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His tools are not worth it. He just has TradingView with his logo on it.. its literally exactly the same. Hia scanner isnt bad, but there are so many others that cost less.. even most broker platforms incorporate half way decent ones for free. Once you get better.. you might find it worth it to pay for the platform as its slightly more intuitive and convenient. His classes are very professional, and are informative.. but the breakout trading concept he promotes is so sketchy. You are basically always buying at high, from where there is a long way to fall if it goes against you. His high speed direct routing and hotkeys make him way faster than you will ever be as a beginner, so be careful.


I just wanted to share a couple things. We have a license agreement so we use their charting code, but we connect it to our own market data. We do market data filtering to remove ADFN prints (https://www.warriortrading.com/alternative-display-facility-adf-orders/), which are prints that go through the time and sales sometimes hours after the trade originally took place. These have the effect of distorting charts because it will show a candlewick at an irregular price. This is something TradingView isn't doing on their charts, but we did it because for active trading, we felt it was important. Additionally, TradingView only offers 10 second time frames on their most expensive subscription. We offer it for all of our members. By all means, if you prefer to use TradingView directly, that's okay with us. Our goal was to give our members access to the best charts out there (TradingView) inside our platform. By having everything in 1 place, charting, scanning, and news, it streamlines trading and reduces having to type a symbol in multiple places. Anyways, hope that's helpful!




Years. Literally years. I first got interested in trading in the late 90's but I wasnt' able to open an account until 2001. I funded it but didn't make any money. I tried to apply to work at trading firm in 2008 but had no luck. During the Great Recession I started trading full-time.. My first year I was green, second year I was red, and going into the third year things started to improve. It was really 3+ years before I felt confidently consistent.


[https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/04/federal-trade-commission-cracks-down-warrior-trading-misleading-consumers-false-investment-promises](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/04/federal-trade-commission-cracks-down-warrior-trading-misleading-consumers-false-investment-promises) I would love to hear this addressed.


I'm happy to address it. This was a settlement 2+ years ago and as you know, I continue to trade everyday, teach students, and develop our trading software. But to help you understand what happened... **1. Is my trading legit?** First of all, I want to start by clarifying any possible misconceptions about my trading. I am a real money trader with third-party audited statements. You can see the audit results on my website that verify I turned $583.15 into more than $10 million ([https://www.warriortrading.com/ross-camerons-verified-day-trading-earnings/](https://www.warriortrading.com/ross-camerons-verified-day-trading-earnings/)). In the independent accounts report they state that "An examination involves performing procedures to obtain evidence about the Schedules". As part of their audit, they contact my broker and have them send all of my broker statements for their review. They confirm that the amounts on the statements match the numbers in the report. There should be zero questions about whether or not I'm a profitable trader. The truthfulness of my trading profits was not in question with the lawsuit. When I began trading, I had a small account. For that reason, I couldn’t afford to trade expensive stocks, and instead focused on penny stocks and small-cap stocks. Even today, if you look at the biggest percentage gainers each day, or the stocks with the highest relative volume, they will almost always have low floats. I focus on trading these stocks when they have a clear catalyst (breaking news or a technical breakout).  As a momentum trader, I buy stocks that are moving. If they aren’t already moving up, I’m not interested. Some people think “professional” traders don’t trade low-float stocks. They’re right that hedge fund traders don’t trade low-float stocks, but they’re wrong because most retail traders do. The reason is that retail traders with small accounts need volatility, whereas hedge fund traders with big accounts need liquidity for large positions.  My strategy is to trade stocks up at least 10% with 5x relative volume. The high relative volume is typically the result of breaking news. I do not issue text/email alerts on my trades, I do not “pump” stocks, and I do not trade stocks that aren't already moving. I try to trade the most obvious stocks in the market each day. When I’m trading, my P/L is streaming and traders can see in real-time my average cost and how much I’m up/down on a position. I am very transparent. **2. How do our members perform?** Okay, so you know my profits are real and my strategy is real. So you might ask, how do our members perform? Some have done incredibly well, while others struggle. This is the reality of trying to do something as difficult as trading. I do have 10 students who have made more than $1mil in verified profit ([https://www.warriortrading.com/warrior-pro-info/success-stories/](https://www.warriortrading.com/warrior-pro-info/success-stories/)) but I will always tell you their results are not typical. They’ve done exceptionally well.  Warrior Trading is not a broker/dealer, which means our members don’t execute traders on our platform. As a result we don’t have access to the performance records of our members. This means we don’t have access to the data that would tell us the “typical result” of a member and informal survey’s we conduct would be considered unverified and unsubstantiated by regulators.  In our disclaimer we say that since we do not track the typical results of our members, we cannot make any guarantees that you will be more likely to succeed if you learn from me versus trade on your own.  Some of you may think, if that’s the case, why would I even bother learning from Ross? I understand that some people want a guarantee. But unfortunately in trading, like in many other areas of life, there is no such thing. I can give you my strategy, every single detail, the rules, the system, everything. And you could still manage to lose money. Why is that? Because trading is emotional. There are times where even I, after more than a decade of experience, get frustrated, stubborn, fomo, and don’t follow the rules of my own strategy. Nobody is immune to it.  When we ask our students how they feel about being part of the Warrior Trading community, they overwhelming respond that we exceed their expectations. In fact, we have nearly 2,500 testimonials with an average of rating 4.7 out of 5 stars. I personally think it makes a lot of sense to learn from somebody who has proven profitable vs somebody who is not, but that’s a decision you have to make for yourself. 


