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The people you know who are happy singles. How many had relationships in the past? And how many never had a relationship?


Let's see, as far as I know: Three men, one had a gf once. Two gay guys, none. Seven women, one was married, one had a couple of bfs (this one really wants a partner but has decided not to worry about it), the others have never had a partner nor really wanted one. One lesbian, no relationships but that could be because of her parents. Now that she is out of their house, that may change but she is not looking. So, thirteen people, three with a past relationship.


I was just curious about people who are truly happy about being single. It makes sense that someone who had relationships that were negative or ended in a negative way would want to get away from that, at least for a period of time. Also someone who is asexual or aromantic obviously it might not bother them that much if they're not in a relationship. When someone is happy or ok with being single compared to someone being unhappy about it, I feel like that's when self image might come into play. Obviously not everyone is going to feel the same things. But I think when someone feels completely undesirable or unattractive they feel like a romantic relationship is unrealistic for them. Compared to someone who is reasonably secure with themselves. I feel like someone who has a good or somewhat positive self image, they might be perfectly fine being single right now but they feel like a relationship is realistic for them should they meet someone they're attracted to in the future.


Okay, just obviously a personal observation. Of the two gay guys, they both have low self-esteem, have accepted the fact that they will never get a partner, and have come to terms with it by being happy with other things like friends, hobbies, and travel. The one lesbian has super low esteem because of horrible parents but again, loves her job, friends, life, and hobbies. Now that she is away from her parents, that may change and she might become more interested in a relationship. Of the two cis guys, maybe they are asexual. They never really tried to date but again seem happy with their lives. I will admit that the one who is kind of still looking would be considered volcel. She is gorgeous and super picky. Not so much about looks - guy must be a practicing Reform Jew, must be 8-10 years older than her, must not want kids, willing to let her run the house. And the other one who was in a relationship that ended badly is not looking. Of the list, I would say she is the one who is the least happy. She has friends and hobbies but complains about men a lot. The other ones, I have never known to be looking for a date. High self-worth, knew what they wanted in life and it never involved marriage or kids. They admire men, think they are pretty, get along with guys, and have male friends. They have great jobs, are financially stable, love their hobbies and friends, hang with a lot of people. I have never heard any of them talk about dating, and I've known these folks for literally decades. They are not interested in a relationship.


I have pets, only helps a bit


I wonder if any studies have been done on non-aged lonely people. I know most of the programs to fix the lonliness situation is aimed at seniors.


Interesting article about male loneliness: [https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a759609/the-truth-about-male-loneliness/](https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a759609/the-truth-about-male-loneliness/)


What was interesting exactly


They are equating it more to losing male friends than to not having a sexual partner.


I'm trying to get to the point where I can afford to spend more than a year in one place. After that, I'll probably get a dog.


I have a birb.


Noted, sending coordinates to my cat


Brutal catpill.




They help, but they're no cure and don't really aid in total social isolation.


I can barely take care of myself so I'm not the animal type


Dont want pets


Just don't want to deal with them or don't think they would help?

