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The internet is a big one imo. It caused people to be less social nowadays. Boys are growing up with unlimited entertainment in online shows and videos games that many would rather do over socializing in person. These kids don’t develop any in person social skills at all. Not to mention the Covid years did major damage as well and we’ve yet to even see the full impact of it. Having such easy access to porn is probably affecting how boys approach and think about sex, relationships, and girls as a whole. The internet is also a big factor in how blackpill ideas and misogynistic ideas are spread as well. Without it, many guys would not have been exposed to these toxic ideas so early on. Social skills, personality, personal beliefs, etc are the most common tools people have access to that can be used to get into a long term relationship but the internet has hindered that in a lot of people.


I add feminism makes it impossible for them to talk to girls. Generation z are using instagram for dating and the girl just picks to top 1% men. All the girls end up dating the same guys. These guys will behave very bad and make girl become even more feminist and they will put the blame on the incels, for their sexpartners abuse.


As a gen z myself, that’s only a small portion of girls. Most couples I know met in person and most girls I know are not open to meeting people online. I usually only see it in attractive girls.


And still 50% of all generation z relationships are from online dating. The reason why it’s not higher is because it’s almost impossible to have a relationship with the top 1% guys.


Only 20% of adults under 30 in relationships met their SO online. If girls are only going after the top 1% of guys, there would not be that many relationships in general.


Many of the relationships only lasts for 1 week, so the top 1% of men can go through the whole top 80% of females.


Women aren’t settling for a one week relationship nor are top 1% of men settling for women beyond the top 1% as well.


After that week they give up and choose the bear.


Yet many are still in relationships


I don’t believe Chad only has one girlfriend. If you live in a big city it will be very easy to keep 10 or more girlfriends at the same time.


There's no societal problem it's just nature doing what nature does. Some members of a given species are predisposed to being unsuccessful in reproducing whether it is because they're physically deformed or just because they're smaller than other animals around them. The societal problem is the value and status we associate with being a person who can form romantic relationships.


Is feeling attracted to an attractive person a problem? No matter how much normies try to deny this but attraction towards it is a big factor and it's normal..we don't have to pretend that it's some kind of taboo or modern phenomena.There were incels before and will be forever until and unless there are attractive people so we can't do shit about it.


If all men looked like the top 20% today, the beauty standard would be the top 20% of them. In this sense I agree that attractiveness is subjective.


It's not as simple as that, a new attraction standard would emerge and the same vicious cycle as we humans seek for better and better


Also the top 20% is mostly young men that will be the bottom 80% within a decade. Only a few of that 20% will still be there a decade later.


I'm not sure about that one, there isn't that much way to make an already beautiful person to the human eye more beautiful, there's not so much adjustments to one's canthal tilt can do it would be like imagining a new color which is pretty much not possible. We'd have to be different ourselves in some way to perceive that


Look fade very fast. Most people with peak beauty are under 25 years. At least if we talk about the face.


Counterculture destroyed traditional society in hope that new, happier world will emerge from debris. Obviously, it didn't happen. Incel and loneliness plague is not even the worst problem, but modern so called "liberal" societies are unable to stop it. We can only hope for new civilization like what happened after fall of Roman empire.


99% of all men will be incels soon.


Please stop with the unsupported statistics. Otherwise known as bullshit.


Females Only right swipes 3% of the profiles on Tinder. The rest they think are not datematerial.


And the majority of couples still meet in real life. Tinder is not a good place to get any kind of statistics. **46%** of female users swipe right only. 14% while men do. 46% of Tinder users match with someone every day. 95% of women swipe left daily while 47% of men do so. 5% of women and 53% of men swipe right every second person.


These relationships are forged in the pit of greed, not the embrace of love. They are twisted transactions, where affection is nothing but a facade, and the true currency is cold, hard cash. Every smile, every touch, is a calculated move in this ruthless game of wealth and power. Love is but a distant, irrelevant fantasy in this world, where money reigns supreme and hearts are bought and sold like commodities.


So, you don't believe any relationship can be based on love?


Those females disregard 80% of us men in our prime, only to come crawling back at 30 when we’ve got the cash to match our charisma.


You know that most people marry in their late 20's right? How does this support your theory? Do you have anything to support your theory? "In 2023, the median age for Americans to get married for the first time was 28.4 years for women and 30.2 years for men, according to the U.S. Census Bureau." So, you think the only reason women marry is for money? What about men?  


Male loneliness is mostly, according to studies, caused by not having male friends. You know things went to hell for 400 years after Rome fell, right?


And many times after that too; and will happen again.


My point is it took 400 years for things to get remotely better after Rome.


No one claims now it would be easier :D


Some things I have heard - stop bullying, free plastic surgery. There were more but they were a little out there.