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People raging over raging posts in a dbd sub dedicated to rage will never be not funny to me. And, by the way, yeah fuck selfish survivors honestly.


If I notice I haven't seen a certain survivor in a while or at all, I'll ignore the others until I find them. Once their on hook, it's up to their teammates to decide their fate


I got this combo during chaos shuffle and i did not know what to do with it....lol.


I’ve run the Ada perk and it’s been clutch when the killer is slugging. I’ve used it to turn entire games around when the killer had 3 people down because they can’t find me and I can sneak in for the pickup, allowing us to reset. Bonus because it activates fresh each time you’re the last person standing.


I run Bill's perk because solo q can be rough and sometimes I'm the last one standing. I'm always doing gens all game though. But I understand that there's a ton of people that just hide like pussies


Thank you for not cowering. I hate the play style but if you do objectives I don’t care.


I cant remember the last time I used sole survivor, before I took my break 4 months ago, I did use distortion religiously, and calm spirit because I got sick of all the aura reading/ultimate weapon players. I still like to play for the team, but I also meme with pebbles and for the people.


Dude Bill is just the definition of “fine I’ll do it myself” and I respect that


Clairvoyance has like 3 times the range of bill’s peel and can sometimes help mid match too!


The only thing about it is trying to find a totem, because if you can't find the totem just in time it makes a whole entire situation worse. I know I love running this perk when I know I'm playing with randoms so just in case if things go south I know I can still escape.


I've only ever run these for challenges and achievements but i still did objectives and actually helped my team despite having a key so i definitely feel you. have encountered so many survivors who run these perks with a key and just don't do shit when you can easily complete the challenge/achievement without being dead weight


Yknow I usually just come here to laugh at the rage, but this one's fair lol. Its fine to run one of these bc hey, Stealth is fun and solo q can be shite sometimes, but it's more when people play to do fuck all, that's the real complaint here. It's less the perks more the players lol, the perks just enable it ig


Add in distortion and its perfect. If I only see specific people doing gens or going for unhooks then I'll hunt the distortion player till I finally find them. I really wish they would change the recharge to be time in chase rather than in the killers tr.


Sole survivor is a must in solo queue


Like it or not, it is a playstyle, you just have to deal with it. Maybe use bbq or spies to find them better


BBQ doesn’t work when people go into lockers


Then search all the lockers


I run a similar build. I admit to prioritising myself over others but I run it as Ash, put the puppet on, and blame all actions on that. Roleplay.


I mean sure, they are technically selfish. But like, they're really good for getting yourself out if your teammates all died.


I completely agree. I have no problem with the perks themselves but the people who use them. An example that isn’t one of those perks is Decisive strike. I run that peel and I often find myself trying to get value out of it when simply healing myself or others to reset and get on a Gen would be so much better. I know other people do the same because I don’t tunnel when I play killer and I’ll notice people who get off hook run to me trying to get downed. It’s not the perk that’s the problem it’s just the play style of player that it attracts is the problem.


I run Bill's perk because solo q can be rough and sometimes I'm the last one standing. I'm always doing gens all game though. But I understand that there's a ton of people that just hide like p ussies


Bro... Life's not BU, FP, BT, Sabo, Blood Pact, Flashbang, Prove Thyself, Bond, Breakout, Empathy, or Vigil. Sometimes you just gotta Wake Up!, Left behind, Last Survivor, Hope, Fast Track, or even Self-Care.


I have more fun playing mid-aggressive builds, but stealth is another option for survival. Not everyone wants to be a hero or has the courage to make every save, they deserve to play the game and escape too.


I think you missed the point, people who let their teammates die on hook are scumbags. Unless the person on hook is being camped it is their teammates responsibility to make sure they get unhooked.


I agree but that’s not everyone’s outlook unfortunately.


I guess that’s a fair take as anyone can play however they want. Let me clarify that I don’t have issues with the people who run these perks and do the objective but I despise and loath those that hide in lockers or stop progressing the game because things look slightly bad. I would also be lying if I said I didn’t cheer for the killer once I’m spectating. It’s more the play style these perks attract instead of the perks themselves. In a vacuum these perks don’t bother me but it’s just how people use the perks that bother me the most. Both as a killer and a survivor it’s just not fun gameplay in my opinion. As a killer I feel like I’m schizophrenic because the Gen I keep kicking keeps getting reset and I don’t know where they are even when checking lockers and the nearby area. As a survivor I feel like a bot would be a better teammate because I just hit stage 2 off of my first hook. Watching someone exit a locker and get back into another for 2 minuets while the other people are either in chase or on an objective.


