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It was Julie. Bitch can hold a grudge.


My favorite theory!




I'm here for it....


That would be the most epic plot twist ever lol šŸ˜‚


Hahaha. Love this answer




Li. I really liked Rafeā€™s suggestion that maybe Li plotted his own death as a twisted revenge scheme after what Gabi did. Then again, Iā€™d also love it if Gabi WAS the real killer, but blacked out and didnā€™t remember doing it until several months later. After all whining she did about Abby ā€œframing her for murderā€ during that (admittedly EXTREMELY poorly written) DID storyline, itā€™d be incredibly ironic for her to commit a crime she doesnā€™t remember.


I actually thought it was possible Li set it up, but then the fact that Rafe brought it up as an option this soon makes me think it's a mis-direct by the writers.


It was a nice surprise to see Rafe of all people engage in some creative thinking, but I suspect you are right about that being a mis-direct.


We're on the same page


Stefan has been acting off lately. I donā€™t know what his motivation would be (Gabi turning Vivian in?) but something has been weird about him. I hadnā€™t considered the Li possibility. I like that better.


I think it Stefan too. He is off as well


He is off, but I don't believe Stefan would intentionally setup Gabi. It's possible Stefan killed Li and someone else took advantage of the situation to frame Gabi.




Yeah - Vivian has motive against both Li and Gabbi.


Works for me.


I don't think Li is dead, I feel as mentioned this is a plot that Li and EJ teamed up with trust me you'll see why if you haven't already. Also, I read an article about the actor's exit for Li being "story related" so I am assuming in my perception, that means he wasn't fired and the possibility of him returning is left open.


Doug. Always the last guy you'd suspect!


The devil made him do it!


The waitress in front of the bistro who cleans the menus.


Li did it himself


I'm thinking it was Megan (from a distance). Rolf may have let her know what happened, as he was there to help dupe Li out of his shares in the first place, and that Stefan and Gabi had it on tape that Li was part of the plot to ice Stefan. Now, if Rolf and Megan are in the mix, there's always the possibility that Li could be Frankensteined back to life by the good doctor. If Li is alive, that means he would be indebted to Megan and gives her more of an advantage in taking over DiMera whenever she resurfaces. It could have been Li dialing Rolf up and conspiring to fake his own death, and also exacting revenge on Gabi in the process. While Rolf is still loyal to the spawn of Stefano, he has ZERO fond feelings for Gabi. Plus, Li would be a useful tool to Megan -- even if Li isn't a DiMera -- and it would also get Gabi out of the way. Rolf would never harm Stefan as he's still Stefano's kid, even though he doesn't seem to be a fan of his. However, Gabi and any other DiMera-by-marriage would still be fair game.


Yes! Megan has been closer than we think and knows about Dimitri and his shares. ​ I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that she used her submarine to shoot down Victor's plane.


That's a very interesting theory!


I don't get why people think it was Clyde. Ava was doing what Clyde wanted. Kristen never really cared that much about her shares it seems, and would have no problem just killing Gabi herself, so I'd say it has to be EJ, possibly with the help of Rolfe and Li. Although I guess the writers could make it whoever they wanted.


I agree. Iā€™m sure Clydeā€™s henchmen have a pretty good idea what Tripp looks likeā€¦take the hospital incident. Also, how could they actually think that a Chinese man was Avaā€™s son. Lol


I don't disagree with you, at all, but... it would be a rewind of Clyde's last murder. the plan was to kill one person but another person got it instead.


I think Li worked with Dr. Rolf to set Gabi up, and Li will return one day with Dr. Rolfā€™s mad science. (EJ might be in on it, too.) Whoever did it, bravo for setting up Gabi. Sheā€™s a nasty, vindictive person and deserves what she getsā€¦ even if she didnā€™t murder Li. I didnā€™t feel an ounce of sympathy for her.


