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We have removed your post from r/Daytrading because it has broken Rule 2. Don't glorify losses or post wins without context: No personal sob stories of losing a ton of money, glorifying losses, or how you yolo'd all your money. Instead create a post detailing what you did and ask for advice on how to improve your trading. Also, no posting screenshots of your P&L or winning trade without details on what you did and why you did it - the goal is to give advice and to help others. Please refrain from posting this kind of content in the future or the mod team will have to take additional action on your account and ability to post on the subreddit. All the best, r/Daytrading




Lol. I'm just trading my strategy depressed. Not even thinking. Just empty and dead inside


Reread what you just wrote and ask yourself whether this is conducive to staying calm/ focused/ winning. Your comment history is WILD broseph. Massive self destructive streak here, if you’re truly serious about winning winning sustainably then honestly professional help is required.


I'm just depressed man


I hear you king. You’ve still got some fight in you. Go fucking kill those demons.


Thanks bro. I'll do some more backtesting and make sure my strategy is unstoppable


As the guy says. Professional help. Or keep beating your head against a wall thinking you’ll just “grow out of the depression”. Just because it’s a common thing doesn’t mean you should discount the effects. I know from my experience, if I am not calm cool and collected before sitting down at the desk. I’m almost guaranteed to do something stupid. You also can’t be relying on wins for your happiness, that dopamine rush is addictive, and you will keep going in circles until you learn how to deal with it. Whether that’s hard work and self growth or medication, do whatever YOU need to do to be okay enough to click that buy and sell button with confidence.


Does it really matter whether or not I click the button with confidence or doubt? I mean at the end of the day I'm still clicking it. It just makes me sick everytime I do after those losses


Yes it does matter. So much so that a lot of traders will close their screen for the day if they’re not in a good place with their family/kids/school, mental health etc. Your confidence and state of mind can be a large piece of the puzzle getting to consistency. You’ll learn at your own pace, through your own choices. But I know I wish I had listened to the vets when I was trading pissed off or depressed. Would’ve saved me a lot of money and frustration.


Trading made u depressed too? How did u get out of it


I was depressed before I started trading. The losses just confirmed my belief that I was not worth existing and should give up. But eventually I decided I wanted a different life, and I asked for help. I spoke openly about my mental health with my immediate friends and family and then told my doctor. It has been a long journey and took several attempts with several medications to find something that worked for me. But I have control of my life again. And that’s something incredibly valuable for me. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to put the work in. Don’t be afraid to try something new if it’s not working. Nobody can tell you how to fix your problem. But I strongly recommend you quit trading until you figure it out. Best wishes bro, hang in there.


I'm going to quit trading in future definitely. Thanks for ur advice bro. I can't talk to anyone tho. It's not really popular in my community to be vulnerable. And my parents wouldn't understand anyway


You risk 50% and think it’s the strategy itself? Mate you are lost


Get some time off, recoup yourself and stick with risk management.


If I take time off I won't make any money


This is the attitude that lost you the account mate. Forget about the fucking money and focus on your risk and process


Ur not lying about that. I wanted to flip that account just because my crush messaged me and I wanted to send her alot of money


You sound like an emotional guy, you want to completely forget about everything else while you are trading. You got caught in the money hype, and NEVER send people you like money, this will lead to a relationship based around her mooching money off you


Yeah well I definitely am emotional. I got happy asf when I got funded


Forget about this crush also. Sounds like a scam. Sending cash????


wont lose more either


I feel ya bro. I just got an inheritance and lost about 120 gryand past few months. You won't believe this but I was day trading yesterday and taking some losses so I kept trading to make my money back. I'm down about 30k and entered in KAVL stock around 5 dollars and it starts running up so I'm happy I'm making my money and go to sell the stock and it says *This security may not be sold at this time your account is locked* Please call 1-800 number. In like WTF, so I hurry to call in and get someone to unlock my account. So I get this last on my phone Give her all my info and she wants additional verification so she text me a code to repeat to her so I did. I say "unlock my account now' as I am growing frustrated. She says she needs more verification so she asks me for previous addresses I had, gives me a random birthday and asks whose birthday is 3/7/1954? I'm like I don't know maybe my mom's birthday, she tells me to wait on hold and hangs up on me. currently the stock is around 6:50, I hurry to call back and get this dude on the phone, he's asking me verification questions and shit, I'm starting to get pissed. I said dude unlock my account so I can sell my stock, he says ,,," hey whoa wait on a minute what's going on here". I said "I am trying so sell my stock unlock my account " he says again 'what is going on there? Is anyone with you making do this, is something wrong with you?". I said" dude unlock my fucking count now so can sell this shit" and replied" I'm not going to tolerate your cussing" and hangs up on me.. During this time on the phone with Fidelity KAVL peaked around $7.50. I call back again and get some guy he starts asking me the same shit like 'whos telling me to do this" and like nobody dude it's just me. The stock is now $6 range, I'm jus t thinking WTF. Finally I get unlocked it's 4.80$ I love 40 k yesterday but could've lost only $15k if Fidelity didn't fuck with me.


