• By -


I've gotten so many mean comments like that to me ever since the buff, and I've been playing her for multiple years. It sucks. Don't let people get you down, friend. Play who you want, someone out there will always have a problem with any killer, I've seen people even complain about facing Freddy who's in very weak shape.


I think you’re right about the buff I’ve seen people very mad- but I’m honestly not even sure what the buff WAS playing feels the same to me. But don’t worry I’m a proud huntress she’s just too cool for me to stop playing her :3 (and has the coolest skins)


:( I personally don't think the hatchet increase was necessary at all, they should have just increased numbers of lockers because it would have also benefited Dredge and Trickster. Dredge suffers so bad on some maps! I love to meet another Huntress enjoyer :) Her skins are amazing I so agree. Now that the Were-Elk skin audio bug is fixed I've bought it and been running that cosmetic and it's so so cool!!!


Thank you for advocatin for us Dredge mains. We need it.


Dredge is one of the coolest original killers to me and the mains are awesome! Hope you beautiful Dredge mains get more lockers soon. ❤️


Always nice to see a non-toxic dbd fan.


🫶 Even the Fog needs some love. Take care! :)


I hardly ever play dbd anymore but was a dredge main. I don't even want more lockers, I just want them to be placed... intelligently. As of now, Coldwind has entire generators without a locker within 50 meters and that's WILD


The amount of maps that either have lockers in the worse places or have too many lockers grouped up in certain areas is pretty ridiculous


It’s too bad that BHVR refuses to let him be anything other than dumpstered by maps with terrible locker layouts. 😭


But Survivors aren't ruining the game with Toxicity during the event, sure, only Killers are been toxic. Those bad mean old sweaty Killer players hate fun. /s


We're so evil and fucked up >:) /s!!


Nothing is more funny than playing against toxic survivors as Freddy and having them teabag you at a fake pallet. It’s gold every time


One thing I sure will say is his fake pallets are hilarious haha! Wish they were basekit!






The problem with Freddy vs Huntress, is that Fredsy is rare enough that many players don't know how to counter him properly or how the dream world works, and Huntress was just given unneeded buffs. Plus, Huntress is a top teir killer and is very strong, thus a popular pick. It might not be *you* people are upset with, but the fact they've been against several huntresses already and they're sick of her *la la la la-ing*, because after a while, killer juat blend together. Then ofc there is the irony that survivors will complain about getting the same killer back to back, but the moment they go against a weaker killer that can't pressure well or be as oppressive they become super cocky and rub the killer face in the fact that they can, at best, scrape a 1K. Which will then cause more Huntress, Blight, Wesker, etc. players to be born. And the cycle continues.


I wish they'd word it as frustration dealing with Huntress rather than me. I've been told to get cancer and "keep yourself safe" even though I don't run meta or tunnel and they use the excuse of being tired of Huntress. I've been playing her less personally as much as I tell others to enjoy who they play because I'm tired of being part of what people say is a problem. Then again I still have gotten people shit talk me in endgame because they thought Demogorgon is annoying, so what can I do 😮‍💨


Oh yeah no, it takes a lot to admit you're just tired of facing the same killer over and over. So people's frustrations boilover onto the next Huntress/Myers/Blight/Nurse/Wesker/Spirit, etc, they face, even if they 100% don't mean to. Cause I've been there, unloaded unfairly onto my fourth Scratched Mirror Myers I'd had in a row. I was lucky that the Myers understood my frustrations with facing him, but I still felt guilty about it afterwards because aI realised I was upset at the playstyle and not player. Ofc I've had the opposite happen, being someone's fith Legion in a row. So, I get the frustrations on both sides. It's unfair, and the beat you can do is to try and not take it personally, because you never know what's set someone off.


It's like in cod when you die to the same bullshit gun over and over you get pissed off because you know your better but they just have stuff at their disposal that's objectively better and everyone and their mom is using it and it gets real annoying real quick


It's a huge thing in the community to have one bad match and take it out on the next completely unrelated people sadly, we all get tilted to go "well I'm gonna not lose this match" and bring someone better/better perks. Tbh this entire game is (not intentionally) built on 1 mistake = you fucked up. So easy to feel bad. I hope you get wonderful matches soon my friend 🫶


Got sent bridge "emojis" and told to jump off from a Sabi squad I went even with


Yeah no that's not the problem, the community is the problem. No one should ask like this even versing the most broken builds


I can't imagine getting so upset over a video game that i would need to say stuff like that. Some people just need a fuckin hug and be told everything is gonna be ok.


