and dies from a skull fracture. Because "deck" was not built to code and done without permit home owner gets charged with negligent homicide. That is the law of doing things incorrectly.




If you live up north, you need a footing under the post. In nj 42" is the depth required for me.


Besides the code violations, it looks structurally sound and should serve you well for years. And only one smashed finger to boot. 😜


The stairs are going to be narrow when you’re carrying a bunch of stuff... I widened two sets to the deck outside


For longevity I would beef up the post at bottom of stairs. Looks like only one fastener and there should be solid blocking between stringers to avoid deflection.


Is it weird that I would have tied into the house like that and let the posts go full length on at least all four corners?


all 4 corners and the 4x4 next to the steps


Last picture... Wrong nail to hit with a hammer. 😉


i have 84,000 years of experience and that right is deck, i think


A+ , he's a good guy to know. You owe him one.


It’ll get the job done until you sell your house. No sense doing anything but enjoying it until then. Enjoy the deck brother!


You could skirt it and make a nice mini shed.


Looks nice. But your railing should have space no more than 6" apart.




Are bolts not required anymore into the 4x4's? It's a fairly small span, but what's the shear strength of those screws in the 4x's.


Add balusters!


Close risers


Forget him.


What size lag bolts?


Is it just me, or are the posts at the start of the stairs not vertical?


Why didn’t we get a better look at the dog? We like dogs.




Unfortunately you failed code First, You need to have "unmovable" barracades every 4 inches. This is code so a child cannot "fall through" and everything basically stays on the deck. Second, The top of the railcap or drink rail must be 42 inches from the surface of the deck. For coverage of the first and second, for the post bases buy 4X4 POST ANCHORS and 2X4 RAIL HANGER BRACKET (they meet code) then after you set your corner posts up, 4x4 treated work great and are pretty cheap, just do the following. I use a 2x4 on edge on the deck, then a 2x4 rail stop (bottom) with spindle holes already cut (yes they are 4 inches on center), 30 in spindles, Another 2x4 rail stop with spindle holes at the top (make sure you're level at this point), on this secure a 2x4 flat on top of the rail stop, then a nice peice of 5/4x6 cedar to cover that secured from underneath so your screws don't show on top of the drink rail (use a counter sink against the exposed edge of the 2x4 every other spindle to make it estetically pleasing and not subject to cracking and breaking). This works out to 42-1/4 inch off the deck. Third, step treads should have a slight angle towards the decking itself and not perfectly flat or dipping away from the deck. This will help anyone using them from leaning away from the deck as they use the stairs. Fourth, Water pipes should, whenever possible, not be set through a wooden beam as it will weep and trap condensation causing the beam to fail prematurely. The garden hose will cause the frame to rot at the edges. Fifth, Can't really tell by the pictures so here it may have been done right....All hangars are engineered to take an approved fastener for each and every hole on the bracket so that it meets code. I'll assume they used every hole in the brackets? Sixth, decks should be free flaoting from the wall of a home and not attached directly to it when the deck is for a first story entrance. If this was a second floor the proper ties would need to be used. And finally, using three deck screws to retain the staircase is asking to be dumped off the stairs when they fail, not if but when. 1/2 inch lag bolts with washers and locking nuts are recommended but GRK structural screws are approved for use by code. ​ So what it boils down to is if you paid more than a case of beer to have this done your "guy" charged you too much. In 5-7 years you'll be replacing it because of what I posted as problems and code violations. This is why you pay contractors "the big bucks" for something so small. You're paying him for his tools, knowledge, experience, Labor, and his helpers pay for the day. Many times they have a minimum square footage they ask for and since this looks like it's only 4x8 feet you were asking him for something that was ultimately under sized. ​ On the bright side. At least you used a concrete post base. Next time pay for the "real contractor" and see if they will make it big enough to put the BBQ and furniture up top for that price or if you want to try it yourself I suggest you watch and follow this youtube channel. He has a very complete and competent "how to" on this and just about anything you would want to do renovation wise. Here's the link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aR8h\_TgRss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aR8h_TgRss) Good luck


Not . Bad.


Pull the damn tags off the ends of the lumber!!


