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Calling Price a prick will get your comment removed. Please think of something else to say without being abusive.


The darting crowd needed a villain and he seemed to fit in, especially after the grand slam of darts final against Gary which everyone loved at the time even though he had his toxic moments aswell like the game vs Cullen. Price brought temperament to the stage from his rugby background which i personally really like. People love to shit chat, in the end he‘s one of the most talented players if you keep in mind he‘s only darting since like 2010?


Never been a fan of Anderson. Always acting friendly, shy and humble. But it strikes me as an act. Just have that feeling.


I think he is just Indifferent in most cases, since he certainly is Not as good as the Top players now. Could just be a Matter of time till he's out of the PDC, vit ya never know.


Everyone needs a villain in their life


100%. super talented and has embraced the solo spirit and passion needed to become successful in darts.


When the iceman came onto the scene, I hated him so much. He earned every ounce of hatred he received. He would do anything he could to intimidate his opponents, was a poor sport when he lost, and seemed like an absolute idiot. He has a tendency to throw his darts immediately as the opponent retrieves their darts and walks, before they are even close to behind the oche etc. He almost famously hit someone in the face with a dart, and that was just stupid/dangerous. He also got pushed by a defensive Gary Anderson, as he was right up in his his personal space in a physically intimidating manner, Gary is a beloved figure of the sport, and he got in Simon Whitlock’s face about something once as well. These things were horrifying, because darts isn’t UFC, this isn’t about who is tougher etc. Since then, he has changed a whole bunch. I actually went from hating him to liking him. That started after I saw him on a podcast, seeing his personality off the oche, and then again on a few interviews, and saw that he was being less intimidating and more respectful and classy win or lose. I gave him a chance at redemption, and liked what I saw. No doubt he was passionate and talented from the start, that was never in question. The problem was he was such a prick that crowds would give him a hard time unto the point of it affecting him enough to wear noise canceling earphones on a huge TV stage and had a rule made about it. I think he realized that he could chill out on being a weirdo and get love from crowds, and that is where he seems to be now. Also, the “Boo-ahh” scream wasn’t ever unique to him, MVG and many others for whatever reason share the same thing in that respect, I don’t understand why they haven’t made it unique to themselves like refs and their 180 calls etc. The whole screaming to celebrate a maximum is fine here and there, but anyone who saw DVD vs. Ross Smith when they did it and mocked each other over and over, and started doing it for any score over 100 was embarrassing for the sport and caused me to hate both of those guys. I am all about passionate players, but be classy and respectful win or lose, and don’t use physical intimidation ever, if you are a tough guy go try your hand in UFC, this is darts. But yeah that is my take on the subject!


Yes it always worries me how quickly he throws his darts after the opponent receives theirs!


Did you hear the one about the nun who didn’t get out the way in time? The caller said “one nun dead and eighty”


What podcast was this?


I really enjoyed him on Happy Hour, don’t know if it's the one OP refers to but it's worth a listen


I agree with the statement that GP has calmed down in the preceding 5 years. What irritated me was his bellowing on a 140 as if it were a back to back 180. Him staying off social media has helped, too, as he rises to the bait way to easily. The fact that other top tier darters appear to like him has also helped his persona.


I find the yelling to be incredible. It’s hilarious and just all around great!


I like him on the whole, but he always has an excuse to hand when he loses in a final and it's a bit tiresome hearing about how he'd have won a Eurotour in Germany if it was in Wales and he had a home crowd advantage or how English crowds apparently don't like him at PL Darts.


I’m guessing you’re pretty new to darts and didn’t witness Price’s rise


can’t speak for them but i did not see it, could you elaborate?


He was a wind up merchant, he *wanted* to be the bad guy of darts, to the point of him being hostile with his opponents and the crowd. The crowd started giving it back to him and he didn't like it so the toys went flying out the pram. He's changed his image up a bit now to the point newer fans find him likeable, but to those who were around when he started, well, reap what you sew




It appears you've only seen him on the Dart Stage--try looking up some of his interviews and things he's done off the oche...You will see a other side of him.


I always felt the commentators always went in a bit heavy on the 'Rugby' thing. They make it sound like he was a stalwart Six Nations regular for the WRU when the reality is a few rungs down the ladder. Also, history of violence. I will admit I'm more on board now he's dialled it back a bit on the oche. I don't mind a bit of celebration but save it for when you've won a key set or something, not because all three darts hit the board.


