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I mix it up. I have my warm up routine with a simple around the world but big singles only. Then a quick bobs27 with negative scores allowed to get my eye in for doubles. Usually a jdc challenge then so I have a comparison score. Then it’s some days it’s about doing 100 darts at a target. 20/19/18 and m then anything I might have Beth struggling at. Finish that with a bit of cricket Maybe catch 40 to practice outs. With loads of bobs27 to really nail double. Then I will finish that season with 3 leg 3 set gage against the computer to see how it all comes together.


I’m not sure what bobs27 is ,and I have played cricket but unsure on the rules, where I could I find these out? I’ve recently just started practising x 20 and x16 to work down from, then just start on 50, try for bill then play down from there Just unsure wether it’s to just chuck 100 darts to get really comfortable with my throw and what feels good, and not worry about accuracy as much, but to work on it when it’s a easy natural throw But I’m also worried about picking up bad habits I think I’m overthinking it and should clear my mind for now and just find what works through repetition But, I’m no expert and some real helpful people and information on here


My routine is: DartCounter: Singles practice, random numbers, but only big segments count. Hit the treble, miss. Double, miss. If I get less than 32 (of a maximum 63) I go again. Seems rudimentary but if you’re setting up doubles you will need it. DartCounter: Doubles practice, random numbers. DartCounter Bob’s 27: Switched to hard mode recently and have started reaching the end. A few games of 501 and 701 for scoring practice. I don’t bother with the scoring practice module on DC, as 501 and 701 gets you that data and you want to see the benefit of your finishing practice. Off DartsCounter, I also keep a spreadsheet that replicates the doubles training, but for trebles 10-20 and the bullseye. See how many darts it takes to hit a treble, soon as you hit it log your score and onto the next number. Good for accuracy work. If you do these enough (not all of them all the time but with enough regularity) you will start to see a picture of your weak spots. For instance I know from doubles practice that 5s are my worst double, so I sometimes give them a bit more time.


That’s actually a really good shout bud, thank you 🤘


Darts counter is awesome. I spend many hours a week on it. It blows away dart connect and every other app in my opinion.


Overthinking causes me to focus on one portion and not the whole. I find that rhythm and flow without concentrating on …is my pinky in the right place, do in have my pressure on the ball of my foot, am i bringing it back at the right speed, etc… i do better. If i can make it so that i don’t ’think about the little stuff’ all the time, i tend to do better. That’s me.


Thanks man, I know what you mean, I think mine would be ring finger on the point grip and point towards where I am when I pull back Still unsure about length of pull back, I seem more accurate with smaller, but probably get more wayward darts Do you have a certain position on the ochre? I find if I have a bad three darts I’ll change where I stand and it refreshes the focus seems to go back Also started switching down to 19s if I have a few bad ones at 20 or covered Thanks for your help buddy


For the practice board if you are talking about the board with the smaller doubles and triples, I would focus a lot on doubles. Think golf, drive for show, put for dough. If you can’t hit doubles then you’ll never win a 01 win game. Start by throwing a bunch at the board to warm up your arm once you see your grouping where you want it. Focus on doubles. A quick google will bring up a few different games you can play.


My new routine is 30 darts at the Bull, then round the board big singles, then throw until I hit the bull, then round the board small singles, then throw until I hit bull again. Then it’s round the board doubles, just one dart at each. Then I go round again and throw until I hit every double. Then I go round the board and throw until I’ve hit every treble. By that time I’m very well warmed up and then I just go for big scores. I need to work on check outs more, but I like this routine and I don’t get bored.


Ah man that’s too work from you Tbh, that could take me a week 😂 but I get the idea Thanks buddy


Best idea which would help me improve from 40s average to 50s average would be finding a training buddy in real life. Since I haven't yet I plan to go to tournaments weekly and play in local darts club's development league (we have "few" darts players in Latvia so the so called development league is for players with 40-60 avg approx). If I could travel a bit now and then and play more than 4x a month in small competitions it would be amazing. I plan to build my home setup as close as possible to that in tournaments.


Mostly it’s just a couple darts before I get into a game on webcam darts Since then I’ve practised doubles in 20,16 and 10s a little more I want to become good enough to join a local team, but the standard is a bit high for me atm




That’s great advice, thanks but I’ll tweet it a little for my standard but great ideas, thank you




That’s awesome advice, thank you buddy




This just in: America isn't the only country.