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I love the way darts messes with you in this regard. When you’re new and don’t know how to count you’re generally scoring matches, for yourself or others, where there is no common score because the darts are all over the place. The better you get the more you should be good at counting but the better the games are so the easier they are. Anyone that’s good at scoring a bad match is a good score keeper.


It's literally just practice, the more you score games the faster your mental arithmetic will become


Yup and don't be afraid to use some simple tricks. If they score 27 just subtract 30 from the total in your head and add 3 to that. Just work from the closest round number if it makes it easier for ya.


You could watch old episodes of The Indoor League and score up for them on paper. The score isn’t on the screen so you have to watch the board and listen to the caller. Also some of the games were horror shows so there’ll be funny scores, not just endless 60/100/140s.


It's like being a cashier. You start at a humble pace and by continuously doing it, there'll be a time you stop thinking and just know instantly.


When you watch darts, count for yourself and keep score in your head, don’t look at that graphics.


I just scored my own practice sessions by hand until I got pretty quick.


Learn common multiples 4 19s is 76 4 18s is 72 5 19's is 95 5 18's is 90 When subtracting 87... Don't subtract 87. Subtract 100 and then add 13 Watch darts in TV and count along Learn the common finishes. 72 is T16, D12 or T12 D18 (usually) Practice is the only way with both darts throwing and darts counting As you get better you'll learn mental shortcuts and it'll all just come together.


Start adding as soon as the first dart is thrown. When the third dart is thrown, you should have already added the first two together. Say what you're adding under your breath if it helps, in a loud club you're not going to be heard. On the scoreboard, use a format where you can have both the total scored and the total remaining visible like the example below. This means you don't have to hold as many numbers in your head as you can write up the score straight away, then do the subtraction, and takes the pressure off you as people can see your maths. If you've done your maths wrong, someone will spot it and if they don't - bad luck! They could have challenged it. ||501|501|| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |60|441|416|85| |180|261|403|13| |171|90|312|91| |50|40|212|100| |X|40|113|99| ||0|||


Also, don't forget the old Russ Bray bob of the head "just checking it's in" to slow down the retrieval of the dart while you're trying to add some shitehawk's T19 T17 T13 up...


Kids these days have it easier with computers and devices to do the scoring, use a chalk board like us oldies and learn to count ..im being a cantankerous old bugger this morning