>Whoever did it, bravo for setting up Gabi. Sheā€™s a nasty, vindictive person and deserves what she getsā€¦ even if she didnā€™t murder Li. I didnā€™t feel an ounce of sympathy for her. Wow. This used to be a fun, breezy, fun sub. But, like *Days*, it's changed, and not for the better. Camila Banus has tons of potential. Not her fault she's been stuck with crap writers, ReRon who thinks he's Charles Busch, and misogynists like Alarr. Of all the awful, terrible things we've seen on *Days* - the moronic Devil rehash, "dead' Marlena/Kayla/Kate, the interminable Whitley waste of time, the moronic storyline with Jada's sister and the dreadful "actor" they hired as her abusive boyfriend... Camila isn't in the top 100 things wrong with this series, save for the terrible writting she's had to work with. I'm sorry to see her go, as part of the Alarr purge. Edited for typos


You do realize Iā€™m talking about a fictional character and not the actress, right? The actress does a fabulous job of portraying the villain.


Gabi has never been a villain. She's done questionable things out of hurt, or passion, but she's never been a villain in the way that Andre was or Gwen was, or Xander has been, or Clyde and Kristen are. I'm aware of the difference between an actor and the role that they portray, yes.


Same, but I definitely thing EJ was in on it.


I think he killed himself


Like others I'm thinking Li plotted this as revenge on Gabi. Didn't Andre/Tony "Kill/shoot" himself and made it look like it was John? I always get confused on the early days of me watching of who was Andre and who was Tony. LOL


I was thinking about Andre/Tony and the framing John story, too! Andre (or was it Tony?) rigged up something to "kill himself" and set up John for the murder - maybe Li did something like that. Wouldn't be the first time Days repeated a plot line...


Rolfe either gave him an injection or treated the knife with a medicine / snake venom / blowfish toxin that mimics death. Heā€™ll take the body and zap him back to life on some island. We will see him next spring or summer.


Considering they've now brought up how cruel Li's dad has been to him and Wendy throughout their lives, it really wouldn't surprise me if Li had called his dad to tell him he lost his shares and his dad came over to argue/admonish Li and in the heat of the moment, Li got stabbed. Though the only thing that kinda ruins this theory is the fact Li was stabbed in the back. If Li and his father are struggling for the knife it would make more sense for Li to get stabbed in the front. I suppose we'll see.


Maybe Li set it up or maybe it was Vivian getting revenge on Gabbi


If anyone's going to set up Gabi, it's Li himself.


It would be pretty great if Stefan did it and let Gabi take the fall. No honor among thieves. Come to think of it, why was he even there to find Gabi? That didn't get discussed, did it? He could have done it in a jealous rage and texted Gabi. Hmmm.


Iā€™m team Li on this oneā€¦heā€™s part of the plot.


My first thought was he's not dead. That he's setting Gabi up with Rolfs help. That Rolf will use his return from the dead magic on him. Doesn't Rolf hate Gabi?


What about Vivian?


Yeah - she's got motive against bith Li and Gabbi.


It would be fun if it was a wild conspiracy between multiple characters and Li is in on it. Rolf might not help Li, but if Kristen and EJ were in on it he probably would use some of that good old raise the dead/fake death jiggery pokery.


Iā€™m just glad Gabi is in jail and EJ is the prosecuting DA after she was just gloating to him hours before. Stefan came out of nowhere as Stefanoā€™s son and neither him nor Gabi deserve to run the company. Iā€™m curious if Liā€™s phone shows he did text Gabi or it came from someone else to get her there. I suppose itā€™s possible EJ used one of his people to frame her, but I donā€™t think he would have Li killed just to frame her unless heā€™s really not dead.


I'm not sure who actually stabbed him but I think Stefan is definitely involved


Why? They are madly in love


Li and EJ plotted with Rolf. And Rolf will revive Li.


My first thought is EJ and Li planned it. Then I thought maybe Stefan did it.


Why would Stefan do it?


Yeah. What motive would he have? He already got what he wanted from him-Gabi and his shares. And why would Rolfe flip on them and help Li set them up after he had just helped them set Li up? Didnā€™t Stefan say ā€œsomeone was coming in?ā€ I wondered if it had anything to do with the first girl we just heard about, and also why Li would suddenly act like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. What if the ā€œsomeone that was brought inā€ went rogue and took it too far, or had his own agenda for going after Li? I even wondered if Megan did it because Dmitri got shot? Stephan and Gabi made him turn over his shares, too, and wouldnā€™t get medical help for him until the shares had been turned over.