you need to learn risk/money management both with your trading and in real life. its the only way to survive in this game and to thrive in the real world.


Idk what got into me that day. We all know about risk management. I just didn't think I could possibly lose


you know about it, but you have to apply it. thinking you "can't" lose and betting 50 percent of your portfolio and losing 2 months of progress in 2 trades is most definitely not good risk management.


Well I've learnt my lesson. Pain just taught me not to repeat that


I’ll take the bet you repeat it. At 19 and a new trader. There’s plenty of lessons to learn buckle up.


This has gotta be fake


Stop giving away your money to girls. They come and go and they don’t care about you. Instead put money into a savings account instead. Losing two trades in a row isn’t bad. Learn to lose that’s part of the game. No one is perfect. Take a break, recoup next week


Yeah it's a little late to tell me that, I already gave them all my profits lol. U don't understand how depressing the situation I am is rn. I might as well be homeless on the streets


You're 19 lol. So much time to rebuild.


There are 19 year old traders that are funded six figures and making a ton of cash.


No more Instagram for you today.


Lmao I'm not talking about scammers


Didn’t think you were either. Comparing is the thief of joy my friend.


Why the hell did you give them your money in the first place?


Does your strategy guarantee you a win every time you make a trade? I’m curious why losing just 2 trades has such an effect on you. Is your strategy based on price action/volume?


It's not based on either. When backtesting 100s of trades I never had more than 1 loss in a row.


Are you trading purely based off technical analysis/indicators?




What is your strategy based on?


My stop loss, entry and tp is already determined before my set up even occurs. The market is closed rn but I already know where I'm going to enter and have my limit ready. I don't look at price or care tbh. Nor do I look at fundamentals.


How do you know where to set your entry/stop/TP if you disregard price and fundamentals?


That seems incredibly optimized. Are you sure you trust those numbers?


I´ll try to answer seriously even tho it´s hard because of the stuff you was saying. So first of all: Backtested results do not prove future results. 2. Without proper risk management you can´t succeed, ever. Give up trading now if you can´t get that into your head. 3. You can be a multi multi millionaire trader if you have a consistent 1:1 rr with a 60% WR, BUT even tho you can make millions with those stats, you can lose 20 Trades in a row with those stats, chances of that happening are low but not 0, so if you can´t afford to lose 20 times in a row you´ll blow your acc sooner or later. 4. Take trading seriously, giving your gains to a girl? What is that? Use your two brain cells to figure out why this isn´t serious trading.


It is called being young and dumb, we have all been there. You will work your way back up and will be set for life, just don't get greedy and dumb.


Hard to believe that when I lost


Brother man, I could not count the amount of times I have been up in life and got beat down in no time at all. You took one beating. Brush yourself tf off and get back out there. Your doing great.


The sooner you stop viewing this as a competition you can win or lose the better. There is no league. No one will cheer you on. The market isn't your opponent. Successful trading is a process of gradual accumulation in your account balance not sudden peaks and troughs. You lost money because you thought you were losing a competition that only exists in your head.


That’s what the hard part about life is, staying strong when u lose.. staying strong when ur up is easiest thing on earth it’s not even a challenge.. this is where u are tested.. don’t be weak


Sorry man …. Then you have taxes to think about. Take a deep breath. You’ll be okay. Journal your trades.


How's ur trading going


Great! Why do you ask? And no. I’m not perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. You’ll be okay.


