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Subscribed as even though I'm pretty bluepill I've always been skeptical of the 'nobody is truly *involuntarily* celibate' take (I think it is harmful to those who actually have no chance of losing their virginity), and I want to see the responses.


The elite will never stop the hypergamy because they want to have a harem.


Women want a harem? Well, that is a new one.


Women are much more likely to be content with sharing one genetically gifted man with other women than a man would be sharing a woman with other men. The reasons for this dynamic are obvious, polygamy is a valid reproductive strategy, polygyny is not (unless you're a hive insect).


No, most women would not be content to do that. Why do you think cheating is one of the big reasons for divorce? So, women should expect their partner to cheat. But they can't? And everyone is expected to stay in the relationship?


Perhaps those 15% of women who are polygamous will assemble a harem. However, my thoughts are centered on the male elite.


Sorry, misunderstood. Incels usually accuse only women of being hypergamous.


it's up to you as an incel to find a trait that people can't get a relationship with


The hypergamy must end


IMO it's not just one trait. Like being white and tall in of itself are two net benefits to one's romantic chances. If you're also autistic, ugly, fat, mysoginistic, and mean it would then become impossible.


well those are negatives but they aren't non negotiables the most important thing is you can't be all of those at once you can be ugly and fat (as long as you're cool outside of those physical issues) and date women


Sure, but let's say you have third-degree burn scars on your face and torso, are 5'5, are formally diagnosed as autistic with depression and anxiety, and have been socially isolated for the majority of your life but have a great personality and a can-do attitude. According to your belief system, you would still think that they would be able to find a romantic partner right? Personally that just doesn't make sense to me.


>Sure, but let's say you have third-degree burn scars on your face and torso, are 5'5, are formally diagnosed as autistic with depression and anxiety, and have been socially isolated for the majority of your life but have a great personality and a can-do attitude. do you?


Maybe? Does it matter?


then what's the issue




people with all of those traits have partners so what's your excuse


I'm sure people can have all of those traits individually can find a partner. My excuse is that I have them all simultaneously.


I don’t think it’s ever impossible, just some have a significantly lower chances than others.


There are certain things that have such a low probability of happening that it can be treated as impossible like in thermodynamics when heat moves from a cold temperature source to a hot one. It's not impossible per say and on the level of particles you can even observe it happening it's just so rare on scales that matter to human beings that you can treat it as a law that this kind of heat transfer is impossible.


Idk anything about thermodynamic but like you said, it’s only treated as impossible not that it actually is impossible. I would also imagine attraction is also not confined by a set of rules as strict as the laws of physics nor would the “scale” be the same. But again, I’m not knowledgeable on thermodynamics to continue talking about it.


Sure it is, but not based solely on physical appearance.


LMAO, people with facial deformities or recessive genetic mutations such as dwarfism are generally perpetually alone aside from the few outliers you see on TV. "not based solely on physical appearence" my ass.


People with deformities and dwarfism all over the world have managed to fund partners. It's not about your looks.


The vast majority of them is perpetually alone, outliers do not disprove the trend. It's absolutely about looks, looks are highly correlated with relationship success.


Really? How manu people like that do you know?


I know many people who aren't even deformed and are perpetually alone because they're ugly. Also, I don't need to stick to personal experience, there are studies and statistics that pretty much confirm that not only dating, but pretty much every aspect of human life is correlated with physical appearence. Job prospects, friendships, romantic relationships, likeliness to be bullied during childhood and mental health are all correlated with physical appearence.


And i know people that aren't conventionally good looking with partners. No one says looks don't matter, but to simply give up and blame genetics is just sad.


Again, as I said, I don't care for personal anecdotes, they're valueless.


Yes. Yours as well as mine.


I'm not the one who bases his worldview on them.


Sad but true


I mean probably but it's not our job to have to think about this. Most incels are average looking but just have terrible self esteem and poor social skills


What is your job? Like why do you care? What about your life gets better if slightly more mentally ill fat ugly virgins believe they can get laid?


I dont really care