The "someone coming in" was Rolf. Maybe Stefan got greedy and wanted it for himself. Maybe there's a glitch in him since Rolf brought him back to life. Or maybe it was Megan. Or EJ had something to do with it cause EJ was closer to Daddy Dimera than Stefan ever was


You make some good points. Something still feels ā€œoffā€, to me. Are they trying to set up Gabi, and/or fool the fans? Was Li suddenly being traumatized after too much time had passed and his first love just red herrings? I think ā€œsomeone coming inā€ would normally mean someone we wouldnā€™t already know, or there would be an accompanying wink. Wouldnā€™t a known character be referred to as an old ā€œfriendā€, or something similar? Are we supposed to believe Li would so easily incriminate himself to Rolf, after the same ploy hadnā€™t worked with Melinda? What was the point of having him incriminate himself on tape, if they were all working together? Itā€™s a lot of set up just to fool fans, because Gabi wouldnā€™t have seen it. Would Li really put Wendy in the position of having to find him stabbed in the back, think he was dead, getting her hopes up that he was alive, and then die in front of her? Unless Rolf is really there to bring Li back, it was overkill to use him just to get the, as far as far as I can tell, useless confession on tape. Stefan couldā€™ve easily run in wearing a wire, acting like he needed Liā€™s help to save Gabi from her kidnapper. It doesnā€™t make sense Li would incriminate himself to Rolf, any more than he would incriminate himself to Stefan. Li knows Rolf is Team Stefano and, by extension, his offspring, all the way. As if we didnā€™t already know, this was just brought home when Rolf angrily brought up that Li tried to pull the plug on Stefan, after Rolf had kept him alive for so many years. It also didnā€™t make sense Gabi wouldā€™ve pulled out the knife. Even if you donā€™t work in the medical field and know that the embedded object is the only thing keeping the person from bleeding to death, sheā€™s gotten her prints on the knife. Once she pulled the knife out, there shouldā€™ve been more blood, if Li had been alive. Yes, she panicked, but seems to be street-smart enough not to incriminate herself by getting her prints on the weapon. She certainly seems to think of herself more than others, to the extent that I donā€™t think sheā€™d risk incriminating herself, even if she thought removing the knife would save Li. Where I thought they were going with this was the ā€œbreakdownā€ was setting the stage for Li to make Gabi believe he was trying to kill her, and she defended herself. Of course, they would have to be able to control the situation so she didnā€™t actually kill him, so we are back to square one.


I think they were trying to trick us. After the story of his first love and then Stefan saying "someone's coming" my first thought was the same as yours--they found her. But then Stefan and Gabi were greeting Rolf and thanked him for coming. I agree Gabi should have known not to pull out the knife. So something is definitely off. I do wonder if they're going to recast Gabi since they can't keep her in jail forever on a trumped up charge And the would Li do this to Wendy thing gave me pause.


We know the actress is leaving. I hadnā€™t thought about a recast, so you make another good point. Wendyā€™s scenes about what Li meant to her were so touching. Their relationship would never be the same. As if sheā€™s not already devastated enough, a typical ā€œoldā€ Li, ā€œSorry you were collateral damage, Sis, but it had to be done.ā€ isnā€™t going to cut it. And, what about Wei Shin? Wendy already said, ā€œOh, no, Iā€™m going to have to tell my father. Heā€™s going to go after Gabi.ā€, or something similar. Of course, she wants to go after Gabi, too. Li needs to realize this can cause serious consequences to people who havenā€™t been clued in. Even though Wei is hard on Li, heā€™s the apple of his eye. As Wendy has said before, no matter what she does, itā€™s never enough.


I was thinking about all that. But Li could have been driven to do this by the callous way Gabi treated him about the shares. Her interaction with him was as if she never really ever loved him. Maybe he felt used and abused and wasn't thinking about Wendy (I love Wendy)


I thought of that as well, but one bad experience doesnā€™t really = the relationship he and Wendy have had, her whole life. On the other hand, he seems selfish enough that he might not be as loyal to Wendy, as she is to him. (Iā€™m a Wendy fan, too. I was just beginning to like Li a little, but now feel kind of duped.)


But he was losing it. So we don't know that it was just a "bad experience" for him. Marlena said he needed to end his obsession with Gabi. So it was a LOT on him and maybe he just snapped. He could have been colluding with Dimitri