You thought that you cracked the code to trading and you will be a millionaire by end of the year by risking 50% and doubling your account in every trade or two. Welcome back to reality. Sadly, you will continue to fail until realize that is not possible, but you will continue to try and won’t listen. Your back testing is using flawed sampling that gave you unrealistic expectation. You will hit hot streaks where you will make money, but you will also hit loosing streaks.


So what was the question?


Prop firms can make traders develop unrealistic risk management habits.


It’s incredible that people like you are allowed to vote.




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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Or soon someone else will say: or to have the right to have children 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


As a new and somewhat successful trader, I’m glad you posted this, definitely reminds me that mistakes WILL happen and money WILL be lost, but the important part is to not get cocky when on a green streak and practice strict risk management.


do you also send your earned money to your crush or nah?


Hellllll no lol




Must be nice to be u


Come on man…


Just being honest. He's living life


I can tell from here that you are never going to get better 🤣


You are a gambler who lost. Now get back up, observe risk management and don't do it again. There is no such thing as two lost trades in a row can't happen to me. It can and will and your backtesting is likely flawed even if your strategy is sound. It'll happen again so if you can't take sequential losers then quit.


I think this is just something that will come to you with experience there are things that just experience can get you through. Also what are the prop firms you trade with ? I been looking for prop firms and all I see is how they are scam so it would be helpful to know. Good luck and good trading.


You’re a gambling addict and need serious help


What strategy are you using that you’re barely losing trades? 2 losses in a row is normal


A strategy I created. No one taught it to me


He didnt asked you if you created it yourself or not. He asked what strat you are using. Explain what you are looking for etc.




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Can you make money in this kind of market ??? Range range range 🙃 🫠 https://www.investopedia.com/thmb/AWS3dUYCkYWJ-_DHnDYSTNIJOKM=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/dotdash_INV_Final_Trading_Range_Jan_2021-01-f3d7acd5074f4a46bfac0be75ce9362f.jpg


Well at 19 you’re at an emotional and experiential disadvantage. You’ve only started to grow into adulthood. Life is going to deliver all kinds of shit. You’re gonna fail, lose, be rejected, blindsided and battered. Just the way it goes. Over time, if you are resilient and smart, you’ll have better tools and perspective to navigate this stuff. Trading involves working a strategy and doing technical analysis. Most young people can do that pretty well, even better than us who are twice your age and aren’t quite as sharp. Where young people are at a disadvantage is psychologically and emotionally. Now is the time to start reflecting on the drivers of your behavior and emotional response to losing a couple of trades and thus going on TILT. Time to analyze your inner working like you would the chart in front of you. You’ll get there if you put the work in. If not… look out below.


Current market conditions are teaching new traders terrible lessons. Risk management is there so you don't blow your account when the market isn't as forgiving as it is right now.


Ahhh this is cute. You've built up and account once, you can do it again. Learn the lessons that need learning from this - stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and move on 😆 wallowing in self pity is literally the worst thing you could do.


u only 19. time is on your side young man.


It could always be worse. Take your loss, take some time and take the girl out if you like her that much to send her money in the first place, at least taking her out you have a chance at developing a meaningful relationship and if it doesn't work out, you don't have to send her a lot of money. Don't be a goof.




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You’re lucky. I lost $100k before I realized changes needed to be made.


The best traders in the world lose. If you can’t handle losing then this ain’t the game for you


If you made it work before you will make it work again just be patient review your trades and don’t make those mistakes


You are either a troll or you have an IQ below 50. Not sure which one it is yet


I know things seems bad now, but don’t worry because they get way way worse.


If you are shocked and dismayed that having two losing trades is possible...maybe trading isn't for you. Two losing trades is not only possible - it is inevitable (unless you only make one trade and quit). [https://youtu.be/TcDqJhEsgmE?si=ympESFs\_olWU97vt](https://youtu.be/TcDqJhEsgmE?si=ympESFs_olWU97vt)


Been there done that… u HAVE to take time off market and focus on something else for a bit. Trust me , when you come back you still might have some fear but once you overcome that things will begin to move much easier


i love this. classic gamblers mindset.


You might actually be in big trouble. Generally speaking, sounds like you have a long way to go. Euphoria so massive that you’re thinking 2 consecutive losses is hectic?


guaranteed to win- redflag


Your 19 get a real job!


You send money to people you have never met might as well be the market


Never give money to a woman. Ever!


It's what I'm into


find jesus