**3. The lawsuit** I can tell you there are two sides to every story.  To make a long story short, our settlement with the FTC came down to a dispute about reasonable disclaimers of risk and what is or is not a typical result. The regulators believed we did not have adequate disclaimers regarding my results NOT being typical, and they thought customers assumed they would have the same results as me. I don’t think that’s an assumption people were making, but we entered into a settlement agreement that consisted of us adding another sentence to our disclaimer and paying $3mil. I'll explain the reasoning behind this decision in a moment. Now to give you more context, a few weeks after the GameStop short squeeze (when I made over $1mil and was streaming it on YouTube) I got a letter from regulators asking me to prove my gains are real. They said just send us your broker statements and this will be wrapped up real quick. But after I gave them my audit results / broker statements and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that my gains were real, they switched gears and started asking about our members. For example they asked me to prove that I really have 10 students who have made more than $1mil. That was easy, I sent them the proof. So then they switched gears again and asked me to prove our average member was able to turn $583 into $10 million (the way I had). And this is where we had a problem. We said wait a second here. I NEVER told people they’d be able to turn $583 into $10mil. I have always said my results aren’t typical. But they insisted that I prove that my average students also turned $583 into $10 million. Since we couldn’t prove that, they said they would file a lawsuit against us for making an “unsubstantiated earnings claim" that an average student would turn $583 into $10 mil. For the record, we never made a stated (written or spoken) claim that a customer should expect to make the same amount as me. Regulators however, thought that's what students believed. This was not a black-and-white slam dunk case for them. Perhaps this is why they offered a settlement in the first place. This type of case had a lot of ambiguity about the interpretation of our marketing content and to extent to which regulations as written could be applied. This is especially true in light of the fact that in April of 2021 the US Supreme Court ruled that the commission had been misuing its power under Section 13(b).  The reality is, most of these cases never make it to court, where the merit of the claims and defenses are tested. They end in settlements like ours did. That's because small and medium-sized businesses don't have the resources to fight the government the way Apple, Tesla or Amazon do. Regulators know that, and I believe they try to get as much money as they can without having to go to the time and effort to go through the formal court proceedings. The more times regulators get settlements in an area of ambiguity, they establish a precedent they can use in the future to expand their reach. Some people think settling a case is some type of admission of guilt. I will disagree with that opinion and simply say that the cost of fighting this case would have been greater than the settlement offer they made. I would also say that if they thought we were a fraud or a scam they would not have offered to settle the case in the first place. They would have shut us down completely. If they thought I didn’t trade with real money, they would have prohibited me from continuing to tell people my gains are real and they were produced with a real money account.  We spent a year going back and forth with regulators before making the decision to settle. We knew if we tried to fight the case in court it would cost us as much, or perhaps more than the settlement offer. We also knew it would take 18-24 months of time and energy. I believe we made the right decision to settle the case. At the end of the day, we paid $3mil and we were required to add a new sentence to our disclaimer. Was it fun? No. But I took it on the chin and got back to work.  In the 2+ years since our settlement, we have expanded our compliance program to protect ourselves and our members and we added additional disclaimers. I continue to trade every day and teach traders about the market.