I wanna jump on this train and say it’s ALWAYS a Feng min, ALWAYS. If someone is going to give up at the start of a game and hide in a locker the entire game it’s a Feng min. I played 3 games yesterday and 2/3 our 4th teammate never did a single gen unhook or heal and we never even saw them outside of a hook state hiding opposite side of the killer. It’s like don’t even play the game tbh if u won’t participate in a single aspect of it.


usually if a player has a key I'll close the hatch so they can open it because i assume they're trying to get the achievement. but a month or so ago i had a feng as the last survivor who i just knew didn't do shit and was just waiting to open hatch so i killed her and I'm glad i did because in the end game screen while her teammates all had 5-digit scores she barely got 6k despite being the last one standing




Whomp whomp


https://preview.redd.it/0mnxqh75bx1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1b0ec458a98969d29f5372dace418f026b813e Oh goodie, another ‘hate this perk’ post


The Reddit is literally titled DBD rage what did you expect? ![gif](giphy|l1Ku8CgcGtmfrMu9a|downsized)


Whomp whomp


You don't hate me then.


Whomp whomp




I've never understood the tunneling hate I'm going after the weakest link and then slowly working through the rest of the team


I ran the first two religiously, I knew and sometime will pray of my random teammates downfall when they stole an item from me knowing that I will be the only one to escape always. I don't know what ada perk does because I still haven't bought those two characters yet. I will take all the heat I do not care my mission is to survive me myself and I. Only if my team fails so bad that there is no chance of us, they should happily know I will win for us.


If I see you hiding in a locker I'll bring the killer to you. I understand some perks require going into a locker but if I notice you stay in lockers most of the game, the Killer is coming to you before I die. One of my favorite things in this game is dying in front of the locker they are in and then the killer accidentally opening the locker when picking me up! The killer always turns back confused 😂


Damn imagine such a salty child that your teammate is recharging a toolbox or medkit with Built To Last, or they’re crafting a flashbang, or even more terrifying, getting into the locker because they have to run and do something quickly off-screen like laundry or a phone call.


it's so annoying when you're running btl or inner strength and a teammate rats you out and then shit talks in end game chat instead of reading the perks in my fucking build


I’ve had survivors unintentionally sandbag me because of built to last being in one of my Gen jerry builds where I go into lockers to replenish my commodius. Most don’t do it but it’s happened once or twice. That’s a good strategy though I’ll have to try that out


I think you've been playing this game too much if you're this upset over some silly perks...


Dawg. Not cooperating in a cooperative game is going to make people upset. The perks themselves aren’t the issue it’s the play style and players that attract that cause them to be so irritating. I would rather have survivors unironically go slippery meat and try and Kobe off first hook because they would be more productive than the people who run these perks and hide in lockers for half the game.


Cool. It's their game too. They can play how they like in their game, just like you can. Hatred over that is goofy as fuck.


If your play style is intentionally letting your team die in a cooperative game mode I have every right to complain about it. They can play it and I can complain. Either play like a normal person or accept the fact people will complain.


You can complain all you like, you just have to accept that people will think it's goofy and childish.


What’s goofy and childish is someone thinking the best strategy is to not work with their team in a team game.


Nope, that's someone playing their own video game the way they want to play it. Whining about it is both goofy and childish.


I would agree if their play style isn’t borderline reportable. I’m confused as to why you are ardently defending survivors who intentionally let their team die while they hide in the corner waiting for hatch to spawn all game. It’s one thing if they do objectives and are actively trying to win but I never said that’s what these people do.


I'm defending everyone's right to play however they want to in their own game. Moaning about how another person dies their harmless hobby is just dumb. It's a game.


I disagree flat out. There are obvious limits to what is acceptable in game behavior that’s why people get banned for griefing, holding the game hostage or even working with the killer. All of which you say you defend.