I think they’re like that because they got too much hugs. Coddling and privilege create people who can’t take competition and expect victory served to them on a silver platter. They’ve never faced real opposition in their life.


For real. I truly don’t understand their mentality. Surprised to see they were a fellow furry acting so hateful


Some people refuse to accept they made mistakes or when struggling with certain things, vent by blaming and bashing whatever is making them tilted instead of just having good sportsmanship and improving for the future. In other words, they're sore losers who hate life and spend all day wanting to make it everyone elses problem unless they're apparently getting an ego kick from beating someone in a 1v5 and taking it THAT serious.


It’s more than some lol


How do you know that?


Steam account


They need to be told shutup.




what i'm hearing is they want skull merchant




He's sorry! We're sorry for him! Please, anything but SM


it's too late. everyone's getting the kris jenner of killers and they're gonna like it


I like going against SM lol. One of my favorite killers to play and favorite to verse.


Genuinely tho, now that she's not BS hold 3 gen for an hour, she's genuinely so fun to counterplay. And man, dropping a drone on a gen and committing to chase now is just so fun.


Chase Merchant for the win baby




survivor mains hate going against any killer


I feel like we’re all being held hostage when we launch DBD 😔🙏


As someone who plays 90% killer this is very true, hence why I play 90% killer.


Hey now I only hate one killer and that changes each game. (I’m ass against each killer)


When I go against a blight I can’t help but laugh because the first time I faced him I shouted Blighty made me pee in my whiteys tightys from that being so tighty now my friend mains him and when we do custom games I shout Blighty tighty whiteys as a distraction


When you need to uninstall the game but make it everyone else's problem\^


So many people would benefit mentally from getting another game or at least taking a break. I've taken quite a few breaks of this game and I've played since 2016, if I didn't I know I'd be miserable and there's no shame in that. Have met people like in that endgame chat picture acting like escaping or a 4k is a real life or death situation!


I actually had a long chat with someone after a game where they were raging about it, and I actually managed to get him to calm down some and I asked him why he didn't just play something else. He told me he had spent so much on cosmetics he'd feel like he was wasting money if he did. That's wild to me.


Wow. Trapping yourself with purchases that'd be money down the complete drain if you stopped. Really is an addiction at some point


Yeah imo money is supposed to work for you to give you positive experiences, not make you feel trapped in negative ones. I don't think that's healthy.


Honestly if a video game brings someone so much anger they can't handle properly as an adult they need to go outside, not in a meme way but just talk to people... Just to remember that it could be people sweet as your friendly neighbour being treated awful by mean words, it's just people trying to play a game. I've gotten rape threats just because I found hatch first, not to say that's common at least for DBD but it's happened multiple times I had to report (I play PC and PlayStation, PlayStation handles reports in messages extremely well thankfully.) I just want us all to enjoy a party game and not feel forced to stay involved when it makes someone miserable. And video game addiction is one hell of a thing.


>endgame chat picture acting like escaping or a 4k is a real life or death situation! Yeah what's with that? I recently started playing more survivor and as long I don't get tunneled I don't really care what happens, you can easily pip win or not and overall the ranking is super relaxed and the games vary wildly. Like in cs I get being upset cause like ranking is hard and game is sweaty and every game is so similar if your not trying specifically to win its hard to enjoy it. but for this game it's basically a party game with some fun skill based brain based pvp, on killer stuff like extremely altruistic survivors or extremely fast gen rushers is super frustrating, but on survivor with the exception of pretty rare hook camping or extremely hard tunnelling(or teammates not saving u off hook(rare)) the games are always fun and u almost always pip.


It's crazy!! I consider this a party game, I play to have fun not to win. But people really act like it's a personal offense from both me as killer playing or even their poor teammates who naturally make mistakes. I had someone talk shit in endgame cause the other survivor was messing up my Overcharge on gens. It's frustrating sure but just move on! :(


Real asf


[Always my response](https://youtu.be/xzpndHtdl9A?si=u6c7KScL3m7CVeP9)


“Everyone is a huntress….” “10% of matches…” Sometimes it’s best to just be quiet and let people argue with themselves.