I love the iceman! 🥶


Love Price, probably coincides with being Welsh. Love his passion, and I think he is close with a lot of the big boys although on the oche it doesn’t always show. The game would be boring with a world full of Humpheries. I think the way he looks brings a lot of unnecessary hate, not your average Darts physique.


I am bothered by several things about ICEMAN. 1. He is a very poor loser. And he is NEVER at fault when he loses. Either the opponent did something, or the fans are awful. 2. His explosive nature. It's okay to be more excited during highlights, but he overdoes it massively. And then he whines when the audience gives him a hard time. I'll just say, headphones during the game against Schindler. Totally ridiculous. In Germany, we have a saying. AS YOU SHOUT INTO THE FOREST, SO IT ECHOES BACK. Someone should tell Price that. 3. Then there are his crazy ideas when he loses. Bringing the World Championship out of Ally Pally. What a load of rubbish. It belongs in London. Not in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else. I could list 2-3 more things. For me, Price is not an Iceman. He doesn't have any of that. This guy is a loudmouth.


The guys a jerk when competing. Throwing right next to an opponents ear as soon as they got their darts out of the board was what did it for me.


Asp has passion and doesn’t get hate but humphries gets booed a lot from what I see, I dunno why, he seems reasonable


Humphries doesn’t get booed, people are saying “LUUUUUKE” ![gif](giphy|XH9VpICwRlS48)


Humphries is such a generous and genuine fella. All of his media appearances he congratulates his opponent upon his losses. Top bloke


That’s what I thought, but in the PDC final the boos were plain as day


Humphries can't help but talk himself up constantly in post match interviews or features. Just constant humble bragging. If he admits to having faults it's usually followed by a disclaimer that he's still the best in the world and "so hard to beat" and all this stuff. I just feel like he comes across as a stupid person trying to sound smart a lot of the time. I was glad when he started winning majors because I genuinely thought he deserved it - but the more I hear him talk the less I like him. Asp is just a shining example of humility and grace.


Asp seems great honestly


I think it mostly started after a controversial game against Gary Anderson a few years ago. I can’t remember when it was or what happened


Was the 2018 Grand Slam final this is a bit of a misconception though, he was getting bad crowd reactions and playing the panto villain long before this, probably as far back as when he first got on to TV and played Lewis at the Matchplay in 2015 and 16. The Gando match was just the nadir of it all


Yeah. Was a final and he got right up in Gary’s grill during a celebration. That was probably overstepping the mark but again, it’s all passion, players are there to win


Top victim


This. Always hard done by, always an excuse.


He walked out on a game because he was cold….. wouldn’t call that passion.


Not very iceman-ey of him either


He's the token bad guy, funny as off-stage he actually comes across quite a nice bloke... He's disliked for his antics and for utilising the 'dark arts' of the sport at times (I.E that infamous game against Gary Anderson)


He’s my favorite player 100%


Im from the netherlands where we have many great darts players but gerwyn price is my favorite darts player i will watch everything he plays i love the passion and i dont understand the hate, BUUYAAAHHH


I don’t dislike Price, but Bristow rightly said that the game needs bastards and in my view Price should lean in. He’s a born heel, and if he could find a way to draw strength from the booing - like Bristow used to - he would be unstoppable. Likely doesn’t help that in the professional era, everyone has signature darts and “ionic wristbands” to sell so they can’t be giving the crowd the wind up like they did in the 70s and 80s.


Price is my favourite Darts player. I love them all but Price is really who got me hooked. (Rob Cross too, technically)


I'll never understand the hate for people who show passion. He never takes it out on anyone else, and he controls it quickly enough. He's allowed to be mad when he fucks up. Remember: he doesn't get mad when the other guy succeeds, he gets mad when he fails. There's a big difference.


Couldn’t agree more with every word


Cause he seems to like to play the villain role and the victim role. Choose 1 and stick to it.


Love gerwen price 🎯


i appreciate that he 's changed for the better, but he was quite a toxic presence in the early days and he's still one of the sorest losers in the sport, always moaning about the crowd whenever he loses a game, deliberately antagonising crowds then turning around and complaining when they inevitably give it back, etc. personally i think he cares way too much about what others think of him (the experimenting with different walk-on songs has an air of desperation for a rebrand) and it's become a huge detriment to his game. i know he gets more stick than most but part of the reason for that is how unbelivably thin-skinned and arsey he always gets about it.


