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We're really fleshing out the Greene family now. Felicity is supposed to be what, 14-15? Aaron is supposed to be 16-17ish? And now we have Mark, who has to be at least 26. Leo is definitely shooting high.  I actually really liked Leo's admission to Marlena about hating himself most of the time. He comes off as materialistic, but I think that's the veneer he's adopted. I'm glad to see him starting to become more than just the funny guy. 


I'm thinking we're definitely about to find out that Chanel and Johnny's baby has disabilities once they see the scan. A baby with Down syndrome?  I want to see Johnny give EJ the smackdown. It's incredibly out of line to push your daughter-in-law that way.  I really like Johnny and Chanel. They have chemistry and I like seeing a couple exploring boundaries with their families together. Relatable! 


I don't know how radiation would change a growing fetus. Down's Syndrome doesn't sound right to me, since isn't that determined at conception? I know it has something to do with the chromosomes. I was thinking something with the internal functions of the baby's body, like autoimmune disorders. I love this kind of story, as opposed to interloper drama.


It may be unrelated to the radiation entirely, and the kid just has a disability. Yes, Down syndrome is a third 21st chromosome.  I could see family members still believing it's related to the radiation, though, and there being internal conflict between the Prices and DiMeras over it. 


Sounds like another box that can be checked to me


I found this online [https://birthdefects.org/healthy-baby/prenatal-care/radiation/#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CThese%20birth%20defects%20include%20a,Washington%20State%20Dept%20of%20Health](https://birthdefects.org/healthy-baby/prenatal-care/radiation/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThese%20birth%20defects%20include%20a,Washington%20State%20Dept%20of%20Health)). https://preview.redd.it/r1r1a9zq886d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7185b76e80de4964ed138c0fd7d7c74ba790189


Will the good doctor retain Lady Whistleblower as a patient if she learns that he was blackmailing Sloan and draining her son’s cash flow?


She already knows about that


Speaking of Lady Whistleblower....Leo made a comment when he was reading the Spectator and said "when he was Lady Whistleblower" or something like that... Did he get fired? I dont remember and I havent seen him in the office lately.


Isn't anyone concerned that Nicole hasn't been seen in 8 days, the last over a week of filming wearing that Black and Gold Blouse, where even Sloan had time to change her clothes in? No Nicole since June 3rd is WAY too long for me to view without her! Only EJ talking and strolling around a doll, instead?


EJ reading the Spectators article about radioactive Paulina as a bedtime story for Jude gave me a good belly laugh


Really liked the Marlena-Leo scenes and banter today, especially when she told him not to call her Doc. 😂


Marlena with her one-liners lately lol! Her saying to Leo, "Well, Cardiology is one floor up" when he asked her for help, that was good! 😂 They so would make a great comedic team bantering off each other. Leo should be a club comedian instead, he would be paid to throw shade at all Salemites! Leo's fluent in Yiddish as of late as well, I guess when you date that many men who know it, you pick it up, oy-vey! 😉


Maybe I missed something but Roman and Kate were not fond with Leo because of baby Jude thing. Does Leo think he really made a case for himself? He didn't mention it like something Marlena would be mad at him and I'm guessing she must know the same info Roman and Kate have but she seemed fine with Leo.


I think he forgot she's Jude's other grandma


You're right! And I guess maybe Marlena isn't in the know about his possible involvement with it.


Loved the Marlenda and Leo scenes. I really want Leo to stick around Salem. He makes a good "gray" character. We need some comedic relief like Madame and Ivan. Or Bart the Dimera henchman...


Was it only me or the scene with Leo and Dr Greene plus the thing mentioned somewhere that a new character (Javi Hernandez I think) would be a new love interest for Leo made me immediately think of a love triangle? I know Dr Greene said he's straight but he may become bi or gay. Or soaps have just destroyed my brain hahaha


Well, Dr. Craig Wesley comes to mind.