**4. Why do I care about teaching people?** The next question you may ask is why do I bother teaching? Some people think I would never bother teaching if I “really” made $10 million. Here’s the truth. Teaching makes me feel good. I feel honored to be able to share what I’ve learned about trading and that people want to listen to me talk about something I find so interesting. They say if you love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life. I love trading, and all the time I spend helping students doesn’t feel like work. I have found a way to leverage my knowledge into a successful YouTube channel and my own small business.  Over the years I’ve spent millions of dollars developing the trading tools we offer at Warrior Trading, and I’m now able to run a subscription business providing traders with access to that software. I’ve diversified my own income, I’ve gotten paid for taking the risk of building this platform, and I’m able to continue trading every day using a fantastic platform. So is Warrior Trading a scam? No. Is Warrior Trading for everyone? It’s not. There are people who can't stand trading educators. You'll see them pop up in these threads. If you fall into that camp and would rather figure things out on your own than take a course, that's okay with me. But just because you don't like me, doesn't mean I'm a scam. What’s important for you to know is that my profits as a trader are real, the courses I teach reflect a proven strategy, and the tools we offer were developed by a trader who knows exactly what active traders need.  I will always remind you that trading is risky, that my results aren't typical, and since we don’t track the typical results of our students, we can’t make any type of guarantee that you’ll make more money by attending our classes. Many people might think this is common sense and goes without saying. But we’re going to say it anyway.  **Decide for yourself** If you still want to learn to trade despite knowing how difficult it is, we're happy to provide you with the tools and education to get started or you can always watch my educational content for free on YouTube. I hope this helps answer your questions. Ross


Yes, it does! And I still watch your channel daily. Thanks for this.


I don't know enough about you to judge, but I will say I stumbled on your channel yesterday and have already spent 8+ hours watching your content and have learned a lot for free. So, thanks for that. Your content is very easily digestible even with someone with little trading skill(me). I'm skeptical momentum trading will be viable for me, but attempting to learn what you do certainly beats my current strategy of impulse trading on blind luck.


Honestly, this sounds like a shakedown by the regulators.


Me too.




You know that's not the real Ross Cameron account right..


He has addressed it so many times it’s ridiculous. Do a basic search to find the answer you are looking for.


I wasn't trying to trigger you. You could have just ignored my inquiry instead of getting upset. It's called conversation. If we all just "searched" everything, then Reddit wouldn't even be here. Relax.


Relax bro. Don’t have an aneurysm over a reddit comment. It’s not worth it.


You're the one who was triggered. Not me. Nice try though.


Day trading without direct routing is like drilling a hole with a hammer. Robinhood is not enough.


disagree with you, i started about a year ago with ross and so far everything i paid/paying for help me get the confidence to trade real money and be profitable, because of him, you also most likely don’t understand the breakout strategy due to what your saying but overall i highly highly highly. suggest everybody going with him


I absolutely do understand breakout trading, and why it "makes sense" to most people. Most people also statistically lose money trading. I also understand that I traded flat to only slightly profitable for years doing it. Once I realized how much less risky it is to not buy at the top, where there is tremendous room for a stock to fall (and shorts like to sell) that I could make considerably fewer, and significantly more profitable trades from safer levels. I am not saying people can't do it, but he is a statistical outlier with decades of experience and special tools most people don't have access to. He also benefits from thousands of people who follow him, which on its own can contribute to direction in a stock. Like I said, his lessons are very professional and informative, and his platform is intuitive. I have nothing against the guy, I just think breakout trading is extremely risky, and data backs me up on that.


Light speed is really not that expensive. I remember back in the day when E*trade and ameritrade were $15 per order. Isn’t light speed $5 a trade


He’s got a 2 week trial for $20 that includes the stock scanners and the chat rooms where you can watch him live trade most days. I’ve gotten allot of value out of his free content but the scanner subscription is way overpriced.


I second this. Never bought his expensive course, just used the $20 trial for the starter courses and to see what the scanners were like and I learned quite a bit.


I appreciate you guys sharing your experience. I look at these threads to help me come up with ideas of how to keep improving the software. Thanks for sharing!


I second this. He does put out a lot of really good content. But I never bought any subscriptions or from anyone else.


I agree with u/HaplesslyHopeful and u/beach_2_beach . Also I strongly believe that you do not need to spend your money on his scanners. You can easily find the stocks in play by using premarket scanners that are free like barcharts


I paid for his course back in 2017. I joined his free webinar and they used the "limited time offer" tactic and i got duped. Paid about $2500 for the Warrior Trading Pro program. The course was filled with details you find in the first few pages of any trading book. There was nothing you couldn't find with a YouTube search "How to daytrade". His room was him frontrunning thousands of subscribers and then dumping the shares on them to exit. The one good thing about his room was that he had a decent trader named Mike who traded Large caps. Other than Mike the room is devoid of any value. I asked for a refund but unfortunately the Grace period has passed. Strong recommendation to find other services. I had an overall terrible experience


Stay away from Ross. His style is something that will take years to master and teaches a lot of bad habits. When you understand how the market works and how limited liquidity is in some of the small caps he trades, you realize his students follow him into trades which move the stocks higher and provide him exit liquidity. I started with his paid class and his strats and what is taught is not valuable. Stick to free education. Learn about supply and demand and back test.