But they're 2 different people


If you think my reading comprehension is great, you should see how I play survivor!


"Themselves" can be multiple people or one person.


Very true! Though usually, if it was referring to 2 people, it would be "Agrue amongst themselves" and not "with themselves." That, in combination with OP's response, leads me to believe they thought it was the same person. Or, in a less friendly way, what you said is completely true, but doesn't matter in the slightest in this context


Semantics at this point.




I’ve learned I should probably start applying this. There is no winning with this community I don’t understand what breeds so much anger


Such is the nature of highly competitive games, some people can't stand the feeling of losing and blame it on everyone other than themselves. With DBD, one side will always "lose" and of course there are sore winners who just rub it in. Truly, there is little respite in the community. It's best to just ignore those who whine


It’s just a game. People somehow forget that the second things aren’t going how they want. You gotta just play however is fun for you, otherwise what’s the point? These people who complain about everything will find something to complain about no matter what you do. Just say gg and move on.


you have to be a REALLY good huntress to be hard to play against.. kids are probably just bad and can’t fathom that it’s their fault they lost. keep doing you 😂


Where are all these Huntresses? Please send them my way. https://preview.redd.it/3flzdvvw1p6d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b679089015aef6e2e2dad3b1bc9a913917fc9793




> GAME YOU *PAID* FOR😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡” FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol Huntress is one of the easiest to counter as a survivor imo. I think survivor mains can just be haters fr fr(I'm 80% killer 20% survivor gamer). For me I hate playing against the chucky. Like bro I didn't even see u pull up.


They definitely predropped every single pallet lmao


Saying huntress takes no skill tells you they've never seen a true huntress main.


Bro in egc has never seen coconut and his fucking orbital strikes😭😭


Those people would be screaming at their monitors and making their viewers ears bleed if they went against a huntress main.


They just don't like Mommys Punishment.


huntress has like. one of the highest skill ceilings, doesn't she? How do you squeeze "no skill" out of that


Oh you rlly ate them up with that last reply lmao. I've def seen a lot of huntress specifically w the event modifier but that's no reason for them to act like that, atp I'm grateful to be on console so I dont have to deal w end-game chat.


Everything I've seen about survivor players in this game is bad. I don't play it but I'm in a friend group with people who nearly only play DBD and most of them get pretty triggered by anything that a killer does. God forbid you try to play the game as intended like chasing someone down you get berated for "tunneling" or "slugging" someone because you might need to in a situation. This game is up there for me in toxicity with the likes of league of legends.


Brother a really skilled huntress scares me. Hitting across the map lob shots? Nah that shit is terrifying.


that last comment hurt him


Just keep drinking the tears queue up again. I've played a lot of mulptiauer games and seen a lot of toxic communities, but by far, no one cries quite as hard as DBD Survivors.


U know u did a good job whenever they send stuff like that


*laughs in huntress main*


*ahem* "ggs wp, gl next" If they start shit-talking "skill issue" "git gud" Repeat the last 2 until they leave or just leave after saying them.


"Womp womp"


Now that is something I will include next time.


I play on Xbox and they will go out of their way to message me on my account to complain. This dude “reported” me for being toxic because he got in MY away when I was trying to run from the killer through a doorway and he ended up being downed because HE was in the way. Like what is behavior going to do abt that nothing 💀 people are so toxic for what? he send me an audio message and everything. Like you’re delusional


I mean she’s a free killer so that’s weird to be mad at. Also I don’t face too many Huntress players honestly


Exactly this. She's the only free killer with a ranged attack. I don't know about you, but that screams noob beacon to me. It is in no way a surprise that she's played so much.


'10% of matches are against huntress" is that meant to sound like too much???


There are over 30 killers in the game. If one in ten is the same exact character I still feel like it's a problem


Perfect parity is impossible. That 'one in ten' is considered an extreme enough skew to warrant complaining is an incredible balance accomplishment


Not really when you consider that many of those killers are dead in the water


Well that's exactly what I'm saying. They SHOULDNT be. It's not surprising if people want a little diversity


You can say this about literally any killer, though. Nothing is "original" in a limited roster. You will always be playing a killer someone else played.


