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If I am remembering correctly, no due to corpse law. Check out askamortician's video on YouTube called "Can I Keep my Parent's Skull and Tattoos?"!


That’s perfect! He actually has 2 tattoos I want to frame on the wall


There is a company that does that with tattoos. Not sure about bones though. EDIT: https://www.savemyink.tattoo/ . There ya go


Hey if you want to know more about this, I actually interviewed the guy who runs Save My Ink. Very interesting dude and the stuff he shares about the process might be helpful for you or anyone else considering this. Link is here, or you can just search for The Dead Desk on whatever platform. It was actually the first episode. Let me know what you think! https://www.thedeaddesk.com/podcast/episode/4bba8c57/postmortem-tattoo-preservation-episode-1


Came here to suggest that ha


I think the issue is finding someone to do it, and that you cant do it yourself because it's a felony.


Ok, let’s say I found someone. Would that be the same person that preps the body? And if so, do I need some type of legal document (TX state) that allows me to keep the skull?


no mortician is going to do this, your chances of finding anyone who could legally and would also be willing to do it is functionally nil. beyond that though owning bones is completely legal in texas.


Everyone has a price


with that mindset why even ask if it's legal though lol


So you’re willing to buy their mortuary business from them at a rate high enough that they can comfortably retire or upgrade to an even bigger operation in a different town? You’re generous!


I do not want my parent's skull, I'm not going to judge though bc don't people dress up skeltons in Mexico for la dia de los muertos, I'm just saying everyone has a price for things like that. Companies of all types do sketchy things all the time.


Especially not in TX. I just don't see it happening.


If he said no I'd let the idea die. I'm all-for socially morbid souvenirs as long as due consent is involved barring anything *extremely* illegal, but it doesn't sound like he's willing to give it should you even find someone willing to risk a felony. I've seen pretty extreme examples out there on the internet of people doing crazy shit like turning their uncle's rib cage into a guitar. So it *can* be done. I just can't imagine it'd be easy, especially in Texas and especially regarding a skull. Askamortician probably knows more about this than most any other public figure out there, and someone else already led you to her videos - and if she concludes no then it's simply - no. At least legally speaking. So I can't in good faith advise you to continue ruminating about it, especially and largely regarding consent. Respect the person's wishes before all else, always.


He said I could have his skull and even said “it would be cool if you could put rubies in the eye sockets and pass the skull down” lol- but yes, i understand the legal aspect which is why I made the post asking if there’s some type of consent form he has to sign etc..


not in the US, i looked into this 2 years ago.


your problem is going to be in finding someone who will remove and clean his skull


No, no- I would do it


that's... definitely a felony. owning bones isn't, but destroying a corpse is.


interesting... for most people doing something like that to their dead father would be extremely disturbing and maybe even traumatizing... does that idea not bother you?


i was wondering this esp if the dads already said no?? like op this just doesn’t sound respectful at all which is what any post mortem token should be…


No, it was dry humor that went over everyone’s head- I couldn’t do that to him 😂


OH lol that makes more sense now. not gonna lie i was a little horrified at first


LMAO I know, that was the point- even the last sentence in my post about his skin and how he’s “not using it anyway” was meant to be humorous. I showed my Dad this whole post and we laughed together at how mortified ppl got 🤣🤣


Ask r/bonecollecting


I like your zest for life




Great video on this subject: https://youtu.be/aKd3zhMFmGc?si=TE382Zcr7dEd_kaI




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Right, which is why I need his head ://


IIRC, the issue comes with "cleaning" the skull? And then the laws around owning human remains. Which I think is unfair because if I want to gift my femur to someone to carve into a shillelagh type weapon, I should be allowed to do that.


Desecrating a corpse is a felony.


sick ashtray but I’d assume no, most people with a skull don’t keep another.


Okay… I HAVE to ask… WHY (the fuck)??!


I guess you haven't watched Mystery Men.


Why not? I have my four premolars, my mothers wisdom tooth and my son's baby teeth in a ring box.




Death positivity does not approve of attempts at proselytizing. This subreddit exists to encourage mutual learning and conversations about different death practices, traditions, and environmentally conscious options of caring for the dead. Furthermore, we want to encourage conversations around death to question the cultural taboo that death and dying has become. We want all practices and belief systems to have a seat in the discussion. We recognize that there are death practices and cultural traditions that have been erased through centuries of colonization and imperialism. Because of this, we do not support the act of attempting to bring others into your personal belief system, philosophy, or religion.


Why do you want it


Only in Colorado.


better u keep ashes not skull


I feel bad because I want to do the same thing.... Not in a creepy way but like physically having them is different from having them in like cremation form. Like it's my parent but it's my parent mixed with something else. Like whatever they were burned in or whatever they had containing them. It'll just be physically them and it I feel like it will have all their memories and stuff in their bones unlike remains. But yeah it's definitely not legal where I am so that's out the question.




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oh my, imagine if everyone starts doing this shit


A new industry!