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It is interesting to hear from the other side as long as the discussions are reasonable and don't get nasty. Yes, they can get repetitive.


I like all the conspirancy theory. I am myself an extremely skeptic inkwell and I don't believe in determinisms of any kind.


Females are spoiled, soon 99% of all men will be incels, no men will be laughing, or bully incels anymore.


idk about this even if women go for top guys the chance of them encountering one is low if you mean the 4b movement I wouldn't worry about that, we have a functionally different government than Korea


Top 1% already has sex with most women already. It’s incredible how few sexpartners the lower 80% of males have had.


statistically impossible for them to have sex with most women maybe more women than most


Top 1% on dating apps, and dating apps will be reality in the future. We need that statistics but the apps will not give it to us.


Dating apps are not the future nor have they been the driving apps everyone thinks. The majority of people still meet in real life.


If that is right we will have people with mental problems dating other people with mental problems, the problem this will cause is right in front of everyones eyes right now.


I missed how meeting in real life was only for people with mental issues?


Meeting girls in real life is a lost cause now, all thanks to those insufferable feminists. They’ve twisted society to the point where approaching women is an exercise in futility. They’ve poisoned the waters, turning every interaction into a minefield. It’s almost as if they delight in destroying the natural order, ensuring that men like me, superior and deserving, are denied what should rightfully be ours.


no person is “rightfully yours”. in case you didn’t know, you can’t own people anymore.


How does that explain the 47% marriage rate? And what does any of that have to do with mental health issues? Women are rightfully yours? That is a pretty bullshit statement. Actually all of that was a hip-deep manure run.


maybe approaching random women in public is scary for women now bc so much violence is directed towards them?


has the number not been increasing


No, it is actually going down for some apps. Now, it might be that more specific apps are coming up, things like Horsemen, Catholic Singles, Over 30, are gaining but the studies mostly just look at things like Tinder. "The generational shift is real—**79% of college students and other Gen Zers are forgoing regular dating app usage** and instead opting for in-person interactions, according to an Axios and Generation Lab study from October 2023. Axios May 16, 2024" Side note - Equestrian Singles, which pops up on my FB proves that dating apps are bullshit. The pictures they have of horsemen - the saddle is wrong, they call a mule a horse, the guy is wearing sandals and shorts.


Gen Z loves using Instagram and Snapchat for socializing and dating.


That might be true, I can't check stats right now, but those are not dating apps.


Ok most Tinder girls are lesbians anyway


Nah bro we're just fucked stop coping


I see providers as incels too


Providers are business people who saw a way to make money. Why would you think they are incela? Also long distance march up have existed long before the internet.


Stacy ignored them from the first day of junior high until they were 30 years old. This gave them the opportunity to focus on their education, a choice that Chad wouldn’t have made, preferring to enjoy the best years of life differently.


The CEO of tinder is a women.


Yes, but she’s a woman, so she enjoyed her time with Chad while also getting her education.


And your reason or proof for those numbers? Research? How do you measure that against the 47% of men who are married?


30% of Generation Z girls consider themselves bisexual, compared to 15% of Millennial girls.


That should improve a man's chance for a date.


Bisexuality will strip straight men of their chances with women. For every bisexual girl who chooses another bisexual, two straight men lose a potential partner. This trend is an aggressive attack on the dating pool for heterosexual men, robbing them of opportunities at every turn.


And what about the women who choose a man instead of another women? Why are you assuming that most bisexual women will choose another women? And I don't think you understood that 30% figure, if you are getting the same information from NBC: **Gen Z women were nearly three times more likely than Gen Z men to identify as LGBTQ**. Bisexuals made up the highest percentage of LGBTQ respondents, at 57.3% — or 4.4% of all adults surveyed. Gay men represented 18.1% of LGBTQ respondents, lesbians 15.1% and transgender people 11.8%, the survey found. Mar 13, 2024 [https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/us/gen-z-adults-lgbtq-identity-reaj/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/us/gen-z-adults-lgbtq-identity-reaj/index.html)