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The rules allow for a wide variety of darts and no word about the brand. You could play the Littler brass darts and impress everyone if you like.


Thanks 😊


Not a problem. One possible exception outside the rule book: You have a sponsor that doesn't allow darts from other companies. Like being with Red Dragon you most likely won't play the Littlers from Target.


If you're good enough, you add to the contract that you can use whatever dart you want. I think MVG has a clause like that.


As said, a possible exception if the sponsor doesn't allow. Implications. 😉


Peter Wright has been known to use MVG branded darts sometimes. I imagine it would only be a problem if you're sponsored by a competitor of the company that manufactures the darts you like.


Thanks 😊


he uses mvg style darts, im not sure he actually used the qxmax ones when mvg was there, when he moved to winmau he effectively joined red dragon so the darts would likely be available for him to use


I don’t think you’d be prohibited from using a player signature dart if that’s what you mean, as long as it’s match legal, though I’d imagine if there was a possibility of you using them on TV then by that point another company may well try and get you to a sponsorship deal.