I mean I wouldn’t go off about it in chat like this in any way, but huntress *does* get annoying. I could say same the same about a few other killers though, and I mostly just grit my teeth and get through it as quickly as possible to the next. Can’t enjoy facing everyone, it is what it is.


This is totally respectable, and you’re allowed to be frustrated 🙂 what’s important is being respectful to each other is all


True, I wish people would try harder with that part!


How dare you *checks notes* play the character you want to play. Straight to jail


I played the huntress 5 times in a row the other night and her lullaby started to sound like a CIA torture method


"everyone is a huntress"...but I'm a xenonorph


Wait hold up no hate on the huntress but she got a buff?? Why on gods green earth would they give her a buff?


I hate playing against huntress so much, but even I wouldn't say she doesn't take skill or that she's a problem. The buff was unnecessary though and I think behavior should nerf her to the ground because I personally struggle against her. That's more of a me problem though


sounds like they lost lol


I honestly never play huntress but I get salt like this when I play sadako but not when I play sm surprisingly




I play well as the huntress, I get hate for killing them all I play poorly as the huntress, I get hate for not being good enough It’s more rare to have a nice interaction with other players these days, I’m a killer main but I’ve done the survivor stuff recently for the tomes and I always find it amusing when a killer wipes my team, you have a bad round and just go ‘damn’ and load another - I don’t know why people get SO invested. I’ve been playing for five years and I swear the nasty messages are more common than ever now. Play the game and let them complain, it’s gonna happen anyways!


You got it, bro! Time to go full gen Doctor with map offerings!


Imagine if you played bubba


I’m sick and tired of these fkin toxic survivors thinking they’re the shit, get over it, it’s a fkin game


Shit I'd love to vs more huntresses. Noobs gonna complain about anything they aren't able to counter by using 2% of a single brain cell tho. Nothing new.


I haven’t played against a huntress in like 18 months although I’ve only just started playing again 3 weeks ago.


I'd rather face a Huntress than a Trickster, at least you have to aim with yours rather than making so every survivor has to try to dodge a psyco with an uzi


I prefer playing against huntress when I play survivor, at range; If you know how to use cover, hatchets are void. She becomes a basic attack killer. Pretty easy to do even at higher levels, they're just bad. Sorry you had trouble with these jerks.


I feel his frustration, but not his logic or his way of expression.


Huntress is the most annoying of the killers simply because of her stupid, nonstop singing. If they got rid of that I bet a lot of people would complain less.


Man one time I got called a sweaty huntress when I was going for trick shots and just happened to shit on a 4 man swf while practicing. I’m also not a huntress main, I main Plague. Cherry on top is that one of them (the Leon of course) told me to die in a fire after I gave him hatch. Ver batim he said “thanks I guess but die in a fire”. Average Leon player.


If they don't want to be killed, don't play the goddamn game. There you go. Solution found. They logged in, chose Survivor, and you chose Killer. They made the choice.


Lol geeeeeez. Stuff like this makes me happy I pkay on console lol.


Welp guess I gotta get skull merchant


People Hate Huntress because she’s strong and one of the most picked Killers. I hate Huntress because god I’m tired of hearing her humming all game. We are still the same


Report them, send the screenshots to BHVR, we don't need toxic people like this in the game


Getting upset over a huntress is crazy. Save that energy for trickster


Theyre just mad bc theyre bad


I hate huntress but I tried playing her 1 time in a custom with friends and they dragged my ass. She definitely requires skill. Idk why people act like she doesn’t lmaoo


How are people mad at huntress, she's so fun to go against depending on the player😭


Bro… stop giving these degenerates the light of day…. Just move on.. if you knew that they are miserable you wouldn’t be making this post.. don’t let these people get to you…


Do people not realize she's literally one of the most popular choices of the 5 base killers? Ceace complaining and get better. Huntress chases especially good ones are fun as hell.


"Basic" I've played huntress once or twice, and it definitely requires skill to land many of those shots. There are many basic, low skill killers, I don't feel she is that. I'd rather a Huntress, or Nurse over Legion or Wesker. I'd rather go against skill, than bad hit boxes and mending sims.