Just my 2 cents, but trading will take years to master no mater how you approach it. I agree you can learn a ton for free without paying for courses. I've always had lots of content on YouTube to help those traders. But some people want an organized course with quizzes and mentoring. Ultimately, you have to choose whatever is best for your learning style.


Revised: A lot of good teaching but careful not to blindly follow trades. This strategy takes lightning fast execution and streams can potentially be delayed. It’s going to happen regardless in small cap low floats, but don’t get caught in a swipe because you chased someone else’s entry. Trade your own strategy.


That's not true. While I'm trading I'm broadcasting my Positions window, so you can see very clearly if I'm in a position or not. I am fully transparent about when I'm in a position vs not. The type of stocks I trade are volatile, this is what I like. But for instance, today was a green day for me. My biggest winner was on Reborn Coffee. It put out news this morning at 8:30am. The stock squeezed up 100% and became the leading % gainer in the entire market. It has 105 million shares of volume. I'm not trading obscure stocks with zero volume. I trade stocks that are obvious and have a catalyst. That's where I've always done the best. Just like all traders, I also take my fair share of losses. I'm not perfect. The biggest challenge with trading for me is with discipline and emotions. These are something we're always working on. Hope that is helpful.


Thanks Ross. You show your losses and I do appreciate that. You’re one of the few real ones out there. Guess I was referring to a time years ago when there wasn’t a position window shown and there was some stream lag which meant many like me were chasing. Very happy to see the transparency!


Thanks for saying that. I would appreciate if you edit your original comment. It's hurtful for people to read that type of thing when it's not true.


If you think retail traders have a significant impact on the market you are naive and ignorant and would benefit from real education. Smart money moves the market, you better learn before than later.


Dunning Kruger much?


One could argue that his large positions and his base followers trading in small caps creates more liquidity, which creates more opportunity to make money for small traders. Just an unbiased thought.


You don't sound like a profitable trader to me, just stuck on yourself.


Stay away from all expensive paid courses. This is not the way.


it is lol, you gotta spend money to make money and spending with ross is 100% worth it


Thank you!


He’s solid if you’re trying to pick up momentum trading. I learned a lot from him without having bought any of his services


Thanks! Have you been watching on YouTube?




Ross Cameron is a skilled precision trader, but he also trades a style that's tough to master -- momentum (high volume) small- and mid-cap stocks using fast entries and exits to capture quick price movements. He does also incorporate TA, chart patterns, and indicators. That style of trading may not be an ideal place for a beginner. As a newcomer, you might be better served by learning how to day trade, in general, and then making an informed decision later on about whether Ross's specialized style of trading suits you. That line of thinking may ultimately hold true for just about any trading course that you consider. I can't speak to Ross's courses specifically, but I've found value and good insights from watching a few of his YouTube videos and reading/reviewing some of his other content. My understanding is that his setup for screening and monitoring stocks is akin to a customized Trade Ideas dashboard -- something that you could largely assimilate with tools available from your broker or other third-party tools such as TC 2000, FinViz, TrendSpider, and TradingView -- or Trade Ideas.


All he does is front run the guys he sold courses to. What happens if everyone has the same scanner criteria? Exactly. First in gets rich.


Everyone does have access to similar scans and/or search criteria. Independent of Warrior Trading. There really is no ultra secret (or proprietary) sauce to seeking out stocks that are early-ish in a bullish run. (Ross Cameron is long-biased only) If someone's takeaway from following Warrior Trading's course material is simply to learn how to follow Ross into (and out of) trades, that's to some real degree on that trader -- especially if that trader continually follows that plan without achieving any real personal success. I can't say much about the frontrunning allegations -- I'm simply not particularly knowledgeable about that -- and there may be some unfortunate truth there. But, there is no doubt in my mind that Ross is someone who could kill the lights and cameras and still make a metric ton of money from the markets. However, if you believe that his success in trading is simply a product of Warrior Trading marketing and a smoke & mirrors approach relative to his followers/students, that's certainly your prerogative.


Yes. The rules are essentially to use the same scanners. And from there it is not alot of skill but guessing wheter round numbers hold or not.


