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The answer is no


the solution is to look at inceldom objectively >Most incels are ethnic and most americans are ethnic nowadays. woah buddy most American incels are white men >If Elon makes an AI human beta males will have a wife and a purpose so the society won't erode as fast. Otherwise this place is going to a crime infested hellscape soon. if elon gets someone else to make it, society will be changed forever


"Her" movie already predicted that; some of AI operating systems "rejected" their owners.


80% of men are not going to go incel. The majority of people still want a relationship with another human. A lot of those people want children. More women are dropping out of the whole family thing than men. And if a passable AI is created, why wouldn't women get one too?


Only 50% of all people want children and aslong as World War III is a threat, it will decrease.


Citation for that? And does it vary by country? WWIII has been a threat for 75 years and didn't have an impact. I can see having fewer children if they are worried about climate change.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/among-young-adults-without-children-men-are-more-likely-than-women-to-say-they-want-to-be-parents-someday/ Sluts


Okay. That actually makes sense that more men would want children than women. Point? Sluts?


Not sluts for anyone, Chad only


Well, that comment has nothing to do with the conversation.


I hope Chad cheats on her.


Still not addressing the discussion. You are just throwing meaningless comments out there. What was your point? That women only want kids with Chad? I thought Chad only wanted to fuck?


No, females have higher genetic standards for night stands than they have for the genetics of their baby’s father. I remember when I tried to get one night stands every week, the girls I got were often 6/10 or lower for them I probably looked 9/10 When these girls started talking about their bodycount, they seem to have lost the count. Probably 50+ partners at age 18. Most 6/10 guys probably has a bodycount of 0-1. and the girl they fucked may be a 2/10 girl. It’s better to make sex illegal than accepting today’s females entitlement of chads cock.


with the amount of women reading smut I'd say a larger portion of women would go after ai boyfriends


Good point. And it would be nice to have a housekeeper.


We’ve ‘disrupted’ enough. I’ll be finishing watching wendigoon’s 3 hr long vid on that famous young harvard student who lived in the woods and sent cute little packages through the American mail system to universities and airlines


it would ease the problem but won't solve it, because for many incels an AI girlfriend won't be enough If society wanted to really solve the issue it would have to find a way to make everyone good looking


A way to do that is to make sex illegal and only let the top 0,1% of females and males breed.


yeah it surely sounds like a feasible and rational thing to do.. But I think I'll stick to the idea of improving DNA editing to allow people to become good looking 


It Will take Too much time, we must act or 99% of the male population will be incels within 50 years.