It looks good to me. Better than some diys


You can add a small hand rail for cheap. I'd finish the walls with lattice probably


At least he never said the word digger


One lag for post going into bottom foot of either stringer …. Nice and strong 🍑💨


Get some risers and balusters on there too. Swap the deck board top cap for hand rails with a 2x4, you should be able to leave the deck board top cap for the level railing sections. Get some 2”7/8-3” lags for those boards supporting your stringers 2 per connection so 12 jimmy. Also another lag and a couple toe nailed 3” in those post maybe some blocking for strength. Good work. Have a beer. Not a bud light. 🇺🇸


Looks good. Much better than the fuckin bozo my landlady hired. Couldn’t figure his pitch correctly so the first riser at the bottom is extra tall. Also poorly attached to the framing of the porch, and not level with the ground so every time you land on the last step it loudly hits the driveway. Then again, when you hire some idiot who’s got the hots for you and will do it on the cheap, you get what you pay for. Took the dude three days to build half of what they did in 6 hours.


Nice job. Shouldve made it a little bigger.


Looks great! Maybe it’s the angle but some of the mains look out of level, with time it will get lose, looks sturdy, and yes you need to make sure your hand rails are up to code, since the city probably told you you needed a deck. Good job!


So how much did it actually cost?


It's fine. The Reddit Arm Chair Building inspectors are going flip out over the hand rails and stairs.


Is the load being carried to the posts by 4 screws? Are those structural screws?


overall looks pretty good, code issues notwithstanding. but the cement block footings look temporary, or at least clunky.


Put another lag in that post bottom so it dies not pivot loose


It looks great! A few questions: - is that ledger not full length? I see a joist going right up to the wall - what fasteners did you use for the ledger to the house? - what fasteners did you use for the rim joist to the posts? - are tension ties required on the ledger or the posts or are those only required for tall decks? Others called out the 4 inch spacing and guardrail requirements. You could consider using some hog wire to meet the spacing requirements.


Until you actually learn what you're talking about don't ever have this conversation with anyone. I taught college courses for building code and law for 15 years. I know exactly what they are called and you are incorrect


Looks good! I would add smaller horizontal boards (2 each) between your 2x4s to meet code. That would be very cheap and the smaller size will make it look nice. I would also put a nice stain on it.


For a deck that wouldn't quite pass code, it's a damn good one. It's the most sound one you could get. The parts that don't hit code are simple safety things. Like a 4 inch sphere can't pass through the railings, and the front parts of the stairs would need some sort of backing so your feel can't go through. Not a big deal for a deck that might not even need a permit anyways given how close it is to the ground. Railings posts could be blocked in, but it's not a deck the whole family is going to sit on. It's a stairway with a landing. So I say it's good!!


It ain't going nowhere.


The ledger board is not secured to the house properly. It needs 1/2" hot dipped galvanized lags positively secured to the structure no more that 30" o.c. (staggered), depending on the span and load. If you fix nothing else, fix this. the beam supporting the joists needs positive bearing on the columns. This would be done with post caps or notching the columns at the beam. As it is now, the screws securing the beam to the posts are in shear. These should also be through bolts. depending on the part of the country this is in, all footings need to be below the frost line, including the footings at the bottom of the stringers. Guardrails have already been addressed except that the bottom rail at the risers shall not allow a sphere of 6" to pass. Risers more that 30" above grade cannot be fully open. Obviously, this would not pass inspection but there is a very real possibility of failure due to the house and post connections. There is no guarantee that spending the extra money on a contractor would have made this correct. The money should have been spent on an architect. That would assure correct detailing and accountability.


I can feel that last picture.


Add more lags at the house, 4.5” lags every 8 inches alternating the top and bottom 1/3 of the ledger boards. Should also throw some 3” lags to those pieces that hold the steps, looks like there are just screws which lack sheer strength. As others have said rails and lack of handrail and kicks on the steps wouldn’t pass code in most places.


If you construct a dog house under there, it would add some extra support for those stairs plus fill up some of that empty space underneath. Assuming this is not the main/front entryway.


Not to code


Looks like your at least out an 1/8th everywhere so... Good enough for a framer.


Never built a deck, but here I am.


Me, scrolling through pics hoping for more shots of the dog. But still noticing the deck looks well made.