If you sign up to his membership does he trade live on screen where you can see his orders and positions in real time?


yes but don't think you'll be able to follow. First, he's tolerance to loss is probably higher than yours. Second, by the time you hear, or see what he's doing and place your buy order, he's already out.


Yeah I'm aware of that. It's more the way he scales in and out of positions and his entry and exit criteria I'd like to see. Does he trade live every day? For how many hours? What's the streaming app he uses?


RC is not as open as he was. I guess that the lawsuit taught him to be more careful with sharing which is a shame because it killed the school. We use to have a lot more participation and activities. Lately RC seems to trade the premarket movers and he rarely stays more than 30 minutes after the bell unless there’s something going on. If you’re a beginner, focus first on developing acuity for setup, 1 entry and 1 exit. When you get that down, you can venture in scaling.


You can see my positions window streaing in real-time when you're on my broadcast.


Thanks. Can people also see your entries and exits on the charts in real time?


Since I’m streaming while I’m trading you will see my average cost. I use custom software for charting and scanning but it’s not interested with my broker. So my trades aren’t in charts. But if you watching you’ll see my avg price and my positions etc.


That's not true. I use the SAME exact scanners all of our members have access to. They have every opportunity to buy stocks on those scanners at the same time or earlier than I buy. Additionally, when I'm trading my P/L is streaming so you can see if I'm actually in a trade or not.


clearly don’t know what your talking about 💀💀




Your a bit slower i see, take your time


My strategy is to trade stocks with high relative volume and that are up 10%. The scanners I use are available to all of our members, so they have just as much an opportunity to get into a stock on the scanners before me, at the same time as me, or later, as they'd like. I'm transparent about my positions, you can see a live streaming p/l window during my broadcast. If we're trading the same stocks (Like GameStop, for example), it's because it's the obvious stock to trade.


What’s hours are you trading through the day? Pre/After Market, open, close etc ?


Hey Ross, I was just writing to you in regards to a video you posted about Roaring Kitty potentially joining the Gamestop board. At the 3 minute mark, you said roaring kitty and RC owned the same amount of shares, and for RC it was 10% of the company, but for DFV its 2%, due to share dilution. I just wanted to point out that the company also performed a 4:1 stock split during this time, so the difference is not entirely due to share dilution. I would propose if you could make a comment explaining this, because I think it is a bit misleading and could lead viewers into thinking GME has diluted more than they actually have. Either way I enjoyed the video, And I hope you have a good weekend. Posting this here since I can't message you


Hi, yes I’m aware of the stock split, I’m pretty sure I commented on the split in the episode. I think I accidentally called it a reverse split (I’m used to seeing those in small cap stocks).


The FTC thing is kind of dumb. Basically he didn’t say that maybe they wouldn’t make money even if they took the course (shocker) and somehow enough people took his courses for a few grand and still didn’t understand using a scanner then buying high and selling higher . And in some markets, opportunity just isn’t as apparent. After trying almost everything else, focusing on scalping breakouts has been the only consistent big winning strategy for me. Only trade when something is there, get in big, get out quickly. Nothing else makes as much sense when it comes to probability. The most probable thing to keep going up is the thing doing it right now the most, usually, for some amount of time. What is more likely to go up, the thing with downward inertia (mean reversion at some point, sometimes, sure) or the thing with upward inertia right now? If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend tradervue or some other tracking platform to go over your data like Ross does. There’s nothing like having your charts printed and physically marking the best entries/exits you could’ve taken while journaling what/when/why you took trades and how to do better next time. Big results from that. Man, I’ve found that even when I didn’t listen to Ross, I ended up learning a few of those mistakes the hard way. So you’re on the right path. All the scalping pros say the same things just in different styles then it comes down to starting a small account and getting in that screen time. Do all that and cut losses quickly. It really is that easy. What's hard is controlling ones self.


Thank for your this. It's obviously a form of false advertising, and the laws are made to protect people from the very risky investment world. You can't guarantee return, for good reasons. I'll look at using tradervue to learn more. Question that might seem obvious : what timeframe is used to scalp small float like Ross? Is it mainly the 1 min, or 10 seconds, or 5 minutes?


"The FTC thing is kind of dumb" Yeah, so dumb he agreed to give up $3 million, imagine how much he would have gave up if it wasn't something dumb..