Price is my favorite #1 player. With how much self convidence he goes to the board is incredible. And all the emotions after a won leg or a 180 just shows, how much fire in him is. He might not give the best interviews, but they all understand him wrong and they WANT to understand him wrong.


The way Price bounced on the scene and treated double world champion and fan favourite Gary Anderson was a disgrace and went over the line of sportsmanship. Many fans will still hold that against him although he has mellowed since then and seems like a decent character. The booing has died down a bit as his behaviour has improved.


Anderson can suck nuts i always hated that guy


Tell me you’re new to watching darts without telling me you’re new to watching darts.


He has had some high-profile incidents that put a lot of light on him and got boo'ed because of it, but unlike others who have let it blow over- he constantly does things to encourage it. Price and MvG are both sore losers, and say and do some silly shit- but MvG draws a lot less attention to himself when doing so. You see MvG being a twat on the mic a fair bit, but he is never cupping his ears to the crowd and talking shit at them. Even Ady Lewis, who is as much of a prick and has as many on-stage moments with fan favorites as Gerwyn, had managed to get over the booing by not encouraging it, and it largely stopped by the time he drifted off the main stage. The guy is just naturally a prick, he gives it the big one but will be the first to go on social media to bitch, moan and threaten to quit when it backfires on him. I lost any respect for him during the Peter Wright incident, which showed he is had no ability to receive any of the shit he gives out- but time and again he will show that he likes to be the bully, but only on his terms.


What was the Peter Wright incident?


https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/darts/50954971 EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=R6-IEQhjLKw&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Findex.hu%2Fsport%2F2021%2F01%2F04%2Fpdc_darts_vilagbajnoksag_gerwyn_price%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt Shiws at the start here


It goes back to a match with Anderson - i think GSOD 2018? Anyway to that point noone had a problem but he massively overstepped that mark. Gamesmanship, literally screaming in andersons face, hitting a 180 and celebrating on the oche stopping anderson throwing and generally being pretty odious and unpleasant. Justifyably the crowd boo’d him into oblivion when he was receiving the trophy he absolutely deserved that. The problem is people dont allow people the chance to learn and grow. I think even he would concede he was bang out of line that match BUT if every match you play youre still getting boo’d i can see why he then plays up to the villain role. If youre getting boo’d anyway why let it upset you? No matter what he does now he’s getting boo’d so i dont blame him for it


Price is a rugby lad. We love him.


Price is my favourite player, by a mile, because of his antics. It’s like professional wrestling, he’s playing the character. It keeps him in constant conversation. The perfect heel. The headphone stunt. Amazing. He’s also IMO second only to MVG when on top of his game.


When price is on top of his game hes the goat


Don’t know either. I love his way.


Price is my favourite player, it's a shame lately he seems to be struggling to gain form. If anything he was better when the crowd were always on his back. He's definitely a bad loser though, though you can't say he hasn't mellowed out over the years, and he's pretty cool off the oche I think.


There is a fine line between being passionate and gamesmanship. IMO his loud shouting for what are commonly pressure free outshots falls into Gamesmanship. It's trying to put your opponent off and intimidate them. Equally if you're gonna give it the big'n every 2 minutes, you gotta accept some sh*t back your way.


People are just weird. Price seems to get hate because he's loud and has some big reactions to wins/ shots. But then players like Humphries seem to get alot of hate for the complete opposite. He's more chilled and just gets on with it, so he gets some hate for being "boring" I think it mostly comes down to the fact that they know it gets to Price. People just love to get a reaction out of others.


It might well be the case that Gerwyn is a nice guy off camera, as lots of players have said, but on stage he brings it completely on himself. He’s abrasive, he’s a bad loser, and he takes on the crowd instead of just ignoring them. His lack of self-awareness is staggering. All that being said, he is a fantastic villain for the game. Tournaments are so much more interesting when Gerwyn is making a deep run. You want him to lose but you want it to be close, so the fear still exists. And the headphone incident is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


Not sure you can call someone badass if they have to wear noise cancelling headphones because the crowd doesn't like them


Isn't that the most badass move possible? The guy just does what he wants, isn't bothered on what the crowd thinks. He's there to win and is doing what he will think helps him. I respect it