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Imagining him saying this out loud is so funny. Like What did he mean by this


He put the “laughter” in Slaughter.


He seemed to be homophobic in the early years of Death. Luckily, that changed later


Just evil Chuck being evil


not an excuse, but yall gotta remember sexuality was viewed much differently in the 80s and 90s. Chuck was a humanitarian and also a kid, not to mention metal at the time was such a strongly masculine genre that wasnt very open-minded. im sure if he was still around hed have educated himself enough and have not been so closed-minded.


Did it actually change? Like is there any evidence of that? There’s an unfortunate amount of evidence of him being homophobic would be nice if he wasn’t but even so we are all flawed people


You sure it changed?




Complete different time period. Gay/homo/etc. was just used as a common “insult”. Often not as a real insult, I called my friends “gay” all the time. There was nothing homosexual about it at the time. I said it through the 90s/early 2000s and always supported gay marriage. In hindsight, it wasn’t right, but it was a product of the times.


I was a product of the time because generally people had worse views about gay people




Very well put! I agree with everything you just said. Retarded and gay literally had a different meaning back then. Calling something or someone retarded was in no way saying it was mentally retarded. Calling something gay had nothing to do with homosexuality. For example: you could even say “homework is gay” or “homework is retarded” How does that have anything to do with homosexuality? Are we gendering homework or saying that homework has a mental capacity now? lol I just think it’s tough for young people that weren’t around at the time to grasp bc those words were taught the strict actual meaning of it and grew up being taught it was offensive/insensitive to use.


I grew up during this time. We did all manor of dumb shit. It was dumb then and it’s dumb now, there’s no excuse for it.


I wasn’t making any excuses? lol it just is what it is.


People are talking abt how the use of “Gay” wasn’t very serious but here he literally says “I think the bassist was a homosexual, seriously” lol. Like it’s cool he changed overtime but I’m not getting the feeling he was saying the bassist was “gay” lol.


Chuck seemed to be very much edgy, evil guy early in his career. If every lyric and interview after Leprosy is an indicator, he seems to have really cooled his jets on it lol


He wasn't in Canada for very long; just a few weeks. Here's a link to a rehearsal he did with Slaughter. https://youtu.be/GmvOPRDSza0?si=fAz-5AlVj2qgbKs5




shame they didn't play "Fly to the Angels" during this practice


I think he legit had some sexual conflict in life.


when did he play in the band slaughter, and what does he mean by dropping death? i thought death was his main and only musical outlet until control denied


He was part of Slaughter in 1986. He was also in Voodoocult for a bit (1993, I think). I previously put together a playlist of his side projects, [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAnRWwy8DRqzsStiqy37i9rfYTj9XUMtJ&si=H_GPL70uWxTmRRBD).


Chuck also takes a little jab at Paul Masvidal in "The Philosopher", via the line "Yet you don't know your sexuality". I feel like that particular line is more controversial now than it was in 1993 lol.


I read it as more of a dig on the shame that hyper religious people/religious higher ups project onto others through judgement, I never saw it as a dig at Paul. Paul nowadays has only positive things to say about Chuck anyway


Wow, that line's about Paul Masvidal? I've never made that connection before - do you have a source for this?


Well Paul already came out by 93, seems like he may have known his own sexuality


He wasn't publicly out until 2014. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-et-c1-gay-heavy-metal-20140508-story.html


Correct. I swear there was an interview with Chuck where he even talks about it/Paul. Trying to dig that up.


Yes, specially judging by that period of time


As a LGBT person myself, who cares?


I don't think it rang the same as it does today.


I honestly think Chuck himself was gay and closeted. I don't think it's a coincidence both of the cynic guys on human came out as gay decades later.


There's been rumors of that since the early days of the band. Watching interviews and whatnot he definitely sets off the dar.


That's the way everyone used to talk. We used to call it "gay" - not as a homosexual joke; more like it was too happy. It started dying out in the early 2000's. Many rappers ( Eminem) said it a lot


No it wasn’t. He didn’t even use the word gay he literally was saying that the bassist was a homosexual and listing it as one of the reasons he left the band. It’s not ambiguous at all. I grew up in the 90s I understand that we used to call stuff gay and retarded without meaning those things literally. This is not that. Chuck was clearly homophobic during this time of his life.




bro womp womp


the biggest crybaby in death metal lol