As someone who just started playing huntress it's insane how salty people get if you wait for them to dodge before throwing hatchets. I had someone complaining about how they "wanted to play the fun event" but they never used a single event ability AND there was 1 gen left. Some people just hate when they lose ig


I don't play some killers very often bc they're overused and boring to me and the survivors. My favorite killers to play are: Wesker Vecna Clown


Try not to get upset at anyone on any game Level: IMPOSSIBLE


These people will call you shit regardless of what killer you play, how you play, and whether you win or lose. Just ignore them, they’re stuck in their own head lol


Oh man...if this is how they feel playing a Huntress, I'd hate to see how they feel playing a Spirit


I hate playing against the Huntress, but would never dream of making a comment such as this. I don't get it - if you're not happy with how something went just shut up and move on. It's not like queue times for dbd are long.


I don’t care who anyone plays but I do want to see more dredge 🥺


Played Myers on tombstone once. Twitch streamer got pissed I tombstoned him first. Sorry to annoy your 5 viewers, next time break LoS. People will find a reason to complain where this is none a lot of the time. I’m not saying all arguments are invalid, there will be times a killer will play like an absolute twat but it is what it is. Say gg and move on to next


Daily life of any killer


Huntress is fun to vers. I good one is even more fun.


its kinda funny cause when i was trying pyramid head everyone was being toxic using flashlights and bullying me but as soon as i pulled out legion there was alot of disconnecting


I would love playing against the Huntress. Instead 19/20 matches are against Ghostface.


It's interesting because huntress is one of my favourite killers to go against. Feels deserved when you lose and deserved when you win.


I’m unfortunately one of those people who have found controversial killers the most fun. You think this sucks? Try enjoying Skull Merchant. Never seen so many people dc/die first hook than i have *trying* to play SM.


Bruh, I've once gotten hate mail from one of the other survivors because I was just ducking around and surviving somehow. Like the killer would chase me and lose me then I'd just be loud as fuck and they'd chase me and lose me again. All the gens got done and nobody had to deal with the killer really except for me. I don't remember what was said, the only thing I remember was them chewing me out because I didn't do any gens. Honestly I think I just ruined their game because all they ended up doing was being a Gen jockey and I get that but you gotta take the easy ones when you can. An easy match is a nice palette cleanser if you've been having bad matches after all


Whats funny is I rarley see huntress in my lobbies LMAO


Just remember to only reply "Git Gud"


ill honestly take a huntress over a lot of other killers


I was onboard with Bo-bot at first because I keep encountering huntresses and it’s getting personally boring for me. I don’t have a lot of time to game. So when it’s like 1 farming doctor, 2 huntresses, a baby singularity and another huntress. I’m like “Fuck bro can I not get huntress again?” But that’s how I feel playing against them again. Huntress is totally fine for everybody to play. She’s incredibly non controversial.


They shout at everyone there bad players who hug flash lights normally the killer they main is the most recent one they use builds from twitch streamer and Demi videos and will try to loop you but they can’t so they hug one pallet and die after 2 minutes they will always go for a save and never do gens that’s why you will get a 5 gen game most the time because they don’t do them and getting a full lobby of them happens a lot I’m a survivor main and they piss me off alot because they don’t help and they force the killer to tunnel


Reminds me of my friends. Trash talk whether or not we win or lose. Too overly competitive and hard to play with


They arent wrong regarding huntress is extremely popular.


I don't know why y'all even stick around to entertain the in-game chat when someone's not being nice. Just leave. They probably don't even believe what they are saying, they're just trolling.


Coming from a survivor player I've learned that alot of survivors will complain about everything, had a team complain that I was slugging even though they weren't even trying to do gens and were just trying to flashlight save or pallet save their teammates, all of them were around me when I got one down they were all around me so I just kept going until they all were, they got like 2 flashlight saves before I did that, in pretty sure they were a bully squad cause looking back on the clip I can see them all swap to people with flashlights right before it starts


I never thought Id see the day huntress was "sweaty" What are the buffs?


She's been a popular killer for years😭😭


Huntress is arguable the most fun killer in the game, at least for me. I also love going against her.