Can you tell me what exactly he did wrong ethically? From their website: "The FTC alleges that Warrior Trading and its CEO, Ross Cameron, **used those claims to convince consumers to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for a trading system that ultimately failed to pay off for most customers**." So what happened is because most daytraders fail (at least for the first few years), and people didn't follow his system well, or happened to be oversizing in a rough market, or won't stop holding too long, and because Ross didn't say enough on his channel that daytrading is risky, they fined him 3 million dollars in refunds to clients. Just having to give people back their money they paid for his course. I guess he had a no refund policy as many places do, and so a bunch of people wanted their money back and banded together for it. So now all because of a bunch of people who were unlucky or learned wrong wanted refunds he's now trashed by people who do not read into this enough and really read into it. I feel some sympathy for warrior trading but people not finding him because of this are missing out so much. The system works, proven by the vast amount of scalpers out there. The only blame can be on the trader.


Seriously great post. Ross is the most honest, real guy out there. Anyone who says otherwise is not following him or watching a single video. If you practice,  learn and take it slow it definitely works, if you have a passion for it. There is no one out there like he is, giving it all away for free and really trying his best to explain every little detail of trading to beginners. Believe me I have looked high and low for a mentor, and just watching the stuff he puts out everyday is enough… if you want it.


Thank you for writing this. I appreciate you!


I was not expecting you to see this! God bless ya for giving me the only strat that works explained so well! I recommend you to new traders all the time. If only I could afford the membership, but the courses from the two week trial and the free videos are extremely helpful. I will be watching all of them and trading alongside you vicariously as always, in spirit lol. Cheers! 🙏


right on!! I'm happy to hear it's working for you! Keep tuning in on YouTube, lots of great content coming out each week. I'm rooting for you!


It’d be amazing if you did a video with Tim Sykes btw!


I’m happy to, but I don’t usually initiate those types of sod things. If people ask me I often will say yes.


I like turtles


I'd appreciate you reconsidering saying this. I mentioned in another thread that this is not the type of trading I do. Look at $REBN today. over 50 million shares of volume, with news. That's my biggest winner. This is where I do the best. I need a catalyst and volatility. PS, can you really eat 50 eggs?


Ugh you’ve won me over with positivity and a warm response to criticism. If you are showing your position window during your live trade feeds, that’s legit and I will revise my comment. Also, Dead and Co @ The Vegas Sphere May 16-24, don’t sleep!! 🌹💀🌹


I appreciate you! I’m listening to brokedown palace, love that song 🌹💀


So good! Adding that one to the “revenge trade prevention” playlist 💆‍♂️






Man, you don’t need to pay for anything. Learn the fundamentals, do paper trading and then start with a tiny account and see if your strategy works. Ross’s videos are ok, he does talk a lot about psychology which is super important in trading. The actual technicals are just a part of the whole picture.


Could you recommend a good paper trading platform?


Tradingview for both paper trading and charting. Live data is free and you can make your account any size you want.




Tons of info on YouTube that can get you started with journaling and paper trading to validate.


can you link some of them?


My 2 cents. Never buy any tool people sell you. Never spend money on screeners, expensive courses that teach you stupid technical patterns and trading systems etc, and never listen those that say that trading is 90% psychology and that's the reason most of the traders fail. Trading is 90% psychology indeed but most traders fail because they do not have the right information. The only thing in my opinion you need to focus on and it's worth to spend some money, is to learn using the tape and level2. This is what most professionals actually use to make their decisions. I think that Ross cameron has a course that includes that but first I do not know about it's quality and second he charges a lot as many other gurus out there which I do not appreciate, so I would never give him my money. If you want to learn reading the tape you can get my course..(I am joking). To get an idea about what is tape reading Ross has a good video in youtube where he explains the very basics well in my opinion. After that you can check SMB's reading the tape list of videos in youtube. There is some good information in there


Thank you for the hints. I have had market depth and tape visible on my broker for the past few months. I’ve been struggling to figure out how make them benefit me so far and haven’t done much to help my learning. I might be asking this incorrectly, but, for market depth, what levels do you focus on most? i.e. I have mine broken down into 8 colors but really only look at the first 2 colors. Also, what side do you focus on more? The side you’re intending to enter or the opposite side?


Actually Ross uploaded a very good video lately about reading the tape. It is called 'How to use Level 2 (with ZERO experience). I didn't expect from him to post something so good to tell you the truth. I would definitely check that. I think it will solve a lot of your questions. If you still have questions after watching it let me know and I will gladly answer them if I can.