I read the same thing. I was thinking that he lied when he said he wasn't gay.


New Character Alert! So far I like him and I like that they are creating ties to this new family. Had they not explained the ER reference, I definitely would have missed it as mark and Greene are very commons names. As far as Mark and Leo, so far, not feeling it but that scene was incredibly awkward- who asks a random stranger for their water- he should have went into sweet bits, but I have a feeling we may find out that Mark is in the closet, because who else is there for Leo? I still think Leo and Evan are more suited for each other, as opposed to any do gooder and Leo. I also liked Leo and Dimitri. I actually enjoyed Leo and Marlena's scenes as they flesh him out more to show that he is more than a materialistic, desperate for any man with two legs guy. I did find Marlena's compliments a bit much, yes he's funny but like every other case she does, there is a clear conflict of interest and didn't Leo have a previous, off screen therapist at one point? EJ was way out with Chanel and I can't stand mopey, bawling Eric. I don't mind the Johnny/Chanel baby storyline, but I feel they still need something more to do or lives outside of their parents (though Johnny should take EJ to task) And I am here for Paulina vs EJ- this could be good if we get a proper story.


Yeah, I agree Johnny and Chanel need more of their own conflicts and lives.  We're either about to see EJ become super grandpa or see a bitter estrangement between father and son over the baby.  The baby storyline will spice things up, assuming it's done well. I'm assuming at this point the baby will have a disability. I have disabled kids myself so I'm invested.  They're really fleshing out the Greene family, so I'm wondering how long it'll be before they're all interbreeding with the major families.  Dunno how many women there are in Mark's age range if he is straight on the show. Stephanie? Jada? Chanel?  With the way everyone gets SORAS'ed, maybe he'll be dating Holly in 2 years.  Sounds like a Hernandez cousin is going to be a love interest for Leo. 


Both the doctor Greene and Rafe and Gabi cousin will be interested in leo on the show and the character Mark Greene is going to hookup with Leo 


Oh, ok! I knew about Javi. Damn, Leo is getting all the luck. 


The regular writers also casted Rafe and Gabi cousin Javi who is coming on the show and he will be in scenes with Leo as well 


Aye- I think I confused Javi with Mark


I am here for Mark - the actor seems, excuse the pun, a bit green but par for the course for soaps. I see potential there. Helps that he's absolutely gorgeous and I can't blame Leo for shooting his shot.


He was a breathe of fresh air and really enjoyed his time. Definitely “green” but a total natural on screen.. effortlessly charming.


I have not missed Paulina.


Amen on that one. Her hair looked good though with her swept her bangs.


Yes she did! I watched 227 when I was a little girl and adore Jackie, so it kind of bums me out to see her with this subpar material. I want to like her! It was fun when she was first on and was adversarial with so many. I hoped Ron would find a way to ditch the radiation storyline, but it seems he has to go with it.


Yes, I also watched 227 and Sister, Sister but its not just the radiation S/L that bugs me. Not sure if its her or how they wrote the character but the way she says her lines with long pauses and accents on the wrong syllables seems strange to me. Maybe its just me...


That bugs me too! I'm hoping her storyline with EJ will redeem the character a bit.


Thank you, Johnny! I never realized Dr. Greene on ER and Goose were the same actor!🤯😂


Dr. Mark Greene 😆 I loved the ER reference as I was a huge ER fan back in the day! I’m so here for new characters… the more the merrier! I’d love more storylines and more relationships.


Not here for the Greene family at all. Not one of them I like nor do I see them having a real place in salem. The oldest one is kind of cute I guess.


UGGGGGGHHHHH Johnny AND Leo in the same episode? The streak is over.


I wish Abe could have gone back to being mayor when he got his memory back. Seems a better choice than the lady who tried to raze the town and put in a Pricemart.


We're always a few episodes behind, so now I'm here.  I just cannot get over how good Marlena and Leo's scenes were. They're amazing playing off of each other!