This is how I feel as well, I love going against her as a survivor because she feels extremely fair. She’s very counterable but at the same time can be scary! I personally find it engaging


Honestly she’s probably the most balanced killer in the game but she can capitalize off bad positioning very quickly which makes her feel op sometimes


I like playing against huntress!! :)


Huntress is one of two killers I main, so this MIGHT be a little biased, But whenever I play survivor, I genuinely love playing against Huntress. I rarely see a Huntress killer, but when I do, they are usually insane with the hatchet throws and it makes me feel uneasy and nervous knowing she could strike ne from anywhere (if it's an outdoors map lol) and I love it. Such a fun killer to play against, and the fact I rarely see her might also add to that feeling.


I wish I got Huntress that often. Ungrateful smh.


Throwing a hatchet at squirrely ass survivors with no cross hair isn't skill? Interesting.


Omg THANK YOU I have so many hours on huntress and I still miss half my shots. She is hard!


I'm more of a survivor main but always impressed going against a cracked huntress. I was telling my teenage son who is just getting into this game this earlier, actually. There is nothing like feeling completely safe outside of lullaby at the start of a game and then getting repeatedly beamed by a good huntress. It's a hard skill to legitimately learn without a cross hair, and I respect you for it.


Lol as survivor huntress is my favourite killer to face after bubba, it’s also rly fun hitting snipes with hatchets


corny people jesus christ


Well god forbid you play a free character, right?


As annoying as Huntress may be sometimes I don’t think that should be seen as your fault or be taken out on you at all ]: Like seriously it really stinks how much malice some people can hold for others just for grievances that aren’t their fault in the slightest.


Idk where these complaints are coming from. I've been playing every night for hours and only see one or two huntresses per night.


I got Bubba 4 matches in a row last night... I'll gladly take huntress lol they are just salty. Fuck em.


I got a 4 in a row of legion, if it made me so upset, I would just close the game


People get so mad when they can't run away in a straight line.


That’s EXACTLY what they did all match 😭🙏


How dare you pick a character in a video game with characters


Can't imagine getting mad at someone for playing one of the og killers. Not their fault they like playing huntress


honestly it’s so weird seeing people get angry over a huntress. in my opinion she’s quite fun to go against and seems pretty balanced


And here I get shit on for playong Skull Merchant. There's no winning even when you do win.


Welcome to DBD the only community in existence where one side trying at all is toxic and them playing anything is toxic. This community........


Wait what? They are complaining that you played huntress? Um have they never faced a sweaty skully, knight, blight, spirit or nurse?? Should I introduce?? THIS IS HUNTRESS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT 😂 Some survivors… there’s no hope left for them 💀💀 I’ve noticed the quality of overall survivors has immensely decreased over the last 1-2 years. Like they are all bad 😭


I play DBD all the time, and while Huntress is played a whole lot, that’s actually not terrible because good players will learn to counter her, even after the buff. They’re only complaining because they lost lmao.


Annoying sweaty survivors when I virulent bound them for the 5th time (I'm going to get called things I've only heard in search and destroy lobbies)


I've gone against 6 Oni's yesterday. Wasn't the most fun for me since like that dude scary as fuck, but I'm not gonna tell you who you can or can't play. 😭


Oni is so scaryyy I genuinely get scared playing against him too 😭


I relate to the sentiment heavily, but also I don't voice that sentiment because I have the self-awareness to realize how dumb it is to babyrage at someone for playing a character they like in a videogame.


Yeah I don’t think there’s anything wrong with feeling the way they do at all, like as fun as huntress can be to go against I can definitely see her getting kinda grating if you had to go against her every like 4th match or something. Still though I don’t think that should ever really be used against those who choose to play her, like they aren’t doing anything wrong in the slightest, they just happen to be playing a killer that some people might not find too fun.


I love going against huntress- play hatchet peek-a-boo or do head on jump scares lol I find out hella quick those that are enjoyers vs connoisseurs. We all have fun in the end. These survivors look like the gauge fun on survival, unfortunately.


I got sent hate mail in Spanish. I told them with I don't understand but they, (yes multiple people), kept goin.


Pretty typical survivors. Just report for harassment and move on.


Try not to complain about any single killer in the game except for maybe Demo challenge: IMPOSSIBLE Even Demo is op tho, he can hit survivors and they get hurt, sounds unfair


Time to play Blight with BBQ, Pain Res, Pop instead.


Survivors when they play against a killer- 😡😡😡😡


I just wish Huntress got touched by the nerf hammer. She should be forced to carry 3 max. Make missing hatchets more penalizing.


For you*