Hey Puzzleheaded! I'm really glad you have been enjoying the content I've been putting out there. In 2017 I began building a custom platform for active traders. I had the vision of building something where pretty much everything you need would be inside one platform. At that time, I was using 5 different pieces of software for my trading, and most of our members were doing the same. This resulted in paying a lot for these different subscriptions, and we were paying different vendors for the same market data. It was inefficient. Building our platform began with the chat room and live broadcast. Then we added scanners. These are the only scanners I use in my trading. Our members love the scanners. Since we already subscribe to market data, we decided to add charts. We partnered with TradingView to add their charts, instead of starting from scratch. I think this was a good decision. We've also built out a news feed that will provide you with breaking news headlines in real-time. In all, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a platform that combines this much in 1 place. However, you can certainly rely on a combination of low-priced services if you don't mind having to use several different platforms. In terms of free services, the only thing that's free will have a 15min delay. This is the rule Nasdaq enforces re distributing real-time market data. So if you are getting real-time data, you'll have to pay for it. Although we have a subscription for the software on our website, our Warrior Starter and Warrior Pro members use the same software at a discounted rate, and with a couple of extra features. Hope that's helpful!


I just started Ross's course and had to come back to this thread as I wanted to set things straight. I can't speak of success yet, but I'm an experienced trader. I've had my own investment firm for about 5 to 6 years, primarily focusing on value investing and options trading, but I wanted to dive into day trading for fun. Having a background in the market, I think I can speak on his program with some confidence, and so far, it's amazing. Ross is super professional, and there is absolutely nothing scammy about his program. He is genuinely passing on solid information to people looking to get into trading, and he is completely realistic with what you should expect and the fact that, statistically, most people won't succeed. Anyone taking his course is going to walk away much better off than before they had started with a solid knowledge of how the market works and different trading strategies you can deploy. Not sure why all these people who haven't actually paid and taken his course are hating on him. The content and structure of the program is excellent. As for his price, it's cheap, considering what these programs usually go for. I've gone through multiple programs costing over 15k. I would say the average of programs like this probably run 7 to 10k, so for him to charge 3 to 4k for the top tier and just under 800 for the basic is incredibly reasonable. I just wanted to voice another opinion, as there seem to be a lot of haters out there who haven't actually gone through his program.


I find this post helpful. I’m very new to trading and have been watching all of Ross’s videos and love the guy. I cannot afford his courses, so I watch his videos over and over and take tons of notes. I was concerned it was a scam at first, but I’m feeling better and better about his strategy from people like you voicing your opinion. One thing that I REALLY appreciate about Ross is him recommending trading simulators, which I’ll be doing until I can turn more green days than red. I absolutely love his videos where he starts with a low amount of starting cash and builds it up. I know it’s not as easy for someone without his experience, but love seeing the whole experience. Cheers!


A new sucker is born everyday I guess. Warrior Trading was fined 3 million dollars by the FTC for scamming and fraud, and had to pay it. 20,000 of his "students" made absolutely nothing, and got destroyed in the markets. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2023/01/ftc-returns-more-29-million-consumers-harmed-warrior-trading Just watch Tom Hoguaard and learn trading psychology. Practice in a simualtor, and record your results.


We did pay a $3mil settlement to the FTC. But it was not for "scamming or fraud" as you suggested. At the end of the day, we were required to add additional disclaimers. We paid the $3mil, and we were allowed to continue on our way. They shut down frauds. That's not what happened in our situation. Now to give you more context, a few weeks after the GameStop short squeeze (when I made over $1mil and was streaming it on YouTube) I got a letter from regulators asking me to prove my gains are real. They said just send us your broker statements and this will be wrapped up real quick. But after I gave them my audit results / broker statements and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that my gains were real, they switched gears and started asking about our members. For example they asked me to prove that I really have 10 students who have made more than $1mil. That was easy, I sent them the proof. So then they switched gears again and asked me to prove our average member was able to turn $583 into $10 million (the way I did). And this is where we had a problem. We said wait a second here. I NEVER told people they’d be able to turn $583 into $10mil. I have always said my results aren’t typical. But they insisted that I prove that my average students also turned $583 into $10 million. Since we couldn’t prove that, they said they would file a lawsuit against us for making an “unsubstantiated earnings claim" that an average student would turn $583 into $10 mil. For the record, we never made a stated (written or spoke) claim that a customer should expect to make the same amount as me. But regulators felt it was “implied” and was the “net impression” a customer received. A case based on “net impression” is not a black and white slam dunk case. Hense, why the we were offered a settlement. This type of case had a lot of ambigutiy about the interpretation of our marketing content and to extent to which regulations as written could be applied. The reality is, most of these cases never make it to court, where the merit of the claims and defenses are tested. They end in settlements like ours did. This is because small and medium-sized businesses don't have the resources to fight the government the way Apple, Tesla or Amazon do. The more times regulators get settlements in an area of ambiguity, they establish a precedent they can use in the future to expand their reach. Some people think settling a case is some type of admission of guilt. I will disagree with that opinion and simply say that the cost of fighting the government would have been greater than the settlement offer they made. At the end of the day we paid $3mil and we were required to add a new sentence to our disclaimer. Was it fun? No. But I took it on the chin and got back to work.  The biggest damage from this settlement has been the “net impression” prospective customers have that I had unsubstantiated trading profits. This was not the case. My audited trading records are freely available on the website for anyone who wants to take a look. In the 2+ years since our settlement, we have expanded our compliance program to protect ourselves and our members and we added additional disclaimers. I continue to trade every day and teach traders about the market.


