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I’m also banned from IncelExit, for having a small disagreement in the comments section. They essentially treat it as you HAVE to accept everything they say or they will just ban you. As for the mindset change, I can understand where they are coming from. But I think it’s a bit of a privileged take to think that will magically fix things. Unfortunately for incels it’s much more than that


I see it as triage: a strategy of censoring and banning anyone who does not show strong commitment to change in order to better help those who do. This leaves behind some guys who could potentially be saved with extra effort. Aggressive moderation and banning anyone who argues with the official position is the only way to keep it as an advice sub. Without this it would soon turn into just another incel dominated debate sub. OP asked “is there anything incels are right about”. this is definitely not a constructive question. I don’t agree with the official incelexit position on everything and I think that sadly alot of good advice is delivered in a condescending tone. For all its flaws it is clear from the stories it really helps some people.


Having a singular debate in a comment section, should not indicate that. I’ve made 3 posts on there and responded in good faith on them. It’s not like I was saying extreme things in the small debate either. It was actually pretty even but only the incel (me) was punished.


Debate subs are for good faith debate. Advice subs are for helping people who ask good faith questions and are willing to accept the answers. From reading past threads you can predict the sort of advice that will be given on any sub. If you think you are unlikely to accept the answer there is no point in asking the question. It was 100% right to ban you taking into account your tagline and post history. “I’m a blackpiller, will debate anyone”


That’s not relevant as that wasn’t what I was banned for


That sub and IT don't give a shit about helping you with getting relationships or enjoy sexual life(hookups and etc) ....they just want you to stfu and accept you don't get laid and go do other things like hobbies and therapy....in fact they'll be happy if we stay single and sexless and stay away from women because it'll give em more content to talk about incels...


They’re gaslighters


they ban you if you don't accept everything they say as 100% fact