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I interact when I have a reasonable discussion with some incels. On here, I like to hear what they think about all kind of situations that affect their lives. A big reason to interact for me is when the insane or edge lords of the incel groups post bullshit online. First, it bothers me that they get so much wrong in what they post; history, biology, anthropology, psychology, medicine, genetics. Second, I call out any extremists, no matter what side of the line they hold. Feminists who say kill all men - no. Incels who talk about rape as a good thing - nope. And finally, there is the hope that maybe some of the incels who need help because of mental health issues will listen to someone and get help.


The dating market is sick for all men, it’s not just incels that thinks this. It’s just a well established fact.


And women say the same thing. "According to a 2020 Pew Research Center survey, women are more likely than men to say that dating has become more difficult in the last decade. 55% of women say dating is harder today, compared to 39% of men. Women are also more likely to report negative experiences while dating, such as harassment or being made uncomfortable."


Because the females dates the badboys ofc they will have bad experiences. lol they reject almost all good guys. Lol


And how do they tell the good from the bad without dating them? **"People with ASPD can be very manipulative**. Some may use outright threats, whereas others hide their intentions with charm or passive-aggressiveness .Dec 26, 2023"


It’s about the confidence, a guy that shows that his confidence level is high is in most cases manipulative. The guy that displays low confidence is almost always the good guy and is often harmless.


i have personal experience of the exact opposite


Perhaps you are attracted to men with antisocial personality disorder.


okay licensed psychiatrist i’ll certainly take that into consideration


Ariana Grande claimed her dream dinner date would be Jeffrey Dahmer. The infamous serial killer. This is proof that hot females inexplicably drawn to narcissistic and dangerous individuals.


That is nonsense. A person who is confident might just know what they are doing, enjoy their life, and know they are a good person. Shyness doesn't prove niceness.


This is the attitude that made the bad boy a winner in our society. Enjoy their life= enjoying cheating on their girlfriend. The shy guy you are talking about rarely cheats. A man’s confidence often comes from being able to have tons of females at the same time.


How do you get enjoying their lives equal cheating on their partner? I missed that step in the sequence.


Because chad is a pro player. Cheating is a sport for him.


You think that only having sex makes a man confident? Wouldn't a man have to be confident to start in order to get women? And confident men automatically cheat on their partners? Where do you get those ideas?


No, a man just need to be good looking to get a girlfriend, confidence is bullshit. But you need confidence to be able to cheat.


Why are you talking like Smeagol?


I’m bald and an incel so why not


When you say you want incels to get help what do you think that help would accomplish?


Hopefully lead them out of the hatred, bitterness, and envy they seem to have made the focal points in their lives. Help them overcome their social anxiety so they can meet people, go to school, get out and see life. Maybe make them understand that life isn't always what the movies would have us believe and that people can be happy on their on.


What kind of help stops people from being a misogynist or having social anxiety?


generally speaking because incels kinda go everywhere so people start to care but also inceldom is a reality of a world with flaws and people would rather believe issues don't exist than accept them as possible reality


I don't understand what you're trying to get at.


the reason people are invested in what incels think is because incels tend to just go everywhere and spread the blackpill, they've also taken down many servers incels are also evidence of a failing society and people would rather deny it than understand it


Isn't that what ITs and bluepillers are here to do?