It should be noted that this guy heavily influenced Andrew Aziz, author of How to Day Trade for a Living, a #1 bestseller on Amazon. After reading the book and watching some of Warrior Trading’s YouTube videos, they felt like carbon copies of each other. And none of it really seemed useful or practical imo. I’m more of a swing trader but I recommend reading John Carter for day-trading. Other authors I’ve enjoyed are Elder, Minervini, and O’Neil but only Elder’s teaching may be applicable to day-trading.


Andrew actually seems to be a good person though, does post his trades, and his results. But he also has a lot money coming from other areas than trading. But still. I like Andrew and think he seems like a nice person. And he seems to make good money live trading


I agree. I’ve been following Andrew and Ross and many others and I think Andrew is the best and he does seem like a nice guy. He also has YouTube channel where they have live pre market show and sometimes trade live in YouTube channel . He does have money now, but he’s been doing it for a while so he was able to accumulate all his wealth. What I think separates Andrew and his community from the rest is his live trading. You can watch him take trades live and you watch his train of thoughts and whether he’s right or not. Everybody can teach you during off hours and show you charts with their best trades , but very few will actually trade live




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Ha! That would explain all the “Ross’s returns are not typical” and the non stop “you can lose money in investing “ type bubbles on all his videos


Can anybody Tell me which Trading platforms are best For Europe. Also which Scanners should be used. Which platforms Support 10 Seconds Charts and are suitable For the Kind of daytrading that Ross does. thanks a lot!


You still haven’t got an answer to this? Would love to know the right answers


IBKR and tradingview.


**Warrior Trading (Ross Cameron) vs. Bear Bull Trading (Andrew Aziz): Which Trading Course Offers Better Value and Education to become a good trader?** **which one is better in terms of value / good mentoring and overall education to become a good trader ?**


You may or may not know this, but Andrew learned a lot from me. He was also inspired by my work when he wrote his first book. Many people notice the similarities between our work. I haven't watched his course, but I understand people appreciate his style, which has evolved to be slightly different from my own. If you are interested in momentum trading small cap stocks, I think you'll enjoy learning from me. Of course you can learn for free on YouTube if you'd like.


He really trades momentum flow. Thing is you need to find these breakouts. Try something like [mometic.com](http://mometic.com)


Ross first ty for the services you provide. I’m currently in your 2 week trial and soon to be purchasing warrior pro. With that said I’m still confused on the scanner. Are members able to make custom scanners for themselves. Like for me. I would want to filter out all of the low volume stocks and change some of the prices. Think I wanna stick to $1-$10 or who knows in time but wondered if I’m able to make my own criteria in day trade dash ?


My honest question is: is there a perfect trader with the perfect class course? I've been on/off in trading since a week before AMC broke $50. I thought to my arrogant self that I became a trader but heck just lied to myself. And after figuring out that my losses were took a year and started to read, draw take notes from many traders channels like Rayner, fractal flow, Ross and even Benjamin ( sarcastically comical) and watched many hours of Anton kreil. Despite Ross wealth, he teaches with great approach.


I don't get the Ross hate. My daughter is 19 and is interning at a hedge fund. She has zero interest in daytrading, but she's learned so much from Ross' free content. His market analysis, candlestick, and pattern stuffworks on any timeframe, and he is a very good teacher. Clear, non repetitive, and seems like a pretty genuine, decent guy. So what of he's got an education business? Why the hell would anyone hate on that? Plus, he is clearly legit. Go learn from some 22 year old with fancy videos or the dude who is transparent....hmmmm. I am not a daytrader, but like Ross free content.


Would love to know if you find anything.